In fact, when Chen Jing first got this ancient book, he recognized the handwriting on the first page as being the handwriting of King Huang...

This ancient book is called "Deep Space Families Cultivation Manual".

But after reading it for a while.

Chen Jing thought it might as well change its name, such as the Undead Cultivation Guide or something...because this ancient book is all about how the Undead was born.

In the beginning.

The Deep Space Families were not Undead.

This characteristic of being able to despise the God of Death was not possessed by the first batch of Deep Space Families.

"According to the records in the book, the transformation method of the Undead was discovered by King Huang halfway..."

"To be able to transform into an Undead, a creature must first have the identity of a Deep Space Families, but now I can't give others the identity of a Families..."

Chen Jing said helplessly, turning the pages of the book.

"According to the book, if you want to establish a family relationship with other creatures, you must first ensure that your own sequence level exceeds the threshold...The threshold is Sequence Six? That's not too far away."

A long time ago.

Chen Jing thought about developing a family.

For the real ancient gods, the family is a dispensable thing, but for the old descendants who are not as strong as the ancient gods... the family is still very useful.

Extremely loyal.

Will not have two minds.

And will continue to automatically advance as the master's sequence is promoted...

In other words.

The stronger Chen Jing is.

The stronger his family will become.

Yegotos and Baiaji are obvious examples.

But unfortunately, Chen Jing has never learned the trick of developing a family, and he doesn't know how to establish a family relationship with other creatures.

Until seeing this manual left by the Yellow King, Chen Jing realized that it was not that he was dull and did not inherit the power to develop a family, but that he was not strong enough to pass the threshold.

The deep space sequence is different from other sequences.

It is too difficult to develop a family.

But once the clan is successfully developed, it is equivalent to opening the door to the transformation into the immortal species...

"If you want to transform the clan into the immortal species, you have to pass at least one more threshold... reaching Sequence 7 is almost enough."

Chen Jing closed the pages of the ancient book and let out a long breath.

"Let's look at the present first. There is no use in being too ambitious."

"My dear grandson, you can develop a clan after you are promoted to Sequence 6. Who do you plan to let be your clan first?"

Chen Bofu leaned against the head of the bed and wanted to light a cigarette, but then he thought that Chen Jing didn't like the smell of smoke, so he had to give up.

"If the records in the ancient book are correct, as long as you become your clan, you basically don't have to worry about the sequence promotion. The stronger your individual strength is, the stronger the clan will be..."

When Chen Bofu said this, everyone present couldn't help but look at Chen Jing.

Of course, Yegetos and Bai Aji didn't care about this. After all, the two of them were directly "inherited" by Chen Jing, completely skipping the process of establishing a clan relationship.

But the others had to care.

"King, I must be one of them, right?!" Anu stared at Chen Jing with shining eyes.

"And me!" Ryan said hurriedly, "I was the first to follow the young master! I must be one of them!"

Although Mona was still shy and embarrassed to speak, the desire in her eyes was obvious.

"You all have it." Chen Jing waved his hand and agreed.

"And me!"

Wei Nan covered his swollen face, tears kept rolling in his eyes, raised his hand and said loudly.

"I want to be your clan member too!"

Chapter 577 Plan to develop clan members (Part 2)

Hearing Wei Nan's words, Chen Jing couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Although he had thought about bringing Wei Nan and the others into the group before, it is undeniable... the clan relationship is not as simple as imagined. Living and dying together seems romantic, but in fact the risk is ridiculously high.

"No." Chen Jing subconsciously refused.

"Why not!" Wei Nan glared at Chen Jing angrily.

"No means no, I haven't thought of the specific reason yet..." Chen Jing said truthfully.

Chen Jing knew very well what his current situation was. Although he was one of the most powerful old descendants in this small team, it was no exaggeration to say that no one in the entire city was as easy to die as him.

To put it bluntly.

There were too many people who wanted him dead, not to mention the ancient gods like Turing, and the Creator's gang of bastards on his head... Chen Jing had no idea what would happen in the future, and it was not impossible that he would be killed by the Creator one day.

At least that's what he thought.

Just because it looks smooth, it doesn't mean it's really smooth.

Not to mention that in the future, when the Creator and the others officially go to war, anything could happen...

So this kind of family relationship of living and dying together seemed too risky to Chen Jing.

Once Chen Jing had any accident, all his family members would be buried with him in an instant.

Unless he had a backup plan like King Huang did at the beginning.

Erase the family contact in time.

But there are still risks after all...

"You are worried about more than just the risks, right?"

Chen Bofu saw through Chen Jing's thoughts at a glance. After all, he was Chen Jing's grandfather who raised him since he was a child. He didn't need to guess what Chen Jing was thinking.

"Do you think it's strange to form a family relationship with a friend?"

Hearing this, Chen Jing nodded.


"You think that by forming a family relationship, the relationship between you will change and become a bit like a superior and a subordinate... So you don't want to do this because you treat them all as friends, is that right?"

Seeing Chen Bofu say this, everyone present suddenly looked at each other.

Ryan and the others are obvious followers. They have never regarded Chen Jing as a friend. Instead, they regard him as someone to follow and the source of ultimate belief, so the old man's words have little impact on them.

"I don't care about that." Wei Nan muttered, although his expression was still very unhappy, but when he heard the old man say these words, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, "Even if I become your dependent, we are still friends! "

"I don't care either."

Yanque on the side also began to express his position, as if he had had this idea for a long time, and said with a firm tone.

"Our promotion speed is too slow. If we want to catch up with you, we can only do this... Just like this fool said, even if we become your dependents, we are still friends!"

"Oh, think about it from another angle..." Wei Nan jumped off the bed, walked to Chen Jing's side in three steps, and patted his shoulder heavily, "It's like in a video game, you cheated and took us all away. Fly, and the price we need to pay is a small title change..."

"It's okay to think so..." Chen Jing murmured thoughtfully.

"Besides, we want to help you too."

Wei Nan muttered, his tone was very disappointed.

"You will definitely meet many powerful enemies in the future, but your promotion speed is too fast, and we can't catch up at all... The boss just doesn't want you to fight alone, do you understand?"

"I understand." Chen Jing nodded silently, feeling a little moved in his heart. After all, he could see that Wei Nan and the others really wanted to help him.

"Besides, if something bad happens to your family members, and we can transform into immortal species in the future, it will be really difficult to die..." Wei Nan said with a look of longing on his face.

Suddenly, Wei Nan seemed to remember something and subconsciously looked back at the old man.

"Old man, why don't you become your grandson's family member?"


"Maybe you will be promoted to Sequence 8 one day!"

"I don't need it." Chen Bofu said with a frown, "I'm already standing on the threshold of promotion to Sequence 8. There's only one opportunity left. If I suddenly become a Deep Space Familia at this juncture, maybe I will It will also affect my promotion..."

"Then it's settled!" Wei Nan slapped Chen Jing on the shoulder. "You go to the Sea of ​​the Old and quickly advance to Sequence 6. When you come back, you can develop all of us into a dependent clan. Then you can continue to work hard to advance and kill us all." Become an immortal species and your merits will be complete!”

"I'll try my best." Chen Jing sighed helplessly.

"When the time comes, remember to bring Lawrence with you. If that guy hears that you can turn him into a family member, he may be so happy..." Chen Boxu patted his pants and jumped off the bed, ready to go back to the house. Go to sleep.

"Okay, I remember it." Chen Dingding nodded.

Before Chen Jing and the others returned from Jizhou City, Lawrence went to the wasteland with a team from the Walled City to buy supplies.

Compared with other teams purchasing supplies in the Walled City, Lawrence and his team went deeper into the wasteland and further away from the Western Continent.

Because of this, considering the safety of the caravan, Hassad sent Lawrence there, and the old man seemed to want to go out and relax, so he did not refuse Hassad's request and agreed happily.

"When the last caravan comes back, don't let them go out again. If you want any supplies, talk to Ji Zhoudu, and try not to leave the Western Continent to take risks. After all, it's a troubled time now, and many people have already begun to target them. It’s the Western Continent…”

"Okay, I'll go say hello to Hassad tomorrow." Chen Boxu nodded and then asked, "Then when will we go to sea? Have you determined the time?"


Chen Jing glanced at the calendar on the wall, and then mentally estimated the time it would take to return to the watch world.

"We will set off after breakfast. According to the address given by Grandpa Hassad, we will first go to the south of the Sea of ​​the Old to find Professor Armitage in the town called Inboga."

"So anxious?" Chen Bofu was startled, "I thought you wanted to wait for us to have a good rest for a few days before setting off..."

"time does not wait."

As Chen Jing spoke, he glanced at everyone, and finally looked at the old man.

"According to the original plan, only you and I will go this time, and everyone else will stay in the rear, including Yegetos and Baiaji. To be honest, I have a premonition this time..."

As he spoke, Chen Jing's eyes suddenly flashed with anticipation, and his tone couldn't help but become excited.

"I feel like there's something waiting for me in that sea of ​​old. Maybe it's another opportunity!"

Chapter 578 Bruna Fishing Town (Part 1)

During his time living in the other world, although Chen Jing had learned about the Old Sea from many ways, when he actually stood on the coast, he felt that he still seemed to know too little.

"This place is so depressing..."

Chen Jing and the old man stood side by side on the edge of the coast. Looking at the thick fog-filled sea in front of them, they felt more depressed than the Evernight City, which had not seen sunlight for ten thousand years. The whole world was filled with a gray gloom.

From the moment they reached the southern tip of the continent.

It rains all the time in this shitty place.

The humid and hot climate coupled with the fishy sea breeze.

How to say it...

It's not quite what Chen Jing imagined.


This sultry and extremely humid climate made him feel more uncomfortable than the Sentinel Ridge in the dog days of summer. His clothes seemed to be soaked with moisture, sticking to his skin and feeling indescribably sticky. He felt even more stuffy when breathing, as if a stone was pressing on his chest.

"Damn, it's still like this." Chen Bofu's dress is very suitable for living by the sea. Although it seems a bit unique in the inland, in the coastal areas... Beach pants, flip-flops, white vests, this kind of dress is really suitable. At least he is much more comfortable than Chen Jing who wears a T-shirt and shorts.

"According to the route planned by Grandpa Hasad, we have to go there first..." Chen Jing slowly turned around and looked at the small town next to the fishing port thousands of meters away, "Find a boatman there to take us to Inboga."

Inboga is not a coastal town on the mainland, but a small island far away from the mainland. There is only one town on it, Inboga. If nothing unexpected happens, Armitage, Xuye and others live there.

"We have to go by water..." Chen Bofu frowned. Since the moment he left Kakosha, the old man has never been in a good mood.

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