
[Candidate number: 0]

[Candidate name: Chen Jing]

[Ultimate Sequence: Deep Space]

[Current Sequence: Sequence 3·The Royal Family of Deep Space]

——You have indeed lived up to King Huang’s expectations for you. Not only have you been successfully promoted to Sequence 3, but you have also been truly recognized by Deep Space. From now on, the power from Deep Space will not only protect you, but will truly belong to you... You will eventually stand tall in the deep sky!


"Twenty seconds left."

Chen Jing's ears were still filled with that sound that seemed both real and illusory, and the countdown revealed in the calm tone only brought Chen Jing back to his senses in an instant.

The next second.

Just a little thought.

The "Deep Space Throne" found from the ancient Antarctic ruins appeared in front of Chen Jing without warning.

Step onto the throne.

The "yellow robe" hidden under the surface of the skin also appeared instantly, and it was involuntarily put on Chen Jing's body as if he had been summoned by some kind.

"Go to the parish."

Under the hood of the yellow clothes, only the black and white eyes glowed faintly in the void.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Deep Space Throne took him with him and "evaporated" from the world.

As if it had never appeared before, the underground garage of Sunset Red Community once again fell into endless silence.

After being promoted to the Old Descendants of Sequence 3.

The method of use and true origin of the Deep Space Throne also appeared in Chen Jing's mind instantly.

This throne is actually a gift from deep space to the "Master".

The material used to make it is not gold.

But the core of the Black Star.

That's right.

It's the black star that Baiage and Jagerthos are familiar with.

Deep space separated part of its core to create this throne.

It is part of deep space.

It is also the most important token for entering deep space.

It is also the key to deep space.

After Chen Jing determined his destination, the throne pulled him into deep space in an instant. This was also the first time that he actively entered deep space... Unlike the last time he went through a test and was placed on the edge of deep space, this time he felt uncomfortable At the slightest bit of nervousness, he felt as calm as if he had returned to his hometown.

Deep space is located in the dimensional gap that no one knows, and it is also a mysterious space born due to the overlap of multiple dimensions.

When Chen Jing stepped into deep space.

What he saw was not the indescribable dark void, or the geometric crystals he had seen during the last test of the throne.

This is a starry sky.

Or... this is a certain corner of the universe.

At least Chen Jing thinks so.

Countless unknown stars are shining brightly in the vast void of the universe, and the distant foggy nebulae are also shining with strange and colorful light.

Although these nebulae are composed of thin gas and simple dust, in Chen Jing's view, they are like eyes opened in the universe, all seeming to be watching this "new king" who has stepped into the hinterland of deep space for the first time. .

"Deep space is not static." "His" voice sounded in Chen Jing's ears again, as if "he" knew what Chen Jing was wondering about, "When someone is truly recognized by Deep Space, the environment of Deep Space will change accordingly." Depending on the person's thinking... whatever you imagine the deep space to be like, the deep space will become what it is to please you."

Chen Jing did not doubt the authenticity of these words.

Because he knew exactly what the deep space in his imagination looked like.

That's it now.

In the vast and boundless sea of ​​​​stars in the universe, the bright and strange stars shine.

Empty, quiet.

As reassuring as a summer night on Sentinel Ridge.

"Fifteen seconds left."

"That's enough, I've found the location of the parish."

Moonlight Parish.

When the afterimage of the Yellow King created by Chen Jinghua suddenly disappeared, everyone seemed to be unable to react as if their brains had shut down.

Chen...why is Chen Jing missing? !

Previously, everyone thought that Chen Jing was going to launch a desperate counterattack and explode the small universe at the last moment to kill Gehro. After all, the terrifying aura and even the afterimage of the Yellow King that triggered the energy tide were really too scary.

But just when everyone was waiting with infinite expectations for Chen Jing to kill Gehro instantly.

Chen Jing disappeared.

There were no signs.

Not a word was said.

In silence.

Chen Jing just disappeared without a trace.

"It's over!" Wei Nan burst out crying. He sat on the ground holding Yan Que and began to cry and wipe his tears, as if he was treating Yan Que as a pillow when he was a child. "He must have been beaten to death by Jean Gehero! "

"What are you talking about?" Chen Boxu looked back, but his face had lost its human form, and even his eyes were nowhere to be found.

"If the king dies, we will also disappear." Jegertos began to analyze very calmly.

"Why do I feel that I have a deeper connection with the king..." Bai Aji muttered thoughtfully.

At this moment, there was a crisp sound like broken glass in the sky.

Everyone looked up.

I saw that Gehro had touched the clock thrown by Randolph.

Although it fell very slowly, the clock suddenly thrown out by Randolph uncontrollably slowed down its descent again...but its descending momentum did not stop at all, just like a hydraulic machine falling slowly.

It seems very slow and light.

But it can crush anything that touches it.

Like the clock thrown by Randolph.

Just a few seconds.

The entire clock was "bumped" by Gehro and completely dissipated.

And the next second after the clock disappears.

Gehro's descent suddenly began to speed up.

Three thousand meters.

Two thousand meters.

One thousand meters.

Five hundred meters...

At this moment, no one could see clearly the "whole face" of Gehro, and even the terrifying one eye almost covered the entire parish.

That turbid one-eye is indeed not made of moon rock. There are many unknown liquids flowing in the whites of the rust-colored eyes. It is completely different from the cold feeling brought by its white body surface. Those liquids are as hot as magma... …

at this moment.

Even the brainless Wei Nan forgot to cry.

Whether it was the people in the parish or the residents scattered throughout Yongye City, everyone looked at the sky blankly.

When the end comes.

No fear, no panic, no sadness.

People seem to have lost their basic human emotions, and their brains seem to be withdrawn from consciousness by strong fear.

No one cried, no one screamed.

Everyone just stared at the sky and waited for death.

That's all.

at this distance.

Gehro's influence on Evernight City is no longer as simple as impact.

There was "pressure" in the sky that could not be observed by the naked eye. The high-rise buildings in the city collapsed and turned into dust in an instant before Gehro even touched them.

Maybe it's because the "Yellow King's afterimage" disappeared.

Gehro was a little nervous at first.

At least everyone could see that the human-like look in its eyes revealed an unconcealable fear.

But the more it goes down.

The calmer Gehro behaved.

Until now.

Gehro seemed to have forgotten what happened before, and there was only a violent look in that terrifying one eye.

"I thought I could live longer than anyone else..."

Chen Bofu was the only one among the people present who had recovered his composure, and the only one who still had the courage to speak at this moment. There was a trace of sadness in his wry smile.

"I don't know where my grandson is... If he is here... he will definitely be scared to tears... He was like that when he was a child... less courageous than a mouse... nothing like me... If he is here... I can still coax him around..."

The old man babbled words that only he could hear, and his shapeless body was on the verge of collapse and about to fall apart. This was already his limit...

"It's not a shame to die at the hands of Gehro." Randolph slowly came to his senses, looked at Chen Bofu and smiled, "I didn't expect that we could both die together."

"Who the hell is willing to die with you, you old loser? I feel like I fell into the hands of Gehro because you were so unlucky. If..."

Just when Chen Bofu was cursing, Yegetos suddenly rushed forward excitedly and raised his finger to point at the figure that appeared in the sky at an unknown time.

"It's the king!! The king is still alive!!!"

Before everyone had time to react, they saw many tentacle-like things suddenly falling from the sky. They were no more and no less than the number of people present.

"I'll take you to deep space."

Chapter 263 Sequence 3·The Royal Family in Deep Space (Part 2)

No one expected that Chen Jing would appear so suddenly, and not even Gehro noticed how he appeared.

It's like flashing into this independent space out of thin air.

No sign, no trace.

When people saw him, he was already there.


Chen Jing has already teleported from the sky to the ground while sitting on the deep space throne, and the "tentacles" extending from the back of the throne have come to everyone.

This is one of the abilities of Throne of Deep Space.

"Let them come into contact with your bodies to establish a connection. Only in this way can I take you out of the city."

Chen Jingyan explained briefly and concisely that the Gehro above his head had dropped to less than 100 meters. The invisible pressure made Chen Jing a little breathless, and even the "mediums" summoned by him became extremely distorted.

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