Chen Jing's mood was a bit complicated at the moment. He didn't feel like he was trying to find a place without effort, but instead felt a little inexplicable fear and uneasiness.

Because he thinks this is all too abnormal...

This is obviously a mausoleum of an old king, but it feels like a warm invitation to outsiders to go sightseeing.

"Why hasn't that stinky horse come back yet?" Jegertos suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky, his tone a little confused.

"Yeah, it's been almost twenty minutes..." Chen Jing didn't realize until then that something was wrong.

When Bai Aji drove them here, it only took more than ten minutes to get from the walled city to the northern part of the wasteland, and that was even when it could not carry people at its full capacity.

After sending Anu away.

It has no burden on its back and no need to worry about outsiders.

If we rush here at full speed, it will only take a few minutes...

But now almost twenty minutes have passed, but there is still no sign of Bai Aji.

"Could it be that the old man and the others wanted to follow him... so Aji couldn't come back in time..." Chen Jing murmured and analyzed.

"This crystal seems to be a split part of the Black Pharaoh's origin. I can smell his scent." Yegetos suddenly said.

Hearing this, Chen Jing turned back to look at the alien crystal suspended in mid-air.

From the moment it appeared, the intense white light emitted by the rock formation became more and more dazzling, and the change in brightness has not stopped. Even Chen Jing could not help but squint his eyes and feel extremely sour.

"They said this is the door to the mausoleum." Chen Jing raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, only to feel the whistling wind in his ears, "How do you get in with this thing?"

"I don't know." Jegertos also turned his head away, as if he couldn't look directly at the cold and dazzling light. "Why don't I split it open and take a look."

"You are a bit reckless, young man. If you break it, wouldn't it be... hmm?"

Suddenly, Chen Jing, who was half-squinting, found that the white light in front of him disappeared.

There were no signs.

Disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Yegetos also turned around and looked at each other with Chen Jing.


Chen Jing looked around with a dull expression, looking at these stone walls as high as mountain peaks in disbelief.

"Are we... traveling through time?!"

At this moment, Chen Jing and Yegetos found themselves in a narrow alleyway inexplicably.

There are gray stone walls nearly a kilometer high on both sides of the lane, and the two pale stars still hang in the black and foggy sky.

Just when Chen Jing and Yegetos were briefly confused, they both heard a strange voice at the same time.

The voice seemed to ring in my ears, it was a young man speaking.

What Chen Jing heard was human language, even Chinese.

But within the ears of Jagerthos.

That voice spoke the "lingua franca" of the old days.

"Welcome, grave robbers who dug my grave."

Chapter 315: Old Game·Pharaoh’s Labyrinth (Part 1)

In the wasteland desert.

Worshiping Aji is like an owl in the night.

From beginning to end, it hovered silently under the dark night sky.

At this moment, its eyes full of human emotions revealed a kind of panic, because it found that it could not find Chen Jing and Yegetos no matter what...

"The person is gone and the pit is gone?!"

After Bai Aji sent Anu back to the walled city, it took almost only two minutes to rush back from the walled city.

Yes, two minutes.

At that time, Chen Jing and Yegetos were still studying the corpses in the pit.

But Bai Aji could not see them.

Even the giant crater with a diameter of 1,000 meters that was blasted by Yegetos disappeared from Baiage's eyes.

It was as if everything had returned to its original state under this night sky.

The pale twin stars reflected the desert surface as white as snow. Not a single human figure could be seen on the silent and empty plain. Occasionally, the biting cold wind would stir up bursts of sand and dust.

at this moment.

Bai Aji felt goosebumps.

"I can't sense their could this be..." Baiaji lowered his head and kept scanning the desert carefully, but he still couldn't find those two familiar figures.

After searching for a long time to no avail, Bai Aji was completely panicked.

But it still has some brains, at least it didn't scurry around like a fly, but chose... to return to the walled city!

Although Bai Aji is proud of being an immortal species of the past, it will not deny that Chen Bofu and the others are well-informed.

From a certain perspective, the old men like Chen Bofu do know more than he does, and they can indeed help him with advice in many cases... Of course, this can also be understood as seeking medical treatment in a hurry, because Bai Aji Really panicked.


"Where on earth are you..."

Chen Jing and Jaegertos were walking in the narrow alley. The towering stone walls on the left and right made them feel quite depressed, especially for a person like Chen Jing who has a bit of a close-up fear of staying in such a place for a long time. , the pressure is indeed too great.

"This seems to be a maze." Chen Jing led Yegetos through the thirteenth corner, and the alleyway in front of him was as familiar as ever.

"Are we lost?" Jegertos scratched his head, feeling an inexplicable discomfort all over his body, "But this place seems different from the previous place. I haven't seen these marks on the wall before."

Chen Jing walked forward without saying a word, cut his finger and drew two arrows on the wall to mark the way forward.

"We should be moving forward, not spinning in circles. I never saw the marks I made before..."

"How about we still find a way to push down these walls?" Jegertos asked.

"It's not like you haven't tried it just now." Chen Jing sighed, his expression becoming increasingly helpless, "These stone walls cannot be destroyed at all."


Chen Jing's heart was already a little heavy because he discovered that this place was more than just a maze.

Here, time passes extremely fast.

When he first entered the maze, Chen Jing subconsciously took out his phone and checked the time.

At this moment, Chen Jing took out his phone again to confirm the time.

Judging from the time displayed on their mobile phones, they had been trapped in this maze for almost three hours.

That's right, three hours.

But Chen Jing and the others only felt that ten minutes had passed, or even less.

Yegetos once wanted to jump up and go to high altitude to see what was going on here.

After all, his body structure is different from that of the traditional descendants. Flying in the air is not difficult for him at Sequence 5, but his speed and agility are not as good as those of Bai Aji.

But the strange thing is that no matter how high Jegertos flies up, he can't get over these high gray stone walls that seem to be of rough texture.

And looking up from Chen Jing's point of view, Yegetos has always stayed about ten meters away, hovering as if in a daze.

"There is no way to heaven, and there is no way to earth."

Chen Jing sighed, remembering the previous scene of Yegetos getting angry and splitting a stone wall with a broad sword, and felt that the road to promotion to the rank seemed more difficult than imagined.

Chen Jing had seen how powerful the seemingly indestructible broad sword in Jagertos's hand was, so when Jagertos raised his sword to slash at the stone wall, he actually had a glimmer of hope.

But the reality is cruel.

The cross sword couldn't cause any damage to the stone wall.

Not even a scratch was left.

"It seems that it is not easy to get out of this maze... You guys should think of a way..."

"His" voice sounded in Chen Jing's mind.

He seemed to have no idea of ​​a solution to the predicament at hand.

"What if I still can't think of a way?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"Then just die of sleepiness." The voice in his head was very impatient. It didn't seem to care about Chen Jing's situation at the moment. He seemed to be a completely different person than before.

"Damn, you're kidding me!" Chen Jing complained, and then he lowered his posture and said cautiously, "Brother, please stop making trouble and help us find a solution."

"Your promotion route is very strange... Don't bother me yet! I'll sort it out first!"

"What's weird?" Chen Jing was puzzled.

"Actually, I felt something was wrong when you encountered the splendor of the deep space. I have seen myself in countless time and space. Everyone's promotion routes may be different, but there are also overlaps, which probably all point to..."

At this point, "his" voice suddenly paused.

"No one has ever achieved the brilliance of deep space, you know what I mean?"


"In other words, no one has ever set foot in the Black Pharaoh's tomb. They have never triggered this promotion mission at all. Even I didn't know about this thing after I became the new Yellow King..."

When "he" said the last sentence, his voice suddenly paused again, and Chen Jing was a little overwhelmed by his nervous performance.

"There must be something wrong!"

"I have to think carefully...don't bother me first!"

As soon as he heard this, Chen Jing suddenly felt even more helpless. He said to himself, brother, don't you even look at what is going on? Why don't you think about the promotion sequence later? First help me figure out how to get out of this maze!

If I accidentally get hung up in this maze.

Can you feel better?

"King! The passage in front suddenly becomes wider!"

Hearing Jegertos's words, Chen Jing subconsciously looked back and saw that the maze had indeed changed after crossing the corner. The narrow alleyways became much wider, and there were many... smiling faces of creatures appearing on the left and right walls?

"There are words here..."

Yegetos suddenly walked towards the stone wall beside him and raised his hand to touch the engraved writing on the wall. It was the lingua franca of the old days, not the language of the modern world.

"Those who trespass on the tomb will surely play with the mourners here..."

Chapter 316: Old Games·Pharaoh’s Labyrinth (Part 2)

"Who is the weeper?"

"I don't know, but it sounds very much like the former servants of the Black Pharaoh, because in the old days, the names of his subordinate families all ended with the word '人', such as Maurice the Reveler, Daritu the Sadness... "

Jegertos slowly took his palm back.

Looking at the three words "The Weeper" engraved on the stone wall, his tone became wary.

"We'd better be careful," Jagertos said.

Chen Jing hummed and stepped forward to carefully examine the "smiling faces" floating on the stone wall.

These smiles come from different faces.

It can even be said that they come from different species.

Some are human.

Some have distorted animal faces.

Some are...insects?

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