
Chen Jing put on his hood again as he spoke, and then patted the mane on Baiaji's neck.

"Aji, you stay with them here to deal with those blasphemous angels, and I'll take the coconut to play with Raphael."

"I want to go too..." Baiaji muttered, but he also knew that his physical strength could not match that of Yegertos, let alone the deep space brilliance. After all, it was not a combat type. Dependent family.

For a moment, Bai Aji felt nostalgic for the past.

I miss the good times when Chen Jing only had his family.

"It's not over yet?!"

Li Mobai's curses came from below. Chen Jing poked his head out and saw that Li Mobai was also very angry with this mighty army of profane angels, as if he felt that he could not finish them all no matter how hard he killed them.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

In the end, he just threw the magic sword in his hand into the sea water.

Then he twisted his fingers with both hands to form a seal, and suddenly pulled his right hand down, revealing a dark barrel.

"Damn you!"

Li Mobai cursed angrily, raised his hand and fired a blue beam of light, instantly hitting the profane angel in front of him.

Chen Jing: "???"

Qiao Youning: "???"

Bai Aji: "???"

Jagertos: "What kind of structure does this kid have?? Why is it weirder than those ancient alchemists?!"

Technology is the ladder of human progress.

It is also the ladder of progress for the old people in the world.

Although Chen Jing didn't know what the beam of light shot from Li Mobai's arm was, in terms of lethality, it didn't seem to be much worse than his golden holy light.

"Be careful." Chen Jing gently patted Qiao Youning's shoulder and gave a final warning, "If something goes wrong, just call me on the forum. I'll hang up your chat box."

Qiao Youning nodded obediently and said yes, then urged Chen Jing to go about his business and leave them alone.

"Okay, then I'll leave first..."

The words have not yet finished.

Chen Jing took Yergetos and jumped into the sea.

And just when they were falling rapidly and about to touch the sea, the dazzling and bright golden light enveloped the two of them silently, and then they flew straight towards the sea area where Raphael's body was like like a golden stream of light... …

"Don't forget the tricks I taught you. They are the key to breaking through the Moonlight Domain."

"Don't worry, I won't forget."

Chen Jing responded to the "him" in his mind with a smile, his calm tone revealing unconcealable confidence.

At this moment, he has sunk into the sea with Yegertos. Not far away is the white ball of light known as the "Moonlight Domain".

"Just watch it."

"Wait until I get in and pluck out his hair! I have to slap him in the face! I've found someone in the outside world who's guaranteed to have better juice than him!"

Chapter 355: A little help from the examiner (Part 1)

When Chen Jing and Yegetos forcibly invaded the Moonlight Domain, the energy from the deep space source spread out in the sea like an explosion.

The strange energy that appeared as black as nothingness was like ink, soaking up the snow-white moonlight at lightning speed.

These two ancient forces are eroding each other.

Deep space wants to swallow the moonlight.

Moonlight, on the other hand, wants to assimilate deep space.

It's a pity that this "energy war" from different sources only lasted less than two seconds. The deep space spread like eternal nothingness, swallowing up the moonlight in an almost devastating manner.

The "white light ball" suspended in the sea also turned into ominous darkness at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The monk's method is really strange..."

In the process of controlling the deep space whale to swallow the moonlight, Chen Jing was also deeply touched by the field created by Raphael, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although Gehro is a "god thief" and is not the real source of all this moonlight, according to "him" in his mind, this weird field is exclusive to Gehro and is something it has researched by itself.

"It consumes a lot of money but is very practical. Whether it is used to save lives or to torture vegetables, this thing is much stronger than the ordinary field."

According to "him", the Moonlight Domain is the most secret "ritual" among the Gehro faction, and only the Pope and Raphael in the world know how to use this domain.

Although only Gehro's true body can use this field to the extreme, even if the Pope and the others only allow the field to exert one-tenth of its effectiveness, it is enough to make the top old descendants of the other world feel troublesome and even helpless. untie.

Disrupt the laws of space.

Blurring dimensional boundaries.

This is a method similar to deep space's control of dimensions.

"This is it."

Chen Jing stopped in front of the vast moonlight, and with a wave of his hand, he sent Yegertos back to deep space, because in the process of entering this field, he could only be alone. With his ability, There is no way to directly bring people into this moonlight at the same time.

At this moment, Chen Jing has separated himself into an energy state, as if he is a "fog man" composed of countless golden light particles. Except for the fact that the yellow robe on his body remains the same, even his original face can hardly be seen clearly. .

Chen Jing raised his hand and reached out to the moonlight in front of him. When he touched the extremely white light, he had the illusion that he was touching the beach gravel... No, maybe it was not an illusion.

After successfully being promoted to Sequence 4, his visual ability has improved dramatically, and the microscopic world has never been so clearly displayed in his eyes.

The majestic energy of these details cannot be directly observed by ordinary people with the naked eye.

In Chen Jing's view, they are countless light particles.

They form an extremely dense array according to certain rules.

Only when they are violently impacted by deep space energy will they sink and stretch like a plastic film filled with water, until those light particle arrays continue to stretch out some imperceptible "gaps"...

For any kind of ancient descendant who has energized itself, the gap between this energy is like an airtight copper wall. It is impossible to pass one's body through it.

Even for the old man at his peak, it was almost impossible to achieve this.

But this absolute defense is nothing to the deep space resuscitators.

Deep space.

The reason is that it is a sequence that can travel freely across countless dimensions.

The biggest reason lies within itself.

"Level 4 of the deep space sequence is a watershed... Only when you reach this stage can you 'nihilize' yourself... Only in this way can you pass through the barriers between dimensions without any obstacles..."

Recall these words "he" said not long ago.

Chen Jing gradually stabilized his energized body, and the golden light particles that constructed his body began to transform at a speed visible to the naked eye, until they became invisible, colorless, and incomprehensible... nothingness.

Within the realm of moonlight.

The devastated Raphael was sitting on a star suspended in the moonlight in embarrassment, because in this series of contacts with Chen Jing, he found that Chen Jing was not a person who could be discussed.

He read Chen Jing correctly.

I was indeed wrong.

One wrong step, every wrong step.

From the moment he was regarded as a target, the two were destined to have a fight to the death.

So... Creator, are you targeting Chen Jing or me?

I was the first person to get the additional question of getting rid of Chen Jing.

I was the first person to offend him.

In the end, I tried my best to solve the problem, and now my life is on the line. Are you just watching?

"Once he successfully invades the Moonlight Domain... it will be a dead end... there is no optimal solution... there is no way out..."

Raphael squatted on the star, biting his nails. His usually bright and clear eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. It was a fear of being unable to resist in the face of the coming threat.

At this moment, Raphael felt that he had been tricked by the Creator, and those damn examiners didn’t know what they were thinking...

Haven't they thought about how risky this kind of problem is? ! If you don’t have a chance to get the reward, you will die! ! This is a dead question! !

Now Raphael no longer had any unrealistic illusions.

He could only pray.

He prayed that the Moonlight Domain could stop Chen Jing, not to mention eroding Chen Jing's body. It would be enough to block Chen Jing a little and delay his return to the other world!

"Hey, what are you afraid of?"

Suddenly, Raphael heard a slightly unfamiliar voice, but this voice seemed to have been heard somewhere not long ago.

Xun Sheng looked back.

I saw a foggy figure standing on the star, pacing back and forth in boredom.

"Are you...Mr. Fog???"

Raphael stood up in shock, because he didn't expect that the person he was complaining about would suddenly appear in front of him in this way.

That's right.

It is the appearance of an entity, not a projection of human eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense."

As the examiner, Mr. Wu did not intend to say anything more to Raphael and went straight to the point.

"Chen Jing will be here soon..."

Hearing this, Raphael suddenly showed a desperate expression, because this was his last and only trump card that he could use to save his life.

"He can really invade the moonlight realm?!"

"Haven't you noticed that he disappeared on the way to invade the territory?"

Mr. Fog said with a sneer, and then changed the topic.

"I'm here to give you a little help..."

Chapter 356: A little help from the examiner (Part 2)

When Chen Jing "nihilized" himself, the difficulty of crossing this barrier made of moonlight suddenly dropped.

"Look, I just said this trick works!"

"Well, it turns out you have experience."

"Nonsense, how long did this crap thing keep me trapped? If I hadn't come up with this idea, it probably wouldn't have been that easy to deal with Raphael."

"I don't know if it's my imagination, but I always feel that this time it went too smoothly..."

"Sure? If you don't want me to give you an idea, why don't you give it a try?"

Hearing "his" unconvinced voice in his mind, Chen Jing suddenly didn't know what to say. Maybe it was just an illusion.

He has always regarded Raphael as his life and death enemy, and he was also the first person in history that he wanted to kill in his dreams.

But at this moment when his dream was about to come true, he felt a little unreal, as if everything was going too smoothly.

"I remember you said...Raphael brought part of Gehro's heart back to the surface world..."

"That was the medium through which he guided Ghro's invasion of the surface world."

At this point, "he"'s voice paused, as if he remembered something again, and couldn't help laughing.

“But unfortunately he still hesitated. When he was sacrificing himself to Gehlo as a coordinate, he hesitated for a moment, and I just happened to seize this opportunity... Anyway, you should remember it later! Kill him when you meet him!”

“I know.”

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