After all, his condition was not optimistic. It could be said that he was in the process of slow death. Therefore, it was very likely that he would reveal some useful information while his consciousness was confused.

But what Chen Jing did not expect was that Raphael seemed to be much more awake all of a sudden.

Perhaps it was a last gasp?

He did not answer Chen Jing's question, but just stared at Chen Jing intently.

Before his face completely melted into mud.

Raphael left the last few words in this world.

A few true words.

"Actually, I didn't want to be your enemy at first..."

Raphael's face kept melting. Even though his facial features became blurred and distorted, his vocal organs were still working, and Chen Jing could even hear it clearly.

"But I don't know why..."

Raphael's voice became lower and lower, and the dull throat sound seemed to be making the last sigh.

"I seem to have made the wrong choice..."

Chapter 364 Surviving the Dimensional Collapse (Part 2)

Raphael died.

He died in the process of his body being constantly decomposed and reassembled by abnormalities.

Chen Jing also avenged himself.

He even avenged himself in other time and space.

But I don't know why.

Chen Jing felt that he was not so happy, especially when he heard the few words left by Raphael before his death, he inexplicably felt... a little sad.

"You didn't make the wrong choice, you were just used as a chess piece." Chen Jing looked at the indescribable sticky pus on the ground, and his hatred for Mr. Wu increased... That old bastard was like a trader, a chess player who used the inner and outer world as a chessboard.

Everyone will be His chess piece.

And His purpose remains unchanged.

"Why do you think Mr. Wu hates me so much?"


"And the invitation letter to the Creator Club..."


"Do you want to say it or can't say it?"

"If you don't want to die, it's better for me to keep silent."

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't do anything with "him".

After all, Chen Jing knew that "he" would not harm him. If there were some things that could really be said, then "he" would definitely not keep him in suspense on such things.

"So now I can only wait?"

Chen Jing felt like a radish planted in the ground. He had no feeling below the waist, and the whole person was like being planted in the ground.

It was not that uncomfortable, but a little awkward... because he found that Li Mobai and Qiao Youning were staring at him.

"Wait, send all the remaining moonlight energy to the deep space, and you will be free."

At this moment, "he" gradually calmed down, and he didn't look panicked before, and he sighed.

"I didn't expect you to let the deep space take the initiative to rescue you... I don't have this kind of treatment..."

"You haven't encountered such a thing?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"No." He sighed as he spoke, "The deep space has almost never taken the initiative to communicate with me."

"Really?" Chen Jing was a little unconvinced. After all, from a certain perspective, the "him" in his mind was a replica of Huang Wang, and even surpassed Huang Wang, so "his" words were not credible no matter how he listened.


As he spoke, his tone became a little surprised.

"In our time and space, deep space always gave me the feeling of a special tool, and I was the master who controlled or dominated this tool."

"But in your time and space, the relationship between deep space and you... seems to be more like servant and master? Family and master?"

"It gives me a very strange feeling..."

While "he" was muttering to himself, Chen Jing had summoned Yegetos from deep space.

The moment he appeared.

Yegetos was ready for battle.

Because of the special environment and the ubiquitous was difficult for him to calm down suddenly.

Until he saw Chen Jing's helpless face.


"What's your expression...Why do you look like you just met me..." Chen Jing said helplessly, "Don't be in a daze, come and help."

"Oh oh!!"

Yegetos stuck the cross broadsword in his hand into the ground and hurriedly walked to Chen Jing's side as instructed.

"King, what do you need me to do for you?"

"Pull me out."

While talking to Yegetos, Chen Jing waved to the two people carried by Bai Aji not far away.

Bai Aji wanted to come over.

But he was persuaded by Chen Jing.

Because the alarm has not been completely lifted.

Don't think he was planted in the ground like nothing happened. To be honest, his current situation is like sitting on a bomb... Although this thing is unlikely to explode, it is still uncertain.

"Really pull it out?"

"Pull it out!"

After receiving this affirmative answer, Yegetos looked at the half of Chen Jing that reached his knees, and suddenly felt a little numb on his scalp. For a moment, he didn't know where to start.

But there was no point in entanglement, who made him his king?

If the king asked you to pull it out, you have to pull it out!

Otherwise, he will be unhappy!

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing!" Chen Jing called out to Yegetos angrily, and felt that his neck was about to be pinched by him, "Who pulls people out by the neck!"

"I... I haven't pulled it out either..." Yegetos let go of his hands awkwardly.


Chen Jing raised his hands angrily and gave Jagetos a look.

"Hold my arm and get up!"

"Oh, I understand!"

Chen Jing really didn't have the energy to bother anymore, otherwise he wouldn't have asked Yegetos to help.

After all, this scene is really embarrassing. If you can climb out on your own, it is absolutely impossible to find outsiders... Facts have proved that Chen Jing did not find the wrong person, and Jegertos is indeed strong enough.

First there was a loud bang, and both arms were dislocated.

Then I heard a stab...

Chen Jing found that only half of himself was left.


Chen Jing lowered his head and looked at half of his body, and then at the bloody remains buried in the soil. For a moment, he didn't know what expression to put on.

"What the hell..."

Hearing Chen Jing sigh, Jegertos stepped forward in a panic, trying to dig out the half of his body buried under the surface.

"It's okay! King! Don't worry! I'll dig them all out for you now!"

I don't know if it's because Jegertos's movements were frizzy, or because that half of his body was really corroded.

Jagertos just started digging twice.

That half of the body began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as rotten as mud, and it made me shiver just looking at it.

"King... I dare to swear to the deep space... I definitely didn't mean it... I promise... I am very loyal!" Yegertos was trembling nervously.

at this moment.

Not to mention that it was Chen Jing himself who was numb.

Even the "him" in Chen Jing's mind was numb.

"To be honest, I feel really helpless sometimes." Chen Jing sighed, and could only complain to "him" in his mind, "I am such a good person... now only half of me is left..."

"He" was silent, as if he didn't know how to comfort Chen Jing, but he seemed to feel a little guilty in his conscience.

" really doesn't should call the police..."


After a while.

After confirming that the "bomb" was no longer a threat, Chen Jing asked Yagertos to take him back to Baiage's back.

Anyway, there are Qiao Youning and Li Mobai waiting there, so if you go over and say hello, you don't have to worry about them anymore.


This is also one of the most regretful decisions Chen Jing has ever made in his life.

Chen Jinggang landed.

He saw Li Mobai raise his phone, and then the flash light turned on.

"What are you doing?" Chen Jing frowned.

The next second.

He saw Qiao Youning walking over excitedly and squatting next to him.

"What are you doing?" Chen Jing frowned even more tightly.

"So cute!" Qiao Youning's eyes shone strangely, and her face turned red with excitement. "You seem to have turned into a child all of a sudden!"

"Sister you have any misunderstanding about cuteness..."

Chapter 365 Turing Force Field (Part 1)

"This is your chance to atone for your sins."

"King, I'm so grateful to you, wuwuwu——"

"Shut up."


"You keep an eye on him. As long as this kid dares to stand up, you will chop him with your big sword."

"King! Tell me! Where do you want me to strike!"

"Thigh...oh no...slash this guy's knees! Give me a blow and hit him to death!!"


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