Looking at the slightly thin young man in front of her, she felt that he was terribly weak and had nothing to do with the old madman.


Did he just take a shower?

Xuye felt that Chen Jing's hair smelled particularly good, with a refreshing fruity fragrance.

"I'm just curious about what Chen Bofu's grandson thinks of the parliament..."

"No opinion." Chen Jing whispered.

"Then what do you think of order?" Xuye took another step forward.

"I don't know."

Chen Jing gave a perfunctory answer again, subconsciously took a step back, and quietly distanced himself from Xuye.

He still understood the principle that too much talk leads to mistakes.

Although he already had a preliminary understanding of this other world, he was able to integrate into this crazy world with ease.

But it's always right to be careful.

After all, the exam rules clearly state that there is only one outcome if you are discovered.

That is death.

"Do you think order is important?" Xuye still had a gentle smile and took another step forward, but Chen Jing's reaction was faster. He stood in the corner against the wall and gave a perfunctory answer.

"I don't know."

"I think order is important."

Xuye looked up at the flashing elevator lights and suddenly smiled.

"If there is no order, the people in this city are no different from beasts..."

Chapter 31 If you have trouble, you can find me


Chen Jing looked at the beauty in front of him with doubts, not knowing what expression to use to perfunctorily answer her.

He couldn't figure it out... Why did this woman talk to him about this inexplicably?

"A Jing, your grandfather is a person who is very resistant to "order", but I think you are different from him." Xuye suddenly said.

"He resists 'order'?" Chen Jing looked at Xu Ye knowingly, "Why?"

"He thinks these two words are hypocritical." Xu Ye answered truthfully, while observing the subtle changes in Chen Jing's facial expression, "Because the purpose of our parliament is to create a perfect world with the help of order."

"How perfect?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"Every creature that abides by the order can get corresponding respect, there is no war, no hatred, and no fighting. Under the management of the parliament, the material and spiritual needs of all creatures can be fully satisfied..."

"Isn't this just a pie in the sky?" Chen Jing thought of the rhetoric in the real world that changed the soup but not the medicine, and couldn't help laughing.

"Pie in the sky?" Xu Ye seemed to have heard this metaphor for the first time. After understanding it a little, he felt it was very vivid. "Not really, at least the first batch of parliamentarians all struggled for this ideal all their lives."

"What about their descendants?" Chen Jing asked.

Xu Ye was stunned for a moment, then frowned and stopped talking.

Xu Ye didn't speak again until the elevator landed on the first floor.

"People change."

"Let's go, I'll see you off."

Chen Jing changed the subject and said perfunctorily, then led them out of the elevator without looking back.

"Do you also think the word order is hypocritical?" Xu Ye's face still showed that kind of gentle smile to the bone, but the cold tone made people feel that there was no human emotion fluctuation.

"It's not hypocritical or not, I just think... it's pretty good, right?" Chen Jing walked in front and perfunctorily said to Xu Ye, not wanting to talk too much with her.

Hearing Chen Jing's words, Xu Ye just smiled, then took out a coin with a scale printed on it from her pocket and turned it deftly between her fingers, as if it was constantly turning over and over like this unstable world.

"You talk less than your grandfather, and you can hide things better than him." Xu Ye smiled.

At this time.

The three of them had already walked to the gate of the community.

Chen Jing stood by the big iron gate and raised his hand to see him off. The smile on his face was extremely polite, but his eyes were always on Yu Kui, and he didn't dare to look at Xu Ye more.

"You two, I won't see you off."

In fact, Chen Jing had been avoiding Xu Ye's gaze from beginning to end, because he felt that this woman was much more cunning than Yu Hui.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that this woman wanted to set a trap for him...

So reducing eye contact between the two sides and speaking carefully was his only choice.

"Thank you for seeing us off." Xu Ye smiled, then took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Chen Jing, "If you need any help in the future, you can call me."

"No, no, I don't need any help..."

"Take it." Xu Ye stuffed the business card into Chen Jing's shirt pocket. His voice was very soft, but Chen Jing heard it very clearly, "If you encounter trouble in the city in the future, don't go to your grandfather, come to me..."

Before Chen Jing could say no again, Xu Ye led Yu Hui out of the gate, leaving only one sentence and passing him by.

"If you are doing it for the sake of your grandfather, don't let him get into trouble again, otherwise you will all be in trouble in the future. This is not a threat..."

It's so cold.

Maybe it was because of the moon worship period, but the gentle moonlight shining on Chen Jing made him feel an inexplicable chill.

It was as if these extremely white lights could penetrate his body through his pores and freeze his bones.

"Will there be trouble..."

Chen Jing stared at the direction where Xu Ye and the others disappeared expressionlessly, until he could no longer see their blurry backs, then he took out the business card and looked at it carefully, then put the business card back into his jacket pocket, and turned back home silently.

"came back?"

Chen Bofu leaned on the sofa comfortably and let Ryan squeeze his shoulders with a look of enjoyment. When he saw Chen Jing pushing the door open and coming in, he raised his eyes and looked over.

"Then the girl didn't make things difficult for you, right?"


Chen Jing shook his head, and then looked at the old man.

"Grandpa, were you not injured when you fought with her before? I saw that the fight between you two was quite loud..."

"No." Chen Bofu smiled cheerfully, raised his dry arm and showed his muscles, "If you want to hurt me, that girl is not qualified..."

After hearing this reply, Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief and sighed.

"I think she was seriously injured, but she recovered very quickly."

"She's pretty good. Except for the old guy in the council, it's impossible for any other member of the council to be stronger than her..."

Chen Bofu said loudly, taking out the cigarette case from his jacket pocket and preparing to light a cigarette, but when his grandson came over with a glare, the old man finally put the cigarette case back calmly.

"Smoke less, it's not good for your health."

"Oh, I'm not an ordinary person. For a high-level ancient descendant like me, I can take one cigarette at a time and it'll be fine..."

Although Chen Bofu said this, he could feel his grandson's concern for him, and in the end he happily chose to obey.

"Grandpa, what did you talk about when you went out with her before?"

"Are you curious about this?" Chen Bofu looked sideways at Chen Jing, and a smile suddenly appeared on his old face.

Chen Jing didn't know if he was talking too much, but he thought about it and nodded to express his curiosity.

Yeah, just curious.

Grandpa can't beat his grandson just because he's curious about something, right?

"She must have told you, right?" Chen Bofu said with a smile, as if he had guessed that Chen Jing and Xu Ye had talked about it just through simple speculation.

"Order?" Chen Jing did not deny it and answered truthfully.

"Yes, order..."

Chen Bofu leaned back again, picked up the water glass placed on the coffee table, brought it to his mouth and took a few sips.

"She is different from the previous police chiefs in Yongye City."

"Have you ever dealt with the former chief of security?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"That's right..."

Chen Bofu raised his head and stared at the old chandelier that kept flickering, his cloudy eyes reflecting the dim light.

"Those people are rubbish, bastards, trash. They only know how to play with power for personal gain for their own families. This city was almost destroyed by them..."

Chen Bofu's simple and vulgar words were full of deep-seated contempt, and he seemed to despise those people from the bottom of his heart.

"But what I dislike the most about them is not their behavior... In the final analysis, no matter how much they harm this city, it has nothing to do with me. Even if they have ten courages, they wouldn't dare to provoke me!"

Having said this, Chen Boxu couldn't help but burst into laughter. His crazy energy made Ryan, who was standing aside to help him squeeze his shoulders, shudder. He immediately increased the strength of his hands and did not dare to be lazy.

"Why do you dislike them?" Chen Jing sat on a chair nearby with his head slightly lowered, holding a fruit knife in his hand and slowly peeling an apple.

"They're too weak."

Chen Boxu's answer was concise and to the point, with unabashed sarcasm on his face.

"The strongest old descendant is not even as good as a jade snake. If they didn't rely on their family to rise to power, they wouldn't be able to manage the security of Yongye City..."

At this time, Chen Jing had cut the peeled apple into three parts with a knife, and then handed the largest part to Chen Bofu, and the other slightly larger part to the flattered Ryan.

"Master, I don't need to eat! You guys can eat!"

Chen Jing glanced at him: "Eat."

The next second, Ryan obediently threw the apple into his mouth and chewed it slowly and cherished it.

During this process, Chen Jing has been observing Ryan, because he is really curious about how this seemingly simple bone structure can eat without leaking...


In the end, nothing was seen.

The apple seemed to disappear after being thrown into his mouth, and the chewed pulp could not even be seen when Ryan swallowed.

"It's just because I've seen those rubbish from the past that I like that girl Xu Ye. She's clean and capable. With her own strength, no one will be dissatisfied when she rises to the top. No wonder she can suppress those old guys. A senior police officer..."

After Chen Bofu ate the apple, he wiped his hands with a paper towel, then balled it up and threw it into the trash can.

"So you made a deal with her?" Chen Jing couldn't help but ask.

"Did she tell you?" Chen Boxu asked.

Chen Jing shook his head and said no, he was just guessing.

"Then your guess is pretty accurate."

Chen Bofu laughed and slowly sat up straight.

"It's a deal, either a win-win situation or a win-win situation. Anyway, I can't lose, so you don't have to worry..." Chen Bofu said lightly, "I just promised her to help her get rid of someone at a critical moment. That’s all.”

"Who?" Chen Jing asked subconsciously.

"I don't know." Chen Bofu shrugged, "She said she would tell me when the time comes."

"Could this be a trap?" Chen Jing frowned, a trace of worry flashing in his eyes.

"Even the congressmen don't dare to play tricks on me, how dare she?"

Chen Bofu was not worried at all that he would be swayed by Xu Ye, and his tone was full of confidence.

"Anyway, I've made it clear to her. If the person she mentioned is difficult to kill, or killing him will cause me big trouble, then I'll just kill her directly..."

After hearing what Chen Bofu said, Chen Jing was relieved. It seems that the old man is not so stupid, and it's not that easy to take advantage of him...

"What benefits does she give you for this deal?" Chen Jing put the apple into his mouth after he felt relieved. The fresh and sweet flesh melted almost instantly, just like a ripe cantaloupe in the real world.

Refreshing sweetness.

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