Yegotos's trembling voice revealed a trace of relief for escaping death. He shouted and waved to Chen Jing.

"I still feel very comfortable! I haven't had such a good time in a long time!"

"It seems that our guess is right. The ancient god should also..." Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

But before Chen Jing could finish his words.

A giant hand made of loess and sand suddenly appeared in the deep pit.

It almost instantly grasped Yegotos.

Then the overwhelming old breath swept towards Chen Jing.

"Who are you..."

This vague human voice came from the northeast. Chen Jing subconsciously looked over and saw a pair of human-like eyes opened on the desolate and barren land. It felt like...

This continent... is alive!

Chapter 424 Negotiations with the Ancient God (Part 1)

Chen Jing had imagined all the postures of the ancient god.

Either human form or animal form.

Or those indescribable appearances.

But Chen Jing had never thought that the ancient god of the Western Continent... turned out to be the main body of the Western Continent!

"It wasn't originally like this."

At this moment, the "him" in Chen Jing's mind was explaining quickly, and according to the pictures of the old days in his memory, he explained to Chen Jing in a long and short way.

"In the old days, it was a humanoid creature, close to the current sub-land people, and dressed very similar to the alchemists in the Hanging City..."

"What is the situation now?!"

"I don't know."

Hearing "him" sigh, Chen Jing's heart suddenly became uneasy.

"It feels like it has merged with this continent. I don't know if this is good news or bad news for us..."

The pair of eyes that floated above the continent seemed to be made of loess and sand. The seemingly rough outline was very similar to human eyes. The lifelike feeling was simply... No, it was alive!

Chen Jing's brain turned quickly, and after a little thought, he found that the breath of Yegotos had not disappeared.

In other words, he is still alive, and judging from the strength of his breath, he seems to be uninjured, but imprisoned by the ancient god of the Western Continent.

So... is this a test of my background?

Chen Jing looked at the pair of terrifying eyes on the continent and answered loudly without hesitation.

"I am the king of deep space."

When Chen Jing said this, the deep space energy in his body also poured out, spreading in the sky like a torrent of energy.

"Deep space... King..."

The eyes obviously paused for a moment, and with the smoke and dust rising, the huge eyeballs slowly turned and looked in the direction of Chen Jing.

"You are the Yellow King..."


"The Yellow King is dead... I witnessed... His fall..."

"You are the God Thief..."

Suddenly, the eyes paused again, and a trace of human doubt appeared in the seemingly rigid eyes.

Then it slowly loosened the hand that was tightly holding Yegetos.

As expected.

The palm was empty.

"Your family?" Xi asked.

"Yes, my family has been sent back to deep space by me." Chen Jing replied with a smile, and the palms on his knees were full of cold sweat.

Facts have proved that.

This ancient god of the Western Continent has no means to cut off deep space.

Even if Yegetos is held in its hand, as long as the distance is not too far, Chen Jing has a way to send Yegetos back and then call him back...


Yegetos suddenly appeared behind Chen Jing. Although he was still shocked, he was still calm in his words, as if the previous attack had never happened.

"I'm ashamed of you." Yegetos sighed.

"It's just stronger than you, what's there to be ashamed of." Chen Jing smiled and comforted.

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Jing looked at the terrifying giant eyes of the continent again.

"You just said I was a god thief?"

Seeing that it was not in a hurry to attack him, Chen Jing gradually calmed down and his emotions slowly returned to calm.

"Do you think the God Thief is qualified to establish contact with the deep space?"


The giant eyes blinked slowly, as if thinking about something, always looking at Chen Jing with a vigilant look.

"So you still doubt my identity?"

Chen Jing raised his hand and waved, and the deep space throne instantly appeared on the black star.

The next second.

Chen Jing, wearing a yellow robe, slowly walked up to the throne, sat on it in a lazy posture, and looked down at it.

"The Yellow King is the ancestor of all kings, and I am the last of all kings."

"I am the new king who has obtained the supreme authority of the deep space."

"Also the supreme ruler of the deep space."

When Chen Jing repeated "his" quotations word by word, the old face hidden under the hood was red, and he felt that this grandson had no other skills, but he was still good at pretending.

"Are you trying to hunt me?"

The giant eyes that appeared on the surface slowly turned, and the vigilance in the eyes became more and more intense, as if he remembered some bad memories.

"Just like the Huang King in the past, he slaughtered the kings in order to conquer this world..."

Hearing this question, Chen Jing didn't know how to answer for a moment, just waiting for "him" to remind him.

"The Huang King slaughtered the kings just to prepare for war. Only by clearing out the worms inside can we unite to deal with the aliens."

According to "his" original words, Chen Jing repeated it word for word again.

This time.

Xi was quiet for a long time.

"You're not here for me?" it asked tentatively.

"of course not."

Chen Jing replied without hesitation, with no trace of hostility in his gentle laughter.

"I'm here for the city."


"It's the underground city that you watered with the Styx..."

During the conversation between Chen Jing and "Xi".

Chen Boxu and others far below the river valley fell into a daze.

Knowing that Chen Jing was going to test the "bottom line" of the ancient gods of the Western Continent, they imagined various tragic scenes in their minds.

They also thought about the situation where the ancient gods were invisible and nothing happened as Chen Jing said, but no one dared to think... Chen Jing could actually talk to the ancient gods of the Western Continent on an equal level!

"Is A Jing so powerful?!" Wei Nan's eyes widened and he looked at Chen Jing's figure on the deep space throne in disbelief, "Is he negotiating with the ancient gods of the Western Continent?!"


Yanque also had a dull look on her face, because in her opinion, the ancient gods of the Western Continent might be more terrifying than Gehro, but at this moment, Chen Jing was sitting in a high position talking to the other party. In her opinion, this was a kind of Something beyond comprehension.

"King of Deep Space..." Jerry, who was standing on Wei Nan's shoulder, also had his eyes shining, staring intently at the figure on the throne. There was a humane emotion in his eyes... It was the worship of the strong. Respect for the Old King!

Chen Bofu saw that they all looked surprised, and he couldn't help but feel a little proud despite being shocked.

Awesome, right?

That's my grandson!

Even my grandson is so powerful, so you can imagine that I have...

"Why are you so calm?" Chen Bofu suddenly became a little unhappy when he saw Qiao Youning's calm smile, because in his opinion, now is the time for his good grandson to show off, how dare you act so calm! Don’t you give me face, my dear grandson?

"Because I know he has always been great."

Qiao Youning smiled, looking at Chen Jing's figure with a lot of thoughts. Thinking of the things that happened in the outside world, she felt that this guy seemed to have left her too far away...

"Ever since I was a student, he has always been the person I admire the most. I think there is no one in the world who is more powerful than him!"

Hearing Qiao Youning say this, the old man felt much better.

"Did you know each other when you were studying?" Chen Bofu suddenly asked calmly.

Qiao Youning smiled noncommittally, neither admitting nor denying.

"I heard your grandma say that you have never been to Yongye City..."

Chapter 425: Negotiation with the Ancient God (Part 2)

Beneath the river valley.

Chen Bofu sat cross-legged on the stone pillar and lit a cigarette. He frowned and took two puffs, feeling uncomfortable. He couldn't help but ask Qiao Youning.

"How on earth did you meet?"

As he spoke, Chen Bofu frowned even more tightly, his expression a little unhappy.

"My grandson has always been very well-behaved. He has never lied since he was a child. He blushes whenever he lies. I doubt you have led him astray...are you two working together to lie to us?"

Qiao Youning didn't seem surprised when she heard Chen Bofu's words, because she knew that it was impossible to convince him with such a clumsy lie. Since she couldn't even deceive such an old lunatic, it was natural that she couldn't deceive the grandma from the temple either... …

But what does it matter?

If you can't lie, you can't lie. Anyway, that kind of lie is only used to temporarily frustrate them. As for what the truth is the old people really care?

"I can't say."

Qiao Youning smiled and shook her head, and kicked the ball back with an innocent look on her face.

"I promised A Jing not to say anything. If you really want to know, just wait until he comes back and ask him."

"Fuck." Chen Bofu spat on the ground, crossed his legs and shook his flip-flops, looking like an old gangster shaking his legs. "If I could ask the truth from my grandson's mouth, By the way, do I need to ask you?"

Qiao Youning looked at the old man with a smile and said nothing.

"Your grandma is also shameless. She even said that it was my grandson who led you astray... That is my grandson! Do you know how outstanding my grandson is!"

"Yes, I know! In my eyes, A Jing is the most outstanding person in the world!"

"...Do you really think so?"


Qiao Youning's eyes seemed to be shining when she looked at Chen Jing from a distance. That look of admiration couldn't be faked. Chen Bofu could be sure of this, because that look was just like the way Chen Jing looked at him when he was a child...

"Forget it." Chen Bofu shook the ashes from his cigarette and turned around angrily, "We, the older generation, don't care so much about the affairs of you young people. Anyway, you just have to make up your mind. Don't go behind our backs." To do something dangerous, like the one in Yukongshan last time..."

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