These are punishment tools specially developed by Hassad.

It stays on for at least three days and cannot be taken off.

It's not very lethal, but it's quite insulting.

"She's not a cheater..." Chen Jing looked helplessly at Wei Nan with the note plastered on his face, thinking that this girl probably couldn't afford to lose, but it was understandable. After all, her current state basically looked... He looks nothing like a human being, just like a white beard who has become a spirit.

"Then why can she keep beating me? Woohoo - I don't believe it!" Wei Nan wiped her tears unwillingly, and while speaking, the "beard" on her mouth flew freely, "She must be a cheater." Come on! Kill her!"

"Don't be too outrageous!"

Yan Que's face was still fair and pretty, as cute as a doll, and there was no paper stained on it from beginning to end.

"To be honest, sometimes I really want to call the police and arrest you!" Yan Que glared at Wei Nan fiercely, "Don't play if you can't afford it!"

"Who can't afford it! It's obviously you who is cheating!"


When Chen Jing saw the two of them starting to fight on the bed again, he didn't bother to persuade them. After all, this kind of scene happened almost every day. They either choked each other, or I threw them on my back and put a crossbar on them. Although they seemed to be very cruel. ...but at least no one will die!

At this moment, "his" voice sounded in Chen Jing's mind.

"Are you all ready?"


"How long is the countdown?"

"half an hour."

"Remember, just follow our original plan and try to have that piece of shit in a box within two minutes of landing!"

"I will try my best……"

Chen Jing looked at the decreasing numbers on the light screen in front of him. When he thought about it, he thought a hundred days was quite long, but he didn't expect that it would pass in a blink of an eye.

"Li Mobai and Qiao Youning are also making preparations. With them helping me find Raphael this time, I should feel a lot more relaxed, but I don't know how prepared they are..."

Hanging city.

A dilapidated Taoist temple in the suburbs.

At this moment, Li Mobai was standing on the eaves of the Taoist temple, pacing back and forth. The abandoned Taoist temple lights were still on slightly, and the colorful marquees were shuttling back and forth. It seemed that the power had not been exhausted yet.

"Everyone, you don't need to tell me what to do when you go back, right?"

Li Mobai turned sideways and looked at the hundreds of candidates standing outside the Taoist Temple. Most of them came from the research association and were the same alchemists as Li Mobai. Only a few of them wore the clothes of company employees.

"Brother Li! You still can't trust us!" Bixuan stood on the flower bed next to the courtyard gate, smoking a cigarette, with a smile on his face as he spoke, "Our goal when we go back is to kill Raphael! You all I’ve said it more than three hundred times!”

"Aren't you afraid that someone will forget?" Li Mobai smiled.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mobai jumped down from the eaves of the Taoist temple and walked slowly out of the yard.

The crowd dispersed to both sides.

Everyone respectfully made way for Li Mobai.

"As the saying goes, there is a gap between the heart and the belly. Maybe only they themselves know what some people think, but I will say the ugly things first..."

Li Mobai stopped suddenly, and the gentle smile on his face made people look particularly dangerous.

"Since you are all willing to hang out with me, then according to the rules, you have to listen to me. You can only do what I ask you to do, and you can't do what I don't ask you to do... if someone wants to behead you, you can't do it. "

Although Li Mobai's words were not clear, everyone present was not a fool. They understood as soon as they heard what he said... What he was told to do was to let them join forces to find Raphael, and he was not allowed to do it. The thing is, naturally, to prevent them from touching Chen Jing.

Even if the additional questions cannot be refreshed, they are stuck in place.

You can't touch Chen Jing either.

It's that simple.

Although most people felt that Li Mobai was too domineering, at this juncture no one dared to confront him, and no one even refuted.

The reason is not complicated either.

Li Mobai couldn't bear to hear anyone refute and criticize.

The last person who provoked him in this way has probably been torn apart and taken to different human bodies to benefit society.

"After I go back, I will install the bridge as quickly as possible. I will be able to grasp global developments in real time within half an hour."


"If I find someone being lazy or trying to fight me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Seeing Li Mobai's cold gaze, the silent crowd immediately began to express their loyalty.

"Boss! Leave this little thing to us! Just relax!"

"Yes, boss, isn't it just to install some bridges? It will be installed for you in twenty minutes at most!"

Hearing everyone's enthusiastic replies, Li Mobai smiled with satisfaction, and then turned his gaze back to the Hanging City behind him.

"hold on……"

Li Mobai murmured softly, his eyes filled with a look that would only be possessed by an ambitious man, and his body still vaguely smelled of blood.

Think of the experience during this time.

Li Mobai started to gnash his teeth as he sneered.

The expression on his face also turned resentful.

It seems that he is at odds with the legendary patriarch.

"Turing... wait until I seize the opportunity... you will be finished if I can't stop you!"

Chapter 336: Preparations of all parties before return (Part 2)

Extreme day capital.

The sacred mountain of Big Buddha Mother.

Qiao Youning was sitting next to a crack in the mountain called "Saint Mark" with a small backpack on her back.

In this abyss-like ravine, Qiao Youning could vaguely hear the voice of the Buddha Mother calling, that vague and sticky human-like cry, a voice that seemed to seduce the "desire" deep in human genes.

"I know... Buddha Mother..."

Qiao Youning held her chin with both hands, looked at the dandelions swaying in the wind in front of her, and muttered to herself.

"I will pay attention to safety..."

Qiao Youning has always been able to communicate with the "Buddha Mother" at any time, even in the real world, but she knows very well... all this is fake.

That's right.

It's all fake.

It's all just my fantasy.

Because the "Buddha Mother" is a "god" without consciousness, so how can it communicate with humans?

The Buddha sons and daughters saw it.

Almost all of them are imagined images based on the obsession deep in their hearts.

In the words of Grandma Hong.

The Buddha Mother is the life force of the origin of all things and the supreme embodiment of life energy. It is not some ancient and mysterious creature, but it has become diseased because of the old war...

The indescribable "disease" has made it what it is today.

But at least its existence can be roughly understood.

"Buddha Mother, are you going to the outer world with me this time?"

"Then let's go together!"

"Yeah, I know, you like to be with me too, right?"

Qiao Youning picked a dandelion, and gently pinched it with her white and slender fingers, slowly rotating it while talking to herself.

The Buddha Mother is everywhere.

Just like the ubiquitous deep space.

Whether it is a temple disciple with a low status and a low cultivation level, or a Buddhist woman with a high status like Qiao Youning...When they come into contact with the Great Buddha Mother, their physical bodies are closely connected with the origin of the Great Buddha Mother.

In other words.

They have become part of the Great Buddha Mother.

So wherever they are, the Buddha Mother will be there too.

Just like when Qiao Youning and other candidates in the temple returned to the surface world, the Buddha Mother would also go through with them.

Their relationship with the Buddha Mother is very subtle.

Similar to the master and the family.

But Qiao Youning felt that... the Buddha Mother might be more like an organ.

Fortunately, it has no consciousness.

Communicating with it is just a leisurely entertainment.

So there is no need to worry that the Buddha Mother will cause any harm to the surface world.

As for Chen Jing...

The Buddha Mother is unconscious.

It has no resistance to deep space, nor hostility or other complex emotions.

This is also the most reassuring point for Qiao Youning.

"It's better for the Buddha Mother to be stupid."

Qiao Youning raised the dandelion in her hand and pointed it at the sun in the polar day. The scorching sun seemed to burn the dandelion's pappus, and the wind in the mountains just blew gently and blew the dandelion all over the sky.

"I know, Mother Buddha, don't worry, I won't do anything stupid, I definitely won't do anything dangerous... But if there are bad guys who want to hurt him, I will give them to Mother Buddha as toys, okay?"

Qiao Youning bent down and picked a few more dandelions, then carefully put them into the backpack, with a smile on her pretty face as bright as mountain flowers.

"Finally I can see him, Mother Buddha, I'm really happy..."


The place where Gehero descended.

New Evernight City.

"Chen Jing, Chen Jing... I didn't expect you to force me to this point..."

Raphael, the son of moonlight, sat on the edge of the top of the obelisk. He casually put his legs outside the wall and swayed in the wind. When the wind was strong, even the person became shaky, looking indescribably dangerous, as if a slightly stronger wind could blow him off the top of the tower.

At this moment, he was looking at the "exam candidates" lined up on the main road in the city.

The dazzling white moonlight made the dense figures look a little unreal, and even Raphael would see double images after looking at them for a long time... But there was nothing he could do about it, after all, the moonlight at this time no longer came from the sky.


It came from the surface of the earth.

"Jiang Jingzhe... ruined my plan..." Raphael muttered to himself expressionlessly, and kept recalling the details of the past in his mind, "But even if there was no bitch... Chen Jing should have the power to resist... It's still not easy to kill him..."

"But even if he is an awakener in deep space, what can he do... He is still too weak at this stage... Although I can't beat him... But Gehlo will follow me... Heh."

Raphael suddenly sneered, slowly got up from the ground, stood on the top of the tower and stretched.

"One wrong step, all wrong steps, now there is no turning back." Raphael looked at the land covered by moonlight in front of him, and the smile on his face gradually became crazy, "Then let's rely on our own abilities, and it doesn't matter if we lose and die..."

Since you want to fight, then fight to the end

Try your best and use all means.

If you can't win even with this...

Then this is your fate!

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