As the old man said.

The pope's body looks like a huge stone statue. It seems that the entire body is made of Gehro's moonstone, and the dark color exudes an unspeakable aura of death.

In fact, from Chen Jing's perspective, he was very far away from the Pope, but the sense of oppression that could not be described in words was like an invisible but substantial force coming over him overwhelmingly.

For a moment.

Chen Jingdu felt like he had difficulty breathing.

But this feeling soon disappeared.

Because those black raindrops falling from the sky seem to have the power to corrode the Pope's body.

When the giant stone statue walked in the heavy rain, the parts that touched the raindrops were decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yes, it’s corruption.

Just like fresh meat spoiling over time.

The moon rock layer on the surface of the Pope's body was first stained black by raindrops, and then there were black spots that continued to spread... like the paint on a white wall that had been in disrepair for a long time.

When the initially "infected" parts peeled off on their own, without the decorative cover of the moon rock, Chen Jing and the others could see the rotten flesh and blood hidden under the moon rock layer at a glance.

"Chen Bofu..."

A dull voice came from the Pope's mouth, and then he raised the stone scepter in his hand, with the top pointed straight towards the sky.

The next second.

The scepter emitted an extremely dazzling white light, and instantly formed a beam of light with majestic energy, directly piercing through the "dark clouds" that were constantly surging in the sky...

"Moon God..."


"I, Francis...your most loyal family member...are here to await your arrival..."

The moonlight emitted by the scepter has not dissipated, and the dazzling light beams are constantly driving away the dark clouds in the sky.

Just tens of seconds.

The "black water" summoned by Chen Bofu was completely purified by the moonlight, and the battlefield previously obscured by the rain curtain came into view again.

"Gehro..." Chen Bofu, who had lost his human form, gritted his teeth. His tone of extreme hatred made people shudder. "You have to fucking fight against me, right..."

About fifty meters away from Chen Bofu, the Pope's clone, which had been beaten to the point of losing its basic human form, was on the verge of dissipating. The entire body made of moonlight gradually became distorted, like the projection of a malfunctioning projector. image.

on the sky.

Without the cover of dark clouds, the extremely white moonlight became more dazzling, and Gehro's ferocious face was almost as big as the city.

That terrifying one eye is still cloudy.

The rust-colored whites of his eyes were flowing silently like molten iron.

From beginning to end.

Gehro's single eye was fixed on the parish.

But to be precise, it was looking at Chen Jing.

Gaze at the human whose body is constantly exuding the aura of deep air.

"Come and help!!!" Lawrence suddenly shouted, with a very urgent tone, "This monk can't be beaten to death no matter how hard he fights!!!"

Compared with Lawrence's urgency, Xuye and the Jade Snake and the Pigherd were much calmer. From the beginning to the end, they only focused on greeting Sati to death and had no time to talk at all.

Fights differently than other bishops.

Satie seems to be better at defending.

The white moonlight appearing on his body has extremely strong defensive power. Whether it is the swineherd's machete or Su Ye's chain, when it touches the moonlight, it will instantly explode into countless light spots and disappear.


The situation over there no longer matters.

After the Pope's real body stepped onto the battlefield, he immediately waved to summon his moonlight clone, and even the unconscious Raphael was teleported to his huge palm in some strange way. middle.

"Killing him will stop all this, right?" Chen Bofu stared intently at Raphael lying in the Pope's palm. His breathing became heavier. It seemed that the full use of the power of the disaster sequence had caused a lot of damage to him. harm.

"The ceremony has been completed." The Pope picked up Raphael between his index finger and thumb, and his calm tone revealed an undisguised excitement. "Whether he is alive or dead, it will not affect the moon god Gherro." Coming..."

The words fell.

The Pope slowly opened his mouth under everyone's disbelief, and then threw Raphael directly into his mouth and swallowed it.

At this moment.

Chen Bofu also raised his palm and waved it violently. The ground under the Pope's feet instantly turned into black water and he suddenly sank in...

The Pope did not fight back or flee.

Even though the black liquid was constantly eroding his body.

He was still smiling happily.

"Chen Bofu..."

The pope's voice gradually became blurry, and the moon rock layer on his body exuded a forest-white shimmer, wrapping his body like a giant cocoon, making it difficult for the highly corrosive black liquid to hurt him at all.

"You just disappear with this city..."

At this time, Randolph stood up with a pocket watch in his hand, a trace of determination in his calm expression.

"Gehro should be about five thousand meters away from the ground... This distance has never appeared in the history of Yongye... It may only take us half a minute at most to enter the arms of Gehro... "

"Is there really no chance?" Chen Jing had a splitting headache and squatted on the ground, clutching the sides of his forehead.

He just felt that the auditory hallucination was becoming more and more real, as if every word was drilling into his mind.

"In front of Gehro, your grandfather and I are actually no different from ordinary people. As long as we are touched by its body, or even accidentally contaminated by its breath... in an instant, we will all be wiped out."

Randolph smiled kindly.

Even though he had guessed the ending, there was still no fear on his face.

"After all, we are all human beings. In front of such a god, no matter how powerful the descendants are, they are nothing..."

"There's still... there's still a chance..."

Chen Jing did not agree with Randolph's words of resignation. He suddenly put down his right hand covering his forehead and stared at the Seal of the Yellow King in his palm.

"If all of this can really be connected... You are guiding me step by step... Then you tell me what to do... If the Deep Space Throne is really the key to reversing the deadlock... I also have to advance to the sequence first. 3 will do..."

Chen Jing murmured to himself, raised his head and glanced at Gehro, only to find that it was falling faster and faster.

At this moment, it is impossible to tell that it is a huge spherical star.

It's like an endless white wall.

Looking up, you can't see its edge at all.

It seems as if it has replaced the eternal night sky.

at this moment.

It interprets in its own way what "the sky is falling" means...

When Chen Jing felt the strange aura coming from the sky, he understood that it was the last moment. The cold and violent aura should be emanating from Gehro's body...

That was so powerful that Chen Jing had never felt before.

In his bloodshot eyes, the reflected figure of Gehro became more and more clear, and Randolph suddenly threw his pocket watch into the sky, and the soothing ticking sound sounded again.

"The yellow seal is the key."

At this moment, the hallucinatory murmurs in Chen Jing's ears suddenly became clear, and the yellow seal in his hand began to tremble violently, melting into a golden liquid at a speed visible to the naked eye, and returned to Chen Jing through his pores. King's body.

"Are you talking to me?!" Chen Jing seemed to be grasping at a life-saving straw, and his hands holding Huang Yin were trembling uncontrollably.

"We only have this one chance. If we lose, we have nothing." The whisper in his ears did not answer Chen Jing's question, but just said to himself, "From the time I take over your body, we only have two minutes." time……"

"Can you help us kill Gehro?!"

"I can help you get its blood."

Chapter 260: Promotion Sequence in Doomsday Bell (Part 1)

Not a hallucination, not an auditory hallucination.

All this is really happening.

When Chen Jing heard the last words "him" said, the yellow mark that turned into liquid in his body had already spread.

He could feel a familiar energy coursing through his veins.

That kind of energy seemed to come from deep space, but it was somewhat different from the real deep space energy, and it felt a little strange to Chen Jing.

"It's worth killing one more person."

Suddenly, Chen Boxu's voice appeared next to everyone. When Chen Jing looked back, he found that the old man had run back silently, as if he was not ready to waste time on the Pope.

In fact, from the beginning, Chen Boxu didn't think he could kill the Pope, but he was very sure that he could cause the Pope to suffer heavy losses. He still had this confidence.

But then again.

The closer Gherro is to the surface, the greater the power the Pope can obtain. At this stage, Gherro is already on the verge of coming, and will fall from the sky and hit Eternal Night City in less than twenty seconds at most.

At this stage, if the Pope concentrates on defense and gives up attacking, Chen Bofu really can't find any chance, so the old man no longer has any hope of killing the Pope.

Some things are destined to be impossible.

Even if you risk your life to do it, there will be no results.

This is the reality.

Facing the ancient god who was about to come to earth from above, Chen Bofu had already accepted his fate, so he decided to change his target and kill the first bishop Sati before Gheluo fell.

During the arrival of Gehro, Sati's combat effectiveness has also been greatly increased. It can be seen from the fact that he has been alive until now. Compared with before, his strength has at least increased several times. Suye brought Neither the two Sheriffs nor a monster like Lawrence could do anything to him.

"You are responsible for blocking Gehro, even if you delay it for a second." Chen Bofu's body no longer has any human features. At this moment, he is just an amorphous thick black mist.

"Two minutes at most, that's my limit."

Senator Randolph raised his hand and pointed to the sky. The pocket watch he had thrown out had changed its appearance.

The ordinary metal creation began to expand continuously as it flew into the sky, stretching its diameter to thousands of meters in just a few seconds.

Compared to the Gherro that enveloped the entire Eternal Night City, this clock did not look conspicuous. It could even be said that the strong contrast made it look particularly small.

But the energy fluctuations it emitted instantly blocked the aura of Gehro's body.

"Then are we waiting to die? No chance to run out again??" Wei Nan asked with a dull expression. It seemed that only at this time did she slowly realize that the reality of the situation was so severe that no one was qualified to make a choice. situation.

"This city has fallen into the hands of Gehro, how can we still have a chance to escape?"

Randolph's old face showed a relieved expression. While explaining to Wei Nan, Chen Bofu had already gone to hunt Sati.

"Those moonlight barriers surrounding the Eternal Night are not just a wall that isolates the outside world. They are the original energy of Gehro. Gehro used these energies to split and extract this city from the original space..."

"We can teleport!" Wei Nan had a flash of inspiration and said hurriedly, "The old man has set up a teleportation ritual array in the wasteland! We can travel from the array in the community to the wasteland two thousand kilometers away!"

"It's useless. All known teleportation rituals cannot perform teleportation jumps in different dimensions. If that thing can be used, the parliament would have opened the backup teleportation ritual long ago, and at least half of the people in the city could be sent to the wasteland."

Randolph raised his hand and waved.

The metal hollow clock in the sky slowly turned.

Accompanied by the sound of ticking.

The second hand began to jump slowly in a counterclockwise direction.

Every time it beat, Gehlo in the sky would descend and stop for one second, just like a video with a stuck frame. This strange change only made Gehlo's human-like face more hideous.

Perhaps it felt that it was "humiliated" by these low-level creatures.

The pupil of that terrifying single eye suddenly shrank, staring at Randolph who was operating the clock, and the angry and violent eyes made people shudder.

"We can all survive."

Suddenly, everyone heard Chen Jing say this.

At first, everyone thought that Chen Jing was comforting Wei Nan, but the confidence between the lines made Chen Bofu, who had just joined the chaos and hunted Sati, turn his head.

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