After promotion sequence six.

Chen Jing has gained so many new powers that even he can't count them all at once... These powers are all new to him, just like low-proficiency skills in the game.

Can use.

But not proficient.

There is no guarantee that its power will reach the passing line, nor can it be guaranteed that one can control the scope of the power...

The reason why Chen Jing had been observing before and did not take action rashly was because he was not sure. If he was sure that he would not "hurt innocent people", he would have taken action against Notoya as soon as he stepped out of the door and hit him. Being caught off guard is the best solution.

At this moment, Chen Jing followed the old man and the others and only dared to try those "safer" powers, such as... some means of playing with the laws of space.

"What is this..." When Notoya saw the space crack appearing in front of him, he almost instinctively wanted to stay away from it, but at this distance, he had no time to react, and was sucked into the crack in an instant...

The next second.

Notoya became two pieces.

One part was lying on the altar dozens of meters away, and the other part was suspended in the air.

The cross-section of Notoya's body was extremely smooth, as if it had been cut by some particularly sharp machine. You could even see the internal organs with smooth cross-sections still squirming slightly.

"Good job..." A smile appeared on Chen Boxu's face, and then he turned around suddenly and stood up, like a black light heading straight for Notoya's upper body.

The priest Chagong on the side did not dare to waste this opportunity. Like a snake crawling on the ground, with a strange but extremely agile posture, he arrived on the altar in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the only half of Notoa's torso left in front of him, the Chagon priest suddenly raised his hand and punched. The light flowed from his muscled arm, and five totems similar to old mantras seemed to appear on his five fingers. In an instant, He swung his fist towards half of Notoya's torso and smashed it.

Notoya should be dead.

If not dead, he would at least be seriously injured.

Chen Bofu and Chagong both felt the same way.

After all, this guy's breath was weakened by more than 90% in just an instant. After being completely cut off, he even lost his breathing and heartbeat, and both parts of his body suffered from muscle spasms of varying degrees.

So this is a good opportunity to kill him.

"Smelly salted fish, please die!"

Chen Bofu laughed wildly and turned into a thick black mist, swallowing half of Notoya's body directly into it, quickly decomposing it with the power of disaster, and intending to "digest" him.

In this process.

Chen Jing always observed the entire battle from a third perspective.

After losing his human form, his powers of observation are now more than a hundred times better than before, especially when he gradually spreads this nebula body and continues to extend at the cost of eroding the original space... He can almost make hundreds of observations at the same time. Observe Ihasrei from thousands of angles.

Is Notoya really dead?

Chen Jing thought it was impossible.

Because as the first priest of [Dagon Secret Cult], Notoya's strength is very close to the old man. It is no exaggeration to say that he should be on the same level as the Pope of [Moonlight Hermitage], so Chen Jing doesn't think he will So easy to deal with...

Although the deep space sequence does have the ability to fight beyond levels, this ability still has its limits after all. The higher the sequence level, the more useless this ability will be, especially between sequence six and seven. The natural chasm cannot be crossed at will.

Therefore, when Chen Jing saw Notoya being cut into two pieces so easily, Chen Jing's first reaction was not to be happy, but to feel that there was something deceitful about it...

"Two old descendants of Sequence Seven."

"Plus a sequence six deep space resuscitator."

"It's indeed...interesting!!!"

When Chen Jing heard this burst of laughter, the half of Notoya's torso lying on the altar had been beaten into pulp by Cha Gong, and the old man who had "digested" Notoya's upper body was now firmly on the ground. on the ground.

"I just said something doesn't taste right to you...the taste is wrong..." Chen Bofu said with a frown, and finally couldn't help but cursed, "But I feel like that's your true body...where the hell are you hiding?" ?”

Chagong had also finished processing half of Notoa's body at this time. The fleshy mud was affected by the power of the ritual, turning into pus at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally seeped into the stone crevices of the altar.

"Then what is the power of grandson!" When Chen Bofu saw that Notoya, who was laughing, did not respond to him, he could only ask Chagong for the answer, "Speak quickly! If you know yourself and the enemy, you will be victorious in any battle!"

"Notoa's power is very complicated, and I don't know it clearly..." Chagon replied helplessly.

In the esoteric religion.

Chagong has always played a role similar to that of a "civilian official".

Therefore, he has neither sparred with Notoya, nor seen Notoya kill anyone with his own eyes. He only heard from the rumors of those Familia... Notoya seems to be able to use the Sea of ​​the Old to destroy enemies, that's all. , without further details.

"Don't fight here, or you'll damage the sacred place of my secret sect..." Notoya's laughter sounded again, exactly the same as before, as if it was coming from everyone's ears, so there was no way to locate it. , "Let's go up there and fight."

After hearing this, Chen Boxu and Cha Gong looked at each other, and both showed expressions that were exactly what I wanted.


Chen Bofu happily agreed. After all, he still remembered what he had promised the master of Luoyan City before. He could fight him any way he wanted outside, but he must remember not to damage Yihaslei...

"Then I'll go up first, you guys come quickly..."

At this moment, everyone could feel a vague aura moving away from Ihasrei.

Notoya didn't seem to be afraid that Chen Bofu and the others would escape at all.

Of course they can't escape.

After all, there is only one way out of Ihasre.

Chapter 629: The King of the Old Sea (Part 2)

Before leaving Ihasre.

Chen Bofu asked the Chagong priest more than once.

Let him go out for a while and then seize the time to cooperate with him. Be sure to kill Notoya as quickly as possible.

"I have always been suppressed by the constraints of the old sea. The energy in my body is drained too fast, and most of my powers are also affected. So the longer we delay, the smaller our chances of winning..."

"And your grandson?"

"My grandson... let's go out and talk about it later!"

Outside the exit of Ihasre, separated from the oppressive dark atmosphere under the sea, Pohnpei Island still has sunny and good weather. It seems that even if the end of the world comes, the place will still be enchanting. Good times.

But no matter how beautiful things are, they must come to an end one day.

Nothing can escape this reincarnation.

When a whirlpool appears again in the pool deep in the jungle, the end of Pohnpei Island seems to be doomed...

Accompanied by a deafening roar.

A column of blue water rushed out of the pool and reached an altitude of nearly a thousand meters.

The first ones to appear were Chen Bofu and Cha Gong.

The moment they returned to Pohnpei, they were ready to fight the enemy.

The former directly turned into a black haze that swallowed everything, and used itself as a ritual barrier at a speed visible to the naked eye, completely blocking the island of Pohnpei in an absolutely tough way.

The latter's body expanded until it tore the priest's robe, and the knotted muscles seemed to have turned into countless "living creatures", quickly moving around and changing positions under the scaly skin, reorganizing the body for Chagong in an incredible way.

The scene lasted no more than ten seconds.

Pohnpei, where the sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, turned into a place of disaster. The black mist transformed by Chen Bofu corroded everything, and completely plunged Pohnpei into darkness, while the Chagong priest was like a pure-blooded man. Like a deep diver, his swollen body mutated to the extreme, and his height of nearly a kilometer made him completely lose his original appearance.

"Damn it, Brother Chagong, you clansmen from the Old Sea are really uglier than the last..." Even if Chen Boxu temporarily abandoned his human form, he still persisted in complaining about every point he could complain about.

"Haha..." Chagong laughed perfunctorily, not wanting to argue with Chen Boxu. After all, from a certain perspective, Chen Boxu's complaints were considered polite... Is Notoa ugly? Chagong is uglier than him now!

After the face lost its human form, it became as distorted as a deep diver. It looked like a fish but not a fish. To be precise, it was more like a bunch of things similar to organs and internal organs crowded on his face. There are also many arm-footed tentacles growing out of the lower jaw.


His face looked like the bucket the fishmonger used to carry fish scraps!

So Chen Bofu was quite polite in his words. At least he only said he was ugly, not disgusting.

"Where is Notoya?" Chen Boxu was also looking for him at this moment, feeling a little anxious. After all, his current state had a time limit, and the constraints of the old sea caused the energy in his body to drain away rapidly every second.

"He should still be on the island." Chagong squatted down slowly like a giant, overlooking the flat island from a high position, "I smell the same sequence of breath... not far from us..."

"found it."

Just when the two of them were trying to find Notoya who was hiding, Chen Jing's voice also sounded.

He returned to Pohnpei about a minute later than the old man and the others, but there was nothing he could do about it. In his current state, he simply could not be taken away by Chagong as he had been when he came, so he was very nervous along the way. Came back from swimming with Chagong...

have to say.

It's great to be freed from the mortal body.

There is no need to breathe in the water.

There is no need to worry about the loss of energy in the body caused by the constraints of the Old Sea.

This relaxed and comfortable feeling made him enjoy it, just like swimming in the shallow end of the swimming pool as a child...

"His condition is very strange." Chen Jing's voice still rang in the ears of the old man and Chagong, "He is not a normal individual. He seems to have split himself apart by some means. What I can observe about 'him' is: Millions..."

"Millions of clones?" Chen Boxu asked doubtfully.

"From a certain perspective, it is indeed a clone, like millions of particles floating on the surface of the dimension..."

Chen Bofu turned Pohnpei into the main battlefield of the disaster land. Everything here was slowly being swallowed up by it, so Chen Jing always kept a "low profile" and did not dare to use his power at will, for fear of affecting the old man's performance. .

The moment you leave the sea.

Chen Jing assimilated his nebula body with Pohnpei's space.

Like an invisible mountain that cannot be observed by the naked eye, his huge body is always wandering around Pohnpei Island, using his strong observation skills to provide Chen Bofu and the others with key information.

"As expected of the resuscitator of deep space..."

At this moment, Notoya's voice sounded again, with a hint of admiration in his slightly crazy and excited tone.

"I didn't expect you to be able to find me in this state... It seems that the deep space sequence is indeed different from other sequences... The subtle observation ability is really terrible..."

When Notoya said this, his body had already been reassembled on the beach of Pohnpei.

As Chen Jing said before.

He split into millions of translucent "bubbles", just like stacking building blocks, these "bubbles" reassembled his body at a very fast speed.

"I underestimated you before, and suffered a small loss..." Notoya seemed not to be used to this new body, standing in the same place and jumping around as if warming up, "But as the saying goes, every failure makes you wiser..."

"You deal with him, I'll find an opportunity."

Chen Jing focused his attention on Notoya, observing his every move from millions of perspectives, trying to find this guy's flaws... Judging from his series of performances, his self-healing ability has exceeded the standard a bit too much.

There is no sign of injury.

The breath never weakened.

It seemed to be back to full state.

"Do you know why other sects cannot invade the Old Sea?" Notoya said with a smile, "Apart from Dagon who guards the Old Sea, there is actually another main reason..."

"I am here."

Notoya said lightly, while looking back at the priest Shagong who was as terrifying as the giant deep diver.

"When I succeeded the priest to take charge of the secret religion, Shagong was still struggling in the Old Sea. Although we are brothers, we are not of the same generation after all..."

Hearing this, Shagong snorted coldly, but it sounded more like giving himself courage.

"Do you remember? I had a nickname in the last era..."


A blue light lit up under Shagong's feet, which was a sign of the activation of some ancient rituals.

"They all call you... the King of the Old Sea."

Chapter 630 You blocked the way of the secret religion (Part 1)

Notoya's power comes from the Old Sea.

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