Standing at the exit of the singularity of the deep sea.

Chen Jing and the others looked down from above, unable to see beyond at a glance.

Compared to a "city" in the conventional sense, to outsiders, it might seem that this is more like a rugged and towering mountain range. If we just talk about the area... its area should be much larger than that of Yongye City. , even Ji Di can't compare with it.

"Okay, okay, it's almost back to normal!" Chen Bofu comforted Chen Jing. The body that was constantly gathering had gradually stabilized. Those "beads" were fixed in place, and only some cracks could still be seen faintly.

"You're still here."

Hearing this strange voice, Chen Jing and the old man instinctively looked back, only to see that about twenty meters away from them... Cha Gong was kneeling on the ground and did not dare to stand up, and there were two strange people beside him. figure.

One has the characteristics of a fish-man, like a miniature deep diver...

Is that Dagon?

Chen Jing's eyes were full of surprise. He was surprised not only by the change in the other party's body shape, but also by the fact that the other party actually spoke!

Although it is not uncommon for ancient gods to speak, they were too silent before, and coupled with their weird forms... this led Chen Jing to always treat them as "beasts" and completely ignore them. They regard them as low-level ancient gods with little IQ.

"Why have you become smaller?" Chen Bofu asked subconsciously, and then he felt his grandson tug on him. Only then did the old man realize that although this fish-man didn't look like a deterrent, he was actually a An ancient god, it would be unwise to mess with it in its base camp.

But fortunately, Dagon is still broad-minded.

At least it didn't care about the rude behavior of this mortal creature, and instead responded kindly.

"Everything in Luoyan City should maintain a humble attitude, even me."


The creature making the weird cry was Tekiri. After shrinking its body to the "normal range", it didn't look like an octopus, but rather like an asphalt ball with hundreds of arm-footed tentacles.

In this state, you can't tell where its "face" is at all, and organs such as its eyes and mouth seem to be hidden, even if it is always making that weird sound, and there is no one around for a while. Be able to tell which part the sound is coming from.

"Tekeli!! Tekeli!!!"


Dagon picked up Tekili and stroked it to comfort it.

"Now that we have gone home, you should be happy. There should be no crying in Luoyan City..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dagon looked up at Chen Jing.

Unlike other deep divers, its protruding eyeballs are not dull and empty. Instead, they are filled with emotions that ordinary people can easily a kind of joy from the heart.

"He has been waiting for you for a long time, and I will take you to see Him now!"

Chapter 610: The Eternal Mansion in Luoyan City (Part 1)

At first, the impression left by Dagon and Tekili on Chen Jing was silence.


When they first appeared, they were like some kind of unconscious ancient gods. At the moment when Ihasrei appeared, they were always particularly silent, making no sound or any intention of attacking others.

Like a statue.

Waiting quietly.

Waiting for the person who is destined to knock on the door of Luoyan City to appear.

"Dagon, the one you are talking about is Keturt?"

"It is the supreme being."

"You said He has been waiting for me for a long time...Was he waiting for the person holding the key, or was he waiting for me?" Chen Jing asked calmly.


Dagon paused for a moment, holding Tejili in his arms, and looked back at Chen Jing, with an excited look in his bulging eyes.

"He has been waiting for you for so long that he can't help but wonder if King Huang really lied to him..."

During the conversation between Dagon and Chen Jing.

Chen Bofu always stood in the position closest to the Chagong priest, because it was not difficult to hear from the conversation between Dagon and Chen Jing that it was not hostile to Deep Sky. To it and Tejili, Chen Jing was their The master's distinguished guest... So the only ones who need to worry about now are the priests of Chagong.

The old man is not sure about the temper of this fishman priest.

So he didn't know how this guy would react next.

Will there be a violent outburst on the spot?

Or will they choose silence for the sake of their "face"?

have no idea.

Chen Bofu silently followed Priest Chagong, never looking away. As long as this guy dared to do anything unscrupulous, he could take action instantly within a short distance...not to mention the influence in the old sea. No matter whether he can kill the opponent or not, he can at least suppress Chagong for a while.

"King Huang?"

Priest Chagong seemed to be familiar with this name. After a moment of hesitation, he slowly raised his head, ignoring the "etiquette" of the esoteric religion, and looked straight at Dagon, who was talking to Chen Jing.

"Is it the Yellow King of Deep Space?" Cha Gong suddenly asked.

At this moment, Chagong didn't seem to know who he should ask, but the confusion in his heart that couldn't be dispelled made him couldn't help but ask this question.

"Yes." Dagon was more affable than in the legend. He naturally replied when he heard the family member's question, and Chen Jing on the side also turned back to look at Priest Chagong at this moment.

Chen Jing could feel that Shagong had many doubts in his heart, and he could even say that he had doubts about his identity, but this was only a doubt. After receiving Dagon's reply, Shagong bowed his head respectfully and docilely again.

"The Yellow King broke his promise and did not come to Luoyan City on time, but it's okay if you come..." Dagon did not care about the thoughts of Shagong's family. He only had Chen Jing wearing a gas mask in his eyes. "You are a descendant of the Deep Sky. Your coming here means that the Deep Sky is here."

Seeing that Dagon had said this, Chen Jing felt that even if Shagong was stupid, he should be able to guess the true identity of the grandfather and grandson.


Chen Jing took off the gas mask on his face directly, and a smile appeared on his slightly pale face.

"Yes, I'm here, that is, the Deep Sky is here."

At this time, the Shagong priest was slightly raising his head, looking at Chen Jing's face as if peeping, and then suddenly lowered his head and remained silent.

This face was not unfamiliar to Shagong. After all, the wanted order issued by Xuankong Yongye had been flying all over the world. As a priest of the Dagon Secret Cult, Shagong was familiar with the deep space resuscitators and those around them.

He had seen the photos.

He had also seen the information.

So when Chen Jing's true identity was exposed, the old man's identity could not be concealed.

"Amitage actually lied to me..." Shagong murmured, his tone bitter and somewhat annoyed.

At the same time, Chen Bofu, who had been responsible for observing him, also took off his mask, because the old man had confirmed... Judging from this guy's reaction, he was indeed not a madman like Notoya, at least he would not choose to cause trouble in the presence of the ancient gods.

"You are the people of Dagon."

Chen Bofu smiled and reminded calmly.

"Dagon is your belief and also your supreme king. I don't need to explain the relationship between the family and the master..."

"What do you want to say?" Shagong suddenly raised his head and looked at the old man beside him who was called a madman by the outside world.

"I just want to remind you that there is no need to go against Dagon's wishes for the sake of worldly views..." Chen Bofu whispered, "Dagon treats my grandson as a guest, and you secret sects are preparing to treat my grandson as an enemy. Isn't it unreasonable to do so?"

"If we treat your grandson as an enemy, we would have joined the alliance of the Suspended Eternal Night long ago, but... forget it. You are right. Notoya has always wanted to kill your grandson."

Shagong's mind is completely messed up. He found Luoyan City and was able to travel with two ancient gods. In addition, he was deceived by Armitage. The two people around him turned out to be the Deep Space Resurrectionist and his grandfather...

The attitude of the secret sect towards deep space.

The bold words that Notoya once said.

And Gambaro's ambition.

All of this was tearing each other apart in the mind of the Shagong priest.

Before this.

The idea of ​​the Shagong priest was closer to Notoya, but not as radical as Notoya. He also regarded the revival of deep space as a threat. He also thought about forming an alliance with the suspended eternal night, but he was always hesitant...

"Deep space is not our enemy."

At this moment, Dagon, who was walking in the front, suddenly spoke, his voice was hoarse and low, revealing a sense of unquestionable.

"Our master was a close friend of the Yellow King. In the old days, He only had the Yellow King as a friend..."

What Dagon said showed the attitude of "Luoyan City".

And the Shagong priest also understood what choice he should make at this moment.

"When I go back, I will have a good talk with Notoya and the others." The Shagong priest said without hesitation.

"This is not an order."

Dagon suddenly stopped and looked back at the Shagong priest.

"After the Old Days, Tekili and I have always been lurking under the deep sea, guarding the ancient existence sleeping in Luoyan City. As for you clansmen... we have no intention of guiding you to do anything. You can make the choice you want to make. What I said is just for your reference."

As soon as the voice fell.

Dagon turned around and continued to lead everyone forward. He couldn't help but speed up his pace because he was "eager to go home."

"After the Old Days War, there are not many ancient gods who have survived to this day. Instead of dealing with them, you might as well choose the deep space... Although I don't know the descendants of this deep space, I know the original Huang Wang. He is a person who can be trusted by Luoyan City, and a king of kings who can make billions of creatures sincerely convinced."

Chapter 611 The Eternal Mansion of Luoyan City (Part 2)

There is only one passage to enter Luoyan City.

It is a corridor composed of countless diamond-shaped dark green crystals.

Chen Jing and his companions were in the middle of it, following Dagon's footsteps and speeding up their pace. It took them nearly twenty minutes to truly enter Luoyan City.

Chen Jing observed carefully along the way.

It was precisely because of this.

The shock Luoyan City brought to him was the most terrifying.

Similar to the corridor leading into the city.

All the buildings in Luoyan City were of this dark green color, and most of them were built of crystals of this color. Only a few large buildings... such as some buildings similar to "large conchs", were built with a darker, almost dark green rock as the building material.

So from a distance, Luoyan City looks like a piece of green plants growing on the seabed, with countless pointed and twisted dark green buildings rising from the ground, as if to poke a hole in the sky.

This is a "skinny" city.

It is also a city beyond human understanding.

It is not an exaggeration.

It is far from the word "city" in the conventional understanding of Chen Jing and others.

There are indeed many buildings here.

But Chen Jing can't understand the meaning of these buildings anyway.

There are no doors or windows.

There are no stairs or steps.

Even Chen Jing thinks that the street under his feet should not be called a street.

They just walk through the gaps between these crowded buildings.

That's all.

"Luoyan City used to have many residents, but it's a pity that they didn't survive the old war..."

"Many residents?" Chen Jing was stunned, "Did they live here before?"

"Yes." Dagon nodded.

"How can people live in this place..." Chen Jing murmured.

The buildings they saw along the way were not even considered buildings. They were like a bunch of large, strangely shaped, solid works of art cast with green cement... Yes, they were solid, which Chen Jing and his team had already confirmed with their own methods.

There were no gaps inside these buildings, so naturally there was no space for people to survive.

"Everyone lives in the private dimension given by the master." Dagon said softly.

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