"The Hanging City is so cruel?" Wei Nan exclaimed, "Why don't you let people resign?"

"I resigned too, do you think I'm doing well?" Yan Que explained helplessly, seeming to understand Hasad's situation.

"For those crazy people in the research institute, every alchemist is the product of the mercy of the Heavenly Lord, so defecting from the Hanging City is the most unforgivable behavior, but they don't want to kill anything, they just want you to return the things that belong to the Heavenly Lord." Lawrence explained.

In fact, in the previous conversation, Chen Jing saw several things similar to prostheses on Hasad, but to be honest... those things look quite backward, at least they are not the same as the equipment of the alchemists like Li Mobai.

If you really want to compare.

Li Mobai and his people are like people living in the cyber age.

And this Hasad lives in the steam age.

"You guys go faster!"

Hasad's voice came from downstairs, and there was only a creaking sound of the door, followed by the dynamic music of the beat.

Following Hasad's voice.

Everyone walked through the dim corridor on the last floor.

After following him through the iron gate.

Chen Jing felt that he had suddenly arrived in the 1990s.

"The area of ​​this building is so large..."

Chen Jing looked at the bustling "small city" in front of him and felt a little incredible, because they walked down step by step from the narrow rooftop, so everyone knew that no matter how large the area of ​​this building was, it was just like the elevator building in the Sunset Red Community.

But the reality was unexpected.

The interior of this building was much wider than everyone imagined. Although the corridor was still narrow and cramped, it was endless at a glance. There were hundreds of security doors on the left and right sides of the corridor alone.

"The apartment types in this place are so small?" Chen Jing subconsciously guessed.

"They are all two-bedroom and one-living-room apartments. I have lived here before." Lawrence explained in a low voice, "The main body of this building was once an ownerless relic, but now it seems to have an owner..."

This place is not just for living.

Chen Jing can see it.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a small city.

Many residents' doors were wide open. Some people put stickers or wooden signs on their doors as signs, while others were more particular and put up neon marquees...

Trading relics, mortgaging materials.

Restaurants, hair salons, hardware stores.

Black clinics of unknown origin.

There were even a few houses that were connected and turned into dance halls.

The narrow corridors were crowded with people.

Occasionally, you could see people waiting in line with an impatient look on their faces outside some colorful shops.

"Is it so lively here!" Wei Nan rushed up excitedly and hooked Chen Jing's neck, saying excitedly, "There is also a video game store there! Let's go and have a look!"

"It's not so lively." Lawrence felt that everything in front of him was a little strange, different from the lifeless gathering place in his impression, "In the past, all kinds of people were crowded in this building, and they could beat their brains out every day, but now it seems quite harmonious..."

Hassard has squeezed into the crowd at this moment. Many people who come and go seem to know him, and they are all greeting him enthusiastically.

"Crazy Chen! I'll come to my house and tell you something important later!"

As he said, Hasard threw a cigar over from more than ten meters away. Chen Bofu raised his hand to catch it with a look of disgust, and threw it into Bai Aji's mouth.

"I'm not used to this stuff." Chen Bofu glanced at Bai Aji, whose head was only exposed on Chen Jing's shoulder, "Take it and chew it, it will replenish calcium!"


Chapter 274 The Old King Sleeping Underground (Part 1)

Hasard's home is located on the top floor of the building, with good sunlight from north to south. Its area is also larger than the house downstairs. It seems that more than a dozen rooms are connected, and the entire decoration layout is more like a research room.

Except for the living room and bathroom, which are still preserved.

The rest of the rooms in the house have been connected.

But to be honest, it doesn't look wide here, and it is even more cramped and small than the residents' homes downstairs, because in Hasard's house, there are mountains of "supplies" everywhere.

Some come from the Hanging City, some come from the Eternal Night Market, and in the corner there are some petri dishes from the Great Buddha Mother Temple.

"Why are you still so sloppy?" Chen Bofu started to complain mercilessly as soon as he entered the door, "It's like a pigsty... No, it's worse than a pigsty. Even pigs are more hygienic than you!"

"It's really a bit dirty." Lawrence slapped the fly in front of him and seemed to have completely forgotten what kind of life he had lived before.

"Hey, why are you so concerned about details... Come and sit down!"

Hassard led everyone to the only sofa in the living room. This may also be the cleanest place in the house. At least there is no black and sticky oil stains and various weird mucus on the sofa.

After everyone sat down.

Hassard ran to the freezer and got some drinks in glass bottles.

The green color looked inexplicably refreshing, and a strong fruity aroma came out when the lid was opened.

"Juice?" Chen Bofu took it and took a look, his face full of suspicion, "Why is there no trademark?"

"Homemade." Hassard smiled.

"Is this stuff clean?" Chen Bofu didn't dare to drink it. He turned to look at Bai Aji who looked confused, raised his hand and handed it to him, "Here you go!"

"???" Bai Aji was confused, wondering if he had been labeled as a trash can by these humans, but this bottle of open-top drink smelled quite delicious...

Be skeptical.

Baiaji bit down on the bottle and drank it down.

Then Yue spit it out.

"It tastes so bad!" Wei Nan also tried to take a sip, spitting it out while complaining, "You made this stuff with engine oil, right?!"

"There are too few uncontaminated raw materials in the wasteland, and the robbed materials are also limited. Priority must be provided to the residents of this building, and the remaining scraps can be used to make juice..." Hassad opened it himself I took a sip of a bottle of juice with a look of enjoyment on my face, as if I was already used to the pungent smell of engine oil.

Chen Bofu lit a cigarette and glanced at Hassad.

"What's going on in this building?"


"I think this place is very harmonious..." Chen Bofu said loudly, as if he was still recalling the scene he saw the last time he came here, "Back then, this place was full of shouts of beating and killing, and the brains were dried in the corridor. It’s all like carpet…”

"That's what you said." Hassad nodded in realization, "I transformed this place with my own hands. I don't like those messy things. Wouldn't it be better for everyone to live under a stable order?"

After that, Hassad chatted with everyone about the story of this building.

When he defected from the Hanging City, Hassad was chased by hundreds of elite alchemists from the research society. From leaving the city to going deep into the wasteland, he gritted his teeth and ran down the tens of thousands of kilometers of escape. .

"The alchemists didn't catch you in the end?" Chen Boxu looked a little gloating.

"Half of it was caused by me, and the other half was thrown away by me." Hassad said with a sigh, and then raised his finger to point to the largest piece of "furniture" in the room, with a look of helplessness on his brows, "I That body can no longer be used casually, otherwise the Hanging City will discover my location..."

In fact, Chen Jing noticed when he first entered the room. In the middle of this large suite that looked like a research room, there was a sealed glass warehouse about three meters high and one meter and a half in diameter.

It's like a water tank used to raise fish in an aquarium. It's filled with light blue liquid that occasionally has dense bubbles, and in the liquid, there is a complete human "body" soaked... That The body and limbs are intact, and the head is also well preserved.

Facial features.

Exactly like Hassad.

Although the lower part of the body is covered by a mass of magnetic fluid-like material, it can be seen from his exposed upper body that the degree of biological modification of this body is definitely not lower than that of Li Mobai... In other words, from the face Judging from the purpose of bionic technology, this body looks more natural than Li Mobai, more like a normal human being.

"After getting rid of the group of alchemists, I searched everywhere for a place to stay, trying to find a place that was far away from the Hanging City and with less traffic..." Hassad sighed.

"There is not much traffic in this place?" Chen Boxu was stunned. "Do you have any misunderstanding about the traffic?"

"Oh, I mainly took a fancy to this building. It's very similar to the building where I first settled in Hanging City, so I took over this place. Those who are willing to mix with me can keep it, and those who don't want to mix with me can keep it. I drove him away." Hassad smiled.

"Were you killed?" Lawrence asked.

Hassad did not deny it and nodded while drinking the juice.

"So this place is no longer a gathering place for homeless people. It can barely be regarded as my private territory..."

According to Hassad.

This "walled city" is already the most orderly place in the wasteland.

In this building.

No private fighting is allowed, no killing is allowed, no robbing and stealing is allowed.

The number of residence places is not fixed either.

Selected by special rules, those that do not meet the standards will be removed.

"By banning all these things, I can be cleaner. At least I have free time to do my own business..." Hassad said with a smile.

"You're almost like those tribes." Chen Bofu took a puff from his cigarette and flicked the ashes, "You said you wanted to talk to me about something important before..."

"Yes! Big event!" Hassad's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but get excited when he talked about it, "Originally, I planned to go to Yongye City to find you. I started making plans half a year ago, but I didn't expect you. He actually suffered such a huge fall..."

"Do you believe I tore your mouth off?" Chen Bofu frowned.

"Oh, I didn't expect to meet you in the wasteland anyway! Isn't this just right!" Hassad squeezed in front of Chen Bofu, so excited that he couldn't help himself, "We haven't cooperated in so many years. To be honest, I I still miss it a lot..."

"If you fart, let it go." Chen Bofu looked impatient.

Hassad smiled mysteriously and asked in a lowered voice.

"Are you interested in relics from the past?"

"Have we seen less of that thing? Not interested!" Chen Boxu raised his hand and dug his ears, his expression still so impatient.

"It's not an ordinary ruin."

Hassad added in a low voice, the look in his eyes becoming more and more excited.

"It's the ruins where the bones of the Old King are buried!"

Chapter 275: The Old King Sleeping Underground (Part 2)

When Hassad finished speaking, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and finally turned their attention to Chen Jing, because not long ago he mentioned a place where he could be promoted to the rank...

That's right.

The tomb of the Black Pharaoh.

That ancient ruins sounds like it contains some kind of corpse, doesn't it just correspond to the ancient ruins mentioned by Hassad?

"What a coincidence?" Chen Boxu frowned and glanced at Chen Jing and then at Hassad, feeling that this matter was indescribably weird.

If all this was such a coincidence, he really suspected that it was a trap set by Hassad after eavesdropping on their conversation.

"What's such a coincidence?" Hassad looked at the old man in confusion and scratched his head, "Why are you reacting so strangely..."

"Does that ancient ruin have a name?" Chen Jing took the initiative, with a look of anticipation mixed with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

"No name." Hassad shook his head.

"Who is the Old King buried there?" Lawrence asked calmly.

Hassad bared his teeth and remained silent, hesitating for a moment before he could speak.

"You agree first! I'll talk about it after you agree to cooperate!" Hassad said cautiously, "You won't suffer any loss anyway. After opening the ruins, I only need to..."

"You only want the bones of the Old King?" Chen Bofu sneered, "All the good things fall into your pocket, right?"

"No, no, no, I'm not interested in that." Hassad hurriedly explained, "It's just that there are murals I want to see in that ruins. I need those things. Apart from the murals, the rest, whether they are relics or anything else, is It belongs to you.”

"This... seems capable?" Lawrence glanced at Chen Jing, then at Chen Boxu, and then tentatively asked Hassad, "What kind of cooperation are you talking about?"

"There is a deadly guard in that ruins. I am in too bad a state now to be able to defeat him."

Hassad sighed, his eyes couldn't help but focus on the prosthetic body in the glass warehouse.

"My current body is of inferior quality. It can only display the strength of the fourth-order old descendants at most. The strongest ones I raised are about the same as you."

When he finished speaking, Hassad looked at Lawrence.

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