If there is a difference in the flow of time between the two worlds, will the old man and the others think he has been missing for several days when he enters the examination room next time? Even missing for months or years...

How should we explain it then?

"What are you thinking about?" Although Wei Nan is not a discerning creature, she has gained something from the past few days of contact with Chen Jing. At least now she can see that Chen Jing's behavior is a bit strange.

There was an inexplicable silence.

It's like there are nails under the butt, and it has to be twisted twice every second.

"say something."

Seeing that Chen Jing remained silent, Wei Nan frowned and raised his leg to kick him.

Perhaps because Wei Nan was better at close combat during her awakening sequence, her figure has always been that healthy type.

Her legs are straight and slender but not too thin, and the tight-fitting jeans just accentuate her beautiful muscle curves.

But it's a pity that Chen Jing is not a person who appreciates romance, especially when he has something on his mind, and he doesn't have the heart to read more.

"Go watch TV and stop making trouble."

Chen Jing pushed her feet away absently.

Thinking of going back soon, Chen Jing had a terrible headache.

"Tell me, what are you thinking about?"

Wei Nan has a naughty personality. The more she is not allowed to do something, the more she wants to do it. Especially when faced with Chen Jing, who is both easy to talk and gentle, it is not Wei Nan's style to bother him more without making an effort.

Seeing that he was still silent in a very shameless manner, Wei Nan curled his lips, stretched out his foot and poked Chen Jing's face with the toe of his white cotton sock.

"If you don't say anything, I'll beat you up!"

Chen Jing was already in a daze, but when he was poked by something, he subconsciously turned around to look.

As a result, when he turned his head, he almost didn't get poked in the mouth by Wei Nan.

"You! Do you know how to be clean?" Chen Jing was so angry that he almost imitated the old man's curse words.

"I'm very clean!" Wei Nan didn't understand why Chen Jing was angry at all. He put his feet in front of his nose and smelled it, and then said confidently, "It doesn't smell! It's super clean!"

"Are you sure?" Chen Jing clenched his fists.

"Just a little at most!"

Wei Nan glared at Chen Jing fiercely, seeming to think that Chen Jing was a bit petty.

She turned around angrily, crossed her legs, and started pressing the TV remote control randomly.

"I just changed my socks three days ago!"


Chen Jing had no intention of coaxing Wei Nan now. Seeing that the crazy girl finally calmed down, he began to concentrate on thinking about returning to the real world.


The examiner shouldn't trick us candidates, right?

If you really disappear into thin air in front of these aboriginal people, then you really don't know how much trouble you will have when you return to the other world next time...

"It's time to eat!" Chen Bofu suddenly walked out of the kitchen, still wearing a cooking apron. His white hair that had been permed into an afro smelled like oil smoke. "Stop watching TV! Come and serve the food." !”


Wei Nan behaved more like a grandson than Chen Jing. He ran faster than anyone else when Chen Bofu called him to eat. He was busy picking up bowls and chopsticks and moving chairs. He never forgot to urge Chen Jing to sit down quickly.

"Come here quickly! It's just you!"


Chen Jing looked absent-minded, and his mind was full of returning to the real world. It wasn't until Chen Boxu glanced at him after he sat down that he came back to his senses.

"Why are you looking so stunned all of a sudden..." Chen Boxu asked doubtfully, looking Chen Jing up and down, "You are so preoccupied... What are you thinking about?"

"It's okay, let's eat."

Chen Jing avoided the old man's gaze and changed the topic.

"Grandpa, why are you cooking today?"

Hearing this, Ryan, who had been busy serving food nearby, hurriedly explained, fearing that Chen Jing would misunderstand.

"The master said that he hasn't cooked for the young master for a long time, so he wanted to personally cook a table for the young master to celebrate..." Although Ryan's stuttering problem was cured by Chen Boxu, he still stuttered a little when he was nervous, "Young Master I'm not lazy..."

"No one will say you are lazy." Chen Jing comforted with a smile, his tone as gentle as ever, "Please serve me less food, I don't feel very hungry..."

"Oh! Okay, young master!"

"That stupid horse you summoned was left in the square? Why don't you let it go back first?" Chen Bofu did not move his chopsticks in a hurry. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip, and his frown slowly relaxed.

I have been worried about it for so many years.

That is until now.

Only then did he have a chance to taste the wine.

Damn, why does it taste so bad...

Chen Bofu grinned and put down his wine glass. He had almost finished greeting the eighteen generations of ancestors of the winery.

If it weren't for the great joy of meeting my dear grandson and becoming an old descendant, I would have destroyed his shop...

"It seems that Bai Aji can't go back after being summoned, unless it dies or I die..." Chen Jing said, scratching his head, "Let him stay there until I have time." Find a spacious place in the garage to build a stable."

"He helps people build pigeon coops and builds stables..." Chen Bofu smacked his lips, feeling that Chen Jing had chosen the wrong first career, "If you ask me, you should be a decoration designer! "

"Ajing, you have to be careful about that muddy guy Lawrence."

Wei Nan was like a starving ghost reincarnated. While talking, he picked up the food in the bowl without raising his head.

But even so, she still couldn't stop her mouth.

"I saw it earlier. The old man sneaked up and stared at Bai Aji for a long time. Be careful that Bai Aji doesn't get stolen by him for a tooth beating ceremony..."

"You can't think of the good things." Chen Jing said in a dumbfounded voice, "His temper is a little weird, but he's not brainless. He used my Bai Aji to beat his teeth as a sacrifice... Do you think my grandfather died?"

Suddenly, Chen Boxu raised his head and looked at Chen Jing.

"Jingjing, have something to drink?"

Before Chen Jing could refuse, Chen Boxu took a bottle of juice from the table. It looked red like tomato juice and blood.

"You haven't looked like a member of our old Chen family since you were a child. You don't drink or smoke, and your temper is unreasonable..."

Chen Bofu poured Chen Jing a glass of fragrant juice, then ignored Wei Nan's glass that was almost touching his old face, bent down and put down the juice bottle, and continued to talk.

"You have been a boring gourd since you were a child. You like to hold back everything. You didn't tell me when you were bullied when you were a child. Sometimes I wonder if you don't regard me as your grandfather..."

Hearing the old man talking about these inexplicable past events, everyone here felt a little surprised. After all, this old madman's temper would get better and worse, but they had never seen him so emotional before.

So everyone here didn't know what expression to put on for a moment.

Especially Chen Jing.

"I was ignorant when I was young." Chen Jing said in a low voice.

Although he does not have the original memory of the "ontology", the experience of the "ontology" seems to be similar to his experience in the real world.

"Are you sensible now?" Chen Boxu asked.

Chen Dingding nodded, smiled and said of course, he is such an old man, how can he still be ignorant...

"So, if you have something you can't solve, you can tell grandpa. If you have something that gives you a headache, you can tell grandpa... I remember that you always liked to lie when you were a child, but you shouldn't do it now, right?"

Chen Jing looked at the smiling old man and suddenly didn't know what to say.

The light screen showing the countdown in front of him lit up slightly.

After the translucent interface.

It was the kind face of the old man.

"Don't worry, Grandpa."

"Not anymore."

"Never again."

Chapter 46 I'm waiting for you to come back at home

Chen Jing didn't understand why the old man suddenly said these inexplicable words.

But he had a feeling somewhere.

He felt that the old man seemed to have noticed something.

But even if he had this feeling, he couldn't be sure, because after that the old man changed the subject and returned to his usual crazy self.

Bragging, chatting, scolding Wei Nan.

In the blink of an eye, the three-piece set was assembled again.

"Is this old man sick? Damn it, he will feel uncomfortable if he doesn't scold me for a day, right..."

"Miss Wei Nan, please stop talking... Be careful that I am going to lose my temper again... Just finish washing the dishes and chopsticks quickly..."

"Why don't you wash it, kid! You want to be lazy, don't you?"

"No... you heard it before... Master asked you to wash it... He said that if you don't wash it, he won't let you come to the house for dinner..."

Hearing this, Wei Nan was so angry that he almost dropped the bowl in his hand, but after thinking about it, he decided to endure it.

After all, the old man is good at his craftsmanship.

The food cooked is indeed better than Ryan’s.

"This old thing..." Wei Nan cursed fiercely, then stared at the bowl in his hand as if he was looking at his father's enemy, gritted his teeth and rubbed it with a dish towel, "Wait until I am promoted to a higher rank in the future. ...I have to push you to the ground and beat you..."

Ryan wanted to persuade Wei Nan to stop saying such treacherous words. After all, it was obvious to all how bad the master's temper was, so it would be okay if he heard it...

But when Ryan looked back nervously, he didn't see the old man who always liked to hide not far away and eavesdrop on whether anyone said anything bad about him.

Where is the master?

Ryan scratched his head, feeling very happy for Wei Nan.

This sister is really lucky.

On the rooftop.

"Grandpa, why did you bring me here?"

"Blow the air."

Chen Bofu sat cross-legged on the guardrail at the edge of the rooftop, his thin and shriveled figure stretched by the moonlight.

The old man drank a lot and seemed to be a little drunk.

Sitting on the edge of the rooftop, his body was dangling, as if he would fall and be shattered if the wind blew.

"It's so stuffy at home, it's good to come up here and get some fresh air once in a while."

Chen Bofu reached out and took out the cigarette case from his pocket. He glanced at his good grandson Chen Jing first and saw that he had no objection. Then he lit it for himself with a smile.

"This bird flies very fast..."

Chen Jing did not dare to look at the face shrouded in smoke. He turned his back and supported the guardrail with his hands, looking at the increasingly distant black spots in the sky.

That's the crow raised by Yan Que.

The moment they arrived on the rooftop, the crow deftly opened the door of the pigeon coop, flapped its wings and flew away as if fleeing for its life.

"Look... Yongye is so small..." Chen Boxu raised his hand and pointed to the other end of the city, where there are many tall buildings like a dense forest. "The place where we used to live... I can see it at a glance..."

"I think Yongye is pretty big."

Chen Jing looked at the steel forest that seemed to be connected to the skyline, and felt that the wind under the white moonlight was blowing particularly gently.

A city here…

The area should be comparable to that of a province in the real world...

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