There is no living thing in the tumor.

It seems that the sticky pus was wriggling under the skin before.

"This... This is too unrefined..."

At this moment, not to mention a normal person like Chen Jing, even Bai Aji, who is often complained by Chen Jing as a "disgusting treasure", can't stand it.

You know, Bai Aji is a very self-aware immortal.

It knows that its nature of eating whole is very unrefined.

So this is the first time it has seen something even more unrefined.

At this moment.

These old men carrying snail shells began to share the three corpses.

They first competed to bite the tumor, tearing the skin and flesh, and then sucked the smelly pus like drinking nectar...

Don't say that Chen Jing was about to vomit.

Even Bai Aji couldn't help but retching twice, obviously being disgusted by these old snails.

After eating.

These snail men returned to their previous state and continued to slowly move towards the target, leaving only three pulverizing snail shells in place.

After losing their "main body", the snail shells looked like severely weathered stone sculptures.

Accompanied by the never-ending wind in the desert, they began to pulverize rapidly from the outside to the inside, turning into countless gray dust visible to the naked eye and drifting with the wind.

"This creature... is really too strange..." Bai Aji muttered, with a human expression on his corrupt beast face, as if he was extremely disgusted with these snail men, "They even eat such disgusting things..."

Chen Jing resisted the urge to complain about Bai Aji, and silently complained about it in his heart.


I don't see you picking and choosing when you eat those polluted species!

When you eat people, you can swallow them whole in one gulp.

Not to mention the organs in the stomach, there may be...

Yue in the large intestine.

Why do I feel more and more disgusted the more I think about it.

"Follow them."

Chen Jing turned his eyes away and dared not look at the traces left on the ground, fearing that he would be disgusted again.

"We should be approaching our destination soon..."

It turns out that these strange old men are not ordinary creatures.

At least they have exceeded everyone's understanding of the old descendants and the polluted species. They look like some kind of tools or toys?

They only move towards their goals.

Other than that, they don't care about anything else.

Occasionally, someone falls behind and dies on the road, and the previous eating scene will be repeated again.

It seems that for them, the bodies of their companions are the only food and the only source of energy.

As they get closer and closer to the destination, the number of snail men who died on the road begins to increase.

In the process, Chen Jing also accidentally discovered something.

He found that these snail men are not necessarily old people judged by the naked eye.

At least several times, Chen Jing found that the skin of the old-looking snail man who got rid of the shackles of the snail shell did not show any signs of aging, and looked more like a young or middle-aged person.

"Could it be that the Black Pharaoh's curse makes people age and then grow snail shells?" Chen Jing couldn't help asking Yegetos.

"Not sure."

Yegetos didn't seem to know much about the Black Pharaoh's abilities, and his answer was very vague according to the information in his memory.

"He has cast all kinds of curses on creatures, and I have only heard of a small part of them..."

Although Yegetos's answer was vague, Chen Jing could probably feel that the Black Pharaoh was not an easy one to deal with.

As for why these snail people were cursed by him and were contaminated with his breath... After thinking about it, Chen Jing and Yegetos came to the same conclusion.

These snail people may have discovered the location of the Black Pharaoh's tomb, and even rashly broke in, so they were cursed.

Perhaps it was because they were getting closer and closer to the destination.

Chen Jing found that the speed of these snail people's progress had obviously increased a lot.

About two hours later.

Everyone followed these snail people to the destination, the desert plain where diamond-shaped giant rocks could be seen everywhere.

Just as Anu said at the beginning.

There are many black diamond-shaped boulders all over the place.

They stand upright in the desert like tombstones, with a faint metallic luster.

At this moment.

There are only five snail people left in this desert.

They are like insects raised by a gu, constantly devouring the bodies of their own kind as supplies along the way, and barely survived to the end.

In fact, on the way here, Yegetos mentioned more than once whether to kill them all directly, so that it would not waste time, and there would be no need to worry about them suddenly rising up and attacking from behind.

But in the end, this proposal was rejected by Chen Jing.

Because "he" reminded Chen Jing in his mind.

"The curse of the black pharaoh was still very famous in the old days. We'd better observe it first. Knowing ourselves and the enemy can win every battle..."

The source of the curse, the way of the curse, the medium of the curse.

All these are conclusions that need to be drawn by observation.

In addition, there is another very important reason.

Chen Jing wants to find the entrance to the mausoleum.

Although the approximate scope has been determined, the entrance to the mausoleum is definitely not easy to find.

This can be confirmed from the information narrated by Anu. The so-called "38-sided heteromorphic crystal" is definitely not on the surface. If it was, it would have been discovered long ago...


Chen Jingcai was willing to patiently follow those snail people and slowly stroll over.

He felt that these ghosts might be able to lead him to the entrance to the tomb.

But the reality is...

"What are they doing?"

Chen Jing couldn't help but frown as he looked at the snail men crawling separately towards the surrounding rhombus-shaped rocks.

Ever since they entered this area, the remaining five snail people no longer moved forward in groups.

They spread out and crawled towards different diamond-shaped rocks.

Those rocks seem to have some kind of magic for them, attracting them to keep climbing up.

When the first snail man climbed up, there was only a crisp sound, and the black diamond-shaped rock seemed to tremble, and the snail man also twisted his body and retracted into the shell in an instant.

This is true for every snail person, without exception.

In less than half a minute, there were only five snail shells attached to the giant rock.

See this scene.

Jagerthos couldn't help but stepped forward to check.

He broke it with his hands, and the snail shell broke away from the rock and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.

The shell is empty.

The bodies and torsos of those old men had long since disappeared without a trace.


Jegertos looked left and right, his tone becoming more solemn.

"Are they absorbed by these rocks..."


Chen Jing didn't bother to talk to Jegertos.

Because the moment Jegertos opened the snail shell, he vaguely heard a strange sound...

The strange noise only lasted for two to three seconds and sounded very vague.

It's like a lot of people beating drums.

The sound came from underground.

"There seems to be something underneath all this sand!"

Chapter 313: Grave Robbers (Part 1)

According to legend, the Black Pharaoh was buried in the original Taixu land after his death.

It is a chaotic space that transcends time and space.

In the darkest and empty tomb.

The sickening sound of drums and the blasphemous and chaotic flute music accompanied him to sleep.

All this is information obtained from Qiao Youning.

So the moment he heard the drums, Chen Jing was sure that the tomb of the Black Pharaoh was most likely under this desert!

But except for Chen Jing, Jegertos and the others didn't seem to hear the strange drum sound.

"Is there something down there?"

Jagetos walked to Chen Jing's side, squatted on the ground vigilantly, turned over the gravel, and inspected it carefully.

All I saw was gravel under the gravel, nothing special.

"It may be in a deeper place." Chen Jing reminded, "dig deeper and try again."

Yegetos nodded, and then asked Baiaji to take Chen Jing and Anu into the air, asking them to leave the ground first.

As Baiaji flapped his wings and continued to rise, Yagerthos turned and walked towards the center of the desert.

After simple observation, Yegetos found that these diamond-shaped black rocks seemed to have regular patterns.

They are not randomly inserted in the desert, but roughly formed into a huge circle, with thirty-three pieces in each direction...

It's like some ancient ritual.

Crude, cheap, but effective.

"Wang went through a lot of hardships to find this place."

"Actually, it's not that hard..."

"This damn mausoleum is so rude... It doesn't even open its door to welcome the King of Deep Space!"

"Then what..."

Chen Jing really couldn't bear to listen, so he awkwardly used the telepathy that all the Deep Space Familia had to persuade Yegertos.

"We are here to dig people's graves. Your request is a little too much..."

"It's really rude!!! Extremely rude!!!"

Yegetos roared angrily, suddenly raised the cross sword in his hand, held the hilt of the sword with both hands and thrust the sword vertically into the desert.

The next second.

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