Is it possible to force him to go out to work again?

"I really don't know what you think..."

After Chen Bofu contacted the decoration company, he slumped on the sofa and refused to move. He stared at the ceiling with his beard blown, his words full of resentment.

"Neighbors, it's not good if the noise is too tense." Chen Jing comforted the old man.

"Are they worthy of making trouble with me?"

Chen Bofu snorted coldly and was about to say a few more cruel words, but when he saw Chen Jing's pitiful look, he immediately softened his heart.

"Forget's rare for you to make friends..."

"Grandpa is the best!"

"Hmph, stop saying such disgusting things to me, I don't like hearing them."

Chen Bofu folded his arms and turned around, as if he was still angry.

But Ryan, who was standing aside, had already seen the old guy almost burst into laughter.

Is this called not liking to listen to disgusting words?

This old guy obviously loves to listen!

But soon Chen Boxu stopped laughing, because Chen Jing suddenly thought of something else.

"That's right, Grandpa! You can help me buy another TV set!" Chen Jing said excitedly, "I'm going to send it to Lawrence in the garage. I think he's quite bored staying in the garage all day long..."


Chen Bofu picked up the pillow and covered his head with pain on his face. He resisted the urge to beat his grandson, and he was so angry that his teeth almost broke.

"Return the TV...I'll kill him soon!"


Facts have proved that Chen Boxu is a hard-spoken person with a soft heart.

At least that's how it seems to Chen Jing.

In the next few days, basically everything Chen Jing wanted to do was done with the help of the old man.

Although Yongye Market almost stopped operating during the moon festival period, it is undeniable that the old man's network of connections is still very wild.

Just a simple phone call, and a decoration company came to the door that day, escorted by the parliamentary security guard...

Decorate Wei Nan's house and help Yan Que build a pigeon coop.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

In the process, Chen Jing also unexpectedly discovered that the world seemed more complicated than he imagined.

In Yongye City, there were far fewer creatures that truly conformed to the "human form" than he imagined.

Orcs like Jade Snake seem to be in the minority.

More of these unknown creatures...

Of course, they are also considered "human beings" in this world, but they are far from the "human beings" in Chen Jing's understanding.

For example, those decorators who are as bloated and weird as meat mountains.

Thick and greasy work clothes cover almost 90% of their bodies. There is a full-coverage breathing mask on their huge heads. The logo of their decoration company can be vaguely seen under the mask.

Without exception, these decorators all have six arms, and their work clothes are also specially customized and look like they fit them perfectly.

Their body shape is very weird. Although they barely maintain the basics of human limbs, they are indeed frighteningly fat, like moving mountains made of fat.

What impressed Chen Jing the most was their eyes.

Because the masks were covered with water mist brought by their breathing, Chen Jing never saw their faces clearly from beginning to end. He could only see their eyes that were too blurry because of the water mist.

Huge, edematous, protruding, and dull.

Like the eyes of a dead fish.

Chen Jing would feel hairy all over if they stared at him for a while, so when talking to them, Chen Jing would look away involuntarily.

But then again.

Although these decorators look weird and don't talk much, their work efficiency is much faster than that of decorators in the real world, and this is based on the fact that they don't use power tools.

They only use the simplest and most primitive hand tools.

Hammer, chisel, screwdriver, etc…

Occasionally, "hands" are used directly.

For example, when they need to remove damaged walls or dismantle discarded door frames, they tear them off directly by hand.

During the past few days of renovation, Wei Nan had been busy keeping an eye on it. Every day he would go to the city to buy some expensive meals for Chen Jing and his family.

Although she said she was grateful both inside and outside her words, Chen Jing always felt that she was a bit deliberately trying to please...

"Aren't you talking nonsense! I'm just trying to please you!" Wei Nan told Chen Jing afterwards, without feeling embarrassed at all, "You didn't see that old man staring at me every day and wanting to kill me. I dare not To please him?"

all in all.

Chen Jing felt that the relationship between Wei Nan and the old man was better than before.

At least the old man no longer muttered and cursed every day.

As for Yan Que’s pigeon coop...

At first, Chen Jing wanted to build a few more crows for Yanque.

After all, he had seen the strange flock of crows at Wei Nan's house last time, and the number seemed to be quite large.

But after consulting Yan Que, Chen Jing unexpectedly discovered that just building a pigeon coop was enough.

Because the crowds of opium are all "split", there is actually only one true entity.


After inspecting and accepting the pigeon coop decorated like a bedroom, Yan Que showed a rare smile on his cold face, and then gave Chen Jing a box of chocolates produced by the Moonlight Hermitage.

It turns out that the garbled prompt that appeared on the light screen was correct.

After helping Wei Nan renovate the house, the completion rate of the additional questions increased from 70% to 80%.

After helping Yan Que build the pigeon coop, the completion rate changed from 80% to 90%.

So now there is only one last step left...

"Are you crazy?"

Wei Nan was carrying a 48-inch plasma TV on her shoulder, and her expression was almost like she was going to eat shit.

If she hadn't taken into account the identity of her good friend, she really wanted to throw the TV at him.

"How can you be crazy to deal with your neighbor?" Chen Jing was still smiling, and his beautiful eyebrows were curved into crescents.

"That old guy almost killed you last time! You still went to give him warmth? And that place was polluted so dirty and broken by him that even insects didn't want to stay there for a long time. I don't want to..."

"Yes, that place is dirty and broken, but he has stayed there for so many years..."

Chen Jing smiled and walked beside Wei Nan. The digital symbols that were about to change on the light screen in front of him made him a little excited.

"Actually, he is also quite pitiful."

"Poor?" Wei Nan was stunned. He didn't expect Chen Jing to use such words to describe Lawrence.

"Let's go. I haven't thanked him for what happened last time. If he hadn't helped me in time, I would have died a long time ago..."

"Why don't you come by yourself? Why do you want me to follow you? I just installed the new game console!"

"I haven't been feeling well recently..."


Chen Jing suddenly stopped and turned around, pointing at the TV on Wei Nan's shoulder with some embarrassment.

"I can't carry it alone."

"What the hell?"

"Ryan still has to cook at home, and it's not realistic to ask my grandfather to come, so I can only trouble you, the boss."

"You bastard..."

"I'll buy you the latest game cartridges when I get back."

"What are you talking about! You're being polite, aren't you?"

Wei Nan strode past Chen Jing with the TV on his shoulder, and hurried to the underground garage, still urging him.

"Hurry up! Don't let that old widower wait! How pitiful it is for him to stay in that place alone... Ah, my poor old Lawrence!"


Chapter 34: Lawrence, a Reformer


The prompts of those garbled messages have never been missed.

"No wonder you asked those decorators to pull the TV cable into the garage a few days ago... This makes me embarrassed..."

"It's okay."

The position in the corner of the garage was chosen by Chen Jing in advance. Not only did he ask the decorators to redecorate it, but also basic furniture such as sofas, coffee tables and TV cabinets were arranged.

At this moment, Chen Jing was helping Lawrence install the TV himself, while Wei Nan was studying the manual that came with the TV.

Only Lawrence stood aside, rubbing his hands and looking embarrassed.

"Xiao Jing... I still understand the principle of not receiving rewards without merit... You really helped me so much..."

"It's just a small matter." Chen Jing said with a smile, squatting and adjusting the position of the TV. After confirming that it was in the middle of the TV cabinet, he slowly stood up.

"We are neighbors, let's not talk about this."

"I'll give you the money..." Lawrence still felt uneasy, so he reached into his stomach and searched for a while, then began to take out stones in handfuls.

During the few days he spent in the inner world, Chen Jing also had a preliminary understanding of the currency system of this world.

For example, if these stones Lawrence took out were placed in the real world... they should be equivalent to gold.


The "new currency" in the inner world is no different from the currency in the real world, but the value of these stones is like the gold that constitutes the "gold standard". From the history that can be verified to the present day, they have an extremely stable value status.

And from a certain perspective.

They are like the spiritual stones mentioned in fantasy novels.

These stones are called "filth".

According to Chen Jing's understanding, the extraordinary status of these stones seems to be related to the group of "old descendants"...

"Fuck." Wei Nan just glanced at it and his eyes widened instantly, "You are rich enough!"

"This is just the beginning..." Lawrence smiled shyly, and kept taking out "gold", "Xiao Jing, if you like it, I still have a lot here. Anyway, it's useless for me to take it, you can take it all..."

Although Chen Bofu is often called a madman, Lawrence, an old descendant who has been wandering in the wasteland for decades, is actually a madman in the true sense.

From the day he could remember, he seemed to be in meaningless killing every moment.

Killing from the city to the wasteland.

Ordinary people, polluted species, old descendants.

No matter what kind of creature.

Whether it is a member of the [Round Table Council], a monk of the [Moonlight Hermitage], or a monk of the [Great Buddha Mother Temple], as long as he doesn't like it, he will kill it.

That's right.

Lawrence usually kills people without the "purpose" that ordinary people imagine, but simply for the pleasure of killing and because he is addicted to it.

In addition, he has two hobbies.

The first hobby is to collect the eyeballs of other creatures as decorations.

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