"Not in a hurry."

"Why aren't you in a hurry! I feel like I look ugly like this!"

When Chen Jinggang walked into the yard, he couldn't help but stop when he heard Jegertos's complaint, and turned around to take a good look at him.

"Brother, compared with the original one, except that the armor is no longer a shiny and sexy color, are there any specific differences in your appearance? Why is this ugly?"


Bai Aji always maintained the posture of a puppy. He was held in Chen Jing's arms and refused to get off the ground. His voice was also humming, just like a little clip in the animal world.

"I was so domineering before! But what about now? After losing my deep space energy, I became like this...well, although it looks pretty good now, I'm still not satisfied!"

"You two childish devils..." Chen Jing couldn't help but complain, "I'll do the surgery on you when I take a break. I'm sure you will be satisfied!"

Walk to the door of the old house.

Chen Jing could hear the sound of cooking coming from the kitchen before he opened the door.

"King, to be honest, you are a really good friend." Yegetos sighed loudly. It was rare to hear this bad-tempered person praise him, "I know you have been busy all night and haven't eaten, so I'll give it to you as soon as possible. It’s time to make food, if you let her become your dependent..."

"You think the Buddha's mother doesn't exist?" Chen Jing said helplessly, and casually punched Jagetos, "Hurry up and take Bai Aji for a walk. I'll have a chat with her alone."

"You really treat me like a dog, don't you?!" Bai Aji shouted angrily, pretending to show his true colors at the door of the Chen family's old house.

But in the end it was glared back by Chen Jing.

"If you dare to blow up the door of my old house, believe it or not, I will whip you?"


"Go for a walk quickly!"


Seeing Jegertos running away like a miniature version of Baiage, Chen Jing turned around and opened the security door of the old house. With a thought, he put away the yellow robe and instantly changed into a new one. Ordinary casual wear.

"Go wash your hands."

Qiao Youning tilted her head and showed half of her face by the kitchen door. She could only hear that the exhaust fan inside was always on, and the whirring sound of the wind was accompanied by the sound of the collision of spatulas. It was a kind of pyrotechnic noise.

Perhaps it was because Qiao Youning knew Chen Jing so well that when she saw him walking towards the kitchen, she hurriedly added something.

"It's all done, no need to help, go wash your hands and get ready to eat!"

"Okay." Chen Dingding nodded, turned around and went to the restaurant to clean up. First he put the empty glasses on the table into the sideboard, and then found a rag and wiped the table again.

After a while.

Chen Jing looked at the three hot dishes and one soup on the table, as well as the figure wearing an apron washing hands in the kitchen, and felt a little dazed for a moment.


Qiao Youning wiped her hands and walked over, pulled out a chair and sat opposite Chen Jing, with an indescribable tenderness on her smiling face.

"You've been in seclusion for so many days, and you can't even use chopsticks?"

With that said, Qiao Youning took the initiative to pick up a piece of spicy chicken for Chen Jing.

"How does it taste? I just learned it recently."

"You don't need to taste it to know it's delicious!" Chen Jing couldn't help laughing, picked up the chopsticks and put the food into his mouth, "You Ning, thank you."

"Thank you for being your nanny?" Qiao Youning also picked up the bowl and chopsticks and ate the breakfast slowly.

"No..." Chen Jing said helplessly, "I just want to thank you for accompanying me."

As he spoke, Chen Jing helped Qiao Youning pick up the dishes, his sincere tone unmistakable.

"To be honest, apart from the old man, you are the only one who can give me a feeling of home..." Chen Jing didn't know what to say. He was a little slurred for a moment and hesitated, "I saw you just now. When I'm busy in the kitchen, I don't know why... I feel like I'm home."

"Isn't this your home?" Qiao Youning blinked.

"Oh, that's not what I meant. What I meant was...forget it, I can't tell clearly." Chen Jing shook his head, completely unable to see the flash of smile in Qiao Youning's eyes.

Of course, the smile in Qiao Youning's eyes quickly disappeared, because when Chen Jing couldn't find a topic, he suddenly thought of the sleeping Buddha Mother.

"When will the Buddha Mother wake up?"

"she does not know."

Qiao Youning was startled, her eyes suddenly dimmed a bit, and she blamed herself for her random thoughts. In the end, she lowered her head feebly, and suddenly lost her appetite while looking at the hot food on the table.

"Buddha's mother is a good person." Qiao Youning said coldly, Chen Jing couldn't hear the trace of sadness in her tone. "When she wakes up, I will tell you as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Chen Jing said with a smile, "I will definitely thank her then! If she hadn't been willing to save me, I would have been completely cold by now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing put a piece of spicy chicken into his mouth.

"To be honest, she suddenly fell asleep for a while, which made me a little uncomfortable..."

"Reluctant?" Qiao Youning raised her head and smiled at Chen Jing, "Do you miss her?"

Chen Jing didn't hear anything else, and just replied subconsciously: "A little bit...but speaking of it, she looks so similar to you. When you two usually stand together, don't you feel like looking in a mirror? "

"It's really like looking in a mirror."

Qiao Youning smiled reluctantly, and for some reason she began to feel sad. She had obviously looked away and could accept everything with ease, but now... she suddenly felt like crying for no reason.

However, she did not cry in the end. Instead, her smile did not diminish and she seemed very happy. However, her eyes turned red, making Chen Jing think she had been exposed to oil fumes before.

"But we just look alike." Qiao Youning said softly.

"Hmm, there are indeed some differences in your personalities!" Chen Jing didn't know what was going on yet, so he kept his head down and worked hard.

"So, we just look more alike..."

Qiao Youning picked up a tissue and wiped her mouth, looking away from Chen Jing and looking at the gradually brightening sky outside the window.

"I'm not her after all."

Chapter 694: The new king’s generosity (Part 2)

After the sun rises.

The damp, cold air in Sentinel Ridge suddenly became much warmer.

Qiao Youning went out for a walk early, saying that she would have to attend a few meetings later, leaving only Chen Jing and Yegetos staying at the Chen family's old house.

"Well...that's basically the situation."

A world map was placed in front of Chen Jing, with the coordinates of the thirty-two deep space temples marked by Tsukano Koshiro.

"I will use these temples as a medium to perform family transformation surgery on the remaining candidates. The whole process will last about an hour. The success rate... If nothing else, it should be 100%, right?"

Yegetos sat cross-legged next to Chen Jing, looking at the world map spread out on the wooden table with a slightly solemn expression.

Because he knew what Chen Jing was going to do next.

So... I'm definitely kidding if I say I'm not worried!

Perform surgeries on three million candidates at once?

What's the difference between this and joking?

Not even King Huang dared to transform so many dependents at once...

"King, I'm afraid this is a bit risky." Yegetos still couldn't help but persuaded, carefully reminding Chen Jing, "Transforming a family is not an easy task, and the original King Huang did not dare to be so generous. "

"If you only look at the perspective of transforming the family members, it is not an exaggeration to say... I am better than King Huang."

Hearing these words, Jagertos couldn't help but froze. Even the smaller version of Baiage beside him didn't care about catching the grasshoppers jumping in the grass. He turned back and looked at Chen Jing with a surprised look.

Is this... still a king?

As the family members who have followed Chen Jing for the longest time, Baiage and Yegetos know very well what kind of character the new king is. His gentle and gentle personality is definitely not strong, and he will behave in a very bad way on many occasions. Too modest.

Especially when it comes to King Huang, the words he often talks about are: "I am so far behind King Huang, it would be great if I could even catch up with him!"


Now Yegetos and Baiage were a little confused. They could hear the confidence in Chen Jing's words.

I am better than King Huang.

"Could it be that after being promoted to Sequence Seven... will even my personal personality change..." Jegertos carefully looked at Chen Jing, and then secretly glanced at Baia Ji, only to find that the other party seemed to be curious about this matter.

"The path that King Huang embarked on is different from the end point I chose. There has been an obvious difference since Sequence Six..."

Chen Jing didn't pay attention to the surprise in the eyes of Jegertos and the others, and kept gesticulating on the map with his hands. His gentle tone was as gentle as ever, revealing an unquestionable attitude.

"When I was promoted to Sequence Seven, in just a few days, I was led by Deep Space to 'journey' to billions of dimensions... That is a more effective way of 'learning' than conquering various dimensions."

"Study?" Jagertos struggled to understand the word.

"Yes, there are so many places worth learning. Unfortunately, the time is too short. The amount of knowledge I can acquire is very limited, so I can only pick and choose some useful learning..."

Chen Jing smiled shamefully, and in his eyes that were faintly flashing like gods, it seemed that there were billions of material universes hiding in them, and the endless cycle of entropy, growth, and destruction was going on every second.

"I have learned a more convenient method to transform the dependents. As long as I am more integrated with the deep space, this method will be easier to use..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing suddenly raised his right hand.

I saw countless "lights" as thin as hair appearing between his fingers. They seemed to be brilliant coming from the other side of the universe. The strangely colored light was both noble and evil, making Jegertos and the others tremble in their hearts. .

They can tell.

These "rays" should be made of some kind of pure energy.

And judging from that familiar aura...

They should be a brand-new energy derived from deep space energy.

Both familiar and strange.

But what is certain is that they have never seen it in the old days, nor have they seen the Yellow King attract anything similar.

"Before I was promoted to Sequence Seven, I thought this level was nothing special. I couldn't defeat those Sequence Eight Ancient Gods, but I could only be on par with the old man..."

Chen Jing's fingers just moved slightly, and thousands of "different-colored rays" of light between his fingers went towards Yagertos and Baiaji, like a torrent of colors flowing in the space, almost instantly engulfing their faces. The body is wrapped in layers, like a packed mummy, even the eyes are covered...

"But when I actually reached the level of sequence seven, I discovered that the seventh level of the deep space sequence is completely different from the seventh level of other sequences!"

At this moment, Yegetos and Baiaji could no longer see anything, but Chen Jing's overly excited voice could still be clearly heard in their ears.

They could imagine Chen Jing's expression as excited as a child, like an avid game enthusiast who had been trapped in a certain level for a long time, and finally found a way to conquer the level with his own abilities... That was from the heart and even To uplift the soul!

"The seventh level of the deep space sequence has begun to touch the edge of the basic laws of the universe. I even saw the road leading to the eighth sequence. It just takes a little time..."

When Chen Jing said this, the consciousness of Yegetos and Baiaji had gradually blurred. The power from the origin of deep space gradually began to cut off their hair and cleanse their marrow, reshaping the bodies of deep space dependents...

"You two have a much better life than the others. I only erased the connection between Deep Space and you, but I did not erase your 'immortal species' characteristics. After I transformed you into a dependent clan again, you are still The 'immortal species' are much stronger than them."

Chen Jing looked at the two "light cocoons" beside him that exuded extraordinary splendor, and a trace of sigh flashed in his eyes... He wanted to transform all his dependents into deep space undead species, but he couldn't do it at this stage, so he could only There will be a chance only after crossing the natural chasm of Sequence 8.

It only lasted half a minute.

The "spectacular rays of light" entangled around the bodies of Yegetos and Baiaji began to gradually dissipate, and the two recast Familia bodies were completely different from the previous Familia bodies... Chen Jing was finally reflected in the sight. in the eyes.

"What's wrong with me?!"

At this moment, Yegetos no longer looks like a giant.

In non-combat conditions.

His height was compressed to about two meters, and the armor covering his body no longer looked shiny and noble, but turned into a layer of black nebula flowing like liquid, as if countless stars in the universe were It was projected on him and flowed slowly...

Feeling the terrifying aura within his body that had increased several times, Jegertos himself was a little in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that he could reach the sky in one step.

"I...the energy from deep space in my body...is actually purer than what King Huang gave me?!"

Chapter 695: My followers: three million

Jagerthos felt like he was in a dream.


This is no exaggeration.

Although his strength eons ago was far greater than that of himself at this moment, from a certain perspective... Yegetos felt that he at this moment was far stronger than himself in the old days!

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