"You said you would help me advance to a higher rank..." Qiao Youning gently rubbed her sore thighs, her eyes full of longing, "This way I won't be thrown away by him...when I face the Creator in the future. ...I can also help him...I won't always stay behind and be held back by his protection..."

"You are not considered a laggard." Mother Buddha said helplessly, "According to the memories you synchronized with me, in your world, the only one who can surpass you in single strength is that bastard Chen Jing..."

"Can you stop scolding him?" Qiao Youning couldn't help but say, even if she was facing the source of her own sequence, she was not afraid at all, "He is actually very good..."

"What's wrong with scolding him?" Mother Buddha clicked her tongue and said with disdain, "Does this make you feel bad?"

"Yeah." Qiao Youning nodded silently.

"Then why don't you feel bad when you play with him?" Mother Buddha said with a bad smile, "To be honest, You Ning, your performance really impresses me!"


After returning to the guest room in the temple, Chen Jing wanted to lie down on the bed for a while, but the advent of the "Saha Realm" made everything "deteriorated". Looking at the bloody pork belly bed, Chen Jing really didn't have the courage to lie down on it.

Not that I was afraid.

Just plain disgust.

"My dear grandson, this place looks too boring. Why don't we go back to the Western Continent..." Although Chen Boxu does not have Chen Jing's mysophobia, he is still a very particular person, and he is not interested in this kind of flesh and blood. The aesthetically pleasing decorating style is a bit off-putting.

"We will go back after Ega gives us a confirmation and confirms the alliance." Chen Jing sat cross-legged on the ground and kept rubbing the muscles of his lower back with his hands. "I have to arrange a ritual here before leaving. Although With my current strength, it is difficult to arrange it in place, but with the help of Buddha Mother, it should be no problem. "

"You want to arrange rituals in Jizhoudu?" Chen Bofu became interested when he heard this and asked curiously, "Are you planning to leave a back-up here? If anything happens in the temple, you can kill them all directly." The kind that blows up to the sky?”

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but roll his eyes at Chen Bofu, thinking that this old man's idea was too violent...well, it wasn't actually violent. After all, he had had this idea before, but when he was "discussing Taoism" with the Buddha, "After that, he felt that the possibility of trouble in the temple was very low.

Moreover, with the living ancient goddess like Buddha Mother here, anyone can tell at a glance what she is really going to do.

"I'm going to arrange a two-way space jump ritual here."

Chen Jing raised his hand and moved it on the bloody floor, roughly describing the function of this ritual to the old man.

"The ritual is divided into two ports."

"One is in Jiju Capital, and the other is in the Western Continent."

Chapter 564: Invitation from Luoyan City (Part 2)

According to Chen Jing's simple description, the old man roughly knew what kind of ritual he wanted to arrange... Generally speaking, it was a ritual that could allow a large number of creatures to jump to fixed-point spaces.

But it’s not that simple, because you also need to provide a “verification code” when making a space jump…

"My command is the key to running this ritual." Chen Jing said calmly, "If I don't allow the ritual to start, then the creatures at the two coordinate points will not be able to use the ritual to make space jumps."

"Well, it's safe this way." Chen Bofu nodded, "If someone wants to use this to raid the Western Continent, it won't be that easy."

In fact, Chen Boxu and Chen Jing were worried about the same situation.

They are not afraid that someone in the temple may have evil intentions.

What they were afraid of was that after the temple and Shen Kong announced their alliance, Xuan Kong and Yong Ye would give priority to attacking Ji Zhou Capital, because compared to the Western Continent where the ancient gods were in charge, Ji Zhou Capital was weaker than Chen in terms of geographical location and overall strength. View of the rear area where they are...

The Buddha Mother is awake.

But this does not mean that Buddha Mother can defeat the cooperation between Xuan Kong and Yong Ye.

"She gives me the feeling that she is weaker than Xizi. She must have just broken through the seal and needs a certain amount of time to regain her strength. If someone comes from Xuankong Yongye at this stage and brings Turing's body over, Buddha Mother may not be able to stop it. You can live in it..."

If there is a surprise attack in Jidu one day, and Chen Jing and the others happen to be unable to rescue them in time, then Chen Jing's ritual of staying here is definitely a fatal backdoor... There is no strategic buffer zone, and they can just let those coalition forces kill them. Entering the belly of the Western Continent is not a good thing.


This doesn’t seem to work either…

Chen Jing suddenly remembered that the examination system was undergoing maintenance some time ago, which resulted in the inability to use the chat interface to contact all examinations...

If that happens again, and Jijudu happens to be attacked, wouldn't it be useless for me to keep the password myself?

Think about it.

Chen Jing felt that it was safer to leave a share for Qiao Youning, after all, she was considered one of his own.

"My dear grandson, it was inconvenient to talk because there were outsiders here before. Please tell me now!" Chen Bofu sat cross-legged next to Chen Jing with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. "You said that Mother Buddha gave it to you. What happened to chance?"

Hearing the old man's question, Chen Jing didn't hide it anymore.

"I have received the divine inspiration to be promoted to Sequence 6."

"Really?!" Chen Boxu was stunned. He felt that the surprise came too suddenly. After all, Guaishun was promoted to Sequence 5 in the arsenal not long ago. He is about to reach Sequence 6 in the blink of an eye? !

But the old man was not happy for a while.

After listening to Chen Jing describe the two necessary conditions for promotion to Sequence 6, the expression on his face suddenly dropped, and his eyes were indescribably solemn.

"The power of life from ancient sources... This is the opportunity given to you by Mother Buddha... It is also this thing that inspires divine enlightenment..."

Chen Bofu twisted the cigarette in his hand and murmured with a frown.

"It's hard to find this thing, but at least you've got it, and all you have to do is go to that banquet..."

"Actually, I also think this promotion condition is weird." Chen Jing was puzzled because on the way back to the guest room, he was carefully searching and reading the memory passed down to him by King Huang... But the memory However, the keyword "Luoyan City" does not exist in it.


It is impossible for Chen Jing to forget the power he had from the beginning of the sequence when he first awakened as an old descendant.

He can control relics from three sources without using them.

One is from the [Yellow King] path.

The second is from the [Kakosa] path.

These two paths are not unfamiliar to Chen Jing. After all, they are both related to deep space and are considered "keywords" that often appear in life. But the third path that can avoid the cost of use... also makes Chen Jing always Elusive.

Luoyan City.

In King Huang's memory, this keyword does not exist, and in daily life, Chen Jing has never been exposed to relevant information... In other words, Chen Jing cannot understand why he uses the relics in this way without any cost. .

Is it related to deep space?

What does it represent in the deep space series...

"My dear grandson, it doesn't sound like a good thing for you to participate in the banquet of the ancient gods after you have been absent for hundreds of millions of years." Chen Bofu finally couldn't resist his craving for cigarettes. He walked aside, opened the window, lit up a cigarette and started smoking. He stood up and said, "I also asked you to replace King Huang. We can't let King Huang break his trust..."

As he said this, Chen Bofu suddenly laughed.

"If I invite someone to dinner and that bastard is absent, causing me to wait in vain for hundreds of millions of years, I will have to skin him!"


"As for that, at the end of the 'Deep Sea Singularity', in the lost Luoyan City, an old friend is waiting for you to dream in the eternal mansion... Why do I feel that this mission is to ask you to die?"

"...Grandpa, can you stop scaring me?"

"Even if we don't consider who invited you to the banquet, the place where the banquet is held is not right. What kind of deep sea singularity is it and what is Conch City? To be honest, if that place is in the sea, it will be troublesome. !”

When Chen Bofu said this, his expression became more solemn.

"The sea...isn't there just the damn old sea...that ghost place is no joke...it surrounds the continent endlessly...the total area is much larger than the continent we are on... "

"Is that place dangerous?" Chen Jing searched carefully in his mind, but didn't get much useful information.

In the old days, there was nothing special about the ocean surrounding the continent. As for modern times... there are not many records about the old sea. Chen Jing only knew that it was a crisis-ridden place where many people lived. Contaminated areas.

"Is it dangerous?" Chen Bofu repeated Chen Jing's question. He felt that this boy was too simple. No one who knew a little bit about the secrets of the Old Sea would ask such a question. "Not even the three major sects dared to get involved in it. "Do you think it's dangerous there?"

Chen Bofu's expression became more solemn, and his smoking speed also increased significantly.

"The three major sects have carried out hundreds of operations against the Old Sea. Most of the operations were to seize the ownerless islands in the ocean and kill the fishy-smelling natives. All the towns that were built were captured by him... but they all failed without exception."

At this time, Chen Jing also thought about it. He vaguely remembered that some candidates seemed to be "born" in the Sea of ​​the Past.

However, there is not much information they can provide. They all seem to live in villages or towns. They have never heard of any major forces that can resist the three major sects. There is only a very small and extremely secretive indigenous religion among the candidates. Word of mouth...

"There is a clan there that has been passed down from generation to generation. They are the natives of the Old Sea. Like the believers of the major sects, the creatures in the clan have devout and firm beliefs."

As Chen Boxu spoke, he traced his fingers on the ground, drawing an octopus-like pattern on the bloody floor.

"The object of their faith is also an ancient god from the past."

Chen Jing looked down at the somewhat funny and "childlike" octopus head, and suddenly recalled the ancient beliefs of the indigenous people that the candidates had said...

"This is... Dagon?"

Chapter 565 Conch and Horn (Part 1)


A local belief originating from the Old Sea.

It is said that it is also one of the ancient gods that has survived from the old times to this day. It has no human form but looks like a big octopus. It lives in the dark sea of ​​the old all year round. It hardly likes to show its saints in front of people. It is not seen by outsiders. There are only a handful of times in this world.

Therefore, many people think that Dagon is a fake, a false god created by the natives who smell of fish all over their bodies, in order to scare the outsiders from the mainland, but in fact... Dagon does exist. .

Chen Bofu was lucky enough to witness its appearance.

without any exaggeration.

That experience frightened Chen Boxu.

Compared to when he ventured to the Western Continent and was almost killed by the ancient god Xi, Dagon of the Sea of ​​Old Days was obviously much more terrifying...

"I don't know how much you know about the ocean, but I'm sure that no matter how much you know, it's far from enough."

When Chen Bofu told Chen Jing about these past events, he inevitably recalled that experience, with a very obvious fear on his face.

"Although the universe is far more vast than the ocean, the universe is visible and intangible after all, but the ocean is not. When you are drifting on the sea by boat, the farther you are from the land, the more frightened you are, as if everything in the world is swallowed up by the dark sea water..."

"Do you still have a fear of the deep sea?" Chen Jing asked half-doubtfully, as if it was difficult to connect what Chen Bofu said with himself.

"What the hell?"

Chen Bofu frowned and took a deep puff of cigarette, as if he had never heard of this term before.

"You'll know once you go there. The water there is all black. The shallows on the shore suddenly become very deep a few dozen meters away, as if there is an underwater cliff. At the beginning, the [Turing Research Society] threw a detector there, hoping to survey the sea trench that the natives talked about, but in the end, nothing was found and the detector was lost... Don't interrupt me, kid!"

"Don't interrupt me, don't interrupt me, please continue!"

Seeing that Chen Jing shut up obediently, Chen Bofu took a puff of the cigarette and continued talking.

"When we went to explore the Old Sea, there were not many people in the team. In addition to the two natives who led the way, there were only me, Randolph, and that old bastard named Armitage..."

"The native who led the way?" Chen Jing was stunned.

"Nonsense, if we don't find someone to lead the way, we will get lost at sea!" Chen Bofu glanced at Chen Jing and thought he was making a fuss.

"Grandpa, can't you fly?" Chen Jing asked cautiously, "No matter how big the Sea of ​​the Old Days is, it shouldn't be a problem for you to spend some time to fly back and forth a few times..."

"Can't fly."


"You can't fly there."

Seeing Chen Jing's puzzled face, Chen Bofu had to explain patiently.

"I told you before that the three major sects cannot set foot in the Sea of ​​the Old Days... The main reason is that there is something wrong with that sea area."

Chen Bofu shook off the cigarette ash and continued with a serious expression.

"As the most polluted area left over from the old days, that sea area has the property of devouring energy. Any old descendants, polluted species, or ancient species that set foot in it will have their energy continuously drained away by it."

"Fight, fly."

"Swim in the sea, or use power."

"The more you need to use energy, the faster your own energy will be drained, so you can't fly there. Even if you want to fly, you can only fly a short distance. Even I can't stand it for a long time..."

According to Chen Bofu, it is precisely because of this characteristic that the Old Sea is not as dangerous as the Western Continent, but it is really disgusting.

The Western Continent has the ancient god Xi who likes quietness. Whoever speaks will die.

And the Old Sea...Although there is an ancient god named Dagon living there, generally speaking, that ancient god has a good temper and basically never shows up, and when he shows up, he doesn't necessarily go to kill people.

The danger in that sea area only comes from two aspects.

Or they are polluting species that live in the sea. They have long been accustomed to this harsh environment, so compared with outsiders like Chen Bofu, they are more resistant to the energy extracted by the ocean. Simply put, they are more durable.

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