Chapter 702 The Lord of Succubi (Part 2)

The process of family transformation is very fast.

Even faster than Chen Jing expected.

From the moment the statue outside the temple shattered to the end of the entire transformation process, it only took more than three minutes.

in the process of transformation.

Those strange moans resounded through almost every deep space temple.

This has also caused many people who have not yet become deep space believers to be a little surprised. They always feel that this new religion that has emerged in the apocalyptic era is not serious.

Of course.

Fanatics also have explanations for this.

"Becoming a Deep Space Familia is a blessing from God, so it can be seen from the overly intense performance of these candidates that they have now felt the bliss that Deep Space brings to people, which is far beyond the joy brought by dopamine. Happy, just like XXXXXX..."

To be honest, when Chen Jing didn't see this explanation, he thought there was nothing wrong with it. At most, it would just be discussed among the people for a period of time, and then forget it after the heat wore off. But he never expected... that this fanatic believer's weird explanation would directly lead to countless Misunderstandings arose among believers and even ordinary people.

A not so good misunderstanding.


Chen Jing's old house.

Qiao Youning and Chen Jing were sitting on two deck chairs to rest respectively, while Yagetos was lying on the grass outside the courtyard in a daze, and Bai Aji had wandered off somewhere and might not be able to come back for a while.

"Hehe..." Qiao Youning looked at the forum posts on the light screen and laughed at Chen Jing without looking back, "Being transformed into a family member will enjoy bliss... This statement is so interesting..."


"Did you know that you have a nickname among the people?"

"Don't say it."

"They call you the Lord of Succubi, the founder of the ultimate pleasure sequence. As long as you have a kinship relationship with you, you will..."

"Oh no! The believer must be sick!" Chen Jing sat up in shock as he was dying and couldn't help but roll up from the recliner, "What on earth are those grandsons thinking! Do I have anything in common with XXX?" !”

"Hmm...are you feeling pretty good?" Qiao Youning blinked.

Hearing this unabashed answer, Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, then he lay back with a blush.

"I thought you would be very serious!" Chen Jing looked up and stared at the white clouds floating around like cotton candy, not daring to look into Qiao Youning's eyes. "At least you have to help me accuse them!"

"There is no way to accuse..." Qiao Youning said loudly, "Many candidates have come forward to give examples. It is simply irrefutable evidence. It is useless for me to explain to you..."

"These dogs." Chen Jing turned over angrily, folded his arms and ignored Qiao Youning.

About two minutes passed.

Still unable to hold back what was in his heart, he turned over and asked her.

"Aren't you curious why today's family transformation was interrupted?"

"If you want to talk, I will listen. If you don't want to talk, I won't ask more questions." Qiao Youning flipped through the posts on the light screen and said with a smile, "Lest I upset someone by asking too many questions."

"When have I ever bothered you?" Chen Jing said helplessly. In the end, he couldn't help but sit up and told Qiao Youning about the "live broadcast of the death penalty" in short.

From beginning to end.

Qiao Youning listened attentively, but did not express any opinions. She just wanted to hear what Chen Jing would do next.

"Mu ran so fast that I didn't even have time to ask about my grandfather, and there was another Creator present at the time. To be honest, I didn't dare to ask more..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing felt a terrible headache when he remembered the last message Mu left.

"She said that the only possibility to break through the Sequence Chasm is in the Hanging City... If nothing else happens... it should have something to do with my promotion to Sequence Eight." Chen Jing sighed and shook his head, "It's already that time, so I can't speak clearly. , a place as big as the Hanging City, I don’t know what I should do to advance to the rank..."

"Is there a possibility?"

Qiao Youning held her chin with her right hand and stared blankly at the distant mountains.

"Actually, she doesn't know much information. After all, she has been exposed, and she might not be able to access the content of our exam..."

"It's possible." Chen Jing nodded helplessly, "Actually, I think so too, because Mu is not the kind of person who likes to sell things off."

"Judging from what you said, I feel that the Creator is nothing special. His personality is not that otherworldly. He seems to still retain the basic emotions of higher creatures..." Qiao Youning smiled, "Isn't it just some stronger ancient descendants? , you still have the nerve to call yourself the Creator.”

"That's what it means!"

Chen Jing felt a lot more relaxed inexplicably when he talked about this, and the stone that had always been weighing on his heart was lifted.

"Although they are much stronger than us, they are not insurmountable... What's more, gods who bleed are not gods. In the final analysis, they are just creatures that control the laws of the universe. We always have a way to deal with them. "

Hearing this, Qiao Youning nodded, having no doubt about Chen Jing's arrogance.

"The two traitors, 'Mu' and 'Mr. Fog', should be very important to the Creator group. They can be used as bargaining chips in exchange, or as playthings to kill people. They should be looking forward to executing 'Mu' in front of you." ', I probably want to see your reaction." Qiao Youning said softly.

"But they didn't come, and even left this important matter to an insignificant Creator..." Chen Jing murmured to himself, his eyes becoming more and more curious, "This can only mean that there are some situations within them, which caused them to Our entire tribe has to seize the time to do something or make some preparations, and we can’t get away for the time being..."

"Actually, you'll know the answer if you think about it." Qiao Youning said with a smile, "These actions they took should only take place after Gehro's death. In other words... Gehro's anti-invasion plan went bankrupt, and it was a big blow to them. The impact is definitely bigger than we thought.”

"I suspect they have some kind of emergency plan." Chen Jing said without hesitation, raising his finger to the sky, "They should know what kind of situation they are in, so they will definitely find a way to get out of the predicament, even with that person 'It's possible even if you fight hard."

"Yeah...that's right." Qiao Youning pondered for a moment and murmured, "The Creator has been trying to trick you into the live broadcast. Maybe this is a way to get you to actively break the 'rules'."

"Actually, I still don't know what the specific rules are." Chen Jing said helplessly, "I can only cross the river by feeling the stones and take it one step at a time."

"Both Mu and Mr. Wu are 'defectors', but they have never contacted you... Don't you think it's a bit strange?" Qiao Youning blinked, "If it weren't for the live broadcast of the death penalty, I'm afraid you wouldn't even know what happened to them now ”

After saying that, Qiao Youning added softly.

"Moreover, Mu also escaped during the execution... I think the Red Emperor and the others, no matter how stupid they are, would never let a death row prisoner go... So is it possible... that they did this on purpose?"

"Deliberately letting those two defectors come to me?" Chen Jing was startled.

"Maybe this is part of the rules." Qiao Youning nodded, "If they involve you, then the Creator Clan will come under the guise of eliminating traitors... Will this be considered as evading the restrictions of the rules?"

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but become wary.

"We will return to the other world in an hour. Before returning... you'd better understand the next test questions."

"Test questions?"

"Yes, that's what the rules they set say. Either destroy the core of the inner world or kill the examiner. Only by completing one of these two tasks can we end this biological leap exam."

Qiao Youning's eyes were a little confused, and she seemed to be thinking about this issue.

"Now that the examiner has left, even if an alternative examiner takes office...who do you think it will be?"


"No matter who it is, it must be some bad guy who wants you to die." Qiao Youning sighed, "They can see that you will not choose to destroy the other world, so they can only pass this level to increase the difficulty for you. , so I wouldn’t be surprised if the emperor in red is our examiner.”

"How can this be……"

Chen Jingqian smiled and was about to say a few more words to comfort Qiao Youning, but suddenly the system light screen popped up in front of him.

There is a prompt message to change the examiner.

The title is in bold font.

It looks particularly eye-catching.

The content is as simple as two sentences.

But these two sentences made Chen Jing look anxious, and he felt that the Creator Clan really didn't want to lose face... Of course, if he thought about it carefully, these guys had never wanted to lose face.

"You Ning."


"You crow mouth..."

Chapter 703: Examiner·The King in Red (Part 1)

It turns out there are some things that cannot be said.

The more he talks, the more he gets screwed.

When Chen Jing saw the "notice of transfer of examiner" on the light screen, he just felt that Qiao Youning was really a crow's mouth, and she really didn't mean what she said.

"Due to some special reasons, the original chief examiner 'M' and deputy examiner 'Mr. Wu' took the initiative to step down."

"The 073013 plane biological leap examination is now officially transferred to the 'King in Red' with full responsibility, and the position of deputy examiner is cancelled..."

This notice was obviously for Chen Jing, because he was the first one to receive the notice, while candidates like Qiao Youning received the transfer notice from the examiner a minute later.

To be honest, Chen Jing has been struggling before, how to end this biological leap exam?

According to the rules, either the examiner "Mu" is killed, or the core of the world is destroyed...

He didn't want to choose either.

So he read between the lines of the rules and saw a third option.

"Destroy the Creator Race, overthrow the so-called rules and order, what kind of bullshit exams are not taken, is there anything wrong with me giving myself a hundred points?" Chen Jing has always thought like this before.


The Creator Race is the only enemy that can be considered a threat in his mind.

This is also the goal he strives for.

So he felt that as long as he gritted his teeth and crossed this mountain, it would be fine.

But now...

This is obviously not a good time to climb mountains and ridges!

I am only at Sequence Seven!

The examiner can be replaced by any creator. Chen Jing would not have any objections to this, but to directly call the red emperor who is the leader of their tribe... this is outrageous!

"The King in Red?" Qiao Youning stared at the name with curiosity, turned around and blinked at Chen Jing, "Is he the leader of the Creator Clan?"

"What else..." Chen Jing said helplessly, and he wanted to laugh for a moment. He just hated these bastards for being shameless. "Except for the Red Emperor himself, who else in their tribe dares to use this name?"

While Chen Jing and Qiao Youning were discussing in a low voice, candidates from all over the world were also discussing the notice of the transfer of the chief examiner.

Although most candidates did not know what the transfer of the chief examiner meant, let alone the origin of the "Red King", they felt a creepy crisis in their hearts, which seemed to come from the sixth sense of creatures... or intuition!


"Can this thing be transferred?!"

"What is the origin of this newly appointed Red King?"

"I don't know whether it is good or bad for us to change the chief examiner in the middle of the exam..."

"Who cares? If the sky falls, there is Boss Chen to support it. What are you afraid of?"


"After returning to the inner world, we are likely to face greater troubles. The Red Emperor will not let me be promoted so easily..." Chen Jing said with a bitter face, and his mind quickly analyzed all the possibilities.

Previously, he was complacent about his rapid promotion to Sequence 7, and felt that the day when he could defeat the Creator was not far away, but now that the Red King has taken office... This is more than just a bucket of cold water poured on his head, it is like kicking him into an icy cave in the coldest days of winter, chilling him from the inside out.

The Red King taking office as the chief examiner is a signal.

This shows that the supreme First Creator can no longer sit still, and He is ready to solve this trouble with His own hands. As long as it is within the rules and order, He will definitely do whatever it takes, just like Gehlo who successfully traveled to the surface world...

"After returning to the inner world, I will not be far from the end of my hard training, and I can come to help you then." Qiao Youning said softly.

"Take care of yourself first." Chen Jing smiled and shook his head, comforting Qiao Youning and cheering himself up. "Mum has left me a clue to the promotion sequence. I will find a chance to go to the Hanging City to take a look."

"Hanging City..." Qiao Youning looked at Chen Jing thoughtfully. After thinking for a while, she couldn't help but tell him, "Mum's message to you is not a secret. Other creators should know it."

"So they will definitely find ways to obstruct me, or let Turing guard it tightly, because the only opportunity for me to be promoted is in the Hanging City. I have no second choice..." Chen Jing gritted his teeth, "As long as they don't break the rules and order, they will obstruct me within their ability."

"But it shouldn't be too much." Qiao Youning comforted, "After all, there is the 'Supreme' to help you keep an eye on it, and they dare not do anything too much."

"To be honest, I always have a hunch..."

Chen Jing held the quiet Bai Aji in his arms and gently stroked the soft mane on its back.

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