Chen Jing successfully advanced to Sequence 7.

He realized how big the gap between the two was.

It was no exaggeration to say that if he met himself at Sequence 6, the other party would not even have a chance to attack, and he could directly use the energy of deep space to erase the other party's existence.

"Thank you, deep space!"

Chen Jing lowered his head to tidy up the folds of his yellow robe, then raised his head and thanked the endless deep space in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

In the previous slumber.

He had heard the "voice" of deep space more than once.

Deep space told him many secrets.

That was the "truth" that even King Huang had never touched.

"You're right, I can't rush for quick success, I should go forward steadily..." Chen Jing smiled as if talking to himself, "Those creators are restricted by rules, they can't hurt me in a short time, and they dare not make any big moves."

After that, Chen Jing stretched comfortably.

"You said that the reason why the creators are afraid of the Supreme is because the Supreme is their destiny."

"The fate of the entire creator race, and even the fate of countless material universes in billions of dimensions, has always been played in the hands of the Supreme... This includes me, right?"

When Chen Jing's voice fell.

The deep space was still a strange silence.

But in this silence where you can hear a pin drop, Chen Jing heard a positive answer.

"I know, I know everything..." Chen Jing nodded, "So, I will listen to you and work hard to become my own destiny."

After being promoted to Sequence 7.

Chen Jing's eyes have lost their human form.

There seemed to be countless colorful nebulae wriggling in the murky irises, just like the pair of divine eyes that appeared in the universe at the beginning. Entropy increase and death are all quietly flowing in his eyes, like a never-ending cycle.

"Just like you said."

"I... am the destiny."

Chapter 690 Returning from the Deep Space Sea of ​​Stars (Part 1)

On the ninth night of the rest period for the examinees, Chen Jing's hometown Sentinel Ridge welcomed a long-awaited heavy rain.

The dark clouds with flashing lightning covered the sky and rolled and squirmed like the dark nebulae in the universe. The sudden strong wind, with a shrill scream, began to rage in this desolate mountain and ridge.

Since the deep space belief spread in the surface world.

The old house of the Chen family has become a holy place in the minds of countless believers.

If the relevant departments had not come to block and protect Sentinel Ridge in time, I am afraid that it would have been kneeling here a few days ago.

Of course.

Rules are dead, people are alive.

Although the believers of the deep space cannot enter the deepest part of Sentinel Ridge, this does not prevent them from making pilgrimages outside Sentinel Ridge. Almost all believers have learned some etiquette of the deep space under the patient teaching of some examinees.

So at a glance

Outside Sentinel Ridge, there were believers with deep space totems on their chests worshipping.

They faced the direction of the Chen family's old house and saluted devoutly and enthusiastically, hoping that the "reclusive" god could return to this world as soon as possible, and expecting that he would grant these miserable believers the qualification to follow him.

So, when the dark clouds gathered and the wind blew, many believers suspected that this was Chen Jing's "appearance"!

Because from a distance, the dark clouds wrapped in lightning were like living things, just wriggling and wandering over Sentinel Ridge.

"The king of deep space has appeared!!!"

"Praise deep space!!!"

"May the black star rise as usual!!!"


"When Ah Jing comes back and sees this situation, he will probably have a headache..."

Qiao Youning stood in the yard of the Chen family's old house, pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. He was obviously very upset, but he was still joking with Yegetos and the others.

"What he hates most is too many people. When he came back, he saw that Sentinel Ridge was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people... Tsk, his expression must be very interesting!"

"In fact, I think these believers are pretty good. Maybe the king will like them very much and will not necessarily be annoyed." Yegetos looked up at the sky and spoke well of those believers for the first time.

But this does not prove that he has changed his personality.

It only shows that the mouths of those believers are too sweet.

On the way to Sentinel Ridge, Yegetos met countless fanatics who knelt down and worshiped him, and they shouted "The only knight in the deep space! The most loyal guardian of the king! Praise Lord Yegetos!"

It is no exaggeration to say.

When Yegetos heard them shouting these words of praise, he almost couldn't help but "come down to earth and show his spirit".

The knight of the deep space, the most loyal guardian of the king... Isn't this talking about me! Is there anyone more loyal than me? ! Is there anyone who fits the description of the knight better than me? !

"What are they?" Baiaji sneered, then flapped his wings and flew into the sky, as if he was looking for something to vent his anger, and crashed headfirst into the dark clouds filled with lightning.

It was normal for it to be unhappy.

Because it was called "the king's car" by those believers, and although there were a lot of rainbow farts saying "the most beautiful creature in the universe" and "the king's favorite divine horse" and so on, it sounded worse than Yegetos, as if it was thrown away by him by more than ten blocks.

"If the king doesn't come back, you have to leave." Yegetos sighed and said, looking very depressed, because he didn't know what would happen to him and Baiaji, the abandoned family, after entering the next round of exams.

Being frozen together with the creatures in these worlds?

Or being inexplicably stuffed back to the inner world?

If it is the former, it is indeed a bit of a loss of status, and he will be no different from ordinary people, but this is better than the latter... If Chen Jing still does not appear after returning to the inner world, the old man will definitely kill him?

How to explain to the people of Kakosha at that time?

"The king has cut off all the ties with his clans, and the clans in Kakosha must not have been left behind. If the king still doesn't come back before returning to the inner world... Kakosha may be in chaos."

"Well, it should be." Qiao Youning nodded, then sighed, "Based on my understanding of the old man, if you don't give him a satisfactory explanation, he will probably kill you two."

"Can you play dumb?" Yegetos asked tentatively, "Bai Aji and I will pretend that we know nothing!"

"Then what?"

"Then pretend, anyway, they don't know about our coming to the outer world, then we will say that the king is in seclusion, and before the promotion sequence, all the ties with the clans need to be cut off..."

"You can hide it for a while, but not for a lifetime." Qiao Youning looked at Yegetos helplessly, "Last time we took the exam, we stayed in the inner world for a year, this time it's possible to say ten years!"

Qiao Youning's guess is not groundless. Judging from the experience of participating in the exams several times before, the time spent in the inner world exam room is indeed getting longer and longer.

"Ten years..." Yegetos couldn't help but shudder, as if he had imagined a very terrifying scene.

If the reality is really as Qiao Youning said, this exam will be extended to ten years... How can I hide it for ten years!

With the old man's crazy temper, I'm afraid he will find ways to find "Wang" in less than two months. After another year or two, he might even suspect that we are the cause of "Wang's" disappearance...

"Pray." Qiao Youning tiptoed and patted Yegetos's shoulder, saying helplessly, "If the situation is really that bad, I suggest you take Bai Aji and run to our Jiri to hide."

Just then.

A man in a raincoat suddenly walked in hurriedly from outside the yard.

"Miss Qiao Youning!"

"Why are you here?"

Qiao Youning looked back at the man who walked into the yard, and saw that he was fully armed and wearing a raincoat, and couldn't help laughing immediately.

"Kushilang, you are an old descendant, are you still afraid of getting wet in the rain?"

"I'm used to it."

Tsukano Kushilang smiled, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"This rain is very wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Qiao Youning looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, and saw Bai Aji rolling in the clouds like a legendary dragon, just like a kitten rolling around with a ball of wool.

"There's something wrong with the place where the thundercloud appeared!" Tsukano Kushilang said excitedly, "In addition to Sentinel Ridge, there are also dark clouds over the city where the thirty-two temples are located!"

"Could it be a coincidence? I think this thundercloud looks quite normal..." Qiao Youning frowned slightly, and said in a half-believing and half-doubting tone, "Look, Bai Aji is still rolling around in it!"

"It's not a coincidence."

Tsukano Kushilang hurriedly shook his head to deny it, and then added.

"According to the official information, we can be sure that these thunderclouds appeared at the same time!"

Chapter 691 Returning from the Deep Space Star Sea (Part 2)

Qiao Youning didn't know whether these thunderclouds were related to Chen Jing, but from the information given by Tsukano Kushiro... it seemed a bit strange.

"I'll go and take a look."

Yegetos was not a calm person, especially after Chen Jing retreated and was promoted to the sequence, his temper became more and more anxious. At this moment, when he heard Tsukano Kushiro say that the thunderclouds might be related to Chen Jing, he immediately rushed up to study it clearly.

And at this moment.

Bei Aji, who had been rolling in the thunderclouds before, suddenly flew down, and his body size was also shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye until it turned into a "puppy form".

"What's wrong?" Yegetos asked hurriedly, speaking in a very urgent tone, "Did you sense the breath of the king?!!"


Bai Aji instinctively hid behind Yegetos, and there was a kind of fear in his trembling tone.

"But it may also be related to Wang..."

"What happened?" Qiao Youning stepped forward to comfort Bai Aji, touching its furry head and asked softly, "What scared you so much?"

"Fragments of dimensional projection." Bai Aji answered carefully, his emotions gradually calmed down, but there was still a trace of fear in his eyes, "Many fragments of dimensional projection are in the thundercloud, and they just popped out in an instant..."

According to Bai Aji, the thundercloud is the most ordinary thundercloud.

Whether in terms of shape or certain characteristics.

It is no different from ordinary thunderclouds.

So Bai Aji can roll around in it without worry, sometimes swallowing the oncoming clouds, and sometimes catching thunder and arcades.

But just before...

At that moment!

Bai Aji suddenly found that many crystal-like cubes appeared beside him.

In terms of human length measurement units.

The shapes of those cubes are absolutely uniform, like works of art mass-produced by a certain factory. Their sides are about one centimeter long. They seem to be made of transparent glass crystal, but if you look closely, you will find...

"Every dimensional fragment hides a projection of the world." When Baiaji said this, the fear in his tone was almost uncontrollable.

"Maybe this is A Jing coming back?" Qiao Youning put forward a hypothesis. After all, Tsukano Kushiro had said the same thing before. Considering the various strange phenomena that had appeared, it was indeed possible.

"I don't know... maybe!" Bai Aji shook his head, "Anyway, those things are very scary. If you accidentally get one piece of it, you might be torn to pieces!"

"Real or fake?" Qiao Youning was dubious, "I have seen dimensional fragments before, they look like the products of space fragmentation and disintegration..."

"It's different from that."

Jegertos seemed to understand what Baiage was afraid of, and rarely made fun of it. He also had a solemn expression when he spoke these words.

"The fragments of the dimensional projection are like a reduced version of the dimensional space. Each fragment is connected to an independent world." Yegetos looked up at the dark clouds with thunder and light, and his tone couldn't help but become solemn, "I once I have seen King Huang use such fragments to attack the enemy, tearing the enemy into pieces in an instant..."

"Tear it to pieces?" Qiao Youning looked thoughtfully at the thunder in the dark clouds.

"Yes, the gravitational pull between the two worlds is definitely much greater than you think. That world wants you to go, and this world wants you to stay. It's irresistible..." Yegetos shook his head. .

"How powerful is it?" Tsukano Kushiro couldn't help but ask, his originally excited expression had turned solemn.

"It's just that big. Anyway... King Huang could easily kill a sequence eight ancient god by relying on this method." Jegertos shrugged helplessly, "This thing is difficult to control, no. If you accidentally touch it, it will affect yourself, so King Huang is very careful when using it..."

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