Auspicious sign from heaven?

Chapter 20 Did you use that ancient relic? !

"Fuck! I thought you were dead!"


"Do you know how worried I am about you, boss? I was so anxious when I couldn't find you guys after I got out of the group of human gluttons!"

"Thank you..."

Hearing Chen Jing's thanks, Wei Nan just snorted unhappily, and cursed in a very low voice, "Thank your mother", with a frown that could kill a fly.

"We are all fucking one of us, thank you for nothing."

To be honest, Wei Nan really thought Chen Jing was dead before, because after she got out of the corridor full of human gluttons, she could no longer see Chen Jing in the community square.

There were no living people there.

To be precise.

There were no living creatures there.

Hundreds of incomplete corpses of human gluttons were piled up like a forest, and the surrounding green belts seemed to have been burned by high temperatures, leaving only white ash on the ground, and even the soil turned into dry and loose gravel... It was as if something had taken away their lives in an instant.

It is no exaggeration to say that Wei Nan was so scared that she was almost trembling at the time, because she had never seen such a weird thing.

The remains of those human gluttons fell outward in a radial pattern, and at the cost of their lives, they formed a "circle" with a diameter of about 20 meters.

In the center of the circle.

There was a huge and complex weird totem, which was deeply engraved on the concrete floor. You could even feel some residual heat when you touched it with your hand.

There was the smell of Chen Jing left there, and Wei Nan could smell it. It was so good that she wanted to catch him and take a bite, but she couldn't find Chen Jing there...

She only saw a lot of black dirt like asphalt on the ground.

Wei Nan could recognize it at a glance.

That was left by the mud man!

That's why she went to the underground garage to look for Chen Jing... But at that time, she didn't think Chen Jing was still alive.

The reason was simple.

He was too weak.

As weak as those wild cats wandering around the community.

She could easily strangle him to death if she wasn't careful...

So when Chen Jing and the little skeleton were sent out by the "mud man", Wei Nan was a little bit unbelievable... No, she thought she was dreaming!

Not only was he not killed by the mud man, but he was able to come out of the corroded space intact... Is this the deterrent power of being a subordinate of the old madman? !

"You weren't killed by the mud man..."

"He's actually quite easy to communicate with."

"Fuck, why don't I think so..."

"I'll introduce you to each other one day."

When Chen Jing finished speaking, he felt that his headache was slightly relieved. After all, when he left Lawrence, the old man specially inserted three black needles in his head to thank him for his gift.

The three needles, as black as black iron, were also made from the mud on Lawrence's body, and were about the same thickness as the silver needles used in Chinese acupuncture.

But they seemed to have absorbable properties.

They were also a kind of "medicine".

They were inserted in a row into the nerve center below Chen Jing's cranial cavity. In the process of being continuously absorbed by Chen Jing's body, they could temporarily stabilize Chen Jing's injuries and relieve the terrible headache...

"I didn't expect you to dare to find me in the garage."

Chen Jing looked at Wei Nan who was supporting him, and suddenly felt a little moved, especially when he saw the bruised face, he couldn't help but laugh and cough, and his chest hurt badly.

"I didn't expect you to be so brave, aren't you afraid of that mud man?"

"You have to go even if you are afraid, I am the most loyal!"

Seeing Chen Jing laughing and coughing non-stop after hearing what she said, Wei Nan raised her hand and prepared to slap him hard on the back to make him shut up, but she hesitated when she raised her hand. After all, this slap... Chen Jing, who was like a weak chicken, couldn't bear it.

"You didn't get hurt when you dealt with those human gluttons, did you?"

"Just a little bit." Wei Nan smiled disdainfully, with pride in her words, "Those rubbish can only hurt my fur at most, just like a mosquito bite, it will heal in less than half a minute."

"Then your face..."

"Can they be like the old madman!"

Wei Nan was so angry when she talked about this. If she hadn't seen that Chen Jing was too seriously injured, she would have kicked him.

"Don't think that the old madman didn't kill me. It will take me several days to heal from this injury..."

"You still know that he didn't kill me?"

"Nonsense, if he played normally, I would have been beaten to death by him..."

Wei Nan didn't want to continue this topic that made her phantom limbs painful. She suddenly turned her head to look at the little skeleton who was gently pulling the corner of Chen Jing's clothes.

"Why does this little thing keep following you?"

"He said he wanted to follow me..." Chen Jing blushed a little when he talked about this, and said embarrassedly, "I heard him say that the wasteland was too chaotic and he couldn't make it anymore, so he came to the city to find a job that could support himself..."

"When did the wasteland stop being chaotic?"

Wei Nan sneered, as if he was very hostile to the little skeleton.

"He can grow up so big in the wasteland, he must be a cruel and ruthless person... Little thing, do you think I'm right?"

The little skeleton shuddered and didn't dare to speak.

Although Chen Jing left him with the impression of "powerful", this woman was clearly "dangerous".

Thinking of the scene of her torturing the human beast before, the little skeleton was trembling in his heart.

"The cruelty created by the times is not necessarily the nature..."

Chen Jing said, gently patting the little skeleton's head.

"If you leave a group of people in a wasteland where no resources can be found, and you look back ten days and a half months later, you will still only see a group of wild beasts."

"Be kind and soft-hearted." Wei Nan snorted coldly and turned away, "If you ask me, this kind of stowaway who ran into the city from the wasteland should..."

"Have you been to the wasteland?" Chen Jing asked coldly.

Wei Nan was startled for a moment, then hummed vaguely, as if he didn't want to say more.

"Have you ever suffered a loss at the hands of the aborigines in the wasteland?" Chen Jing asked again.

Wei Nan didn't even intend to say yes this time, and glared at him fiercely.

"Then no wonder you have such a big opinion about it..."

"That was a fucking accident!"

Wei Nan couldn't help but explain, gritted his teeth and looked at the little skeleton again.

"Everything went well when I followed the bounty team to the wasteland to find treasure. Who would have guessed that I would be ambushed by those tribesmen on the way back to the city?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Nan couldn't help bragging again.

"But fortunately, they are all dead but I am not dead. All the good things are in my hands... The boss is awesome!"

"Yeah, awesome."

"But then again, how did you get this place?"

At this moment, Wei Nan had already helped Chen Jing to the community square, which was where the previous battlefield was.

Although the corpses of those people were quietly taken away by the mudbag, the strange totem on the ground was still there.

"It was made from relics."

Chen Jing explained. He glanced at the totem on the ground that had the same surface as the Holy Grail, and then at the flowers, plants and trees not far away that were "burned" into fly ash, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

It seems Lawrence didn't lie to me.

The power of this relic seems to be unexpectedly great...

Thinking of the bizarre sight when using the Holy Grail, Chen Jing raised his head and recalled it carefully for a while. He couldn't tell whether it was an illusion or if something really ran out of the Holy Grail.

Because he asked the little skeleton.

At that time, only a dazzling yellow light appeared from the Holy Grail, and the huge ancient figure he saw did not appear.

So was it an illusion?

Chen Jing couldn't understand.

But that picture is clearly very real!

Whether it was the huge figure emerging from the Holy Grail, or the tattered yellow robe it draped around it, almost covering the night sky...

All that.

All horribly real.



Chen Jing took out the Yellow King's Holy Grail from his pocket and handed it to Wei Nan. She took it in her hand and looked at it twice, then raised her head and looked at Chen Jing with a strange look.

"This relic is so powerful..."

"I didn't expect that either."

"So you just handed it to me?"

"If this thing is not activated, it will not hurt..."

Before Chen Jing could finish his words, Wei Nan frowned and interrupted him.

"I mean... aren't you afraid that I'll steal it?"

When Chen Jing heard this, he just laughed, which made Wei Nan almost angry to death.

"Any relic outside is a good thing that can be stolen. Remember not to take it out in front of outsiders, or you will be killed and cheated!"

Wei Nan angrily stuffed the Holy Grail back into Chen Jing's pocket, and then punched him hard in the chest.

"It's so fucking embarrassing to accept someone with no experience in the world of martial arts like you as my younger brother!"

"I know, but you are not an outsider..." Chen Jing blinked, with a trace of doubt in his clear eyes, "Aren't we friends?"

The moment these words were spoken, Chen Jing clearly saw a hint of joy in Wei Nan's eyes, but soon this emotion disappeared and was replaced by an unforgettable anger...

"I don't need friends."

Wei Nan seemed to have changed in an instant. That cold expression made Chen Jing feel extremely strange, and he seemed to know her again at this moment.

"You are not my friend either."

"Then let's just be my younger brother..."

"I didn't mean that... Damn it!" Wei Nan suddenly stopped and yelled nervously, "I don't need fucking friends! I know! Shut the fuck up!"

Wei Nan's eyes turned scarlet in an instant, and the grinding sound from his gritted teeth made people shudder.

"I don't need friends! Y'all shut the fuck up!"

Chen Jing knew that Wei Nan was not angry at him.

She was yelling into the air next to her.

It was as if something invisible in the air was speaking to her and disturbing her.

"Boss, don't be angry..."

"I'm not angry...I'm sorry...I just..."

Wei Nan's voice suddenly stopped, the pause was extremely abrupt, as if someone had suddenly strangled his throat, and even his breathing became trembling.

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