"That's right, there is more than one ancient god in the Old Sea."

Chen Bofu took a puff of cigarette, and his tone of voice was uncertain, as if he was unwilling to believe that what he said was true.

"During that time, Armitage visited various indigenous settlements in disguise, and took us to some ancient ruins on the seashore for adventures, and finally used the clues and information from the search to summarize... He suspected that there were three ancient gods hidden in the Old Sea."

"Three??" Chen Jing was stunned, thinking that one was difficult enough to deal with, and now three suddenly appeared? !

"First, Dagon, the ancient god that the indigenous people have believed in for generations... Although 90% of the indigenous people believe that Dagon is an ancient god in the image of an octopus, there are also a very small number of indigenous people who believe that Dagon is not an octopus, but should be in the image of a mermaid, because their ancestors have seen it with their own eyes."

"Mermaid?" Chen Jing felt a little confused and asked hurriedly, "Then what is the big octopus you have seen with your own eyes?"


Chen Bofu spit out an unfamiliar name, and it seems that he doesn't know much about the information behind this name. He tried to recall for a while before he could barely say a few words.

"This name is completely unfamiliar in the indigenous group. No one has ever heard of it. I can be sure of this."

"Then how did you know it?" Chen Jing asked.

"In an ancient ruins."

Chen Bofu gestured on the ground with his hands twice, and simply drew a pattern similar to an inverted high-footed wine glass.

"We found the priest's tomb that no one had ever set foot in at the deepest part of the ruins. Armitage saw this name there, and also saw a complete painted mural... The content of the mural happened to be the giant octopus we saw later."

"So the Dagon totem passed down from generation to generation by the natives of the Old Sea is wrong..." Chen Jing looked at the pattern drawn by the old man on the ground thoughtfully, and asked subconsciously, "The three ancient gods of the Old Sea, the first is the mermaid Dagon, the second is the octopus Tekili, then who is the third ancient god?"

"Maybe it's the one who wants to invite you to the banquet."

Chen Bofu took a puff of cigarette, his brows were full of solemnity, and the fire of the cigarette butt reflected on his face flickering.

"Armitage is only sure that there are two ancient gods in the sea, but he is not sure that there is a third one, because there has been no eyewitness record of the third ancient god from ancient times to the present, and even his name has not been passed down. He just thinks... there may be one."

"Because from the brief records in the ruins, Dagon and Tekili are both servants of a certain supreme old king. They are both serving the ancient existence whose name cannot be mentioned in the deep sea..."

Chapter 568 Return to Kakosha (Part 1)

In the following day, Chen Jing discussed the plan to go to the Old Sea with Chen Bofu. As for Armitage's hypothesis of "three ancient gods"... Although there is no way to prove that Armitage's hypothesis is true, it has indeed become a concern for Chen Jing and the old man.

Chen Bofu is not afraid of death, but this matter involves his grandson, and he can't help but worry.

And Chen Jing is a cautious person. Even if Armitage's hypothesis has only a 1% chance of coming true, he will not ignore this potential risk.

So going to the Sea of ​​the Old Days is not something you can do on a whim. The route to the sea and the personnel deployment all need to be carefully considered...

After handling the internal affairs of the Polar Day City in the temple, Erjia personally came to Chen Jing and others to discuss the details of the alliance. The two grandfathers and grandsons were still in the guest room, drawing maps and discussing the route to the sea.

Hearing the knock on the door, Chen Bofu raised his hand and wiped it, and the route map they drew on the ground disappeared.

"Come in."

As the door rang, Erjia hurried in and closed the door again.

"Brother Chen, Jingjing, I'm so sorry... There are too many chores after the advent of the Saha Realm, and I'm so busy that I have time to come now."

"I thought you wouldn't come." Chen Bofu patted his stomach, his face full of displeasure, "The vegetarian meal you sent to us is too boring. It's not as good as the feast that night. You can only give me some vegetarian food!"

"Sorry, sorry..." Erjia wiped the sweat from his head, and his expression still retained some excitement.

"Have the civilians of Polar Day City been settled?" Chen Jing asked curiously. Although he returned to the temple guest room with the old man after leaving the holy mountain that day and did not take the time to visit Polar Day City, Chen Jing could see the changes in Polar Day City from a high mountain.


It should be said that it was the blissful vision bestowed by the compassion of the Buddha Mother.

Polar Day City came alive.

The city became a huge and silent creature, with the endless vitality from the Buddha Mother's gift.

"It's settled." Erjia saw that the grandfather and grandson were still sitting on the ground, so he followed the local customs and sat down with them, "The monks I sent away from Jieridu have also returned, and this city is about to be reborn!"

"You bastard... you were quite straightforward when you let your disciples run away... and let us two grandfathers fight for our lives here?" Chen Bofu flicked a cigarette butt next to Erjia, cursing angrily, "My grandson went to the seal to fight with the Buddha Mother, and I went to fight with Yin Mingzi, both of which are high-risk jobs. Only the monks in your temple got an easy time!"

"You can't say that..." Erjia said awkwardly, "But all of us monks owe you two grandfathers a favor, that's for sure!"

"Just a token of appreciation?" Chen Bofu glanced at him calmly.

"No, no, no! It's a great kindness that I will always remember in my heart!" Erga quickly changed his words.

Hearing this, Chen Bofu snorted coldly.

"The favor is not in vain. Just don't leave any marks on it when I ask you to pay it back in the future, but... I don't think you are that kind of arrogant person."

To be honest, it was an honor for Oga to get a compliment from the foul-mouthed old man. Oga himself knew that the old madman's words were not polite, but his inner thoughts.

Although it's not a good thing.

But it's better than being scolded by him.

"Of course we are not the kind of people who are cruel and cruel. Brother Chen, we will definitely return this favor..."

"Don't worry if you have a chance to return the favor." Chen Bofu smiled and said, "You don't need to think about the alliance between us anymore, right?"

"Definitely not." Erga shook his head hurriedly, fearing that the two grandsons would misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained, "Actually, I didn't think about it at the beginning. I was ready to agree to it the day you first came..."

"Don't tell us these nonsense." Chen Boxu waved his hand, "Since you agreed, let's briefly talk about the details... It's not complicated at all. It's probably when we deal with Xuan Kong and Yong Ye, we need the temple. People help.”

"There is no doubt about it." Erjia nodded in agreement, "Since we are an alliance that advances and retreats together, then when dealing with Xuan Kong and Yong Ye, the temple will definitely not pick itself out."

"Especially you." Chen Boxu took a deep look at Erjia and said earnestly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to find you when I ask you to help. After all, you like to travel around the world...traveling, this kind of hobby I can understand it, but I hope you won’t do that kind of missing tour in recent years.”

"Don't worry, let alone the next few years, I won't be able to leave Jiju Capital for the next few decades." Erjia smiled, "After the Buddha Mother appears in this world, I no longer need to go to other places to find answers."

"What's the answer?" Chen Jing couldn't help but asked curiously.

"It's just something like the Avenue of Truth..." Chen Boxu waved his hand and interrupted Chen Jing, "My dear grandson, if you have any requests, please make them quickly. I won't be happy if this guy doesn't bleed."

Hearing Chen Bofu's words, Erjia also smiled and looked at Chen Jing.

"There are no requirements, we just need some supplies for our rear area..."

"I'll give you whatever you want!" Erjia agreed immediately, without waiting for Chen Jing to finish his words.

"We are also planning to arrange a space-jumping ritual in Jizhou, so..."

"Do whatever you want! All of us monks have no objection!" Erga agreed happily.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jing couldn't help but look at each other, feeling that this old monk was weird...

"You promised so happily, can't you be cheating?" Chen Bofu asked suspiciously.

"Don't judge a gentleman with a villain's heart...Old Chen, put your fist down first! I didn't call you a villain!"

"Let's just say that you monks who only know how to chant sutras have a gun and a stick when talking!" Chen Bofu lowered his fist.

"Actually, don't think too much about it..."

Erga smiled awkwardly and put his hands on his knees, looking pious.

"The temple is willing to cooperate with you unconditionally in all aspects...actually because of the will of the Buddha Mother."

"What?" Chen Boxu was stunned.

"Mother Buddha said that Deep Sky is our friend and will be our forever friend. As long as Deep Sky does not die, we will always stand on this continent, so at this critical moment, we must fully cooperate with you... "

"Look, let me just say that these grandsons are realistic!" Chen Bofu caught the flaw in his words and pointed at Erga's nose and said to Chen Jing, "Be careful when dealing with such bad bald men!"


Seeing Chen Jing's weak answer, as if he was distracted, the old man patted him on the shoulder.

"What are you thinking about!"

"I think..." Chen Jing was startled, then shook his head and sighed helplessly, "It's nothing..."

Chapter 569: Return to Kakosha (Part 2)

It only took five minutes to discuss the alliance with Erga.

Three hours were spent chatting with Erga.

It turns out.

Buddha Mother is really particular.

She is definitely not the kind of bad woman who refuses to accept her fault even if she puts on clothes.

Although she didn’t say whether she had any clothes.

But this is the fact. Under the "will" of the Buddha Mother, the temple chose to cooperate with Shenkong without any scruples. As for Chen Jing's request, it was naturally accepted without any discussion.

So what is this?

Die for the rise of deep space?

In Chen Jing's meditation.

This negotiation that did not require negotiation finally came to an end.

Erjia went back to help Chen Jing prepare the materials for the ritual, and suddenly only Chen Jing and Chen Boxu were left in the guest room.

"Buddha Mother values ​​you quite a bit."

Chen Bofu glanced at the departing Ejia through the window, and was about to ask Chen Jing about this topic. After all, the good grandson hadn't said what he had talked about with the Buddha's mother in the seal. He just mentioned in general: "Chat." Deep space"……

So what exactly did you talk about?

What were you talking about?

Don't know anything.

In Chen Boxu's opinion, none of these bald monks, let alone the leader of the monks, was simple. If he had tricked his grandson during the chat and got some secrets about deep space out of his mouth, , that would be troublesome!

The more I think about it.

Chen Bofu became even more worried.

But when he turned around to ask more questions, he only found that Chen Jing was already lying on the ground covered with a yellow robe and fell asleep.

"This kid slept very cleverly..." Chen Boxu couldn't help but murmured.

Since there are people such as Gu Shenxi and Yegetos watching over the Western Continent, and the chat function of the forum has long been restored, Chen Jing has also been in contact with "Tsukano Koshiro", so he is not worried about the rear. What could go wrong.

do not worry.

Naturally, there is no rush to go back.

As for going out to sea to participate in some kind of ancient god's banquet... We'll wait until the old man has planned the route. The time required for this process will almost be enough to help Ji Zhou complete the rituals.

When the time comes, there is no need to waste time when you return to the Western Continent. Just adjust your team and go straight to the Sea of ​​the Old Sun.

It turns out.

Arranging a large-scale space jump ritual is not an easy task.

Especially after the arrival of the Saha Realm.

The land has turned into a mess of flesh and blood, and there is muddy blood everywhere. For a mysophobic like Chen Jing, it is indeed difficult to find a precise position to set up an array in such a place.

Full calculation.

It took Chen Jing three days to complete this ritual.

The old man also spent three days eating and drinking in the city.

Compared with Chen Boxu's leisurely and comfortable life, Chen Jing spent the past three days a little depressed, because he found that since the departure of the Holy Mountain, the Buddha Mother was nowhere to be seen. Occasionally, he only heard Ejia and the others mention "Buddha Mother is back." Said something."

Does Chen Jing hate Buddha Mother?


I even hate her to the point where I never want to face her again.

But at this moment, the Buddha Mother has not shown up, but Chen Jing feels inexplicably depressed. He always feels as if he has been played and lost without even an explanation...


Chen Jing suddenly remembered an experience that his colleagues in the company had said. It was probably that he was suddenly invited out by a big sister on the software one night. When he got up the next day, before the colleague could say anything, the big sister said He got dressed and left without saying a word, leaving his colleagues alone in the room feeling depressed.

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