Hearing "his" question, Chen Jing also had an answer in his mind.

"It really exists... It is different from the afterimages we have seen in deep space before... It is also different from the projections we made ourselves..."

Chen Jing raised his hand and slowly touched the "iron block".

This is not the first time Chen Jing has touched it.

But this touch is different from the time when he just picked it up in the outside world.

Because the light curtain popped out.


Hint: "Relics" have been detected, and the target details are being analyzed...

Relics: [Divine Relics·Star of the End]

Details: The ultimate weapon that was destroyed by [*Invalid characters detected] in the [*Invalid characters detected] war. It is the strongest spear in the hands of King Huang, and also the strongest shield in the hands of King Huang. It is the immortal heart and supreme soul of the great deep space... It is both the source of disasters in billions of dimensions and the black star that never falls!


Chapter 385 Mu's Compensation Gift (Part 1)

The black star is one of the symbols of deep space.

It is also the most powerful war weapon in deep space.

Therefore, creatures living in deep space have a catchphrase.

May the black star rise as usual.

"This black star still needs to grow..." Chen Jing played with the broken black star in his hand, and could feel that the other party was constantly absorbing the deep space energy in his body, as if he wanted to use this energy to replenish himself.

"Well, the black star is a living thing, and every time and space is like this. The original black star was born naturally in the deep space..."

Hearing "his" answer, Chen Jing couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for this star to grow to return to its original appearance.

"You are strong, it is strong."

When explaining to Chen Jing, "he" also used Yegetos and Baiaji as examples.

"Just like your clan, they have your blood flowing in their bodies. If you live, they live, and if you die, they die, unless like the original Huang Wang, he forcibly erased the connection between some clans and him before his fall..."

As time passed.

The broken black star is also growing rapidly.

The uneven surface gradually became smooth and flat, and the holes that had been corroded by some force also bulged up, and the entire "star body" was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye...

About two hours later.

The "growth" of the black star stopped in Chen Jing's regretful eyes.

Looking at the black star in front of him, which was suspended in the sky and had a diameter of about a kilometer, Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh.

"It will take a long time to restore the size of the planet level..."

"Take your time."

The "him" in Chen Jing's mind seemed very satisfied with the growth progress of the black star. Hearing Chen Jing's complaints, "him" comforted him.

"Every growth after Sequence 4 is a leap forward. This black star should continue to grow in size in a leapfrog manner during your promotion to the sequence..."

While Chen Jing was talking to "him", Yegetos and Baiaji had already begun to look at the black star with a pilgrimage.

This is a real black star.

It is not the deep space or the projection illusion that Chen Jing had created.

"May the black star rise as usual..."

Yegtos trembled, and his voice seemed to be crying.

When the black star rose, he couldn't help but think of those things that were so far away from now, and that familiar hometown seemed to be back again...

"I haven't seen it for many years... I thought there would be no more black stars in the deep space..."

At this moment, Bai Aji had already excitedly flown into the sky, circling around the black star and making sharp and high calls.

"I'll go out and try its power..."

In the process of contacting the black star, the operation method of it had already appeared in Chen Jing's mind, just like the relics he had contacted in the past, but compared to those relics... the operation method of this black star was more complicated, and it seemed to be a functional relic.

"Can't we try it here?" He asked puzzled.

"Will you test nuclear weapons in your backyard?" Chen Jing laughed, then left the deep space and returned to the inner world.


After returning to the inner world, Chen Jing did not say hello to anyone. He directly used deep space to repeatedly switch coordinate points for long-distance jumps and came to a mountain range thousands of kilometers away.

This is a common desolate land in the wasteland.

Perhaps it is because the old war that took place in this area was too tragic. No matter how many years have passed, the ancient energy that has remained to this day is still slowly corroding the earth.

Even polluted species cannot survive here.

The black mountain peaks that are like cast iron are thousands of meters high. The steep and rugged rocks exude a metallic luster. The sharp peaks seem to poke a hole in the sky, almost submerged in the haze.

"Black Star..."

When Chen Jing's mind moved, the black star hidden in the deep space came to the real world with the call, like a real star, suspended in the sky thousands of meters above the ground.

But if you let someone who doesn't know it see it.

I'm afraid they won't think it's a star.

Because it looks more like some kind of man-made object.

It was a black spherical body with a diameter of one kilometer and was extremely smooth. Its bright and smooth surface seemed to be able to absorb light, and its dull black color exuded an ominous aura. It looked foggy when suspended in the air, and the surrounding light was inevitably affected by it.

As this grown star appeared, the space nearby seemed to be gradually affected and distorted.

"In the old days, those creatures who called themselves 'kings' or 'gods' did not want to see the black star, and often prayed that the black star would sleep in the deep space and never wake up..."

Chen Jing listened to "his" story quietly, and used his whole body to control the black star to ensure that it could maintain a stable state.

"Once the black star appears, it means war, especially when it appears in other dimensions, it often means that the dimensional war is about to begin..."

At this time, the black star had been decomposed with Chen Jing's thoughts, and the entire star was disintegrating silently until it turned into millions of diamond-shaped fragments.

These fragments are still suspended in the sky.

The sharp edges of the diamonds are like blades.

They are like a school of fish swimming in the sea, arranged in an orderly and neat manner, and generally maintaining the original shape of the star.

When Chen Jing's thoughts moved again,

These diamond-shaped fragments, called "star blades" in the "instructions", turned into a black torrent, without making any sound, and crossed the sky and directly bombarded the black mountain.

In just a moment.

The mountain disappeared.

Only smoke and dust were left.

The entire mountain was cut into powder that was difficult to observe with the naked eye by those "star blades".

But even if the mountain disappeared.

This black torrent did not mean to stop.

Even Chen Jing had no time to stop it. This torrent began to destroy everything in sight... Mountains stretching for kilometers, towering hills on the plains, and any objects above the surface seemed to be included in their attack range.

But in just a few dozen seconds.

The wasteland in front of Chen Jing became a "plain" in the true sense.

All objects above the surface were flattened by the star blades.

"It's hard to say how powerful this thing is... but I feel that it must be a bit obsessive-compulsive..."

After Chen Jing recalled these star blades, he restored them to the state of black stars.

Looking at the black star hanging high in the sky, Chen Jing wanted to try its second ability, which was also the ability that made the black star known as the ultimate weapon in the old days...

At this moment, Chen Jing suddenly heard "him" in his mind sigh.

"Mu gave you a great gift..."

Chapter 386 Mu's Compensation Gift (Part 2)

As the saying goes, people will die if they compare themselves to others, and goods will be thrown away if they are compared to goods.

At this moment, "he" felt this way.

Whether it was "him" himself or Chen Jing seen in other time and space, no one could have such a good life.

Not to mention that the "wanted order" issued by Mr. Wu was cancelled in advance, even the black star could be found by Mu as a compensation...

Is the "Mu" in this time and space too friendly, or did Chen Jing in other time and space make some wrong choices, so that "Mu" took a laissez-faire approach to him?

"He" didn't know.

"He" wanted an answer very much.

But unfortunately, this answer was destined to not be obtained in a short time.

At this moment, the black star hanging in the sky was approaching the ground with Chen Jing's thoughts. Due to Chen Jing's restraint, it was descending very slowly, like a swaying balloon.

In fact, Chen Jing was going to let it fall directly at first, because he also wanted to see how fast this thing was and how powerful it would be when it fell, but after thinking about it, Chen Jing decided to forget it... because his intuition told him that it would probably make a big noise if it fell.

When the black star approached the surface.

The rocky ground seemed to feel a strange pressure, and the entire surface seemed to be like a plastic film blown by a hair dryer, which seemed to become soft, and a deep pit of nearly two or three thousand meters sank in the middle.

"Is this the effect of gravitational repulsion or something..." Chen Jing looked at this scene curiously, and carefully checked the instructions of the black star in his mind, but the limited text information did not provide detailed annotations for this.

Just when the diameter of the deep pit on the surface expanded to more than two thousand meters, Chen Jing stopped the black star and sent it back to deep space.

"This ability is quite rare..." The "him" in Chen Jing's mind also saw this scene, and sighed, "The Black Star I made myself doesn't have this ability..."

"I feel that the day when we fight back to the Eternal Night is not far away." Chen Jing looked at the unrecognizable wasteland in front of him, and his heart beat faster, because he didn't expect that the Black Star could be so useful...


The "him" in his mind yawned, looking a little bored.

"Now our focus is on curing the old man's illness. It would be best if we could hear divine revelation during the process."

"What was the divine revelation that promoted you to Sequence 5?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"Go to the western wasteland and hold a blood sacrifice ceremony for yourself. The sacrifice required for the ceremony is the blood of Dagon from the eastern deep sea."


"Yes, it is the Lord of the Deep Sea who is as famous as the Buddha Mother. The main belief of the eastern coastal cities is it."


When returning to the city from the wasteland, Chen Jing had been chatting with Qiao Youning about the "Bodhi Fetus". The route to find this medicinal material has basically been finalized, and the only thing left to be determined is the departure time.


[Qiao Youning]: The temple is preparing for the celebration recently, so it may be busy for a while. It will be free in about five days. If you count the time reserved for preparation... shall we meet in the wasteland in a week?

[Chen Jing]: Okay, send me the coordinates when the time comes, and I will be able to rush over soon.

[Qiao Youning]: Yes! That's settled!


After setting a date with Qiao Youning, Chen Jing informed the old man of the matter after returning to the fortress.

Chen Bofu heard that the medicinal materials that could restore his strength had been found. It would be a lie to say that he was not happy, but when he heard that Chen Jing was going to go to the depths of the wasteland alone, he suddenly became a little worried. After all, his strength had declined too much, and he would only be a burden if he wanted to help...

"How about you two accompany my grandson?" Chen Bofu found Lawrence and Hazard and planned to ask them to help.

"Oh, you think too highly of us!" Both of them shook their heads at the same time to indicate that they could not help.

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