Gehero also realized that there was no possibility of deep space negotiating with him. His terrifying one-eyed eyes began to tremble wildly, and the surface of the moon rock continued to crack, revealing abysses burning with white flames.

"Deep space!!!"

"I'll fight you!!!"

Chapter 681 That is the highest will of the universe (Part 2)

Time goes back to the final battle between Chen Jing and Gehro. When he cut off all the connections of his clans without hesitation, the clans in the surface world also felt it.

"No... No..."

"Why do I feel that my connection with Chen Jing has been cut off..."

"Kushirou!! You have this feeling too, right!!!"

"What happened to him..."

Tsukano Kushirou's mind was blank. Compared with the candidates next to him who also came from "Kakosha", he not only had a clan relationship with Chen Jing, but also a friend relationship, so he knew Chen Jing better than others...

In Kakosha, the capital of gods.

He heard Yegetos talk about some of the past of King Huang.

So the moment the family connection was cut off, he knew that he was no longer Chen Jing's family... At the same time, he also understood that Chen Jing must have reached a life-or-death moment.

That guy must have encountered a risk of almost certain death, so he chose to take the initiative to cut off all family connections to ensure that his death would not affect others.

"I'm going to find Yegetos... or Bai Aji... go and ask them!"


"Chen Jing may be in trouble!!!"


On the endless ocean as calm as dead water, although Qiao Youning was not Chen Jing's family, he could also detect the changes of Yegetos and Bai Aji the moment he cut off the family connection.

This change was extremely abrupt.

It came without any warning.

In just a moment, the armor on Yegetos's body became dim, no longer emitting the noble and holy golden light, and even the cross broadsword in his hand began to change to the color of rust...

And Bai Aji's changes were even more obvious.

Its fur began to change to a colorful color, and even its fierce eyes became "holy" in an instant. Its clear eyes were like the bright stars in the deep space, soft and full of unspeakable beauty.

"Fuck?! How did I turn back into this dead look?!" Bai Aji didn't react for a while.

"The king... exiled us..." Yegetos realized what happened in an instant, looking at the sky with a dull expression, "He cut off the connection between us... We are no longer the family of the deep space..."

After saying that, Yegetos suddenly clenched the broadsword covered with mottled rust.

"Bai Aji, take me up, I want to help..." Yegetos gritted his teeth and said, "The king must have encountered a dead end... He cut off the connection to protect us... I can't let the king fight alone!!!"

"It won't work."

Bai Aji's understanding of "space" is far more thorough than Yegetos. It just looked up at the distorted sky and immediately got the answer left by Chen Jing.

"The king used the power of deep space to disrupt the spatial order of this world... We can't get out... It's not easy for Gehlo to get in... He..."

At the end, Bai Aji suddenly sobbed and cried, and the colorful tears like gems fell into the sea, making a dull sound of water.

In fact, let alone Bai Aji.

At this moment, even Yegetos couldn't help crying.

Putting aside the fact that Chen Jing was the new king he had waited for billions of years, the relationship between Chen Jing and him was also obvious. It seemed to be a master and a servant, but in fact they were close friends...

The new king is dead.

So what should we do?

Do we have to find another place to live and hide for billions of years?


This will never happen.

It is enough to have had this experience once.

If we can choose.

Yegetos only wants to stay on the battlefield and fight side by side with the new king until he dies, until he completely disappears from this history...

"Why are you crying?"

Qiao Youning took a deep breath, and the scarlet light in her eyes flickered faintly. Although her voice was still soft and pleasant, as if it was full of a soothing magic, everyone could see that... she was also nervous and afraid.

"I said, I will help him." Qiao Youning smiled, then patted the wrinkles on the monk's robe, and said without raising her head, "Although I am useless and not good at fighting, I can save people... I can make up for the vitality he lacks."

As the successor of the life sequence, even if Qiao Youning can't see the battlefield outside the atmosphere, she can still rely on her keen "sense of smell" to sense Chen Jing's current physical condition.

At this moment, in her eyes, Chen Jing was like a leaky barrel, and his vitality was rapidly draining away at an alarming rate.

So Qiao Youning knew that she could take action.

She could repair the barrel and refill it with water.

Even if the price of doing so was...

her life.

"I have a way to pass through the barrier outside the atmosphere, but I'm sorry, I can't take you there." Qiao Youning's smile seemed a little unreal behind the veil, like something that was about to be broken, and there was a hint of contradiction in her clear eyes, which was relief and corresponding reluctance.

"You... you have a way to save him?!" Yegetos asked hurriedly.

"Of course I have."

Qiao Youning said as she quickly flew into the sky, leaving only the last words to Yegetos and the others.

"Tell your king to live well in the future, thank him for taking care of me before...thank him for me."

Before Yegetos and the others could catch up, Qiao Youning completely disappeared from their sight.

"Is she going to save people?" Yegetos and Baiaji looked at each other, with an ominous premonition in their hearts, "Why do I feel like she is going..."


"Then let's die together!!!"

"Deep space!!!"

"I'll fight you!!!"

When Qiao Youning used the power of the Buddha Mother to pass through the deep space barrier, she heard Gehlo's heartbreaking roar at the first time, and at the same time she felt a little strange... Obviously, she was in the vacuum universe, how could she still hear the sound?

Look up.

I saw Gehlo was covered by extremely white flames, and the entire surface of the planet was almost falling apart, as if it would explode at any time...

"I said I could help him... Actually, I'm not that useless..."

Qiao Youning muttered to herself. When she found Chen Jing's "remains", she instinctively rushed over to save him.

And at this moment.

Qiao Youning's movements suddenly paused.

Because she saw a pair of indescribable eyes slowly opening in the vacuum of the universe in the distance...

The voice of the Buddha Mother also sounded in her mind.

That unbelievable tone, as if she had seen something incomprehensible.

"The Supreme..."

"What?" Qiao Youning couldn't react for a while.

"Those eyes symbolize the highest will of the universe..." Buddha Mother muttered to herself, with a hint of resentment in her tone, "That guy is still watching the show at this time... Is he really not afraid of A Jing's death?!"

Chapter 682: The Gift from the Supreme Will (Part 1)

Buddha Mother knows a lot about the "Supreme One".

Although Qiao Youning has heard Chen Jing mention it, she can't recognize the identity of those eyes in an instant like Buddha Mother...

Before seeing this pair of terrifying eyes, Qiao Youning always thought that the largest creatures in the universe should be the creators seen in the hazy phantom of the arsenal, but the owner of these eyes is obviously more in line with the word "god" than the creator.

He is in a vacuum universe far away from everyone. The indescribable sense of distance makes Qiao Youning wonder whether he is at the end of the universe.

Those eyes radiated a different color of light that was brighter than the stars, and they were similar to Chen Jing's nebula body, so similar that they seemed to be carved from the same mold... In his eyes, it seemed as if countless "nebulae" formed by the material universe were slowly rotating, and entropy increase, birth and death repeated endless reincarnation in his eyes.

There are countless huge stars in the universe.

But those stars are as small as dust in "Him"'s eyes, as if as long as "Him" blows casually, he can clear the countless stars that block his sight.

At this moment.

Not only was Qiao Youning shocked and lost her mind, but even the Buddha Mother was in a heavy mood.

Under these eyes of the gods.

The Buddha Mother felt a suffocating sense of oppression.

In front of "Him".

What is the ancient god?

What is the creator?

Everything is just dust naturally derived from the material universe.

But despite the fear, the Buddha Mother still dared to show her anger, because she knew very well what Chen Jing meant to the Supreme Being.

"If you really need someone of your kind... you should save him..." The Buddha Mother's voice sounded in Qiao Youning's mind, as if she was trying to communicate with the Supreme Being in the distance.

But no matter what the Buddha Mother said.

Those eyes remained motionless, just watching everything silently.

He did not show any emotion.

Perhaps he did not have such a thing as emotion.

So far.

No one knows what kind of special life form the Supreme Being is, but it is certain that he walked out of the deep space.

Like Chen Jing, he has the blood of the deep space flowing in his body... So the Buddha Mother does not understand why he watched Chen Jing being forced to death and remained indifferent?

From a certain perspective, Chen Jing is his fellow brother, and even has a direct blood relationship.

"Did A Jing guess wrong from the beginning..." The Buddha Mother looked at the eyes of the god from afar. Although her heart was full of instinctive fear, she still had the courage to look at it, "He is not lonely at all... and does not need anyone of the same kind..."

"Is it done?"

Qiao Youning suddenly interrupted the Buddha Mother's meditation. From beginning to end, her attention was not on those eyes, but on the "remnant body" floating in the universe and being constantly pulled by the deep space.

"If I don't help, A Jing will really die..." Qiao Youning didn't wait for the Buddha Mother to respond, and flew towards Chen Jing on her own.

It was not until this time that the Buddha Mother understood what she should do.


I should abandon those unrealistic fantasies.

Resentment against "Him" is useless, and it is also a fantasy to want to pray for "Him" for help...It is not difficult to see from "Him"'s cold and indifferent eyes that if He really wanted to save Chen Jing, his "fellow brother", He should have taken action long ago, instead of waiting silently until now.

"I'll do it."

Just when Qiao Youning was about to fly to Chen Jing's body, her body suddenly fell into a strange stagnation... That was the performance of the Buddha Mother competing with her for the dominance of this body.

"Why are you here?" Qiao Youning asked in confusion, "Just to help him replenish his vitality. I can do such a small thing. It's not difficult."

Hearing Qiao Youning's question, the Buddha Mother couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Youning, of course I know you can do it, but do you know that you will die if you do this? His missing vitality is replenished by you... After replenishing it, you will die!"

"I know." Qiao Youning blinked and said in confusion, "I understand this basic knowledge without you saying it. Since I am willing to come to save him, I am naturally prepared..."

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