Only then did he realize that the crowd, as if possessed, had already reached the edge of the stairway, and that one step further to the side would be a bottomless abyss.

Although everyone present is of old descent.

An accidental fall from a height will not necessarily kill you.

But his intuition told Chen Jing that it was not that simple. This long painting was a was leading everyone towards the unknowable abyss in the center of the spiral staircase!

In just an instant, the deep space energy in Chen Jing's body turned into countless long golden threads and flew out, wrapping around everyone at lightning speed until they were pulled back from the edge of the abyss...

And just then.

The abyss swallowed by darkness suddenly lit up.

Chen Jing stood at the edge of the stairway and immediately saw what was shining inside.


It was the beautiful starry sky that everyone saw for the first time.

It seems that this staircase is a passage between two spaces.

Taking a step back is the real world.

The next step is the indescribable vastness of the universe.

"When did you wake up?!"

At this moment, "his" voice sounded again in Chen Jing's mind. His tone seemed very frightening, as if he was frightened by what happened before.

"I've been calling you for a long time and you haven't responded!"

"I just woke up." Chen Jing's heart was beating fast and he had lingering fears on his face.

"Did I wake you up?" asked "him" in his mind.

"No, it's not."

Chen Jing turned his head and looked at a familiar pattern in the mural.

Although the shape is minimalist and the lines are abstract, Chen Jing can still identify the identity of the monster that is holding the corpse of a certain creature and gnawing crazily.

That's right.

That’s Bai Aji!

"That state of total immersion... must be hypnotized..." Chen Jing murmured to himself, feeling scared when he thought of everything that happened before, "This painting is used to kill intruders... …should be……"

"So how did you wake up??" "He" in his mind was still a little confused.

"A play."

Chen Jingyan replied concisely and concisely. This was the only explanation he could think of.

"In that immersive state, what I fear most is acting out, so the moment I saw Bai Aji, I knew something was wrong..."

Chapter 293: Demon-weary·Extreme Comet·Living Tomb of Soldiers (Part 1)

"What the fuck?! Did I almost fall just now?!"

"There's something weird about this painting!"

“It’s all the blame on this bitch Hassad!”

"I didn't let you see it..."

Everyone who was pulled back on track by Chen Jing woke up at this time. Everyone clearly remembered the strange things that happened to them before, and how they walked towards the abyss step by step.


Beyond fear.

Everyone started to complain about Hassad crazily.

"Come and see! There are murals here!"

Chen Bofu imitated the words that Hassad blurted out before, with an expression on his face like he was gritting his teeth and wanting to kill someone.

"And you said you didn't let us see it?!"

"Old Chen, can we talk some sense..." Hassad explained with tears in his eyes, "Even if I didn't say this, you would still read it..."

"Even I will be affected?!"

The most angry person at the moment was none other than Jagertos, but the object of his anger was not Hassad, but himself... Jagertos could not accept that he was hypnotized by an inexplicable long mural.

Who is Jagerthos?

One of the most powerful creatures of the olden times.

He is a person who can chase some old kings around the world.

But what about now?

He was actually tricked by a painting!

"Shame..." Yegetos gritted his teeth and said, the deep space energy in his body began to riot uncontrollably, and even the staircase under his feet showed signs of breaking into pieces. The painting was deceived..."

"Calm down!" Chen Jing said hurriedly, "You are just an old descendant of Sequence 5 now! It's normal to be affected!"

"Yes, yes, it's normal to be affected!" Bai Aji also showed his head on Chen Jing's shoulder, with a gloating tone, "I have been affected too, everyone is the same, there is no shame at all!"

"The starry sky has appeared again." Chen Bofu took a few steps to the edge of the stairway and carefully looked down. "If we had fallen directly before...even if we didn't fall to death...we would most likely have encountered him... Something else……"

"How about we withdraw?"

Although Wei Nan was timid, he couldn't help showing an unwilling expression when he said this.

Because the opportunity to advance to the Sequence is below. If the Divine Enlightenment cannot be completed, you may be stuck in Sequence 3 for the rest of your life, unable to make any progress...

"Go down and have a look."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned when they heard Chen Jing's determined tone.

Especially the old man who knows Chen Jing best.

They were very aware of Chen Jing's foresight and hesitation, so in this situation, Chen Jing's most appropriate reaction should not be like this. He should hesitate for a long time and finally make a decision reluctantly.

"We're already here, it would be a pity not to go down." As Chen Jing spoke, he couldn't help but glance at the starry sky below, and a certain impulse in his heart became increasingly difficult to control.

When dragging everyone back before.

Chen Jing inevitably saw the starry sky below.

Then he felt a strange impulse, wanting to run down the stairs, as if something was calling him deep in the ancient ruins, and he had to find that thing.

Or see "it".

This impulse came out of nowhere, but there was no sense of danger at all.

It was like hearing the call from the "Throne of Deep Space" in Antarctica.

So this ancient ruins...

Is it really just a grave for the inhabitants of the Star?

Chen Jing couldn't understand, and the more he thought about it, the more he got a headache.

Even asking "him" questions in my mind would not give me an answer.

But "he" helped Chen Jing analyze a possibility.

"Maybe there is something related to deep space hidden here." "He" in his mind analyzed it carefully, his tone was slightly excited, as if he had discovered a side mission in the game, "It's like Antarctica." The Deep Space Throne in the ruins, maybe there is a relic related to deep space here too!”

This analysis conclusion is the fundamental reason why Chen Jing made up his mind to take the risk.

As the saying goes.

Risks and opportunities coexist.

If there really is any treasure from deep space hidden here, then the risk is worth it, not to mention that it can help Wei Nan and the others complete their sequence promotion.

"Be careful when you go down, don't look at those murals anymore, especially you should be careful, Grandpa Hassad!"


After the previous accident, everyone was obviously more wary of this ancient ruins. As they walked down, no one dared to look at those crazy murals. They all buried their heads and only looked at Lu Lian. The sound of breathing was involuntarily lowered.

Until half an hour later.

Hassad and Yegetos, who were walking at the front, stopped, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief...

"We finally came down." Chen Jing wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked back at the end of the stairway. "This is a big project. It's so deep."

"Do you really think this is the underground of the other world?" "He" in his mind couldn't help but complain, "I wanted to remind you when you were halfway there, this staircase is actually two The connecting line of dimensional space!”

"You mean we traveled to another dimension??"

"It's almost the same as the Huangwang Courtyard you went to."

At this moment, no one noticed the stunned look on Chen Jing's face. Everyone's attention was attracted by the giant pool in front of them.

The diameter of this circular pool is about a thousand meters. It can be seen from the stacked black rock slabs that it is obviously not naturally formed.

At the same time, the doubts in everyone's minds were also solved.

This ancient ruins located underground does not hide any "small universe" at all.

The starry sky that everyone saw before.

It's just the colorful liquid in this pool.

It seems to be deliberately imitating some strange scenes in the universe. The liquid in the pool flows slowly and the stars are moving around. Occasionally, when you feel a slight vibration, a certain star field in the water will directly disperse with the ripples. .

"There are words here!" Hassad seemed to have discovered something. He ran to the edge of the pool in three steps and squatted in front of a huge rock slab. "It should be words from the old days... Give me some time!" I should be able to decipher it!”

Hearing this, Jagertos on the side couldn't help but sneer, and casually taunted: Does this need to be interpreted?

"That's right! You are a creature from the old days!" Hassad said with sudden realization, extremely excited, "Come and help me interpret the dictionary! What do these crooked words mean!"

Although Jegertos didn't like the nickname "Living Dictionary" at all, he couldn't help but walked forward out of curiosity and glanced at the rock slab casually.


Jagertos pointed to the first two old Japanese characters, and then to the next two characters that followed.

"Ji Hui."

"Where are these three characters?!" Hassad pointed excitedly at the last three old Japanese characters.

Jegertos looked at it, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

"Living Tomb?"

After listening to Yegetos' on-site analysis, Hassad was stunned for a moment, feeling confused and unable to understand.

"What does it mean specifically?" Hassad asked humbly.


Yegetos also imitated Hassad and squatted on the ground, touching his chin with his right hand as if he was thinking hard. He observed carefully for a long time before he could say anything.

"literal meaning."

Chapter 294: Demon-weary·Extreme Comet·Living Soldier Tomb (Part 2)

Standing on the edge of this ancient ruins, at first glance Chen Jing felt that there was nothing special here, as if he had entered another underground cave.

In the vast space, apart from the huge pool in front of you, there are only a few strange and shadowy stone slabs in the distance...

"It looks like an altar." Chen Boxu and Chen Jing stood side by side, seeming to be quite concerned about the stone stools.

"Didn't Grandpa Hassad say there are relics down here?" Chen Jing asked as he looked around, "I didn't see any treasures, I just saw this pool..."

"Look for it." Chen Bofu said with a smile, "This is just like an ancient tomb. All the good things are hidden and tucked away. You have to dig them out yourself."

Hear the words.

Chen Jing nodded thoughtfully, indicating that he understood.

Spending a long time searching for treasures in ancient ruins is basically the same as tomb robbing. The situation in the Yellow King's Courtyard is just a bit more special...

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