Qiao Youning was stunned, not understanding why Chen Jing suddenly mentioned the examiner.

"What happened to him?"

"I'll tell you the truth, this time it was him..."

Just when Chen Jing was about to tell Qiao Youning the truth.

In an instant.

Chen Jing suddenly found that the deep space energy that was constantly leaking out of his body had stopped.

Not only that.

The moonlight that was constantly invading this space also stopped...

It seemed that time was suspended at this moment.

Everything was still.

Including Qiao Youning.

At this moment, she was motionless like a sculpture, her bloodshot eyes were as red as gems, and even her breathing and heartbeat stopped.

"How do you know it was Mr. Wu who did it?"

At this moment, Chen Jing heard a voice coming from behind him without warning.

He didn't hear this voice often.

But hearing it once was enough to remember it for a lifetime.


Chen Jing looked back and saw that the previous examiner "Hmm" who had disappeared for a long time was standing less than two meters away from him.

From beginning to end.

Chen Jing didn't even notice how He appeared.

Of course, this is understandable.

After all, this skinny giant in a gray cotton and linen robe is one of the creators who are high above him...

Same as the last time he appeared.

He wore a thick and airtight robe. Under the hood covered with embroidered patterns, an indescribable shadow covered His face, leaving only a pair of faintly glowing eyes outside.

To be honest.

Chen Jing felt that Mu's look was familiar.

It was only then that he realized...

How come this is so similar to my look in a yellow robe? !

His robe is not much different from his own yellow robe except for the color and texture, and there is no difference in other places.

"Are you done?"

Chen Jing forgot the other party's identity for a moment, and even didn't care about the minimum respect and courtesy to the creator. If it weren't for his inconvenience, he would have to go up and pull Mu's collar to ask what was going on.

"Is it not enough to have tricked me once!?"

"And you're chasing me?!"

"How the hell did I offend Him?!"

"Come on, ask Wu to come out, I'll talk to Him! Damn, even if you want me to die, you have to let me die knowingly!"


Mum couldn't remember how many years it had been since anyone dared to talk to him like this.

But He didn't show any signs of anger, he just listened quietly to Chen Jing's hysterical "cordial greetings", and it took almost five minutes before he spoke again.

"How did you know that 'Wu' had attacked you?"

"I was going to ask you something!" Chen Jing asked back unhappily, "How did you know that I knew that Mr. Wu had attacked me!"

"I just heard it."

Mum spread his hands and said helplessly.

"I heard you just now when you called him a dog thing, although I think this is a very impolite swear word and it shouldn't be used on the Creator, but I think your scolding makes sense."


Chen Jing didn't know what to say, he was stunned by Mu all of a sudden.

Because in his impression, these creators who were the examiners were not good people. Of course, it was also possible that Mr. Fog left him with a bad impression... In short, Mu was so approachable when he appeared, which really made him a little overwhelmed.

"First of all, I need to admit that everything you have experienced was indeed caused by "fog", so I apologize to you on his behalf."


Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, and the anger in his heart had not subsided.

"Don't you see what He has done to us!"

"One fell into the sea and his life and death are unknown!"

"One is like Spider-Man, and even his skin is gone!"

"Look at me, who is only half of me!"

Mu sighed helplessly, and suddenly raised his hand to take off his hood, revealing the delicate face whose beauty could not be described in words.

He was like a human female god who walked out of some religious murals.

It was a kind of transcendence.

Even Chen Jing felt that it was a bit too dazzling, a kind of extreme beauty.

It was not until this time that Mu's voice began to change.

From that ambiguous tone of voice that did not distinguish between men and women.

Gradually it became a tone full of feminine characteristics.


And a hint of majesty and helplessness.

"So, I apologize to you for Him."

Chapter 371 Threats between Creators (Part 1)

If apologies are useful, what do we need the police for?

But if the apology is not accepted... what will be the consequences?

Chen Jing was thinking about this question.

Gradually he had a sense of powerlessness that was stronger than him.

"There's not much I can do."

Mu looked at Chen Jing calmly, with a hint of apology in his eyes, and Chen Jing couldn't tell whether it was true or false.

"Help Him clean up the mess and apologize for Him, this is all I can do."

"Then should I thank you?" Chen Jing laughed at himself.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Mu sighed helplessly, "I came here with sincerity."

"Well, I see." Chen Jing raised his hand and pointed at his face, and then looked at Mu's strange eyes calmly, "Are you also a human?"

Mu's eyes are very similar to those of humans.

At least the structure is similar.

The iris is a weird pink-purple color.

Like the light emitted by some nebulae in the universe.

This weird color might look unconventional to ordinary people, but it gives people a dreamlike feeling, as if there are really two stars scattered in his eyes. universe……

There are three rings wrapped around the whites of His eyes.

On each ring, there are nine black spots that are constantly revolving around the iris.

"Humans are what the intelligent life forms of your civilization call themselves." Mu shook his head and said, "I don't count."

"Why did Mr. Wu want to kill me?" Chen Jing asked straight to the point.

This time, Mu didn't answer Chen Jing, but looked at him quietly, as if he didn't want to give him a specific answer.

"Can't say it or don't want to say it?" Chen Jing looked into his eyes.

"Both." Mu replied, unable to distinguish the true from the false.

"So you are only going to apologize, and then you are not going to explain. Is that what you mean?" Chen Jing asked back.

Mu nodded and said, indeed.

"So we deserve to be tortured to this death?" Chen Jing laughed angrily.

"They are innocent."

Mu didn't shy away from this issue, and he didn't even understand human euphemism.

"It's all because of you that they are like this. If you were separated from them from the beginning, it would only be you who would be in trouble."

"You mean, I shouldn't join them, I should stay on that star that could explode at any time?" When Chen Jing asked this, he almost scolded Mr. Wu and Gamu's elders in his heart.

What the hell is this!

If Mr. Fog is sinister, he is black.

Then Mu is just here to annoy me!

"That's right. If you stay on that star and keep them away from this sea area, then you will only be the one who gets into trouble." Mu's answer was still so painful.

"Who the hell would have thought that Mr. Wu is so insidious!" Chen Jing couldn't help but retort, "It's not enough to trick me once in the moonlight realm, but to hunt me down when I come out, is that appropriate?"


Mu still had that dead look on his face, even though he kept a guilty expression on his face, his words were still so irritating.

"So I apologize to you for Him."

"Damn it, I blame myself for being stupid... I got excited after escaping from death... If it were normal times... I would definitely run away as soon as I came out..."

Chen Jing frowned and said to himself, and suddenly looked at Mu with a strange look.

"But having said that, if I had just let Baiaji take us away when I first left the star, wouldn't I have been in this trouble? After all, it took several hours for that thing to explode."

"If you had chosen to escape at that time, Gehro's heart would have exploded immediately. The reason why 'Mist' waited for so long is to avoid hurting innocent people, and he didn't want to hurt your two friends."


"But unfortunately His time is running out, because I am coming back."

As soon as he finished speaking, the guilt in Mu's eyes became even worse, as if he was regretting that he came back too late. If he had come earlier, he might have been able to save everything.

"He was afraid of being discovered by me, so he could only detonate Gehro's heart in the end..."

"Is it fun to play around with so many twists and turns?" Chen Jing sneered, "You, the Creator, have so many magical powers, yet you still need to borrow Gheluo's heart? Wouldn't you just slap me to death?"

"Rules are restricting us." Mu replied truthfully, "If there were no rules, you would have been killed by the 'fog' long ago."

Hearing this, Chen Jing's brows suddenly frowned even more tightly.

"So he wants to kill me... but he's afraid of being discovered by you... Are you on my side? At least you don't want to kill me, right?"

Mu nodded and said yes.

at this time.

Many memory scenes emerged in Chen Jing's mind.

There were the garbled words that appeared when he first entered the examination room, and the letter the old man left for him at the Chen family's old house.


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