Eternal Night.

Endlessly shrouded in the night.

Whether it is the suburbs, the city or the wasteland.

Everything in sight is covered by fog.

But at this moment...

Chen Jing found that the fog with a visibility of no more than 200 meters had dissipated.

This Eternal Night City, which is shrouded in fog and has dense buildings like a forest, has never been seen so clearly by him...

The dense pigeon houses made of reinforced concrete and some strange wooden buildings complement each other in the city. Only the buses with signs are running fast on the wide and empty streets.

The "Moonlight River" that runs across the Eternal Night City is full of dense giant plants like reeds. Whenever the bleak evening wind blows, their huge and slender bodies will collide with each other and make a rustling sound.

In Chen Jing's slightly short memory.

This city called Eternal Night has never been so bright.

It seems that the strange celestial body in the sky has become the sun in a sense.

The bright moonlight became more and more dazzling. The cold moonlight was like a white invisible flame. It engulfed the entire city in an instant, causing it to burn silently...

Chen Jing couldn't help but look up and look at the moon that had not changed for thousands of years.

"So this is the moon worship period..." Chen Jing was shocked.

At this moment, the indescribable celestial body had closed its terrifying single eye, and the mouth that almost spanned the entire lunar equator also changed its shape. The corners of the mouth that were raised gradually turned down, revealing an extremely human expression, angry and irritable.

"Look, those redeemers have landed."

Hearing Wei Nan's words, Chen Jing hurriedly retracted his gaze and looked far away in the direction of Wei Nan's finger.

It was not until now that he understood.

What creatures had made those terrifying roars before.

There were dozens of huge monsters that were as high as thirty or forty floors!

Their bodies were like enlarged "matchstick men", with extremely simple structures and particularly distinct limbs.

It was actually made up of the heads of countless creatures connected with rusty iron chains...

Under the cold and bright moonlight, those giant creatures called "Atoners" walked out of the "Moonlight River" as wide as the sea.

Like evil spirits escaping from hell to the world of the living.

Accompanied by the deafening roar of those heads, they began to wander in the empty streets of Yongye City...

"Hey, what are you daydreaming about."

Wei Nan suddenly patted Chen Jing's shoulder from behind, and the smile on her face was as bright as the night.

Without waiting for Chen Jing to respond, she took the initiative to hook Chen Jing's neck and laughed at the moon in the sky with one eye closed.

"Ah Jing! Happy Moon Festival!"

Chapter 25 The hint is here again

To be honest, Chen Jing didn't know what was so happy about the Moon Festival.

Because according to his understanding...

For Yongye City in this other world, the Moon Festival seems to be an inevitable and periodic disaster outbreak period.

Every time the moon worship period comes, the "moonlight" emitted by the strange celestial body will deteriorate.

This will not only cause some of the old descendants to fall into a state of loss of control, but also guide some terrifying existences in the wasteland to gather in the city...

"Every time those "redeemers" come out of the river, I feel so fucking scary..."

Wei Nan put his arm around Chen Jing's shoulders, looking at the behemoths that began to patrol the city from a distance, and sighed.

"In recent years, I often hear people say that the [Round Table Council] is about to fail, and they can't suppress those sects... I don't think so. If these redeemers go crazy, I guess the nest of the hermitage will be razed."

"Are they from the [Round Table Council]?" Chen Jing stared at the monsters as tall as buildings, and even from such a distance, he could feel the extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

"Yes, those torturers sentenced the criminals to death by beheading, and then kept those heads alive, and strung them together with chains to guard the Eternal Night Market..."

When Wei Nan said this, he suddenly shuddered, as if he thought of something scary, and said cautiously.

"If I hadn't been mentally ill when I was proven to have killed someone, I guess my head would be strung up on it now..."

"Are these creatures powerful?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Of course they are powerful, but I don't know how powerful they are..."

Wei Nan turned his head and glanced at Chen Jing. The hair on his forehead was shaking like an antenna, and there was a trace of fear in his words.

"Anyway, those old descendants who dared to go crazy on the streets were killed by them, and those polluted species who wanted to break into the city from the wasteland were also killed by them..."

"Are they more powerful or is my grandfather more powerful?" Chen Jing became more curious and couldn't help comparing these behemoths with the old man.

"It should be the old madman who is more powerful." Wei Nan said confidently, without any doubt in his tone.

Chen Jing was stunned and asked why without knowing why.

Wei Nan's answer was very convincing.

"Think about it yourself, if the old madman was not as powerful as those "redeemers", the [Round Table Council] would have beheaded him and made into candied haws long ago based on the crazy things he has done in recent years..."

"That makes sense." Chen Jing nodded thoughtfully, thinking that Wei Nan's answer was very reliable.

At this moment, the "redeemer" closest to Chen Jing and the others suddenly stopped.

It seemed to slowly turn to the southeast, and the thousands of heads that formed its trunk suddenly opened their mouths wide...

"Look! The excitement is coming!" Wei Nan said excitedly, and couldn't help but grab Chen Jing's hand and shake it vigorously.

At this moment.

Every head on the Redeemer's body lit up with a dazzling red light.

Accompanied by an increasingly shrill roar, scarlet light was spewed out by the heads one after another, like a meteor with a comet tail, and bombarded the target location.

The scene was almost the same as the laser weapons in science fiction movies.


Did I underestimate the old man's strength...

Can he really beat these monsters?

"Aren't these all self-propelled fortress-type laser weapons?!"

Chen Jing stared at this doomsday-like scene in amazement, and the shock in his heart was beyond words.

"Oh my, another old descendant is being targeted..."

Wei Nan was no stranger to the red light spewing from those heads. Instead, he stretched his neck excitedly to look over there, as if he was watching a show.

"This is quite a scene... Could it be that the polluted species from the wasteland have come in again... If it is really that group of bastards who come in, it will be a scene..."

At this moment, Chen Jing was stunned. His slightly pale and slightly sick face was flickering under the red light that kept crossing the sky.

"With their saturation bombing attack method... Isn't the parliament afraid of demolishing the Evernight City?" Chen Jing asked with a tingling scalp.

"Don't worry, the 'Redeemer' only kills the target and does not destroy the building. Didn't you find that the red light fell into the city without making any sound?"

"It seems so..." Chen Jing listened carefully for a while, and indeed did not hear the sound made by those "red lasers" after contacting the target.

"I'll take you to the city when I have a chance after a few more days of rest. You'll be shocked if you see these big guys up close!" Wei Nan said excitedly.

"Forget it, I think it's safer to stay at home..." Chen Jing declined politely, not really wanting to get close to those big guys.

"You're just a coward! You're not afraid of anything with me here!"


After chatting with Wei Nan for a while, Chen Jing went home in the middle of the night when he was so sleepy that he reluctantly asked Wei Nan to stay...

When sending Chen Jing, the young master, out, Wei Nan was still mumbling something about why you need to sleep for a long time when you are alive, because you will sleep forever after you die.

But when he saw Chen Jing's sickly look, Wei Nan was too embarrassed to say anything more.

Forget it.

If he continued talking, he would probably have to sleep forever now.

"It's not like we won't see each other again..."

Chen Jing was still coughing when he entered the elevator, but when he saw Wei Nan standing outside the elevator door reluctant to leave, he still managed to comfort her.

"I'll come up to see you tomorrow and bring you some food."


When the elevator door closed, Chen Jing walked to the side with the handrail, leaned against the elevator and couldn't help yawning.

The white light above his head kept flashing, and looking at his blurred reflection on the elevator door, Chen Jing suddenly felt like he was dreaming.

Dozens of hours ago.

I was still living an ordinary life in the outer world.

Dozens of hours later...

Looking at the light curtain in front of him that only he could see, Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh that this additional question was really difficult to do.

"This completion is too difficult..."


[Return countdown: 210 hours, 35 minutes and 41 seconds]

[Additional question: Top 10 neighbors]

[Hint: One person can't make a difference, and one person can't stand alone. In this dangerous world, please try to build friendly relationships with your neighbors. ]

[Question status: Unfinished]

[Completion: 70%]


"It's only 70% now... Whose remaining 30% is it... Yan Que or Lawrence..."

"Why don't we just stop doing it..."

"But this additional question doesn't seem to refresh until it's finished..."

When he walked out of the elevator, Chen Jing's slightly pale face was already full of the four words "I want to play badly".

If it weren't for doing this additional question, which always gave him the feeling of playing a game and brushing side quests, I'm afraid he would have stopped doing it long ago...


It's really too troublesome!

Wouldn't it be better to go out and explore with this free time!

Even if it's just to open a map or something...

I haven't visited this city properly yet.

I can only stay here for ten days, how can this time be enough!


[Do it, do it, do it well %%¥]


Suddenly, Chen Jing paused.

Looking at the garbled text that popped up without warning on the light screen in front of him, he was stunned for a long time, and then felt a little creepy.

"Are you talking to me?" Chen Jing couldn't help asking.

The text on the light screen did not change, and it still stayed on that line of words.

At this moment, Chen Jing was not in a hurry to go home. After walking out of the elevator, he stood under the light at the entrance of the corridor, holding the wall with his hands and waiting patiently.

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