The unspeakable loss and guilt are written on the old man's face almost every day.

"This can be considered a good relationship." The elder smiled and waved his hand, "It's just a little effort, no need to thank me."

"Ajing, why don't you rush back now?"

Qiao Youning suddenly said that although she wanted to let Chen Jing stay for a while longer, she was still unable to determine the temple's true attitude, so she could only urge Chen Jing to leave the area shrouded by the temple's influence.

"Okay, I'll leave first."

Chen Jing knew what Qiao Youning was worried about, so he immediately agreed.

After all, he has already obtained the elixir he sought, so there is no point in staying here any longer, not to mention the presence of outsiders like the elder...

Regarding Chen Jing's sudden departure, the elder did not hold him back, but just told him to take care on the road.

"When Lord Ejia comes back, we will ask You Ning to inform you. At that time, you can go and talk to the Lord face to face." The elder smiled and said, "I hope we can maintain a friendly state and never cause trouble..."

"As long as you don't deal with me, I will never pose any threat to the temple in my life." Chen Jing said frankly.

"That's the best!" The elder smiled even happier.

Before leaving, Chen Jing looked at Qiao Youning again and couldn't help but remind Taoist elder, and his tone of voice became a little meaningful.

"You Ning is my best friend."

"Best friend?" the elder asked with a smile.


Chen Jing ignored the glare from Wei Nan and continued with a smile.

"I can't stay with her all the time, so I can only trouble everyone at the temple to take more care of her."

Chapter 404 Treasure Map in Two-Dimensional Space (Part 2)

Although there is nothing wrong with Chen Jing's words, it is just a friend caring about his friend, but as a veteran, it is impossible for him not to hear the warning in Chen Jing's tone...or in other words, reminder.

"Don't worry, our temple will take good care of her."

The elder said kindly. Although he felt like he had been threatened and warned, he did not mean to be angry. Instead, he calmly expressed his attitude to Chen Jing, which was a kind of guarantee.

"As the saint of the temple, Youning is the hope for the future of our temple. She may also be the second leader after Lord Ega, so you don't have to worry that our temple will treat her harshly..."

"I didn't say that." Chen Jing touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed when he saw the old man being so calm. "I just want the temple to take more care of her. After all, this girl has been stupid since she was a child. Maybe..."

"Okay, okay! Let's go!" Qiao Youning couldn't help pushing Chen Jing from behind, her face turned red with anger, "I can take care of myself!"

"Don't push, don't push...I'm leaving now..."

After saying a brief farewell to everyone, Chen Jing's body disintegrated again, turning into a golden mist that swept Wei Nan and Yan Que into the air and flew straight into the sky.

In this process.

The elder has been staring at Chen Jing intently.

Even if the other party turns into a mist.

"You Ning."

"What...what's wrong, elder..."

"You are an amazing friend."

The elder sighed, his green eyes narrowed slightly, and a strange light was faintly beating in them.

In the temple.

Each elder has extremely unique powers.

For example, Chang Lao, in addition to being good at curing diseases and saving people, is also good at observation... He can see the image of the source of the opponent's sequence at a glance through the energy reaction in the body of the old descendant.

That's right.


A blurry image similar to a projection.

At this moment, in his eyes, behind the golden mist that rushed up into the sky, there stood a thin figure wearing a yellow robe.

When the elder looked at "him" silently, "he" was also watching the old man silently.

In the void beneath the hood.

The old man saw a pair of golden eyes.

Beating like fire.

"What a pair of eyes that dominate the world..."

The elder sighed and compared the Buddha Mother with the figure in yellow robes in his mind, only to find that the Buddha Mother was too far away from him.

If Mother Buddha is called a god, what about Him?

King of kings.

God of gods.

No wonder the deep space sequence can surpass an era.

Under Him.

Maybe it’s the true equality of all things.

Whether they are ancient creatures who claim to be "kings" or "gods", or ordinary humans, they are all the same.

They're all just ants.

At this moment, the black star hanging high above Yukong Mountain suddenly disappeared.

Yes, it was just a moment.

It was as if it had never appeared before and disappeared without a trace.

Not to mention the monks who were brought into the mountain by the elder, who were stunned. Even the elder himself looked stunned, because even he didn't see clearly how the strange star disappeared.

But it would be better if it disappeared.

Because the sense of oppression brought by Black Star to them cannot be described in a few words.

without any exaggeration.

Under the black star, even the elders can feel the oppression coming towards them.

This heavy and dangerous feeling made him want to escape from the black star. The farther he could escape, the better...

"You Ning."


"When you get back to the temple, I'm afraid you will be scolded by grandma." The elder's smile was a little malicious, as if he was gloating, "You also know how much that old woman loves you, even if you are allowed to go out alone, you will be watching. For the sake of collecting medicine, such a big thing happened..."


"Well, I have to talk to her when I get back and say that the deep space resuscitator is your friend."


Ignoring the question mark on Qiao Youning's face, the elder laughed loudly and took the monks away. At the same time, he urged Qiao Youning to follow quickly to avoid being scolded even more if he returned late.



"Go and pack up all those Bodhi fetuses and take them down the mountain. After I cure them, they will be put back into the mountain."


While taking Wei Nan Yanque to fly to the walled city, Chen Jing felt indescribably excited, and even Wei Nan could feel it.

The kind of tone that can't help but turn upward when speaking, which shows that Chen Jing's happy mood can no longer be controlled.

Getting the elixir can cure the old man's illness. This is a reason for happiness, but it is not the only reason...

"Actually, I found a good thing in two-dimensional space."

"Another relic?" Wei Nan asked subconsciously. In her simple little mind, good things were limited to all kinds of rare relics.

Yanque on the side also looked over and seemed to think that Wei Nan's guess was reasonable, so he asked.

"Is it an old relic?"


Chen Jing kept speeding up and flying towards the walled city, his voice lowered involuntarily.

"It's a treasure map."

"Treasure Map?!"

Wei Nan and Yan Que suddenly became energetic, especially Wei Nan, who was keen on playing various RPG games. His eyes lit up when he heard about the treasure map.

"What kind of treasure map is it?! An underground palace or a maze?!"

"What kind of underground palace maze..." Chen Jing was a little dumbfounded. "The map outlines a canyon in the west of the mainland... It should be an ancient ruin hidden in the canyon..."

"Are there any good things in there?" Wei Nan asked enthusiastically.

"That's a treasure house left over from the old war era. The treasure map doesn't mention the specific contents, but that two-dimensional creature 'Buddha' seems to attach great importance to that treasure house... I'll tell you more about it when I get back." Say! Let’s go together when the old man recovers!”

When Chen Jing rushed back to the Walled City, he immediately prepared to go back to where he lived to find the old man, but before he landed, he sensed a familiar presence on the rooftop of the Walled City.

Look down.

Isn't that the old man?

I don’t know if Chen Boxu is sad about spring and autumn again.

At this moment, he was standing alone on the rooftop, with a burning cigarette in his mouth, looking at the wasteland and desert, seemingly in a daze, until Chen Jing, who had restrained his breath, quietly appeared behind him, and he Didn't even react.

"They should be fine..."

Hearing the old man's whisper and seeing that the old man was still worried about his own safety, Chen Jing couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and then suddenly reached out and patted the old man.

Chen Bofu trembled and was so frightened that he dropped his cigarette.

Xingshuozi directly made a hole in his clothes.

"What the hell?! That bitch..."

Chen Bofu cursed and got angry. When he turned around, he was still rolling up his sleeves. It was obvious that he wanted to fight with the person who was scaring him.

But this time I look back.

The old man only saw Chen Jing standing in front of him very obediently, looking like he had succeeded in his prank, with a bad smile on his face.

"You! Why are you scaring your grandpa! I don't know that I can't stand stimulation at my old age!"

The anger in Chen Bofu's heart dissipated immediately, but he still couldn't help but scold him. Finally, he asked cautiously with a hint of expectation.

"Did your trip to Ji Zhoudu to collect medicine go smoothly?"

"Well, fortunately, I lived up to my fate."

Chen Jing raised his hand and waved, and the paper bag filled with medicinal powder that he had placed in the deep space instantly appeared in his hand.

"Grandpa, your illness will be cured soon!"

Chapter 405 The Disaster of Return (Part 1)

over the next month.

Chen Jingdu helped the old man take the medicine on time and in the right amount.

Yes, it's help.

Because from a certain point of view, the process of taking the medicine was not smooth, and it even fell into a state of suspension many times due to Chen Bofu's fierce resistance. If Chen Jing hadn't called out Yegetos to hold down the old man and forcefully drink it...

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