Qiao Youning was panting outside the door with her hands on her hips, her red forehead covered with beads of sweat.

"A alien species appeared on the highway...I managed to deal with it before rushing over...otherwise it would have been earlier..."

Chapter 196 Monks and Alchemists

Qiao Youning standing outside the door looked like an ancient person who had traveled through time.

She was wearing a plain monk's robe, and her face was covered with a thin white gauze.

When she looked at Chen Jing.

Those big watery eyes seemed to be talking.

"How you two are dressed..." Chen Jing stood by the door, glanced at Qiao Youning, then looked back at Li Mobai, and said loudly, "It's almost the end of the world and you still play COS, you have a good psychological quality... "

"Forgot! I forgot to change my clothes!" Qiao Youning hurriedly explained, her face flushed with embarrassment, "I'm in a hurry to see you! I don't have time!"

"I'm too lazy to change." Li Mobai lay carelessly on the sofa, as if he regarded this place as his own home, so leisurely, "My Taoist robe is bulletproof, why should I change it to chicken feathers?"

"The armor?" Chen Jing asked enthusiastically, "How much has it been strengthened?"

"Are you in charge of strengthening the Eighteenth..." Li Mobai muttered.

Although Chen Jing in the other world lives in Yongye City, and for now, he has never been anywhere except the wasteland, this does not mean that he does not understand the "Hanging City".

The old man's influence, coupled with TV news broadcasts from time to time, reported that the residents of Hanging City were living in dire straits...

Therefore, Chen Jing still had a certain understanding of those modern alchemists, and he had also heard about how weird their Taoist robes were.

It seems that this is also a product of some kind of high technology.

Bulletproof is just a basic feature.

As for more advanced application methods... Chen Jing only vaguely heard the old man mention something, which seems to be able to isolate the energy influence of some ancient descendants?

"How are you?"

As soon as she entered the house, Qiao Youning followed Chen Jing like a little follower, looking very worried.

"How are you doing in the outside world? Have you ever been bullied?"

"Don't worry, I'm living a pretty good life in the other world, and no one bullies me there." Chen Jing said with a smile, but couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


Chen Boxu's grandson is considered good if he doesn't bully others. Who else would dare to come and bully him if he knows the truth?

Come to the living room.

When Chen Jing saw Li Mobai occupying the sofa as if he was paralyzed, he could only move two small benches from the side and take Qiao Youning to sit down on the coffee table.

"Eat melon seeds." Chen Jing greeted.

"Yeah!" Qiao Youning nodded obediently and picked up a handful of melon seeds in her hand, but she seemed to have no intention of eating them.

"How did you find me?" Chen Jing looked at Li Mobai and asked curiously, "Can I search for friends on the forum?"

"Okay, as long as you enter your name, date of birth, and you can probably find it..." Li Mobai chuckled, looking very proud, "I have remembered your date of birth, so I just need to ask your birthday!"

"How did other people find me?" Chen Jing thought of the series of friend applications he had seen before and felt a headache. "Foundations and associations are applying for my friends and want me to join them...how do they know that I am Candidate?"

If you follow Li Mobai's statement.

Just enter the target's name and date of birth to search for the target's forum account.

So...except for people like Li Mobai who know the basics, how did other people search for it?

What's more, they have no reason to search.

I haven't spoken in the forum, and I haven't been able to like the post.

Who knew there was such a candidate?

"There is a 'candidate' icon on your personal account. Didn't you pay attention?" Li Mobai said with a smile, "In the order of private accounts in the area, the candidate's account is always at the front. Isn't it easy to know whether you are a candidate? "

"Can it be hidden?" Chen Jing asked.

Li Mobai shook his head and said it couldn't be hidden. If it could be hidden, wouldn't everyone turn off the display of this candidate?

"People are not stupid nowadays, everyone is just begging for it. Who is willing to expose their privacy?" Li Mobai took the melon seeds from Chen Jing's hand and said while eating, "Let those people know that you are a candidate, it will be a lot of trouble. Forget it, let’s not talk about it... How are you doing in this world? "

"It's okay." Chen Jing said truthfully.

"I see that many people have family, friends, masters, etc. in the other world... you should have one too, right?" Li Mobai asked curiously.

Chen Jing thought for a while, nodded, and said yes.

"What about you?" Chen Jingcha changed the subject and looked at Li Mobai, "Since your master bought this prosthetic equipment for you, he should be very kind to you, right?"

"It's not bad." Li Mobai scratched his head, "It's just that he's a bit straight-headed and his words are rather ugly. At first, I thought he was planning to kill me..."

According to Li Mobai.

When he first traveled to Hanging City, he met his master.

The old alchemist only said that he had excellent bones and was a good candidate for practicing the "Turing Sequence", so he brought him back to the research association...

"He has almost dismantled all the parts on my body, and my master dug out these eyes and replaced them with the current biological prosthetic eyes..."

Li Mobai pointed at his green eyes and said excitedly.

"This thing has so many functions! Night vision, thermal imaging, zooming in, zooming out, besides not being able to see through... Damn it, why can't it be seen through!"


After being speechless for a while, Chen Jing couldn't help but ask.

"When you install the prosthesis... does it hurt?"

"The anesthetic, it doesn't hurt at all!" Li Mobai said against his will, as if he didn't want to worry Chen Jing, "My master is very good at his craftsmanship! By the way, You Ning, hurry up and tell A Jing about your adventure! "

"An adventure?" Chen Jing looked at Qiao Youning subconsciously.

"It doesn't count..."

Although Qiao Youning's personality has changed somewhat, she still can't help but feel nervous when speaking when facing Chen Jing.

"It was Li Mobai who helped me become a transcendent...that's why I was attracted by the grandma of [Big Buddha Mother Temple]..."

"Grandma? Is this a professional title in the temple or something?" Chen Jing asked confused, because he didn't know much about the [Big Buddha Mother Temple], he only knew that there were monks, Arhats and so on...

"I don't know." Qiao Youning shook her head, "I am not qualified to enter the temple yet, I am just my grandma's apprentice."

"How does she treat you?" Chen Jing asked.

"Very good! No one has ever been so kind to me!" Qiao Youning's eyes seemed to light up when she said this, and she seemed to like her "grandma" who was like a relative from the bottom of her heart. "She taught me a lot of things! She is still here. protect me!"

"Look! This is what we call friends!" Li Mobai grinned, and he didn't know who he was irritating in his words, "You are not like some people who come up and ask us what sequence we awakened in the other world. How many sequences have we reached now..."

"Because he is different." Qiao Youning said softly, her eyes sparkling, "He has always been so caring!"

"Why do I hear the tone of voice you two are talking in is weird..."

Chen Jing looked at the two of them in confusion, feeling that the two of them had experienced something unpleasant before coming here, and their tone of voice was a bit abnormal.

"Don't go into the city during this time."

Li Mobai waved the sleeves of his Taoist robe, his green eyes shimmering.

"Otherwise you'll be in trouble."

Chapter 197 Additional Question·[The Throne of Deep Space]

According to Li Mobai, for all humans participating in the Biological Leap Exam, the trouble caused by alien species is only a small part. The real trouble is those who discover their identity as candidates and come to their door...

"We just came back, and within two minutes, someone from the foundation came to our door. Those grandsons have strong execution skills!"

Li Mobai sneered and said, his slender and white bionic knuckles directly crushed the melon seeds in his hand, which made Chen Jing feel distressed.

What a waste!

"Thousands of people have told us to obey the organization's arrangements and never do whatever we want just because we have some superpowers..."

"We don't want to do whatever we want." Qiao Youning's soft voice was still like a child's, and her tone of voice was very aggrieved. "When they came to look for us, it was as if we had done something wrong..."

"Later, the association headquarters also contacted us through the forum, asking us to return to the overseas headquarters as soon as possible to reduce contact with the foundation..."

Li Mobai saw Chen Jing frowning, so he carefully pinched the melon seed powder between his fingers and dropped it into his mouth.

Chen Dingding nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

"When did you join the [Ether Association]?" Chen Jing looked back at Qiao Youning and asked calmly.

"Before Li Mobai helped me." Qiao Youning answered truthfully, "He told me very clearly that if you want to become a transcendent, you must join the [Ether Association]..."

"I'm not harming her!" Li Mobai seemed to be able to see the worry in Chen Jing's eyes, and hurriedly explained, "I was doing it for her own good! And the association had already targeted her at that time..."

"I didn't say anything, you're so excited." Chen Jing rolled his eyes at him angrily, "Why do I feel guilty the more I listen to you..."

"Damn it! How guilty am I?" Li Mobai stamped his feet angrily, feeling that Chen Jing was looking down on him, "How can I harm my former classmate! Not to mention the benefits of letting her join the association!"

Chen Jing glanced at him when he heard this.

"I just think she's stupid and I'm afraid she'll be deceived if she enters a place like the association."

"Don't worry! I won't be cheated!"

Qiao Youning hurriedly explained, her pretty face flushed with embarrassment, because she could tell that Chen Jing cared about her.

"I'm very smart now! I won't be fooled easily!"

"I can testify to this." Li Mobai took over the words, his expression seemed a little disappointed, "This girl doesn't know what she has experienced in the other world. Anyway, it is different from before... It's hard to lie!"

Listening to what Li Mobai said, Chen Jing also felt that Qiao Youning did seem to have changed a bit.

The most obvious difference is...

In the past, she always seemed very inferior and introverted. She didn't dare to look into other people's eyes when she spoke. She always lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

But what about now?

She now dares to look others in the eye when she speaks, and her generous demeanor is more natural than before.

how to say……

It’s hard to say whether she’s gotten smarter, but she’s definitely become more confident.

"It's better to be smarter." Chen Jing said with a smile, "Stupid people will suffer more. If you are so smart, you don't need to suffer all these years."

Qiao Youning pursed her lips and smiled without saying anything, just looking straight at Chen Jing.

"So, you are going to the overseas headquarters?" Chen Jing asked.

"I'm not going." Li Mobai shook his head, "I'll be a royalist when I go back. I've had enough of being a bodyguard for the association's senior leaders..."

After that, Li Mobai reminded Chen Jing again.

"The situation in the city is very chaotic now. If you go back rashly, I'm afraid many people will come looking for you and it will be very troublesome. When I go back and find out the situation clearly, I will come to pick you up."

"I don't plan to go back." Chen Jing scratched his head, "It's good to live in the mountains, and after becoming an old descendant, there is no need for food and drink. Living in Sentinel Ridge is like living in the mountains... Going to the city It would be too much trouble, so I won’t go.”

Hearing this, Li Mobai couldn't help but roll his eyes, thinking to himself that this idiot really thought he could hide in Sentinel Ridge for the rest of his life. Sometimes the trouble won't come to you, but the time hasn't come yet...

"Even if it's the end of the world, some people can't forget to fight for power. What's more, this is an opportunity for many people to change their lives. Some troubles cannot be avoided unless you find an opportunity to... establish your authority."

Li Mobai patted the Taoist robe, stood up slowly, and looked at Chen Jing with a meaningful look.

"No one is afraid of you if you act too ordinary. Even if you are a candidate and an old descendant, those big organizations and powerful forces will only treat you as a soft persimmon... Wasn't Comrade Xiao Qiao almost forcibly roped in?"

Qiao Youning nodded, remembering the trouble she encountered before, her expression was a little indignant.

"Forcing people to join the gang, what the hell is that!"

"People have said that this is for the whole world." Li Mobai shrugged with a very disdainful smile, "But actually why, who knows."

"So I should join your association?" Chen Jing looked at Li Mobai with a half-smile, as if he was joking, "It's easy to enjoy the shade under a big tree, isn't that true?"

"Don't worry."

Li Mobai put away the smile on his face and gave Chen Jing a serious instruction.

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