His eyes were full of vigilance.

"This time the Light Bearer...maybe really able to bring Ghero down!"

Chapter 251 The gift of arrival

Randolph and others also knew Yan Que's identity, so it was not surprising that she suddenly jumped out to speak, and they even felt that what she said made sense.

Although everyone already knew it.

"The Light Bearer can indeed make G'roh come... The delay you mentioned makes sense..." Councilor Randolph smiled kindly, "Because the coming of G'roh takes a long time... We will consider it. At this point..."

"Maybe this process will be shortened." Chen Bofu couldn't help but interrupt Randolph, because everything that happened today made him feel that something was wrong.

It's not like he has never participated in moonlight celebrations.

When will it be like this?

The parish was so dead that there was no life in sight.

The entire celebration ceremony can only be described as simple and shabby...

"Let's see first and then talk." Senator Randolph coughed and his voice gradually became hoarse. "If we really find signs of Gehro's arrival this time, then some things can't wait any longer..."

"What do you mean..." Chen Boxu looked at Randolph.

"Let the war begin."

Randolph let out a long sigh and looked across the lifeless parish to the edge of the city.

The old man stared at the city, as if he was remembering something, and his bright eyes suddenly dimmed.

"This city."

"We must not fall into the hands of the old gods."


It turns out.

Opening ceremonies with leaders present are always so boring.

Just like this moonlight celebration.

When the Pope led the bishops and Raphael to the center of the square, the parishioners who had not shown up all this time came out of their homes wearing monastic robes and began to gather in the center of the square.

On the high platform.

The pope's moonlight clone was reading out the teachings of the Moonlight Monastery. The clichés for half an hour made Chen Jing feel drowsy, but the believers in the audience seemed to be immersed in what the pope was leading. in an impassioned mood.

"How can he speak better than you..." Chen Bofu put out his third cigarette and glanced at Randolph angrily, "You learned speech from him, right?"

"You are insulting." Randolph said expressionlessly.


Accompanied by a wave from the Pope.


It's officially started.

Countless believers began to chant hymns about Gehro in low voices, while the bishops stood on the high platform and opened their arms to Gehro in the sky. The white moonlight seemed to become more dazzling at this moment. …

Those moonlights seemed to have turned into a kind of substantial energy.

Can be seen with the naked eye.

Like white smoke falling from the sky and scattering around the world.

"The last moonlight celebration... the moonlight energy we saw was not so pure, right?" Chen Bofu raised his hand as if catching snowflakes, condensing some of the falling moonlight in his hand, "It seems that this world is really going to change." changed……"

"Perhaps it's because Gherro is close to the surface?" Senator Randolph frowned.

"There's something wrong with this celebration..." Xu Ye said in a low voice.

Just when everyone was paying attention to these "moonlights" falling from the sky, Chen Jing had quietly retreated to the back, holding on to the wall with his hands in pain.

I don't know if it's because of the moonlight, or the deep space energy in his body is starting to be dishonest again... At this moment, Chen Jing only felt an inexplicable restlessness in his body, as if the blood flowing in his blood vessels had turned into broken glass. They are desperately trying to escape from this body.

"What's wrong with you??" Wei Nan reacted the fastest and came to Chen Jing's side to support him almost instantly. His expression was a little nervous, "Why is your face so ugly?!"

After hearing Wei Nan's words, everyone turned their heads.

It was only then that they noticed something unusual about Chen Jing.

"Dear grandson, what's wrong with you?!" Chen Bofu ran to Chen Jing's side in three steps and two steps. The moment he supported Chen Jing, he felt that Chen Jing's body was extremely cold and he was still shaking uncontrollably.


This is not a sign of pain.

But Chen Jing is trying hard to suppress...suppress the deep space energy and not dare to expose it to others.

"Grandpa, why don't we go home now?" Chen Jing looked at the old man, his voice trembling when he spoke, "I feel a little uncomfortable, maybe I have a bad stomach..."

This reason is obviously unconvincing.

But Chen Boxu could only use this reason to continue editing.

Because he had already faintly seen the golden light beating in Chen Jing's eyes. It was like a golden light spot the size of a sesame seed, beating continuously in Chen Jing's irises.

"I feel uncomfortable in my stomach... Let's go home now!" Chen Bofu supported the pale Chen Jing and turned around to say hello to Randolph, "Anyway, the opening ceremony is over, so we'll leave first. If you have anything to do, Contact me again..."

"I'll go say hello to the Pope." Randolph nodded.

"I'm here today just to give him face. If you don't want to find out the details of He Guangzhe, who would be willing to come..." Chen Bofu cursed in his mouth, and then sighed in his heart.

no chance.

There is really no chance.

Although it was not impossible to kill the Light Bearer in the parish, the price required was too great and he couldn't afford it anyway.

The Pope is always walking around with his team of bishops.

This shows how careful the Pope was about this meeting.

Once Chen Bofu failed to control his emotions and killed the Light Bearer, the next step... would be the frenzied massacre of Chen Bofu's side by the hermitage.

Chen Bofu can block the Pope, but what about others?

Maybe it only takes a few minutes.

Chen Jing, Wei Nan, Yan Que, Ryan, Lawrence...

These people will be buried here.


Just when Chen Boxu was about to lead everyone back to the community, Chen Jing suddenly stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

"Just wait a moment..."

Chen Jing stared intently at the high platform in the square, and saw the bishops taking out some objects that looked like human body parts from the pockets of their robes, but they were more like some kind of art... as white as porcelain. , crystal clear.

at this moment.

The moonlight in the sky became more and more dazzling.

Raphael on the high platform was smiling.

And Jiang Jingzhe’s name is on the candidates’ score list...

It also completely disappeared.

"Bo Fu, are you leaving now?"

The pope's voice appeared without warning, and even Chen Boxu didn't realize when he arrived... When he turned around, he saw the pope standing no more than ten meters away from everyone.

"Another clone??"

Chen Jing looked at the "light man" who suddenly appeared behind him, and then at the pope's clone on the high platform in the square, and his uneasiness became more intense.

And right now.

A message from a friend suddenly popped up on the light screen.


[Raphael]: Thank you for coming to this celebration of the ancient gods, and thank you for being willing to sacrifice your lives...

[Raphael]: As a congratulatory gift for the arrival of Gehro.


Chapter 252 He is my only relative (Part 1)

The process of Ghro's arrival will be very long.

This is the result of many discussions between Mr. Chen Pok-fu and Mr. Randolph, and it is also the consensus reached by these two experienced descendants.

Although it seems that Gehro is hanging high in the sky, it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine that it really comes to this world.

It's not as simple as a stone falling from the sky.

"The world keeps rejecting it." Chen Boxu said this to Chen Jing more than once.

From the perspective of any ordinary person, Gehro is a strange celestial body far away from the earth's surface, but in fact... the living celestial body named Gehro exists in another space.

The so-called advent.

This means that these ancient gods came to another space through time travel.

The difference between the two spaces is like the outside world and the inside world, so the process of crossing is bound to not be easy.

Moreover, this world shows great repulsion towards these foreign ancient gods...

"When the world needed them the most, those ancient gods chose to abandon the world and those dependent followers, and fled into another space like drowned dogs. Therefore, the world has always hated them and resisted their return..."

It was difficult for Chen Jing to understand what the old man said.

Because among the elderly.

This world seems to be conscious, a giant silent but real being.

It will selectively resist certain existences.

For example...Gehro.

"Bo Fu, where are you going?" The pope's second avatar still looks like the "man of light", with blurred facial features that make it difficult to see his expression.

"Go home."

Chen Bofu seemed to have noticed something. During the process of talking to the Pope, he kept his eyes on the high platform from beginning to end, looking solemnly at the "relics" held by the bishops.

"Don't go back in a hurry..." The Pope walked towards the crowd, his tone as calm as ever, "We still have some things to talk about..."


The two words that Chen Jing suddenly said immediately left everyone present confused, especially the hostility revealed between the lines... It can even be described as unabashed.

"What's wrong?" Chen Bofu asked subconsciously, feeling that something was wrong with his good grandson.

"Yeah, what's wrong with you..."

The Pope was almost in front of everyone, but was finally blocked by Senator Randolph.

At this moment, he seemed to have realized something. He looked at the Pope in disbelief but was speechless.

"Gehro is coming soon..."

Chen Jing said with a splitting headache that the external Gehro energy was like a virus. The moment it came into contact with his body, it stimulated the deep space energy hidden in his body.

Although the energy that looked like moonlight did not successfully invade his body, the energy from deep space was really provoked and recklessly rushed through Chen Jing's body, almost tearing him apart. .

"What did you say?" Xu Ye, who was standing aside, looked surprised and seemed not to have heard Chen Jing's words clearly.

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