"I don't know." Chen Jing shook his head and said bluntly.

Although this ritual array was arranged by Chen Jing himself, Chen Jing actually didn't know much about "it". He could only describe it through the text information, and he probably knew that these shimmering substances could please the deep space.

As for how to please, Chen Jing really couldn't think of it.

"My dear grandson, you are actually very lucky..." Chen Bofu took a small mat that Ryan brought over, sat down with a smile on his face, lit a cigarette and started puffing away with emotion, "You are so This promotion ceremony is much less difficult than the last time..."

"Luck?" Chen Jing was stunned, "I just think it's a bit strange. Logically speaking, the difficulty of promotion should be getting more and more difficult..."

"Who told you that the difficulty will get bigger and bigger?" Chen Boxu asked rhetorically.

"That's what you said." Chen Jing was stunned and looked at the old man in disbelief, "Old man, you won't deny it, will you?"

"Ah...it seems to be what I said, but there is an exception to everything." Chen Bofu smiled sheepishly and scratched his snow-white afro, "Ninety-nine percent of the old descendants are like this. , the further you go, the harder it will be to get promoted, but there are also one percent old descendants...their promotion ceremony will not necessarily become more and more difficult. "

"???" Chen Jing looked surprised.

"This kind of old descendant is rare. Anyway, I have only seen one in reality. You also know that person..." When Chen Bofu said this, he suddenly sighed.

"Who?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"The last great member of Parliament, Randolph."

Chen Bofu spoke in a low voice, and it seemed that when he talked about "Congressman Randolph," his mood became particularly low.

"His two promotion rituals were ridiculously simple. One was to promote Sequence 2 to Sequence 3, and the other was to promote Sequence 5 to Sequence 6."

Hearing what the old man said, an idea suddenly flashed in Chen Jing's mind, and he suddenly remembered the letter that Grandpa Biao Shijie left for him.

He clearly remembered such a passage in it.


"What is required for sequence promotion is not a ritual, nor is it for you to use something as a medium to offer sacrifices. It is just for you to re-walk the path and things that the 'old gods' have done..."


"If what the old man said in the letter is reliable...then it is not difficult to understand that the difficulty of the promotion ceremony is uncertain..." Chen Jing squatted on the ground and looked at the altar in the magic circle, thoughtfully.

Put it this way.

The ceremony for promotion from Sequence 1 to Sequence 2 is to go to the Yellow King's courtyard and kill the ancient alchemist Zhao Puxian... Does that also prove that the Yellow King also went to a certain place and killed a creature similar to the ancient alchemist?

"But to be honest, I think your promotion ceremony is quite strange." Chen Bofu took a puff of cigarette and his expression became confused. "The promotion ceremony of the old descendants is usually fixed. The promotion ceremony told by God Qi There is only one choice, but you actually have two choices..."

Chen Jing looked at the altar silently. His originally calm state of mind was made uneasy by the old man's words.


Why do I have two options for my promotion ceremony?

And the risks of these two options...are too different!

"Two choices, the former is easy, just time-consuming, the latter is as difficult as climbing to the sky, and can even be life-threatening..." Chen Boxu murmured to himself, with a puzzled expression on his old face, " There is no need to choose..."

"No matter which one you choose, the sequence after promotion will be the same, right?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

Chen Bofu nodded uncertainly, then shook his head.

"It stands to reason that this should be the case, but your situation is too weird...so I can't be sure."

"Will completing the promotion with the blood of the ancient gods make me stronger?" Wei Nan asked with an idea.

"It's possible, otherwise the risks of the two choices wouldn't be that different." Chen Boxu crossed his legs and shook his head helplessly, "But you have to have that fate."

Hearing what the old man said, Chen Jing couldn't help but feel entangled in his heart, because to him, this was like a choice he faced while playing a game...

There is obviously another choice to become stronger, but due to lack of strength, I can only choose another one that is much worse...

"No matter how much you think about it, it's useless..." Chen Jingshen took a few breaths and managed to suppress the tangled emotions in his heart, "People must learn to be content... It's good to be promoted to Sequence 3 so quickly..."

Just as Chen Jing was comforting himself in his heart.

The light curtain suddenly popped up.

It was a friend message from Li Mobai.


[Li Mobai]: Be careful of Mr. Wu, the examiner.


Seeing this concise and concise sentence, Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and then began to type a reply with his mind.


[Chen Jing]: What’s wrong? ? Were you tricked by him? ? ?

[Li Mobai]: Maybe everyone was tricked by him.

[Chen Jing]: What do you say? ?

[Li Mobai]: After returning to Hanging City, I used the Taoist temple’s computing power to analyze the exam, and I found that... the man named Mr. Wu seemed to be quite hostile to our human civilization.

[Chen Jing]: I have always felt that way...

[Li Mobai]: I suspect Mr. Wu wants to kill us.


Chapter 245 A God Hostile to Humanity

The temperature in the underground garage is always very low.

But for an old descendant like Chen Jing who transcends the physical body, as long as the temperature does not drop below a certain level, he feels as comfortable as staying in an air-conditioned room.

But now.

Chen Jing could only feel a shudder.

His whole body felt as if he had fallen into a hole in the ice, and it was so cold that he couldn't help but shiver.

The examiner, Mr. Wu.

Chen Jing's impression of "him" has never been very good.

I even analyzed it privately.

Is "He" deliberately targeting humans?

Starting from the wanton modification of the exam rules, to the strange aura shown by "He" when he appeared, saying that "He" has a friendly attitude towards human beings... Chen Jing would not believe it to death!

Not cold, not friendly.

He's just a perverse, violent and playful person.


[Li Mobai]: I used to think that the grandson named Mr. Wu was just an ordinary examiner who should have no good or bad feelings towards us humans, but later I found out that was not the case.

[Li Mobai]: Based on the analysis of computing power, I am 80% sure that the grandson is a fun-loving person. He randomly changed the exam rules just to see more excitement. He probably wants us to die.

[Chen Jing]: Brother, be careful what you say, you might get into trouble if you scold "him" behind his back...

[Li Mobai]: I'm so scared.

[Li Mobai]: I don’t believe that bitch can shamelessly monitor our private chats. Ah Jing, let me tell you, that grandson is not an ordinary [*Illegal character detected]...


The news about Li Mobai stopped from here.

Chen Jing stared at the light screen and was stunned for a while before he realized what he was doing... This guy wouldn't let Mr. Wu take advantage of him, would he? !

If the reality is as Li Mobai said, Mr. Wu is really a "god" with malicious intentions towards mankind, then with "his" magical powers, it should be easy to monitor the exchanges of candidates on the forum.


[Chen Jing]: Where are you? !

[Chen Jing]: You won’t let that great examiner Mr. Wu punish you...

[Chen Jing]: I think His Excellency has a lot, so it should be impossible for him to argue with you...

[Chen Jing]: You won’t die, right? ?


Seeing that Li Mobai didn't reply to the message for a long time, Chen Jing became more and more anxious as he waited.

It would be okay if we were in the outer world now. At worst, we could just go there and have a look, but now everyone is in the inner world...

The distance between Yongye City and Hanging City is more than 108,000 miles.

Even if the old man wants to go to Hanging City, he will have to struggle for a long time.

But it's okay.

Just when Chen Jing was so anxious that he couldn't sit still, a message from Li Mobai was suddenly sent.


[Li Mobai]: I'm fine, I just got a big mouth from Him.

[Chen Jing]:?

[Li Mobai]: He actually reached out from the screen to slap me... Damn, he is so stingy!

[Chen Jing]:? ? ?

[Li Mobai]: Anyway, be careful. Additional questions are sometimes pits dug by Him. Stepping into them accidentally may be fatal.

[Chen Jing]: Are you really okay? He doesn’t really know you offline?

[Li Mobai]: ...No.

[Li Mobai]: According to the news I got recently, 80% of the candidates refreshed the additional questions after entering the second round of exams.

[Chen Jing]: Is this all a trap?

[Li Mobai]: It’s hard to say. Anyway, I completed it successfully, but there were also many candidates who were tricked. Didn’t you notice that the list on the ranking list has changed?


Seeing this message, Chen Jing subconsciously switched the page to the candidate score ranking list. After a quick glance, he found that the list had changed a lot, especially the top ten list, which had many unfamiliar words.

A rough count from top to bottom.

Compare according to memory.

Chen Jing discovered that among the top ten names on this list, only four people's names had not disappeared.

As for the other six people, their names can no longer be found, and they have not been seen even after turning over many pages...


[Candidates’ Comprehensive Points Ranking]

【1】: Candidate No. 0, Chen Jing.


【3】: Candidate No. 1111, Li Mobai.

【6】: Candidate No. 730, Tsukano Koshiro.


"The name Tsukano Kushiro... seemed to be in fourth place before... but now it's dropped to sixth place..."

Chen Jing looked thoughtfully at the list on the light screen and murmured in his heart.

"Raphael was able to rush from fifth place to second place... Could it be that he received another gift from Gehro..."

Chen Jing shifted his gaze to Li Mobai's name again, and couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face.

"This bitch is really awesome. He jumped from sixth to third. I don't know if there was any adventure..."


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