The moonlight, which served as a protective layer of individual energy, had already dissipated by now, revealing his hideous and twisted face.

"Chen Jing..." Raphael gnashed his teeth in hatred, staring at him as if he wanted to eat him, and the previous gentle and elegant expression could no longer be seen on his hideous face.

That's right, he miscalculated.

Raphael thought that after receiving the blessing of Gehro, Chen Jing would not be able to pose any threat to him. Even if he could be on par with him, he would not be able to hurt him like this...

But the reality was much more cruel than he imagined.

Those golden holy lights almost destroyed the defense constructed by the moonlight in an instant.

If it weren't for his strong vitality, he would probably be evaporated by those terrifying holy lights in an instant.

"I didn't expect that he was actually a descendant of the deep space... that damn resurrector..."

"You are so lucky..."

Chen Jing had fallen to the ground without any strength at this moment.

The Pope's sword seemed to have something in common with the "curse" that Yan Que was good at using... The wound on the chest began to rot, and the flesh and blood were gradually turning into powder.

"Just a little bit... I can burn you to death..."

Hearing Chen Jing say this, Raphael just sneered.

But he couldn't deny it... Because after thinking carefully, he found that he really couldn't resist the impact of those holy lights, but at the same time he also found the shortcomings of this power.

The closer to the center point, the greater the lethality.

As long as he quickly moved to the outer edge at the moment when Chen Jing attacked, it is very likely that this holy light can only cause superficial injuries to him, and it is impossible to burn him into such an embarrassing state.

"The phantom just now... is the Yellow King..." The Pope murmured, as if he was still immersed in the previous fear and couldn't extricate himself, "No... He should have fallen... That should be his projection..."

At this moment, a shrill roar suddenly came from the direction of the church.

That was Chen Bofu's voice.

"Dog Pope!! You fucking touch my grandson?!"

Chapter 257 The Lord of Disaster

Before hearing the old man's roar, Chen Jing had almost accepted his fate.

After all, that's how strong he is.

Not too strong but definitely not weak.

But at least he was able to force Raphael, who was blessed by Gehlo, into a desperate situation...

He tried his best to drive the deep space energy into the Yellow King Holy Grail, and then used the Holy Grail as a medium to guide the overwhelming golden holy light. This process consumed much more of his physical strength than outsiders imagined.

Even if he was forcibly stopped by the sudden appearance of the Pope, he was already in a state of exhaustion at this moment, and even the most basic self-healing ability as an old descendant was on the verge of loss.


Chen Jing thought so.

But when he heard the old man's roar from a distance, Chen Jing's eyes suddenly turned red.

He could hear the urgent worry and indescribable anger in the old man's roar, which made him realize in an instant that he was not alone.

In a trance.

He felt like he had returned to many years ago, when he was still a child and was still being taken care of by his grandmother...

"My dear grandson..."

Chen Jing felt that someone was standing beside him, but his vision had gradually become blurred. He could only vaguely see that figure squatting down and raising his hand to put on the wound on his chest.

"Is he okay?" Randolph's voice came from not far away. He seemed to have no strength to speak, and the weak tone gave people a bad feeling.

"Francis, I'll fuck your whole family..." The old man cursed with gritted teeth, and Chen Jing could hear the endless resentment in his tone, "You are so old, and you still have the nerve to bully a child?!"

"He is not a child." The Pope said hesitantly, and then raised his hand and pointed at Chen Jing lying on the ground, "He is a resurrector from deep space, and it is reasonable for me to take action against him..."

"Deep space?!" Randolph's tone suddenly became horrified, but thinking that Chen Jing was on his side, his panicked tone gradually turned into unbelievable shock, "He... He is the descendant of King Huang?!"

"You know a lot." Chen Bofu sneered.

At the same time, Chen Jing only felt that his body felt much better, and the huge wound on his chest no longer tortured him with pain, and the feeling that his flesh was constantly falling apart and then decaying also disappeared.


Chen Jing's blurred vision returned to normal.

He saw the old man.

The old man who had been completely unrecognizable.

"Grandpa..." Chen Jing looked at the creature beside him that was almost out of human form, his lips trembling and he almost couldn't speak.

"I'm fine."

Chen Bofu grinned, and the dull laughter hid the pain that was difficult to conceal, but he still tried his best to pretend to be indifferent.

"Don't worry, Grandpa is fine!"

At this time, Chen Bofu had been contaminated by the energy from the disaster sequence, which was the price he paid for not holding back and fighting with all his strength.

The whole body turned into an amorphous gelatinous substance, like a geometric body that was constantly twisting and struggling to change its shape. The surface of the body was as black as ink, and strange human faces appeared one after another, and the facial features of these faces were exactly the same... They were all Chen Bofu.

He was like a "virus" that could be observed with the naked eye, like an abscess that was difficult to cure in this world...

The ground under Chen Bofu's feet was constantly being corroded by it.

Or assimilated by it.

The surface covered with white dust gradually turned into a black water-like substance, and faces of old people who looked very similar to Chen Bofu appeared silently on the endless black water.

From the time Chen Bofu left the battlefield to the side of Chen Jing, the whole process took no more than twenty seconds.

In other words... in this short period of twenty seconds, the entire parish was contaminated by the energy from the "disaster" on Chen Bofu.

"How are they..."

Chen Jing looked back with difficulty. The black fog battlefield created by the old man himself had disappeared, and the Moonlight Church next to the battlefield had already turned into dust silently, as if it had never existed and disappeared very suddenly.

As for the others...

Chen Jing could only vaguely see that Lawrence was fighting against the first bishop Sati together with Xu Ye, Yu Kui, and the pig herder.

The other bishops had disappeared, perhaps they were dead, anyway, Chen Jing could not sense their breath.

It was unknown whether it was because of the sequence conflict or because Yan Que was targeted by her former colleagues on the battlefield.

At this moment.

She was covered in blood and had fainted, and so was Ryan, whose limbs were broken.

The young face was full of painful expressions, and the eyeball in the left eye socket was missing.

Wei Nan was relatively lucky. Although her hard power was not as good as Yan Que, she was running away with one in each hand, her mouth opening and closing as if she was cursing something. Chen Jing could not hear her voice... but he could see that she was crying.

Not far away.

Yegetos, who had been disassembled into hundreds of pieces of meat, lay on the ground motionless. From a distance, it looked like a small hill made of bloody corpses.

Bai Aji, whose abdomen was cut open, was squatting beside him at this moment, spewing black energy from his mouth, as if he was healing him...

"Now there are only three of them left. If we get rid of them, we should be able to escape from here before Ge He Luo arrives..."

Chen Bofu stretched out his hand as rough as a millstone and slowly helped Chen Jing up from the ground.

On that face that was almost distorted to the point of losing its original appearance, one could vaguely see an expression of an old man comforting a child, and his kind and gentle voice was faintly trembling.

"It's useless."

Randolph seemed to have prepared himself mentally for what was going to happen next.

While speaking, he looked up at the sky with relief.

I saw that the black cracks that appeared in the sky had disappeared, and the living celestial body Ge He Luo had broken through the world's last rejection of it, and the height from the ground was probably no more than 10,000 meters...

"My dear grandson, run." Chen Bofu was no longer crazy, but showed a calmness he had never had before.

He looked at his grandson with great cherishment and raised his hand to stroke his black hair.

"Just like when grandpa played hide-and-seek with you when you were little, you have to run far away and hide..."

"Grandpa..." Chen Jing's misty eyes were a little red, and bloodshot occupied the entire white of his eyes like a spider web, "We have other ways... Don't risk your life alone..."

Hearing this, Chen Bofu just smiled guiltily.

Although his smile remained, he could not hide the regret in his heart.

"Grandpa should have listened to you... I should have listened to you... I wouldn't have let you be bullied by them..."

Chen Jing shook his head with red eyes, unable to say anything for a while.

He knew what the old man was regretting.


Before this, Chen Jing mentioned to the old man that he felt that Gehro was not right today, but the old man felt that Gehro's vision was probably caused by "deep space revival".

After all, Gehro's first approach to the surface began after Chen Jing left the Huangwang Courtyard, and there must be an inevitable connection between the two.

Moreover, it has been said in countless ancient books that every time Gehro attempts to descend, there will be extremely obvious signs, not just approaching the surface.

For example, crystalline moon rocks that can erode the soil like a blizzard, or the Pope who is deeply connected with Gehro will have uncontrollable moonlight leakage...

But none of these happened.

Gehro is still hanging in the sky, and there are no signs of its imminent arrival in the diocese.

So everything that happened today was beyond everyone's expectations.

No one would have thought that the Hermitage would prepare such a big trap for them to jump into.

In the final analysis.

The Parliament and Chen Bofu were deceived by the Hermitage.

The Light Bearer is the bait they threw out.

If outsiders want to get close to the Light Bearer who lives in seclusion, they can only seize the opportunity of the Moonlight Festival.

Get rid of the Light Bearer at the festival.

This is a very risky but highly feasible option.

But no matter how big the risk is, Chen Bofu and Randolph want to take the risk and give it a try. This is what they have already discussed privately.

At least this can prevent Gehlo from coming...

Let this living celestial body fall in Evernight City?

No one can afford this risk, and no one is willing to face it.

Bait, trap, adventure...

"We have all been deceived..." Chen Bofu said with a wry smile.

"Yes! You have all been deceived!"

The Pope suddenly laughed, and his hearty laughter revealed an undisguised sarcasm.

"I didn't expect the Moon Goddess to come so many years in advance."

"The Priory gave birth to two Light Bearers at the same time. This has never happened in history."

"I have suspected more than once that the descent rituals recorded in ancient books are all fake, but now I understand that all this must be the blessing of the moon god Geheluo..."

"This is fate!"

"The fate of the eternal night!"



Chen Jing's mind was in a mess at this moment.

He suddenly remembered the weird attitude of the examiner Mr. Wu towards the candidates, and suddenly remembered the damn nightmare...

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