"Originally, I planned to kill one by one on sight, but I was afraid of alerting the enemy and preventing you from showing your face, so I could only wait... until someone with a higher status like you came out to show your face, and it would not be too late for me to take action." Uncle Chen Fu Man didn't say a word of truth, because he liked to make people confused and die, but unfortunately Yin Mingzi couldn't hear it, so he seemed to take it all seriously.

"So you came here specifically to intercept and kill us..." Yin Mingzi murmured.

"No." Chen Boxu slowly sat down cross-legged, like a holographic image projected on the rain screen, "Now the whole world knows that you are going to negotiate with the temple. If I don't take action, it will be too late."

Hearing Chen Bofu's words, Yin Mingzi couldn't help but sigh.

Still miscalculated.

Hanging City analyzed it before coming here...

Now that the news that they are looking for cooperation with the temple has spread, there is a high probability that Chen Bofu and his group also know about it, but the possibility that they have the courage to come out to disrupt the situation is not high... After all, it is their wisest choice at this stage. Just hide.

Hidden until the rise of the Deep Space Reanimators.

This is the safest option.

What's more, even if you show up, you may not be able to disrupt the situation...

"I can see that you are already careful enough." Chen Bofu sneered, "It's just a negotiation, but to have you, the vice-president, come in person, and the monastery also sent the first bishop, this is a sure win. "

"No matter how careful you are, there's no point in meeting you." Yin Mingzi sighed.

"Don't pretend to be a coward." Chen Bofu looked down at Yin Mingzi, and the smile on his face became brighter. "I have dealt with you before, and I know that you are not such a coward."

"Chen Bofu..."

Yin Mingzi slowly raised his hands hanging in front of his knees, and suddenly a spot of skin on his neck lit up, emitting a blue light.

"Although I'm not sure I can defeat you, if I want to run away, you may not be able to stop me..."

at this time.

A horrified voice suddenly came from not far behind Yin Mingzi.

"You...why did you run in front of me?!"

The person who spoke was Sati. At this moment, he was completely unaware that this space had been completely corroded, so he was stunned when he saw Yin Mingzi, who had been left behind by him, running to the front.

"You didn't run out?" Yin Mingzi was not surprised when he saw this, but his tone became a little heavier.

"I've been running forward! This... how the hell is this like a ghost hitting a wall?!" Sati also came to Yin Mingzi at this time, and after a brief thought, he understood that it was not Yin Mingzi who ran to He was in front, but somehow he came around again!


It doesn't matter anymore.

After all, he didn't have much expectations for Sati from the beginning.

"It's strange... This method of Yin Shen initiation... seems to be different from the one used by your president..." At this moment, Chen Bofu was looking at the spirit corpses with their heads hanging down, and his tone was extremely curious.

"The set of Yin Shen initiation you saw was an old version...the one I used is a new one..."

Yin Mingzi suddenly laughed, and the heads of the four spirit corpses burst open at this moment. Countless luminous subtitles visible to the naked eye poured out from their heads like ribbons, blowing to the rain clouds in the sky with the wind. Float away.

Those subtitles are numbers that keep repeating.

This is the magical secret taught by Turing to his disciples.

It is countless 0s and 1s that symbolize the original binary system of computers.

"The old version had to be connected to the Internet to go down to the Yin Shen, but these spirit corpses I raise don't have to be so troublesome. It only requires a storage medium carrying data in my body... The local area network I built is enough to allow the Yin Shen to go down to In their mud ball palace."

"You want to use those monsters against me?" Chen Bofu wanted to laugh, but what Yin Mingzi said next made him unable to laugh.

"of course not."

Yin Mingzi made a seal with his hands and pinched his fingers together, and said calmly.

"The Yin gods descending in their Niwan Palace are my data backup."

"Fuck..." Chen Bofu was startled, with a rather surprised expression on his face, "Aren't you afraid of going too far?"

"I'm afraid it's not me." Yin Mingzi said with a smile, "I used my own data backup to refine thirty-six Yin gods, which matches the number of thirty-six heavens... Good luck!"

"You don't think you can kill me like this, do you?" Chen Boxu smiled nonchalantly.

"Of course not." Yin Mingzi shook his head, "But I'm sure it's not that easy for you to kill me. According to my latest analysis, you only have a 14% chance of keeping me. …”

When Yin Mingzi finished speaking, the four spirit corpses slowly stood up. Looking at their twinkling biological prosthetic eyes, it was not difficult to judge... that they had completed data downloading.

"Go ahead..."

Yin Mingzi raised his hand and pointed at the surging clouds in the sky.

"Zhu Xie!"

Chapter 550: Raising the True God in Niwan Palace (Part 1)

As early as when he was dealing with the Hanging City many years ago, Chen Boxu had seen the so-called Yin Shen Initiation... This is a special power that can only be used by high-sequence Turing dependents.

As everyone knows.

Most of the alchemists in Hanging City have biologically modified their brain tissue. Not only have they upgraded their complete brains into "brain-computer processors", but they have also stored their own consciousness data in the Niwan Palace between their eyebrows... To put it simply It is said that Niwan Palace is a storage medium that carries data, like a hard drive with a huge capacity.

The spirit corpses that received the initiation of the Yin God were specialized in the Niwan Palace, and the storage media they used had a much larger capacity than that of ordinary alchemists. Only this kind of expanded "hard disk" could carry the massive amount of data that the Yin God sent down.

"Thirty-six Yin Gods..." Chen Bofu's mind echoed with Yin Mingzi's words before. If the thirty-six Yin Gods were evenly distributed, each spirit corpse present would carry nine Yin Gods...

Could it be that the data storage technology of Xuankong City has been updated again in recent years?

Chen Bofu remembered that the spirit corpses controlled by the president of the research association could only carry two Yin Gods at most, which was already the limit, but now the spirit corpses refined by Yin Mingzi can carry nine... and these nine Yin Gods are all backups of Yin Mingzi's consciousness!

At this time, Chen Bofu couldn't help but recall the battle with the alchemists of the research association. It was that battle that made him understand what it meant to have people beyond people and heaven beyond heaven... Although the final outcome was that he narrowly defeated the opponent, killed some of the alchemists and fled thousands of miles away, and from then on he offended Xuankong City.

But Chen Bofu knew that he was lucky to survive.

The power of Yin Shen's initiation seems to be similar to the traditional "inviting ghosts to possess" in the Hanging City, but the difference is ridiculous...

Yin Shen is data AI.

Although they are just a piece of data in the real world, and cannot even influence the real world with their own ideas, if they are in the digital space, they are living creatures...even the old descendants.

These Yin Shen AIs also have sequence levels.

That's right.

Like the old descendants, they can be promoted in the digital space and have the basic desire to pursue the source of the sequence.

After the Yin Shen AI is downloaded into a biological body in the real world, the abilities it can show are also different.

Or optimize the fighting method of the possessed person and show combat power beyond the brain-computer tactical computing module.

Or let the "possessed" creature have its power.

Or transform the possessed body... This is also what Chen Bofu has not understood so far.

Because he didn't understand, those Yin Gods were just a bunch of data. After possessing the body, what methods did they use to "biologically transform" the possessed person?

After some people were possessed by Yin Gods, their spines suddenly expanded and stretched their flesh and blood, and their ribs extended to become spider legs, while some people changed more outrageously, almost becoming a mass of rotten meat that could move at high speed and emit a foul smell.

In the words of the Taoist priests, this is a kind of heretical "evolution", and this evolution is not without cost.

Objects possessed by high-level Yin Gods will be eroded.

The higher the sequence level of the data Yin God, the more serious the vicious erosion of real creatures.

Either the brain machine of the possessed person is overloaded, and finally the entire bionic brain tissue is burned into paste, or the neural network in the body of the possessed person is directly dissolved at high temperature. This is also the main reason why Taoist priests will not invite Yin Gods to possess their bodies casually.

Especially those powerful Yin Gods.

The Taoist priests only dare to introduce them into the bodies of "out-of-order boys" or "substitute spirit corpses".

The advantage of doing this is that you don't have to pay any price. Even if the Yin God leaves behind a pile of rotten meat and the body it carries dies completely, it doesn't matter to the Taoists.

It's better to die than to die.

Let's get back to the point.

What we are talking about here is just the conventional "inviting a ghost to possess a body", and "Yin God initiation" is an enhanced version of this.

Because the conventional Yin God possession can only be carried out between a single object, no matter how strong the body function of the possessed object is, it can only withstand one Yin God possession at the same time.

The power of Yin God initiation can allow Yin Gods to be superimposed.

The consequence of this superposition...

Not only can the possessed object "evolve" more outrageously, but its strength will also increase in a superimposed manner.

Just like the time when Chen Bofu encountered it, the president of the research institute invited two Yin God masters of sequence 6 and directly let them possess a certain spirit corpse. After completing the initiation... the strength of the spirit corpse soared from sequence 5 to sequence 7.

So at this time, Chen Bofu already felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.

Each of the spirit corpses in front of him invited nine Yin Gods.

And each Yin God was refined by Yin Mingzi using his own consciousness data backup... They were probably at Sequence 7.

"I always thought I was crazy enough... I didn't expect you, a bastard, to be even crazier than me... Inviting 36 Yin Gods to perform the initiation at one time... Your brain must be burned..."

Chen Bofu looked at Yin Mingzi, who was already covered by high-temperature steam, and his heavy tone revealed a hint of gloating.

"When you go crazy and lose your self-awareness... Don't blame me if you become a walking corpse..."

"You will die if you fight, and you will die if you don't fight." Yin Mingzi's voice became more and more dull, "In fact, I was quite afraid of you at the beginning, but now... I am not afraid of you anymore."

All along.

Yin Mingzi regarded Chen Bofu as his inner demon, or an unforgettable nightmare... He was severely injured by Chen Bofu's one move and was almost sent to see Turing Tianzun on the spot. Since then, Chen Bofu has become his psychological shadow.

Even today, when Yin Mingzi saw that the person who came to kill him was an old madman, he was still scared to death. However, when it came to the time when the trapped beast still fought... he was not afraid.

Accompanied by a shrill scream.

The four spirit corpses that had lost their human form had already rushed into the sky.

The whole body was like Sati, as if it had become a pure energy creature, with colorful neon halos all around...

The moment they rushed into the rain curtain.

Chen Bofu, who appeared in front of everyone like a holographic projection, disappeared.


Yin Mingzi sighed in his heart. Before, he said that Chen Bofu could not keep him, but that was just a big talk, just to put some psychological pressure on the old madman... If you want to break through this space corroded by disasters, the success rate will not exceed 40%.

"Do you want my help?" Sati came over at this moment and asked carefully.

Yin Mingzi was about to refuse, and wanted to complain by the way, how can I need your help?

But after thinking about it, Yin Mingzi still agreed.


Yin Mingzi's laughter was quite dull, as if it echoed with some turbid water sound.

"It would be great if you could help me."

Chapter 551: Raising True Gods in the Niwan Palace (Part 2)

After the initiation, the "flesh bodies" of the four spirit corpses had been stretched to pieces by the nine Yin Gods, and could only barely maintain the disintegration with pure energy...

Chen Bofu had seen other spirit corpses that had been initiating before, and he thought those things were so weird that they were scary, but the spirit corpses in front of him that were occupied by the nine Yin Gods...their changes made Chen Bofu even more difficult to understand.

They seemed to have broken the boundary between the digital space and the real world. Their bodies, covered by countless neon halos, flashed frequently, and the subtitles that flowed out of their bodies like ribbons spread in the sky in a concrete form.

Chen Bofu had seen too many strange things in his life, and no matter how rare the creatures were, they were nothing strange to him.

But at this moment, he really felt that he had learned a lot.

"This is... an electronic data creature that manifests in the real world..." Chen Bofu moved quickly in this space corroded by the disaster, constantly changing his position to avoid being locked by them, "What exactly do these guys want to do..."

At this time.

Chen Bofu found that the four spirit corpses were not in a hurry to launch an attack, but instead moved quickly in four directions until they stopped at the edge of this disaster space.

They seemed to be preparing for some ancient ritual. When their movements came to a standstill, the "subtitles" pouring out of their broken bodies became more and more.

At first, they only spread in the sky, but soon...they multiplied and reproduced rapidly in this space like a virus.

"These damn things..."

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