Chen Jing remembered that he had never cried from beginning to end, and he did not cry until the old lady was buried. He had been dealing with her funeral affairs very calmly.

He felt that he had suddenly grown up and matured, and learned to look at life and death in an adult way.

Since then, Chen Jing's life has only been about study and work, until that day...

A colleague brought him a pigeon soup rice while he was still working overtime.

Then he went crazy.

Like a madman, he sat at his workstation and cried bitterly with a takeaway box.

It was only then that he understood the truth.

The saddest thing about the death of a loved one is not when they die.

But later.

When we gradually separate the deceased loved ones from our lives, even if this process is accompanied by a huge sense of emptiness and exhaustion, even with blood and flesh, we will eventually get used to it.

Until that moment.

A certain detail of life suddenly meets the past.

The heart-wrenching sadness will swallow you up in an instant.

The flaws in memory, guilt, self-blame, regret...


It will be hard to make up for it in a lifetime.

"Jingjing, don't scare me..."

Chen Bofu felt something strange coming from his shoulder, and subconsciously looked back, only to see Chen Jing staring blankly ahead, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?! We'll be home soon! Grandpa will help you adjust when we get home! You'll be fine!"

"I just remembered some things in the past..." Chen Jing came back to his senses in a trance, staring at Chen Bofu blankly, unaware that his face was full of tears, "I'm fine, don't worry."

"Are you in pain somewhere? If you feel pain, tell grandpa! Grandpa will help you find painkillers when you go back!"

"Yeah, it hurts..."

Chen Jing's heart twitched violently, looking at the grandfather in another world in front of him, the sadness in his heart was suddenly replaced by grievance.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he didn't seem so mature.

It seemed that he was still young.

"Grandpa, I feel so bad..."

"Damn Lawrence, that bastard! He must be..."


"What's wrong, grandson? I'll tear down this broken elevator tomorrow morning! Grandson, what do you say..."

"I miss my grandma."

Chapter 22 Liar

I also have a grandma in this world?

What is she like?

Is she still the humorous, kind, and occasionally curse her husband with dirty words?

Before Chen Jing fell into a coma, he had a lot of questions in his mind, but unfortunately Chen Bofu didn't answer them for him, or maybe he didn't hear them.

"Damn... I'm going to skin Lawrence, that bastard, in a moment... You! Your name is Ryan, right!"

Chen Bofu was holding a huge medicine box in his arms, and was walking towards the bedroom while cursing, when he suddenly saw Ryan standing huddled in the corner.

"Go to the kitchen and make medicine for my grandson! That yellow stone! Just throw it into the pot and boil it!"

"Yes! Master!"

Lian ran to the kitchen and started working according to Chen Bofu's instructions. It seemed that he had found his sense of belonging here, and he was happy even if he just ran errands for others.

To be honest, Ryan was no less worried about Chen Jing than Chen Bofu, because he knew that he was his benefactor.

Although the scum in the wasteland eat people without spitting out bones, they also know the principle of repaying a drop of water with a spring of water.

"Fortunately... Fortunately, I came back in time..."

Chen Bofu stood by Chen Jing's bed with a worried look on his face. The bucket next to the old man's feet was filled with a lot of asphalt-like black substances, which had just been extracted from Chen Jing's body.

As for the ancient relic that caused Chen Jing to fall into such an embarrassing situation, it was placed on the bedside table at the moment. Chen Bofu looked at it as if he was an enemy.

Although he knew the danger of the ancient relic from the beginning, he really didn't expect his grandson to "figure out" its use, let alone... it could be so dangerous.

Chen Bofu had already asked Ryan about what happened today, so he knew that this ancient relic was his grandson's "lifesaver", but that was all. Even Lawrence... wasn't he also a lifesaver?

But Chen Bofu didn't intend to accept their kindness.

The damn ancient relic hurt my grandson like this...

Even if you saved him, there was no need to suck so much blood from him, right?

You sucked it and didn't know to give it back?

He has no sense at all, just smash it!

As for Lawrence...

That bastard has lived for so many years and didn't know how to save some blood-producing medicine. He even dared to use his own blood to transfuse my grandson's body. This old thing deserves to die!

I'll skin him in a while!

"Old, Master! The medicine is ready, it's ready!"

"Bring it here!"

Ryan ran in with an iron pot full of dark yellow medicine soup. Although his movements were reckless, his steps were very careful. When he brought the medicine soup to Chen Bofu, he really didn't spill a drop.

"Old, Master, do you think it's okay to boil it like this..."

"Okay... shit!" Chen Bofu turned his head and took a look, his eyes almost popped out, "If he drinks such hot medicine soup, he will be cooked?! How can you be so stupid with your skull! Take it to cool it down, bastard!"

"Sorry, sorry! I'll go right now!"

Ryan was not angry because of Chen Bofu's sharp mouth. He even thought that Chen Bofu's reaction was normal...

The grandfather of the benefactor.

The big man above the big man.

I'm so lucky to be able to follow such strong men. Wuwuwu... Mom, you don't have to worry about my safety anymore!

After a while, Ryan came in carefully carrying the soup pot.

"It's warm now. Master, if you think it's still hot, I'll take it to cool down. I see there are still ice cubes in the refrigerator..."

"You can still use the refrigerator?" Chen Boxu glanced at him, not intentionally sarcastic, but simply curious, "I remember that the wasteland is full of bumpkins."

"Not in the past few years." Ryan replied truthfully.

"What's the matter? In recent years, have more people robbed goods?" Chen Boxu asked.

Ryan nodded and said that the number of refugees in the wasteland has increased in recent years, and they have also robbed a lot of goods in the city.

"I was stammering before, but now I'm fluent..." Chen Bofu laughed, took the soup pot and looked at it. After making sure the temperature was right, he picked up the spoon and started feeding Chen Jing the medicine in small sips.

"Occasionally, I get sick... I don't stutter when I get excited!"

"It's okay if you want to follow my grandson. It's not okay for my grandson Chen Boxu not to find a servant to serve you, but you! Fix your stuttering problem in the future!"

"I, I work hard!"

"You don't need to work hard, I'll help you..."

Upon hearing this, Ryan was startled.

Although Ryan didn't know how Chen Boxu could help him, he still chose to believe without hesitation.

Because his thinking logic is very simple, since Chen Boxu is so powerful, there must be a way to cure his stuttering.

A pot of soup weighs almost two kilograms.

Chen Bofu carefully fed Chen Jing for almost half an hour before letting Chen Jing drink it all.

When he told Ryan to wash the pot, Chen Jing's belly also swelled. From a distance, it looked like he was pregnant...

"It should be no problem, this is the recipe."

Chen Bofu muttered to himself, looking at Chen Jing's belly that kept rising and shrinking, he still felt a little worried.

The medicine was correct and the blood was replenished.

But why am I still having a fever...

After thinking carefully for a long time, Chen Bofu could only attribute this reaction to the fact that his grandson's physical condition was too poor and the medicine was too strong, so he was not able to replenish his weakness.

"damn thing."

Ryan, who was washing the pots in the kitchen, heard Chen Boxu cursing. His first reaction was that he had done something wrong again. But when he looked back, he realized that Chen Boxu was cursing the ancient relic on the bedside table. He immediately became confused. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's a great harm to my grandson..."

Chen Bofu picked up the Holy Grail of the Yellow King and once again had the idea of ​​destroying it completely, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it, at least he was not prepared to do so without Chen Jing's consent.

What's the point of making your grandson unhappy?

What's more, it really worked hard this time.

"It would be great if you could make my grandson become an old descendant..." Chen Bofu suddenly sighed and put the Yellow King's Holy Grail back.

With the help of the "pollution" of ancient relics, ordinary people can transform into ancient descendants.

This kind of thing has never happened before in history.

But that's just a legend...

At least Chen Bofu, who was well-informed, had never seen a living example. Those legends were all read from books. No one can tell whether they are true or false.


"What, what's wrong, sir!"

"Come here and treat your illness. I don't want to have a little stutter to support my grandson in the future..."

Chen Jing had a long dream.


He returned to the real world, no, to be precise, he returned to normal life.

There is no other world in the dream, and there is no biological leap test.

But in the dream, there are family and friends.


"Hey, you're not going to die, are you?"

Chen Jing, who was sleeping, suddenly felt his nose itching, and heard someone whispering softly in his ear, with a tone full of worry.

"Don't die. I only have you as my younger brother. Don't you want to be friends with me? I can consider it!"

Chen Jing felt the man touch his forehead, and then he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Damn it, why is it so hot? It's like fucking grilled pork chops..."

Chen Jing felt his consciousness gradually becoming clearer, but his dizziness was still strong.

He almost used all his strength to slowly open his eyelids, and then he saw the figure squatting beside the bed and stroking his nose with hair.

"Your metaphor is quite subtle..."

"Fuck! You're awake!"

"Why did you become two..."

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