It turned into a distant, vague sound.

This slightly hoarse voice felt very familiar to Chen Jing as soon as he heard it, as if he had heard it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.


"We... finally met... and forgot... you..."

His speaking voice was intermittent, and his enunciation was still a little unclear, as if he had just learned to speak.

He didn't know if this voice had some kind of hypnotic magic power, or for some other reason. Chen Jing felt that his brain suddenly became empty, as if there was an invisible force that pushed all his thoughts out of his mind, and he even hid back in an instant. The thought of escaping into deep space is gone...

This weird state lasted less than half a minute.

When Chen Jing's consciousness gradually became clearer, and the idea of ​​returning to deep space for refuge appeared in his mind again, he saw a glimmer of light not far away... It was a flickering candlelight, and a thin figure. Sitting there draped in monk-like robes.

When Chen Jing was confused, the monster had already brought him to the candlelight, and when he put him down, it was as if he was placing some fragile treasure. That kind of cautious behavior could not be concealed at all, and even the monster's hands could not hide it. Shivering.

"Don't be afraid... I won't hurt you..." The man with his back to Chen Jing said tremblingly, no longer as unclear as before.

"Are you the Buddha's mother?"

Chen Jing had gradually calmed down at this moment. Although he was still frightened, he was still a little surprised, because judging from the breath... he was sure that the figure in front of him was the Buddha Mother, but he didn't know why the Buddha Mother brought him here. .

However, Chen Jing felt no hostility from the Buddha Mother, and the monster did not attack him further after restraining him. He was also very careful when placing him on the ground, and did not look like he wanted to hurt him. .

Chen Jing subconsciously looked around, only to find that this place was very similar to the place where he saw the Buddha statues before. There was also a candle that seemed to be extinguished at any time, and a giant altar with strange Buddha statues...

However, compared to the previous ones, Chen Jing saw that this altar was obviously larger in size at this moment, and it was unclear whether the material of the altar was metal, wood, or...neither?

The whole body of the altar is a shiny black color, with a vague metallic luster on the surface, but it is constantly crawling like asphalt that has not yet solidified. There are many cracks on the uneven surface, which is very similar to wrinkled old tree bark.

And the Buddha statue on this altar...

Maybe this is not a Buddha statue?

At least it's not like the previous Buddha statues that were all dead.

It is alive.

It is like a "black cloud" suspended on the altar table. It is irregularly oval in shape and has many concave and convex lines on its surface.

Although it seemed a little vague and unreal at first, like mist, Chen Jing took a closer look and found that this thing did not seem to be a cloud-like thing, but... the brain of some kind of creature?

Structure, contour, texture.

These are very similar to the human brain.

It's just that there is a layer of misty black gas attached to the outside, and there are many strange branches on the frontal lobe of the brain... It's like some kind of vigorous plant taking root and sprouting in a mass of rotten meat.

At first, there were only a few hundred branches like scarlet dead branches, but Chen Jing looked along their upward path and saw more and more branches... from hundreds to thousands or even tens of thousands. , even Chen Jing lost count in the end.

"Buddha Mother?"

Hearing Chen Jing's question, the figure trembled slightly and slowly raised his head stiffly, looking at the "brain tissue" suspended above the altar in front of him.

"I don't seem to be called this seems to be this name...those children gave it to me..."

Chapter 542: Go to the clouds and rain with me (Part 2)

Buddha Mother is an unconscious ancient deity.

Even if it has a little bit of consciousness, its IQ is definitely not as good as ordinary people, and it can't even compare with those polluted species with higher sequence levels. This is the consensus reached within the temple for many years.

And even if the temple can lie to people, Chen Jing firmly believes that Qiao Youning will not lie to him.

So when he saw the Buddha Mother speaking human words at this moment... Chen Jing was a little confused for a while, thinking to himself, how could this thing still be spiritually enlightened?

At this moment, Chen Jing discovered that the brain tissue suspended on the altar suddenly squirmed, and the plant branches growing from the frontal lobe of the brain also trembled...

"These are the umbilical cords that connect you to outside creatures?" Chen Jing asked calmly, and at the same time he was fully prepared to run back to deep space.

"Umbilical cord?"

Mother Buddha seemed to be very unfamiliar with this term. She tilted her head and looked at the things extending from the brain tissue.

"This is Lingshuo. I will share my original vitality with them to help them survive the three or six disasters that are inevitable in their lives, so that they can live longer..."

As she spoke, Mother Buddha's tone became aggrieved, and her mood changes were as different as those of a child.

"I still want to help you...but you don't appreciate it!"


"I'll tear you off as soon as I'm connected. I'll tear you off as soon as I'm connected... What on earth do you want!"

"You know all this?" Chen Jing looked at her helplessly.

"The connection between the Familia and me is deeper than you think. What they see, hear, and even their memories... everything is shared with me."

When the Buddha Mother said this, she slowly turned her head and looked at Chen Jing.

"So of course I know everything!"

At this moment, Chen Jing finally saw her face clearly through the candlelight.

From a certain angle, the face of the Buddha Mother made Chen Jing feel extremely familiar. He had even seen it not long ago... but after taking a closer look, he felt a little strange.

The Buddha Mother looks very similar to Qiao Youning, but her eyebrows are a little different, especially in those clear and bright eyes, there are many shadowy and uncertain black substances, like hundreds of particles in the whites of the eyes. The wandering black stars.

"Why are you so stunned?" Mother Buddha walked quickly towards Chen Jing with bare feet. Seeing Chen Jing's look of disbelief, she gently hugged Chen Jing's arm and shook it twice, "Don't you remember me?" "

"Why did you use her face..." Chen Jing asked in confusion.

"Her?" Mother Buddha was startled, and then she knew who Chen Jing was talking about, "It's her face, yes... but it's also my face."

Chen Jing wanted to pull his arms out of Mother Buddha's arms, but unfortunately Mother Buddha held her so tightly that he felt as if his bones would shatter at any time, and at this moment he found that he seemed unable to escape. Already...

"What on earth did you do to me..." Chen Jing asked with a livid face, a trace of panic flashing in his eyes.

When the Buddha Mother came forward, Chen Jing's first reaction was to run away. It would be best to just go back to deep space and stay there for a while.

But this thought only flashed in his mind... because he didn't know what the Buddha Mother was going to do. What if the Buddha Mother was always guarding here?

After all, the transmission point for him to return to reality from deep space is fixed here. Once he is successfully "guarded by the Buddha Mother", he may have to suffer the old sin.

And let’s take a step back.

Assuming that the Buddha Mother saw him escaping and left this strange space to the outside world without much thought, who could guarantee the safety of the old man and the others at that time?

If the Buddha Mother was still the unconscious and mentally retarded Buddha Mother, then Chen Jing wouldn't be so worried. The worst that could happen would be that the Jishi City would be destroyed. With the old man's Sequence Seven ability, he would definitely be able to escape. It wouldn't be difficult to take Qiao Youning and leave with him... But the problem is that the Buddha Mother has changed.

Buddha Mother became smarter.

Become like a normal human being.

So Chen Jing didn't dare to bet, because he knew how terrifying this Sequence 8 creature with a normal IQ was, and since she hadn't slept for many years like the ancient god Xi, she definitely knew as much about the outside world as he did...

But it's fine now.

Chen Jing didn't have to hesitate whether to escape or not.

Because he can't escape now.

Deep space was completely disconnected from him at this moment, and it was impossible to hide in deep space to avoid disaster.

"You cut off my connection with deep space..."

"I didn't!" Mother Buddha shook her head hurriedly, as if she was afraid that Chen Jing would misunderstand, "I just want Shen Kong to feel at ease! Let Shen Kong know that you are safe! I will not hurt you!"

Hearing this, Chen Jing gradually calmed down because he remembered what Qiao Youning said to him before...

"Buddha Mother will not hurt you."

At this moment, what Qiao Youning said kept looping in Chen Jing's mind. Looking at the strange behavior of the Buddha Mother, Chen Jing became more and more puzzled... It seems that she really doesn't want to harm me?

"What on earth do you want to do..." Chen Jing stopped struggling and allowed Mother Buddha to hold his arm tightly.

"You are A Jing."

Buddha Mother looked up at Chen Jing. Her fair and pink face was so delicate that no flaws could be seen. It was like the most perfect work of art, with an unreal feeling.

"You are thirteen too."

"Thirteen...that's King Huang's name." Chen Jing looked at the "woman" in front of him with confusion and confusion.

"They are all you...we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Mother Buddha suddenly hugged Chen Jing tightly, as if she wanted to completely integrate him into her body, and as if she was afraid that he would suddenly disappear. Even Chen Jing could see the worry between her brows.

"Can you let me go first..." Chen Jing patted her arm gently. Although he still wanted to break away from the Buddha Mother, Chen Jing knew that he didn't have the strength, not to mention the risk of angering her.

Chen Jing didn't like close contact with strangers, especially those of the opposite sex whom he didn't know beforehand. At the moment, he couldn't tell whether he was being taken advantage of or by the Buddha Mother.

"I will never let you leave me again... How about you stay here with me... We can live here forever... Even if civilization is extinct, we can still live..."

Almost the whole body of the Buddha Mother was hiding in Chen Jing's arms. She raised her head slightly, revealing only a pair of tender eyes. There was a kind of paranoia on her face that made Chen Jing's hair stand on end... Her words seemed to be praying, but it made Chen Jing's hair stand on end. Chen Jing sounded like an order.

"What on earth do you want to do..." Chen Jing was confused for a moment.

"I just want to stay with long as we can be matter what we do..."

When the Buddha Mother said this, Chen Jing only saw the giant brain tissue suspended on the altar exploded, and tens of thousands of "hair"-like things came out of it, sweeping toward him overwhelmingly.


The Buddha Mother called his name tenderly, and her clear eyes glowed faintly in the darkness.

"How about... let's have a baby here?"

Chapter 543: Uninvited guests arriving early

"Sister Buddha, please stop making fun of me..."

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious!"

"This kind of thing is not a joke!"

"Don't you want to?"

Chen Jing felt like he was shrouded in an untouchable darkness, and the golden light on his body gradually faded, and even the yellow robe as delicate as silk could not be saved!

"Of course I don't want to! Sister, don't do this..."

It can be said that Chen Jing has never been so panicked in his life.

Especially finding himself in the dark like an egg being peeled, this unspeakable fear is even more terrifying than being locked up in the digital space by Turing.

"But didn't you say you wanted a lot of children?"

"You said if the world is stable... you want a hundred! No! A thousand!"

"Sister, are you kidding me! Where the hell did I say that! Besides, giving birth to hundreds or thousands of children... you think this is a carp landing and throwing it!!"

"You said it!"

"You're talking nonsense!"

"You clearly said it in Kakosha!"


"When did I say that?"

On the holy mountain, Chen Bofu sat under a tree, tapping his feet, and the human-shaped figure that had not changed for thousands of years He threw the slippers directly into the rain, saying that he wanted to use the rootless water to wash the slippers, so that the shoes would be shiny after washing...

"Last time." Erjia sat cross-legged on a stone beside him, chatting with Chen Bofu about the old things, "Did you forget? When you got married that year, you asked someone to send me a message to go to the party! You told me to go!"

"Bullshit." Chen Bofu coughed and spat on the ground, "Will I invite you to my wedding?"

"Okay, you invited me to give gifts." Erjia said calmly.

"Ah... I think so!" Chen Bofu rubbed his feet and said with a look of reminiscence, "I invited a lot of people at the time, especially those who didn't have a good relationship with me, I asked them all to give gifts..."

Facts have proved that Chen Bofu is a business genius. At least when he takes benefits from others, he doesn't blush or feel nervous.

For example, when he invited people to a wedding banquet... As he said, he also invited people who were not on good terms with him, but he did not ask them to come to the banquet, but only asked them to remember to give gifts, otherwise they would look down on him.

But there were some people who did not read the contents of the "invitation" carefully, and thought that Chen Bofu had changed his ways after getting married, and the old accounts were written off. Everyone was in the underworld, and giving gifts to the banquet was a way for each other to step down.

There were many people who went to the banquet with this mentality.

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