Chapter 667: Take all mankind to deep space (Part 2)

Becoming enemies of the ancient gods?

Chen Jing had imagined this scene more than once.

But in those intoxicating and blurred fantasies, he was not a creature of sequence six, but a sequence seven or even sequence eight...


Even if it was an unrealistic fantasy, he would not dream of using the strength of sequence six to fight against the ancient gods.

Because that would be courting death.

[Tsukano Kushiro]: "I roughly understand... Are you sure you want to do this?"

[Chen Jing]: "Yes, there is only this option at the moment."

[Tsukano Kushiro]: "Then I'll find you a few experimental subjects... Are death row prisoners okay?"

[Chen Jing]: "Yes."

It must be said that Tsukano Kushiro's style of doing things is vigorous and resolute. After listening to Chen Jing's "plan" briefly, he only asked once with doubt, and never asked again, but went to execute it silently.

Agreed on the time and place.

Chen Jing set off with Qiao Youning and the others.

During this process, the whole world fell into a state of extreme panic, especially after the appearance of Gehlo's one-eyed man, coupled with the meticulous "popular science" of some candidates, everyone realized how terrifying that alien object was.

It is a god.

A god from another world.

Modern weapons in the conventional sense cannot cause harm to it, and even those candidates who are close to gods can't do anything to it.

It will soon descend on this world.

And then completely destroy everything.

Civilization, life...

Everything will be submerged in this pale moonlight.

From a certain perspective.

The humans in this world are very unlucky.

Because every time the candidates cross over, it is a matter of a moment for them.

It is no exaggeration to say.

They can't even sense the candidates' crossing.

Even though this group of candidates has been in the inner world for a full year.

For outsiders like them, it is a matter of a moment.

In a moment, the candidates are back.

In a moment, the world is in chaos.

In a moment...

That damn living celestial body appeared!

When the outside world gradually fell into chaos, Chen Jing had brought Qiao Youning and others to a military base in the East China Sea of ​​Asia, which was the meeting place he and Tsukano Kushiro had agreed to meet.

As soon as Chen Jing and others appeared outside the gate of the military base, Tsukano Kushiro hurried over with a group of people.

Some of those people were wearing military uniforms, while others were wearing uniforms of the [Dawn Foundation] or [Ether Association]. Everyone looked confused, as if they had not had time to figure out the situation.

"There are a total of ten experimental subjects. Are they enough?"


"Are you really Mr. Chen Jing? We have some questions to ask..."

"Now is not the time to ask questions."

Chen Jing looked at the ten death row prisoners who were handcuffed and shackled in the crowd. He had no intention of explaining anything to the staff. He raised his hand and waved it to "suck" the death row prisoners directly in front of him.

When the deep space energy in Chen Jing's body entered the active state, his previously suppressed breath inevitably spread.

Except for Qiao Youning and Tsukano Kushiro, everyone else felt a tremor from the soul, including the candidates who came to help.

That breath has surpassed the limit of Sequence 6, as if it came from a higher and higher creature in the pyramid of life...


The noisy crowd fell into a dead silence.

With a muffled thump.

The first person who collapsed to the ground appeared.

It was like a virus that spread rapidly and uncontrollably. More and more people were shocked by Chen Jing's breath and collapsed to the ground, especially those who had not experienced the exam. They were even scared to wet their pants...

Ordinary people did not understand what "breath" was.

But they could also feel that intuitive "momentum".

It was like facing an extremely dangerous beast that was about to choose a person to devour. The fear hidden in the depths of human genes and passed down from generation to generation... broke out completely at this moment!

What alien species, what candidates.

None of them could compare to the horror of this nebula-like creature in front of them!

"It" is the real nightmare of mankind!

A nightmare that people will never forget after seeing it for the rest of their lives!

"You scared them all..." Qiao Youning said angrily, raising her hand and waving it. A visible scarlet energy like mist was released. It was the power from the origin of the life sequence. Although it was not pure, it was enough to comfort the frightened humans.

"Are you sure this is an operation?"

Tsukano Kushiro looked at the ten death row prisoners floating in the air in front of him, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. Because he had experienced that transformation operation, he could not understand what Chen Jing was doing...

At this moment.

These ten death row prisoners of different ages and sizes had lost consciousness. The thousands of "tentacles" as thick as hair extending from Chen Jing's palm had gradually lifted their bodies until they stopped at a height of ten meters above the ground.

These tentacles emitting strange light penetrated their surface skin, and seemed to have all pierced into the blood vessels, melting into a liquid substance emitting a faint light, and were flowing at an extremely slow speed.


When Chen Jing couldn't help but curse the curse word, the death row prisoner on the far left suddenly inflated, like a balloon being inflated. Before everyone present could react, the inflated body suddenly exploded into pieces. Debris everywhere!

These debris that hit the face were not flesh and blood, but a light golden substance similar to crystals, which made a clanging sound when it fell to the ground.


The body of the second condemned prisoner also swelled until it exploded.

Then there were explosions one after another...

Just a few seconds.

All the prisoners who were recruited by Tsukano Kushiro as experimental subjects died.

Not a single one is left.

All turned into human body debris on the ground.

"If I had known better, I would have tried it with a guinea pig..." Chen Jing sighed.

"It's okay, these are all death row prisoners, the scum among the scum, and it's natural for them to die." Tsukano Koshiro comforted him, fearing that Chen Jing would have any psychological burden.

"I don't sympathize with them, I just think... it's too wasteful." Chen Jing paced back and forth anxiously, with an urging in his tone, "You need to find me more death row prisoners, and do it quickly, we don't have much time. !”

"What if it still fails..." Tsukano Kushiro asked tentatively, "Do you have any other backup plans?"

"If it still fails, it only means that the creatures in this world cannot be transformed into dependents by me. At least at this stage, I can't do it. They are all strangers to Shen Kong, so Shen Kong is not willing to Accept them..."

Chen Jing looked up at the pale moonlight in the sky, as if he could look into Gehro's one eye through the haze that obscured his vision.

"Until then..."

"We can only fight with it..."

Chapter 668: The God-Slaying War Against Invasion (Part 1)

Ten minutes ago.

Chen Jing and the others had just finished their third round of exams and successfully returned to their hometown.

ten minutes later.

Chen Jing has already begun the second family conversion experiment. This time the test subjects are thirty death row prisoners newly sent by Tsukano Kushiro.

The process was not smooth, and the experiment even failed faster than the first time. Deep Space also gave Chen Jing an emotional feedback at the moment the operation failed.

Deep Sky seemed a little angry.

Because its children always want to stuff some inexplicable creatures into it.

"I should have thought that...this kind of surgery has limitations...this optimal solution was not established from the beginning..."

In the military base, Chen Jing stood motionless in the open space like a dead sculpture, surrounded by human body debris that looked like gold.

Whenever the salty sea breeze blows gently, a piece of golden debris will slowly rise up and float into the distance without any destination.


The crowd of onlookers in the military base has been evacuated.

Only Tsukano Koshiro and some internal staff were still standing here, looking at the "nebula creature" that looked like a statue of a sculpture with anxiety and expectation as if they were paying homage to the most ancient gods.

Although they haven't had time to figure out the situation yet.

But they firmly believe that Chen Jing can save everyone.

Because he is candidate zero.

He is the only human being who always stands at the top of the group of candidates.

"Is there no other way?" Tsukano Kushiro asked cautiously.

He still has some resistance to escaping to deep space, because from a certain point of view, it is like an enemy invading his country, and all his people abandoning their homeland and choosing to flee... In the end, isn't it true that people are still alive, but their hometown is gone?

But what Gehro would do to this world, Tsukano Kushirou could imagine without guessing.

Rigid thinking is an obsession.

And this obsession is the reason why Tsukano Kushiro resists the "escape plan".

Of course, resistance is resistance, and the reality that should be faced still needs to be faced.

As long as human civilization still exists, it is still possible for the world to be rebuilt. Fighting to the death is just the solitude of a reckless man and does not do any good to the continuation of human civilization.

He understands all this.

So at the moment when he learned that the "escape plan" was bankrupt, Tsukano Koshiro was even a little panicked, because the outcome of being unable to escape was probably death, and human civilization would suffer a devastating blow!

"There is no way..." Chen Jing murmured, looking a little lost, "Deep Sky rejects these strangers... I can't change Deep Sky's view... At least I can't do it at this stage..."

Hearing Chen Jing's voice getting lower and lower, Qiao Youning, who originally wanted to keep her distance from Chen Jing and not disturb him, couldn't help but step forward to comfort him.

It was like an instinct... She couldn't see Chen Jing being wronged, nor could she see him being unhappy.

"It's okay." Qiao Youning patted Chen Jing's shoulder gently. Her voice was gentle and weighty, as if there was a kind of magic power to soothe people's hearts. "There is no perfect way, let's think of other ways."

"Be prepared for the worst..." Chen Jing whispered.

"I'll be with you." Qiao Youning said softly, hesitated for a moment, and finally gently held Chen Jing's hand, "It's okay, no matter how difficult the situation is, I will accompany you to face it..." Maybe we still have a chance of winning?”

"Odds of winning?"

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