According to Xu Ye, she didn't expect the situation to be so bad at first. After all, one or two sea monsters were nothing to her. It was just a little troublesome to deal with them. But later, there were more and more sea monsters...

"There was a storm on the sea, and there were sea monsters in the sea..." Xu Ye smiled bitterly, "I originally planned to go back to Inboga to find someone to support me, but the ship didn't obey at all. It was pushed by the sea monsters at a terrifying speed. When I decided to abandon the ship and escape, it was too late."

"You shouldn't have made such a mistake." Chen Bofu frowned and said, his words were full of undisguised disgust, "You were much more vigilant in Yongye than you are now. It's been a long time since we last met, and you have regressed so much..."

Hearing Chen Bofu's complaints, Xu Ye could only nod in shame, saying that she had indeed changed a lot after leaving Yongye, especially during the time she lived in Inboga, the comfortable life almost made her nerves numb.

"If we hadn't arrived in time, you would probably have been caught by those sea monsters and fed to Dagon." Chen Bofu snorted coldly.

"This also proves that I'm lucky."

Xuye smiled coquettishly and raised his hand to take the stone seal handed back by Chen Jing.

"Ah Jing, did you and the old man come to Inboga this time to meet Professor Armitage?"

"Well, I came to see you by the way." Chen Jing smiled.

"How long do you plan to stay in Inboga?" Xuye asked with a smile.

Chen Jing thought about it and said, not sure.

Because they came to Inboga to ask Armitage for help, when they can find the "Deep Sea Singularity" and "Luo Yan City", they can go back.

If they can't find it in a short time...

To be honest, Chen Jing is mentally prepared to live here permanently.

After all, he will be idle when he returns to the Western Continent. The only thing he can do now is to improve his own strength as soon as possible. His first priority is to advance to the sequence at the fastest speed regardless of everything.

Maybe he noticed that Chen Jing didn't want to continue this topic.

Xu Ye did not ask any more questions, nor did he ask them what they were looking for Professor Armitage for. He just quietly drove the boat towards Inboga.

Maybe Chen Bofu killed the sea monsters too hard.

Since then.

They have not been harassed by the pollution of the old sea again.

In the sound of the waves like white noise.

Chen Bofu fell asleep in a chair with a blanket on his head, and snored soon. Chen Jing also felt a little sleepy. He leaned on the sofa beside him, yawning and communicating with Qiao Youning about the supplies on the screen.

[Qiao Youning]: The supplies are ready. If nothing goes wrong, they will be delivered tomorrow.

[Chen Jing]: Thank you, Sister Qiao! Grateful! Heart!

[Qiao Youning]: What's there to thank me for... By the way, there is still no news from Li Mobai?

[Chen Jing]: His name has not disappeared from the list, which proves that this guy is not dead. It is estimated that Turing has put him under house arrest.

[Qiao Youning]: Well... it's possible! I saw many people on the forum reported that the candidates of Hanging City have lost contact. At present, at least half of the candidates of Hanging City have no news, and acquaintances do not reply to messages sent to them.

[Chen Jing]: In fact, Turing knows everything.

[Qiao Youning]: Well, you told me last time, so I am worried about them... Is Turing planning to clean up the candidates of Hanging City?

[Chen Jing]: At present, I can't guess what Turing wants to do, but I have posted on the forum, asking the candidates of Hanging City to be more careful, because Turing has already known about the exam through their brains...

[Qiao Youning]: It seems that there will be more and more troubles in the future, alas.

[Chen Jing]: Yes, but this is just the beginning, because I always feel that Turing is holding back to do bad things...

[Qiao Youning]: Do you suspect that it has other plans?

[Chen Jing]: Well, it knows about the biological leap exam, and also knows the origins of us candidates, so... I am afraid that it will take another means to attack us.

[Qiao Youning]: For example?

[Chen Jing]: Expose everything.

[Qiao Youning]: This...

[Chen Jing]: Expose our origins, expose our purpose, and even deliberately guide public opinion to portray us as enemies who want to destroy the inner world in exchange for the continuation of the outer world.

[Qiao Youning]: ! ! !

[Chen Jing]: I don't know if it will do this, but if the identity is reversed from a different perspective, I might do it.

[Qiao Youning]: I... I'm fine here... Even if it is exposed, the people in the temple will not do anything to me, I have the Buddha Mother to protect me. You should be the one with the greatest risk, right? ! The old man's temper...

[Chen Jing]: I'm not afraid that the old man will kill me to avenge his grandson.

[Qiao Youning]: I know... I know you are afraid that the old man will be sad...

[Chen Jing]: Yes.


At noon the next day.

The fishing boat had already entered the sea area called "Nagtut".

Chen Jing and others could see the small island of Inboga not far away from the deck.

Of course.

They could also see the old man standing at the port, looking out, dressed very elegantly.

"Armitage... this old bastard who faked his death..."

Chen Bofu spat on his hands, stepped on the fender, and prepared to jump up and rush to the port.

"Help me keep an eye on him and don't let him run away. I must smash his glasses and stuff them into his dog's stomach today... Wait a minute, I'll go to the cabin and find a handy weapon, so that I can beat him up!"

"...You don't have to go."

"Why?" Chen Bofu paused.

Chen Jing looked at the back of the fleeing figure on the shore, as if the person who was running only hated his parents for not giving him two more legs. It would not be an exaggeration to describe him as rolling and crawling.

"I am an empiricist. I ran away when I saw you."

Chapter 588 A warm welcome (Part 1)

When Chen Bofu rushed ashore and grabbed Armitage and started beating him up, Chen Jing had just gotten off the boat with Xu Ye.

In fact, the area of ​​the island of Inboga is not large, but the terrain is quite rich. In addition to the cliffs and beaches along the coast, there is a towering mountain covered by billowing smoke deep in the island... It should be a volcano, but it is not quite the same as the volcano in Chen Jing's impression. The thick fog at the mountain pass is all light blue dust.

From Chen Jing's perspective, the thick smoke covered the top of the mountain, and it seemed to have accumulated into a thick cloud, and the blue light inside the crater was like a searchlight, shining straight on the cloud.

"Why does your volcano look weird..." Chen Jing couldn't help but ask curiously, "Why is there a blue light coming out of the crater?"

"That's Professor Armitage's laboratory." Xu Ye smiled, "There are many places on this island dedicated to Professor Armitage's experiments. The experimental site inside the volcano is the largest, and many large rituals are conducted there."

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but become more interested in Armitage, because in his opinion, this kind of "scientific researcher" who specializes in studying old history and ancient rituals is definitely a rare talent in the other world.

Because "rituals" are really clever, the more Chen Jing understands this thing, the more he can perceive its extraordinaryness...because after all, "rituals" are a special means that can achieve a multiplier effect.

A descendant of Sequence 3.

Maybe he can kill a Sequence 5 enemy through some kind of ritual.

This is not uncommon.

But the problem is that "rituals" also have great limitations. For example, the ancient rituals inherited from the deep space either cost too much or the cost is not proportional to the return. Therefore, except for a very small number of rituals with special effects, the others are hard to catch Chen Jing's eye.

But Chen Jing was really curious about the rituals studied by Armitage, because he heard Xu Ye say on the way here that Armitage was not the kind of old descendant who was good at fighting, and he rarely used his own power.

If he really wanted to kill someone, Armitage would only use rituals.

That's right.

Use those ancient rituals that he "improved" himself.

Reduce the cost, and the effect is not reduced.

Even the old man had to admit that Armitage had a set.

Under Xu Ye's leadership.

Chen Jing slowly walked into the depths of Inboga along the port path.

In fact, this can't be considered a town, at most it's just a small fishing village.

Simple houses, humid air.

There are also iron plates hanging on the door frames of every household, which are engraved with ancient totems symbolizing Dagon.

All of this is very similar to what Chen Jing saw in Bruna.

Not only that.

Chen Jing found that these natives on the island seemed to have some social phobia problems like the indigenous people of Bruna. From the moment they stepped into the fishing village, they never heard the natives make any sound from beginning to end. Only occasionally a figure flashed by the window, or half an eye appeared in the gap between the curtains.

Xu Ye was not surprised by this. She seemed to have long been accustomed to their shy and introverted personality, so she was still explaining to Chen Jing along the way that although these natives of Inboga did not have much hostility towards outsiders, they were still somewhat afraid.

After all, the focus of their lives is in this sea area, and their lifelong belief is only Dagon, an ancient god. They just want to "accumulate more virtue" for themselves during their lifetime so that they can go to the deep sea to serve Dagon after death.

So they knew very little about the inland, and only thought that Chen Jing and his people were some fools who believed in heresy.

"In fact, these natives of Inboga are not that bad. Of course, it may also be because Professor Armitage has taught them a few lessons. Anyway, these natives are not very hostile to us, and they will take the initiative to send us some seafood from time to time..."

Xu Ye led Chen Jing through the quiet fishing village and walked along the path along the coast of Inboga.


Chen Jing saw a towering lighthouse in front of him...

This lighthouse gave Chen Jing a very strange feeling.

There was no feeling of guiding the direction of passing ships in the dark.

Instead, there was an indescribable weirdness.

After years of erosion by wind and waves and humid climate, the paint on the surface of the tower was cracked and mottled, and at a glance, there were traces of mold growing wantonly.

These molds seemed to be spreading according to some rules.

They climbed up along the dark tower, and the traces left on the path were very regular, like some ancient secret totems, extending in a spiral shape all the way to the top of the lighthouse...

From the moment Chen Jing saw the lighthouse.

The tower light has been flickering slightly.

Perhaps because the sun was out during the day, the brightness of the tower light was not high, so dim that it made people feel dead, and occasionally some crackling sounds could be heard from above, as if something was burning and exploding.

"This lighthouse was abandoned a long time ago, but Professor Armitage said it was useful, so it has been maintained..." Xuye found that Chen Jing had been staring at the lighthouse, so he quietly introduced a few words, "Professor Armitage said that this lighthouse was once a medium for a ritual used by the Dagon Esoteric Cult."

"No wonder this lighthouse looks so gloomy..."

Chen Jing smiled and retracted his gaze, then looked at the self-built brick house next to the lighthouse.

That should be their destination.

Armitage's home.

It must be said that when Chen Jing saw the simple and even shabby self-built brick house with his own eyes, he was indeed a little surprised, because he didn't expect Armitage and Xuye to live so shabby...

The simple gray and white brick house has no special features.

The only bright spot is probably the white fish bones used to form a fence in the yard.

At this moment.

Chen Bofu was pinning Professor Armitage down in the yard, beating him up, and the familiar figures beside him were all trembling, seemingly no one dared to step up to stop the fight.


The first person to greet Chen Jing was the bloated "red meat mountain".

"Uncle pigkeeper!"

"Oh, I finally waited for you..."

The extroverted pigkeeper was the first to run over, panting so hard that he couldn't catch his breath, and the muddy ground was shaking violently like an earthquake under his footsteps.

When he stopped, the fat all over his body was still trembling.

"Uncle pigkeeper, it seems that you have been doing well these days..." Chen Jing looked at the fine hair on the pigkeeper's face and couldn't help but sigh, "Glossy and smooth... You must have eaten a lot of fish oil, right?"

"Don't mention this, I'm almost sick of seafood!" The pigkeeper said with a smile, "You kid, go and stop the fight! Otherwise, if they keep fighting, I'm afraid their hair will be pulled out!"

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