Was he too wary of Hanging Yongye?

Could it be that, as the old man said, Xuankong Yongye sealed the city gate to avoid him, the resuscitator?

No answers, no clues.

Although Chen Jing hopes that the reality is as simple as the old man said, the vigilance in his heart has not disappeared. Even though he often doubts whether his judgment is wrong... but the inexplicable sense of crisis is always like gangrene in the bones. Tormenting him.

However, Chen Jing has learned to be smart. In order to avoid worrying others, he does not dare to reveal his inner thoughts anymore, and he no longer looks so serious... It seems that he feels a lot more relaxed.

"This is my first New Year's Eve here."

Above the black star, Chen Jing was wearing a yellow robe, leaning against the golden giant Jegertos behind him, sitting lazily and relaxedly on the ground.

"Wang, New Year's Eve should be a very meaningful event for us."

Yegetos raised his eyes to look at Baiage, who was hovering high in the sky, and said softly to Chen Jing.

"In the old days, we deep space people also paid special attention to New Year's Eve. Everyone felt that it was a new beginning. As long as we sincerely pray to the 'Supreme King' on New Year's Eve, more good things will come in the New Year. transport."

"Then do you have anything you want to pray for me?" Chen Jing asked with a smile.

"I hope you can defeat all enemies, I hope you can be happier than you are now, I hope... I seem to have many wishes to pray for." Jegertos scratched his head naively.

"Then you go back and make a list. I will listen to your prayers." Chen Jing couldn't help but laugh out loud and patted Yagertos' armor, "But I hope that there are more of your wishes." You can tell me anything about yourself, such as whether you want to be promoted to a higher rank next year, or what you want to eat or play.”

"Well!" Jagertos nodded seriously, indicating that he had listened to Chen Jing's words, and then pointed to the beast that was having fun in the sky, "King, what do you think its New Year's wish will be?"

God knows how strong Baiaji's hearing is. The moment Yegetos asked this question, it made a sharp turn and then lowered its head and dived towards the Black Star.

Bai Aji hurriedly spoke before he even landed, fearing that Chen Jing wouldn't listen to his wish.

"I want to go out and play!"

"Dismiss it for now. We'll talk about it when we have a chance."

Chen Jing also felt a little headache when he heard Bai Aji's "prayer", because at first he didn't know that Bai Aji would have such a husky temperament.

The period when he was first enclosed in Kakosa was okay, but the further he went on, the more restless Bai Aji became... After all, this sky was still too small for Bai Aji. After all, it was good at Creatures galloping among the stars in the universe naturally feel uncomfortable being trapped in one place for a long time.

So Chen Jing also thought of many ways for it, such as putting it back into the vast deep space. That weird space is almost endless, and it can fly as far as it wants.

At first, Baiage thought deep space was fine.

But then...

Baiaji is no longer willing to go to deep space. No matter how much it complains about the small sky in Kakosa, it does not want to return to that dead space.

In the words of Bhaiaj.

Deep space is good, and the space is large enough.

It's a pity that it is not very "popular".

After living with the people of Kakosa for a long time, Baiaji has gradually become accustomed to this lively atmosphere. Under such circumstances, letting him go to deep space is, to be honest, almost like going to jail.

"King, it's calm outside now, it's time for us to go out..." Bai Aji habitually shrunk his body, and finally became almost the size of a puppy. He jumped to Chen Jing's side and acted coquettishly, "Xuankong Yongye is still in the same state. In a closed state, no one of those guys dares to show their heads now, so it’s okay even if we go out to play!”

"Wait a little longer." Chen Jing whispered, holding Baiaji in his arms and gently stroking the mane on its back, "Wait until this round of exams is over, and then think about the next step after you go back." Let's go... I have a feeling that going back this time won't go well. "

In Chen Jing's view, returning to the surface world after each round of exams does not mean ease, but the beginning of another kind of difficulty.

I won’t talk about sneaking out from the closed beta.

Let’s just talk about the exam in which all mankind participates.

After the first round of exams, when I returned to the surface world, I encountered those "pretend corpse" candidates. Although it was not difficult to clean them up, it was still a bit troublesome after all...

When the second round of exams was over, Chen Jing went back and killed Raphael. Before killing him, he had to solve 1.3 million troubles.

Although the results of these two regressions are good, and each time we can get more or less benefits, they are definitely not "smooth", and the difficulty becomes more and more difficult each time.

Therefore, Chen Jing was a little worried about this return.

Compared to Yongye.

The suspended self-isolation is what makes him most anxious, because there are not a few candidates in that city, and they have completely lost contact now. From a certain perspective, Chen Jing firmly believes that they have fallen into Turing's trap. in hand.


That intelligent AI that can kill people will never allow so many candidates to live freely in the Hanging City. For the so-called total victory, it will definitely use all means to get rid of itself.

Those candidates must have some effect on it, and judging from the rankings, those candidates are still alive so far.

What is going on with them in the Hanging City, and what will happen after they return to the surface world... No one knows.

Chen Jing once thought about whether Turing planned to control them and wait until he returned to the surface world to launch a surprise attack... But after thinking about it, this seemed unlikely, because the strength of those candidates was limited, even if they were added That's all it takes to get to Li Mobai.

without any exaggeration.

If Chen Jing is willing and wants to do that, then he can completely eliminate those candidates in a very short period of time.

Although he is not the only candidate to reach sequence six.

But his sequence six...may be different from other candidates.

Although they are no match for Sequence Seven creatures, such as the old man, there are no opponents at the same level, and killing them will not take much effort.

So what exactly was Turing planning to do?

Chen Jing never understood this, and because of this, he was inexplicably afraid of returning to the surface world. He always felt that something fatal would happen...


Little Bai Aji, who was lying in Chen Jing's arms, raised his head and looked doubtfully at the "white feathers" falling in the sky.


Chen Jing raised his hand to catch a snowflake, with a hint of emotion in his eyes.

"Tomorrow is New Year's Day."

Chapter 657: Kakosa’s New Year (Part 2)

In the world.

The customs are different in every place.

Not to mention the places in the wasteland that are inhabited by tribes, such as the three big cities of Yongye, Xuankong, and Jidu. They all have different definitions of the New Year.


Chen Jing decided to follow the customs of the old days.

New Year's Eve is New Year's Day.

The last day of the old year is New Year's Eve.

The first day of the new year is the first day of the lunar new year.

And so on.

Although the residents of Kakosa do not have to go to work and only need to obey the orders of the "engineering team" to work at any time, and sometimes they even go without work for a week, Chen Jing still gave everyone a month's leave.

It's New Year.

There has to be some sense of ceremony.

Not only that.

Everyone also brainstormed to hold a New Year's banquet for Kakosa. All residents can participate in this large-scale dinner, which will be held in the square outside the temple...

"King, do you like snow very much?"

Jagertos followed Chen Jing step by step, walking leisurely on the long street leading to the Temple Square.

As long as he stays with Chen Jing, most of his attention will be on Chen Jing, so he can see... Chen Jing likes this kind of snowy weather, and even raises his hand to catch a few from time to time. A piece of snowflake, like a treasure, is held in the palm of the hand and looked at carefully.

"I'm from the south, and it's rare for me to encounter snowy weather. Even if it does snow once, it won't be this kind of heavy snow..." Chen Jing's laughter was a little childish, and he looked up at the sky falling in the wind. Xue Hua's depressed mood also improved a little, "As the saying goes, auspicious snow heralds a good year. I hope we can have an easier time next year than this year."

Hearing the good wishes in Chen Jing's mouth, Jegertos couldn't help but laugh.

The laughter was slightly dull.

Because he knows that the coming year will not be better than this year. The war that the "King" is worried about may break out in the new year...

"Go faster, don't keep the old man and the others waiting."


Everyone spent the first New Year of Kakosa with a sense of ceremony.

It was a day of division of labor and cooperation. Except for Chen Jing and Yagtos Baiaji, basically no one could be idle.

The people in charge of the dinner were mainly the pig herders and some of the residents, while the people in charge of the atmosphere decoration in Kakosa City were the gang of naughty kids led by Wei Nan and Mr. Shu.

It’s been a long journey.

I saw that the city of Kakosha was decorated with lights and colorful decorations according to the customs of the old days. Many golden spherical crystal lamps were hung all over the streets. Although it looked messy and unorganized, it was still lively at least.

But then again.

Sure enough, we can't let Wei Nan lead a team to do this kind of thing, even with the help of Mr. Shu... This girl not only hangs them randomly on street lamps, but also hangs them on the undecorated window sills of temporarily vacant residential areas. Hang up again.

God knows how many such crystal lanterns Mr. Shu made for her. From the street to the end of the street, Chen Jing didn’t see many empty spaces. Even the wall near the temple was covered with them. If you accidentally looked at them, you would feel Dazzling.

Even Bai Aji was shaken unexpectedly and repeatedly exclaimed: Is the sun going to rise in the western continent at night? !

Compared with the busy Wei Nan and others, the group of old men headed by Chen Boxu were not idle either. They were going to the kitchen to watch the pigherd cooking to prevent the greedy pig from stealing food, and they were also going to the square to attract some residents. Set up the scene.

Busy as hell.

But also busy and happy.

In fact, most of the old descendants in this world have one thing in common, especially high-level old descendants like Chen Boxu. They either have no heirs close to their bloodline, or they only have a single seedling...

In the past, when they celebrated Chinese New Year with local customs around the world, their home had never been so lively. It was not until they came to Kakosa that they felt the lively and warm atmosphere.

To them, this is home.

For Chen Jing...

This is also home.

Especially after turning all the residents into dependents, there was almost no barrier between Chen Jing and them, and he completely regarded these residents as his "children".

In their eyes.

Chen Jing is also like a "father".

So on the way to the temple, those who see Chen Jing will not only greet him respectfully, but also say Happy New Year with a smile on their faces, just like they treat their own family.

"Kuai Nan! Stop playing! Go back as soon as you are done!"

"Got it!"

"Wang! Happy New Year!"

"Yes, Happy New Year!"

Before this, Chen Jing was not familiar with these residents... No, to be precise, they should be the most familiar strangers, because he rarely interacted with these residents face to face, and most of the time he just listened to their prayers through the statues.

Until the day of the New Year.

Chen Jing felt that they were closer to him.

Every time he met a resident who said Happy New Year, Chen Jing would respond, and then throw a sealed red envelope over... It was sealed by Chen Jing himself, and the red paper used was found by the pig herders from the warehouse, and it was filled with "Kakosa's commemorative gold coins".

This was made by Xuye and his team. They said that Kakosha also wanted to have its own currency system, so before mass-producing currency, they tried to make a small number of gold coins...

"This is a commemorative edition! It may appreciate in value in a few years!" When Xuye said this, his eyes were shining. It was then that Chen Jing realized that this big sister also had a money-loving side.

Arrived at the Temple Square.

Chen Jing was immediately shocked by Chen Bofu, who was wearing red.

It was festive.

But the problem was that it seemed too festive...

He looked like a groom!

"My dear grandson! Happy New Year!"

"Grandpa! Happy New Year!"

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