"You don't want me to come in and sit down?" the old man asked.

Hearing this, Chen Jing hurriedly moved out of the way, looking a little ashamed.

"I'm rude..."

The old man smiled and without saying anything else, he crossed the threshold and walked into this old house that he had not set foot in for many years.

"The first time I saw you, you were just a swaddled baby. The second time I saw you, you were already four years old..."

Having said this, the old man slowly sat on the sofa, his burly body almost sinking in, and the smile on his face was full of memories.

"I was still young at that time and can't remember you." Chen Jing sat on the sofa beside the old man and glanced around quietly, trying to find something that could be used to greet the guests.

But after searching around, I only found small snacks piled in the fruit basket.

It’s all spicy konjac, cool fish, and the like…

"You're welcome." Chen Jing pushed the fruit basket in front of the old man.

The old man remained silent without saying a word, but the corners of his eyes were obviously twitching twice.

"You are just like your grandpa." The old man looked at the various snacks in the fruit basket in front of him and couldn't help but sigh, "You don't seem to know how to treat guests."

"I don't usually have guests at home." Chen Jing touched his nose awkwardly, trying his best to search for memories of this old man in his mind.

I recalled it carefully.

Chen Jing accidentally discovered that he actually had a vague memory when he was a child, and he could match what the old man said.

That was when he was very young.

Can't remember which day it was.

In the yard of the old house.

Suddenly a burly old man who looked like a blind bear appeared.

"I have read all your information."

The old man stared at Chen Jing intently, as if trying to find something from this face, and his voice was still low.

"They say you look younger at three years old and look older at seven years old. Your growth trajectory is the same as I originally expected, but it's a little different."

Chen Jing was sitting on the sofa and felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him. He couldn't help but pick up a bag of snacks, carefully tore open a slit, poured out the alcoholic peanuts inside, and put them into his mouth one by one. deliver.

"Why is it different?" Chen Jing asked.

"Taciturn, shy, and unsociable, he is exactly the same as your grandfather when he was young... But now it seems that I made a mistake."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man suddenly laughed and stretched out his hand to Chen Jing.

"Let's get to know each other again...my name is Huangfu Huaisui."

The old man's rough palms were covered with calluses. When Chen Jing shook hands with him, he felt like he was holding a dead branch.

"Currently serving as the vice president of the [Ether Association], he is also one of the main persons in charge of co-initiating the Antarctic scientific expedition project with the 'Wood Private Foundation'."

Chapter 211: They were killed by you, right?

Wood Private Consortium.

When these words fell into Chen Jing's ears, he immediately had a stress reaction.

Yes, he still can't forget how all this happened to him.

From the DV left by Chen Bofu.

The stone tablet cracked from Chen Bofu.

No... It should have been the Antarctic scientific research expedition in 1972, the scientific research project initiated by the "Wood Private Foundation", that made all this happen naturally.

"Huangfu is pregnant?" Chen Jing looked at the old man in front of him warily. He felt that the name sounded a bit dramatic, and it didn't seem to match the old man in front of him.

At this moment, Qiao Youning walked out of the kitchen with two cups of brewed hot tea, and placed them generously in front of Chen Jing and Huangfu Huaisui.

"Hello." Qiao Youning put the tea cup on the table, greeted the old man politely, and then turned to look at Chen Jing, "I'll go upstairs first. If you need anything, call me."

Although the old man is the vice president of the [Ether Association] and is Qiao Youning's superior in any case,... Qiao Youning doesn't seem to have any respect for him.

After all, in Qiao Youning's eyes, joining the [Ether Association] is like working in a certain company. It is really difficult to have a sense of awe for your superiors.


Huangfu was sitting on the sofa in his arms. He was not surprised to see this innocent-looking girl appear. It seemed that he knew in advance that she lived in Chen Jing's house.

The old man didn't care about Qiao Youning's slightly cold and polite attitude.

Wait for Qiao Youning to leave.

Huangfu Huaisui slowly picked up the teacup and took a sip, then calmly put down the teacup and looked at Chen Jing, the faintly twitching corners of his mouth seemed to be describing some kind of pain.

"... Your family always uses 100-degree boiling water to make tea?"

"Hmm...what's wrong with this?"

Chen Jing didn't notice that the old man had been burned in the mouth, so he explained to himself, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"The tea we buy at home is the cheapest kind, because we don't know how to drink tea, so we just make it randomly. Don't mind."


Huangfu Huaisui was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking about something, and then spoke again after almost two minutes.

"I have a personal relationship with your grandfather."

"I've never heard of this."

"We first met on the research ship heading to Antarctica."

Huangfu Huaisui took out a cigar from his pocket, but he did not light it, but slowly turned it between his fingers like a toy.

"Your grandpa was an amazing man."

"But I heard he was just a university professor."


Huangfu Huaisui seemed to disagree with Chen Jing's words and smiled disapprovingly.

He didn't seem to want to explain too much to Chen Jing. He didn't tell much about how his personal relationship with Chen Boxu began, but talked about what happened after that.

"After your grandfather returned to China, I actually missed him all the time. If I could work with a stubborn scholar like him for a long time... it would actually be a good thing."

"Are you sure?" Chen Jing asked, not believing what the old man said.

"He is different from other scholars, much more pure and stupid, so dealing with him does not require too much intrigue, and he is also the only yellow-skinned professor at Miskatonic University, the same color as me, hahaha! !”

Huangfu Huaisui felt a little thirsty when he said this, so he picked up the hot teacup again, but this time he was very careful and blew on it for more than ten seconds before daring to put it into his mouth.

"Just because of this, you made friends with him?"

Chen Jing felt a little incredible.

Although he still doesn't know the origin of Huangfu's pregnancy, but based on the old man's current status as vice president and the fact that he led the scientific expedition team... it is not difficult to see that the old man should be a "big shot" in a certain sense.

Have power and financial resources.

How could such a person fall in love with an old scholar out of nowhere?

"You don't need those things to measure making friends." Huangfu Huaisui seemed to know what Chen Jing was doubting, so he explained, "Some of his ideas and I are completely consistent. Even in that backward era, we sat together While drinking on the scientific research ship, he had already foreseen what the world would become..."

Speaking of this, Huangfu Huaisui fell into memories.

It was as if I felt the cold and biting evening breeze on the sea again.

“I was a pure businessman at the time, so my perspective on things was different from most people’s, especially the perspective on the world… I have always looked at this city that is being used by countless people with an optimistic attitude. The ‘gold mine’ I discovered always feels like there are countless possibilities in the future.”

As he said this, Huangfu Huaisui suddenly paused and showed a helpless smile on his face.

"But your grandpa said that I think too much and the future will not be good."

"Well, like me... No! I look like him!" Chen Jingding nodded, feeling that the old man's pessimistic mentality was exactly the same as his, and he was indeed a member of the family.

"When I heard this, I wanted to throw him off the boat, but it seemed that he was drunk too, so..."

Huangfu Huaisui shook his head, the look on his face getting weirder.

"He said that the world is changing too fast...Forests become cities, and cities are forests again. These steel forests rising from the ground will eventually swallow up everyone's dreams and make everyone live like It’s a machine without emotions and dignity.”

Chen Jing looked at the steaming teacup in front of him and didn't know what expression to put on when facing the old man's story.

"People will eventually fall into the abyss, and they will never be able to stand up again. This is how the world eats everyone bit by bit, and it will eventually die in a rotting posture... To be honest, the future he described scares me. "

"Are you afraid because of this?" Chen Jing looked at the old man in disbelief.

"That's right, because such a world is too boring for me... I don't lack money, what I lack is fun." Huangfu said with a smile, "What's the point of a lifeless world without fun?"

Chen Jing couldn't understand the brain circuit of this old capitalist.

"Everyone has a purpose for making money, some are to support their families, some are to compete for power, and I... I just want to have fun in this world."

Huangfu Huaisui stopped talking here because he suddenly remembered that there was something more important that he had not said.

"Smith and the others were not missing, but were killed by you, right?"

When Huangfu Huaisui asked this question, he didn't care about the expression on Chen Jing's face and continued to talk to himself.

"The stone tablet that your grandfather stole from Antarctica should have fallen into your hands, but I don't care about that... I just want to ask you whether Chen Bofu is dead or missing now. Can you give me some help?" My real answer?"

Chapter 212 Alien Species in Songjiang City


Chen Jing gave the answer truthfully.

Although the old man felt that this was perfunctory, the fact was that... no matter how long Chen Bofu disappeared from the outer world, he was just missing, and Chen Jing firmly believed this.

to be honest.

At this time, Chen Jing was a little nervous.

Because he didn't expect that the death of Smith and the others would be linked to him by the old man... Could there be any clues exposed? Did the association find other evidence?


Huangfu Huaisui leaned on the sofa and fell silent.

Even though Chen Jing's answer was a little perfunctory and he didn't give an explanation, he was not prepared to continue asking.

As for Smith's death and the missing stone tablet...

Huangfu didn't seem to care that he was pregnant.

From beginning to end, he only valued the answer about Chen Boxu.

"You don't have to be nervous..."

Huangfu Huaisui kept turning the cigar in his hand. Even if he kept his eyes on the tea cup, he could guess the expression on Chen Jing's face.

"I don't care whether Smith and the others are dead. No one knows whether they are dead or alive. What I say is just based on intuitive inference..."

"Inference?" Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief and asked with a smile, "Then why are you pushing it on me?"

"Chen Bofu disappeared with the stone tablet, Smith and the others also disappeared, and then you also entered the examination room, not only did you come back alive, but you also became a 'sequence 2 descendant' among millions of people, connecting these together... I have to suspect you."

"I see." Chen Jing nodded to show his understanding, but he couldn't help but add, "It's normal for you to suspect me, but I promise that I have never done such a thing..."

"Watertight?" Huangfu Huaisui laughed, "Or is it that there is no silver here?"

Chen Jing smiled and didn't say anything, and Huangfu Huaisui stopped talking.

In fact, they both knew what the other was thinking.

So this topic can be stopped at this point.

Even if Chen Jing revealed the truth and said that he killed Smith and the others and embezzled the stone tablet that originally belonged to the ancient ruins of Antarctica...what can he do?

Kill him to give an explanation to the association?

Bring him to justice?

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