"When my grandson comes back, I have to ask him about it. Maybe I can learn a lot..." Chen Bofu exhaled a puff of smoke, his face full of curiosity, "I'm just curious about what he talked about with the Buddha Mother that could affect the direction of your practice..."

As he said that, Chen Bofu couldn't help but sigh again.

"I don't know if they have finished talking now. It's been a whole night and they haven't come back yet..."

"Maybe more than a night." Erga explained, pointing to the ground, "The flow of time in the seal is different from here. Maybe several days have passed!"

"Several days?!" Chen Bofu was stunned, "What the hell can be discussed for several days? Are they holding a Dharma meeting down there?!"

"Be patient." Erga smiled and comforted Chen Bofu, "It's such a blessing to be able to discuss the Tao with the Buddha Mother. It will definitely help your grandson!"

Hearing this, Chen Bofu thought about it and felt that this was the truth.

Being able to have a long conversation with the ancient gods and then discuss the Tao.

Isn't this what the old days called "chance"?

"Wait and see." Chen Bofu leaned back, and his whole body lay on the stone pier, writing a big word, "Erga, go find me some clothes, I'm naked and it's raining, I'm freezing to death..."


Facts have proved that Erga did not lie.

Although what he said was greatly different from the actual situation, Chen Jing was indeed fine, and...

Very happy.

At first Chen Jing was unhappy, and even felt that this was an insult, but he didn't know whether it was the Buddha Mother's mischief or some other reason. Gradually... Chen Jing couldn't help but sink into it.

Chen Jing always felt that he was floating in a dark place, from the beginning, even though he had the ability of night vision, he couldn't see anything clearly. After being deprived of all the power of deep space, it seemed that even the visual system of the five senses failed... Only the other four senses of form, sound, smell, taste, and touch were left.

He was actually very sober.

He remained in an absolutely sober state from beginning to end.

So he always knew what he was doing.

From the moment the Buddha Mother pulled him into the darkness, no matter how he cursed and roared at the Buddha Mother, he could not deny the extreme pleasure he felt.

His heart seemed to explode into billions of pieces and wanted to jump out of his throat, his heavy breathing turned into a meaningless roar, his blood seemed to burn like a flame, making his body hot, and his mind gradually lost its rationality.

All of this came from the joy that the ancient god brought him that exceeded the limits of the human body, and the "great perfection" that never stopped like a wave in his spirit...

Chapter 559 The Gift of Bliss (Part 1)

Human desire is a bottomless pit.

Chen Jing thought so a long time ago, but he also thought that he controlled his desire very well. At least before the exam, he always maintained a lying down mentality. Apart from liking to play games, he had almost no desires, no demands, and no worries.

In the words of his colleagues in the company.

Chen Jing is like a saint with mental illness.

It seems that because he is used to living alone, he doesn't like people around him.

Even when faced with some young and beautiful people of the opposite sex approaching him in the company, he kept a distance from them and seemed to have no interest in the things between men and women.

This was true.

Compared to the pleasure of hormones rushing through his body like a flood, he preferred the quiet and rational state... It was fine to do anything alone, playing games and watching movies was also very happy.

At least he used to think so.

But until the moment he was embraced by the Buddha Mother, he felt that his brain was broken, as if he was deeply eroded by a virus called "indulgence". This kind of situation of losing reason and being unable to control the body's actions was also the first time he encountered it.

Chen Jing knew that all he did was based on the absence of emotion.

So he didn't understand why he was so happy.

After thinking about it, he just felt that this might be the instinct of living things, and reason could not defeat instinct after all.

Especially in this state where the number of "bliss" is calculated in milliseconds, all the so-called vulgar and low-level desires in the world are stuffed into his brain by the external force of the Buddha Mother... At this time, even the descendants of the deep space who have shed their flesh and blood cannot escape the vulgarity.

So... do it.

When this thought came to Chen Jing's mind, the frenzy brought by the surge of hormones began to sweep wildly in his body, and every neuron gradually burned because of "bliss".

Although Chen Jing had no experience in this, living in the era of developed networks in the surface world, he naturally understood what he should know, and he would not be at a loss when picking up the gun and getting on the horse.

In the unstoppable sinking, Chen Jing heard many voices.

Some voices expressed dissatisfaction with his resistance, and shouted loudly that food and sex are human nature, and saints also have to pay attention to the value of a spring night.

Some voices told him the truth of the temple, and also popularized the dual operation of emptiness and joy that the monks who donated their flesh and blood yearned for to control desires with desires.

It's a pity that Chen Jing couldn't listen to anything.

At first, he was like a puppet who didn't know how to resist, allowing the existence in the dark to manipulate him at will, but later he took the initiative, and the existence was very happy with his performance and then accepted it calmly.

In the darkness.

As the initiative continued to change, Chen Jing's still clear consciousness often sighed. It turns out that reality is more powerful than the movie, and he can still do this...

In this wonderful state, Chen Jing didn't know how long had passed, because he couldn't feel the passage of time at all, he just kept repeating this extreme joy, entangled with each other as if they would not stop until the end of time.

As the saying goes, simplicity leads to greatness.

When the Buddha stopped being obsessed with those weird postures, Chen Jing suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when he was back on track. However, he was so intoxicated that he didn't think much about it. He just continued to do what he had to do based on instinct. thing.

I don’t know how long it took.

Until the person in his arms suddenly pushed him.

For a moment.

Chen Jing was out of a state that made him extremely humiliated when he thought about it afterwards.


Chen Jing stood there at a loss, looking around blankly, only to find that his location... was still in the underground seal, but at the foot of the mountain outside the temple.

In the barren mountains and ridges, cicadas chirp in the breeze.

Everything is still the same as it was originally.

This made Chen Jingdu couldn't help but wonder whether everything he had experienced before was...


Chen Jing just subconsciously lowered his head and glanced down. After a moment's inspection, his face turned red. He hurriedly put on the yellow robe that had fallen on the ground, covering up the unknown marks all over his body.

I...did I let Buddha Mother get hit by her car?

When Chen Jing realized that everything that happened before was real, he immediately collapsed on the ground with a confused look on his face, and his head was blank.

"I...how can I face those monks in the temple when I go out..." Chen Jing murmured to himself, covering his head in pain, "If they know that I gave the Buddha Mother to...they will not kill me I?!"

Chen Jing felt terrified when he thought of the monks' devotion to the Mother of Buddha.

But then I thought about it.

This is not my initiative!

From a certain perspective, I am the fucking victim!

Who knew that the Buddha Mother in your temple was like a fucking succubus, and she tricked me into coming in without saying a word...

"Hey, you're not honest."

Hearing this familiar voice from behind, Chen Jing's spine went cold for a moment. He was afraid that he would be dragged to that strange place again, but just when he was about to use deep space jump to withdraw from here, stood him The person behind him had already walked up and lay on his back as softly as if he were boneless.

What was conveyed through a simple touch was the purest softness, and the hot skin suddenly gave Chen Jing a hint of warmth in his chilly body.

"You... don't mess around..." Chen Jing's warning had no confidence. It was even a warning and threat, but it was more of a prayer. "They are still waiting for me to go out... I can't stay here for too long. ...something big will happen..."

"Are you ordering me or threatening me?"

Chen Jing felt that the person speaking had his arms around his neck and seemed to be gently stroking his ears with his long hair.

"Or...are you begging me?"

"Damn it!" Chen Jing cursed these two words categorically, but when he thought about the strength gap between himself and the Buddha Mother, he still decided to endure it first, "Please, can you do it?"

"Speak better."


"Hmm...but I'm curious, why do you act like you're being bullied? It's obvious that we are in love with each other as you please."

"You know what you did..." Chen Jing said through gritted teeth.

"I have indeed done a lot, do you want to hear it?" The voice behind him was still as gentle as water, but the provocative meaning in the words could be heard by everyone, "Then let's start from the first time, you It was..."

"Shut up!"

"Oops, you're being mean to me again. It's so boring... You're still cuter than before."

"You stay here by yourself, I'm going home." Chen Jing wanted to free himself from her arms, but felt that his limbs were inexplicably soft and couldn't use his strength, and he was suddenly shocked, "You monster Did it take away my energy?"

"Taking your energy???"

"Otherwise! Otherwise, why would I feel like I can't use my strength!"

"You work overtime for fourteen days in a row. Try to see if you still have the strength."

"Oh...you monster!!!"

Chapter 560: The Gift of Bliss (Part 2)

When Chen Jing called her a monster, Buddha's mother only found it a little funny, but she didn't mean to be angry.

"you hate me?"


"Hate me?"


"So were you comfortable before?"

"I feel uncomfortable..."

Chen Jing wanted to say "I'm not feeling well" in a sanctimonious and ruthless manner, but he couldn't say the words, because his personal attributes did not include being shameless.

Seeing Chen Jing's silence for a moment, the Buddha Mother lying on his back suddenly laughed evilly.

"You were the one manipulating me from the beginning to the end. I was just the unlucky person who was drugged. To be honest... I really wanted to call the police. I was the victim!"

Chen Jing's words were fair and righteous, and he cleverly avoided the subject of discomfort.

"In the language of your world, this is called not recognizing people when you put your pants up?"

"I don't have pants." Chen Jing said expressionlessly, "I'm wearing a robe!"

"Then you just put on a robe and don't recognize anyone!" The Buddha's Mother snorted.

"You weren't even human." Chen Jing couldn't help showing a painful and desperate expression when he said this. He grabbed his hair and said hysterically, "Fuck you...you...do you know how I feel now!"

"What do you feel?" Buddha asked with interest.

"I feel like I was fucked by an alien." Chen Jing wanted to cry when he said this. "Although I didn't have much interest in this kind of thing before, I also thought that a night of love would be worth a thousand gold after marriage..."

"You are lying." Buddha said calmly, directly exposing Chen Jing's lie, "You never thought about getting married. Before the exam, you always planned to live alone and be a DINK..."

Just when Chen Jing was shocked at why this guy knew so much, Buddha said another sentence.

"I am very unhappy that you describe me as an alien, because after all, I am an ancient god, and you should have the least respect for the ancient gods..."

"I am also a deep space resuscitator!" Chen Jing was angry when he said this, and he only hated that his strength was not good enough to embarrass the deep space.

"What's so good about being a deep space resuscitator..."

The Buddha Mother gently tapped Chen Jing's temple with her finger. She was originally joking with Chen Jing, but her tone suddenly became depressed.

"You too, and King Huang too. Although I don't want to say this, the fact is that there is no good end to being involved in deep space..."

Chen Jing wanted to refute, but before he could say anything, the Buddha Mother continued softly.

"Over the years, I have come to understand that deep space is a curse that cannot be escaped. It seems that it does no harm to you, but it will quietly increase your responsibilities..."

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