Chen Jing was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say, so he could only nod and deal with it.

"I think Yagerthos is right! It's time for us to let those trash guys in Hanging Evernight know..." Although Baiaji is still in the form of a puppy, it doesn't stop it from gearing up, "This war will be... Let them understand what it means to be the king’s land in the world!”

Chapter 707: There is no more Eternal Night City in the world (Part 1)

For Chen Jing, returning to the other world is like going home. After all, his family and friends are here, so he is far more relaxed than when he was in the outer world, and he is not afraid of being suspected for some trivial matters. .

After all, what the old man hates most is someone talking behind his back.

Especially chewing the base of his own grandson's tongue.

If the old man hears someone whispering about Chen Jing behind his back, saying that something is wrong with him or something is abnormal... then the old man's first reaction will definitely not be suspicion, but a big mouth.

"What's wrong with my grandson? I don't think you are normal!"


Chen Bofu indeed believed in Chen Jing unconditionally, but this did not mean that the old man was stupid.

As Chen Jing's only relative, he is also the grandfather who has taken care of Chen Jing from childhood to adulthood... Chen Bofu is the person who knows Chen Jing best. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the roundworm in Chen Jing's belly, but the old man usually I don't want to show it, and the reason is very simple.

The old man didn't want to put too much pressure on Chen Jing.

He knows that Chen Jing has been working hard to "grow up" and wants to rely on his own abilities to become a reliable adult. He will almost always keep many things that can cause pressure to him in his heart... So as long as it is not life-threatening, Even if the old man guessed it, he would not ask more questions.

Just like now.

When everyone was holding the "Kakosa Expansion Meeting" in the Deep Space Temple, Chen Bofu just smiled as he listened to Chen Jing's talk about the "plan."

He could feel that Chen Jing had completely changed.

This change is not only in personality, but also in long-term concepts.

After Chen Jing was promoted to Sequence Seven, he no longer was indecisive and thought too much. He no longer dealt with difficult problems with a gentle attitude, and he no longer asked others for their opinions like a headless fly...

He has his own ideas.

He also has the corresponding execution ability.

The kind of confidence revealed between the lines is not annoying, on the contrary, it is very convincing, and you feel that he is reliable for some reason.

"So this is the expansion policy of our Kakosa." Chen Jing picked up the tea cup in front of him and slowly took a sip of the strong tea that Ryan had made for him. "Replacing the faith of all the ancient gods with the faith of deep space, so that This chaotic world has been completely stabilized. As for how it will develop in the future... that will happen later. "

Hearing this, everyone here said they had no objections. After all, wars throughout the ages have generally been like this... Although Chen Jing was indeed the one who openly started the war, it was undeniable that his intentions were good.

Just like Jagerthos said.

For the sake of all the people in the world.

Don’t you want to see how messed up this world is?

All unified, believing in deep space.

Will there be any more disputes in this world now?

"Kill everyone who blocks the road?" Xu Ye took notes and asked again and again meticulously.

"Yes, no one will be left behind." Chen Jing leaned on the back of the golden chair and sighed lazily, "But when I say blocking the road, you may not mean the same thing."

Chen Jing is still Chen Jing.

Even if his personality changes drastically, it's still him.

So there are some things that he is destined to be unable to do.

"Our main goal is basically focused on Hanging Yongye. In other areas, harmony should still be the main focus, and peace is the most important thing in everything... Unless we meet someone who is short-sighted or has some misunderstanding about our deep space, we must Those who obstruct the spread of our faith do not deserve sympathy and should be killed directly.”

"What should we do with those indigenous believers?" Xu Ye asked calmly, "As far as I know, there are ancient indigenous beliefs in many remote areas. Even if they don't jump out to block the way, they will definitely cause us... …”

"Forget it." Chen Jing said with a smile, "Believe it or not, just don't jump out and bother us."

"Understood." Xu Ye nodded.

"If someone takes the initiative to seek excitement from us, let him never forget the excitement in his life." Chen Jing smiled with a gentle expression on his face, but there was a hint of blood between the lines.

"I understand." Su Ye closed the notebook with a thoughtful look on his face, "Give those who have firm beliefs a little living space, and then find opportunities to gradually erode their beliefs... This is indeed a kind of gentle approach. Method."

"I know that Hanging City has been making preparations, so we can't just sit back and wait. We must seize this moment and expand the power of Deep Space as quickly as possible. Although I don't need faith, Deep Space does."

Chen Jing picked up the tea cup again and took a slow sip.

"The more believers there are in deep space, the more willing it is to give believers extra power, so... come on, everyone!"

No one here had any objections to the fact that everyone could eat meat in deep space and drink soup together, and they were even more excited than before.

Many people immediately transformed into the main war faction, and they all put on a posture of gearing up, eager to fight for their faith under the banner of deep space.

"So...are we going to introduce new people while fighting?" Xuye asked tentatively, "Do we need an assessment or something?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I will personally guide those 'destined people' to enter Kakosa." Chen Jing couldn't help laughing when he said this, and the three million believers among the candidates flashed in his mind.

"By the way, there is one more question. We asked you before, but you said we would talk after the meeting..." Wei Nan raised his hand with an unhappy look on his face, "Can we talk now?"

"Is it because the family relationship has been severed?" Chen Jing asked.

"Yes!" Wei Nan folded his arms and said angrily, "Why are our family ties cut off?! But why are Yegertos, Baiage, and Tsukano Kushiro... why are they still with us? Do you maintain the family relationship?"

After hearing Wei Nan's words, everyone couldn't help but nod silently.

They first looked at Chen Jing in confusion, and then looked back at Tsukano Koshiro who was sitting in the corner of the round table.

When the relationship between the family members was suddenly severed, everyone didn't know what happened. They subconsciously thought that Chen Jing had encountered an accident... But they soon discovered that something was wrong!

Because after Chen Jing unilaterally severed the family relationship, they only found that among the many family members Chen Jing transformed, there were still very few who maintained the family relationship with Chen Jing.

This can be easily determined.

Because the breath of deep air on those people has never disappeared at all!

"Actually, I don't know how to explain it."

Chen Jing looked at the doubtful faces and couldn't help but raise his hand and scratch his head.

"The moment I was successfully promoted, I felt like I was disconnected from many family members..."

Chapter 708: There is no more Eternal Night City in the world (Part 2)

When you want to lie, you must not say it too clearly.

The more ambiguous the answer, the more credible it sounds.

Chen Jing knew this truth, so he didn't think about the problem too complicated. After all, the people here were not outsiders. There was no need to rack their brains to fool them, he could just say something casually and get over it...

Facts have proved that Chen Jing's trick works very well.

Because these people here... no, to be precise, no one in this world understands the deep space sequence. Naturally, they don't know what "visions" will be caused by each promotion of this sequence.

So they all believed it.

Especially after Chen Jing personally promised that they could transform into a second family member, they didn't even bother to ask, and were just prepared to lie down and continue to be free-spirited deep space family members waiting to die.

[Qiao Youning]: "Did it go well?"

[Chen Jing]: "It went very smoothly, no one doubted it, don't worry."

[Qiao Youning]: "That's good."

[Chen Jing]: "Kakosa's next move may be a bit big. Please remember to help me explain it to the seniors in the temple so that they don't misunderstand."

[Qiao Youning]: "Don't worry, it won't happen."

[Chen Jing]: "How is the Buddha Mother? Are there any signs of improvement after returning to the temple?"

[Qiao Youning]: "Yes... Anyway, I think she is sleeping very soundly. When she wakes up after a while, I will ask her to find you."

[Chen Jing]: "Okay, will you come with her?"

[Qiao Youning]: "Forget it, I won't go. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with in the temple... By the way, after Gehro disappears, the Pope should be the only one left in Yongye, right?"

[Chen Jing]: "When I first came back, I asked Shen Kong Yicai to watch him outside Yongye City. Don't worry he can't escape."

In the process of chatting with everyone.

The system light screen in front of Chen Jing's eyes was always flashing.

After he finished chatting with Qiao Youning, he switched the screen and went to the forum to hang out. He felt relieved when he saw that everyone was reporting safety in the forum.

If Turing is really prepared for the worst, then it has only two choices now, either to stay in retreat and wait for the opportunity, or to take the lead and be reckless...

Attack Kakosa?


After all, the Creator is on its side. As long as it does not violate the rules and order, Chen Jing believes that the Creator will provide Turing with all conveniences.

But this possibility is not very high.

If Chen Jing was Turing, he might choose another path... Under the premise of ensuring his own safety, he would "cull" those growing candidates as quickly as possible, and if he could kill some of Kakosa's dependents easily, Even better.

As for attacking Kakosa?

There is definitely no chance.

As long as a normal person thinks about it, he will know that it is impossible, because the overall strength gap between the two sides is not that big, and it is impossible to say who will lose and who will win in a real fight, but both sides will definitely suffer.

Turing was not a gambler.

So Chen Jing was not worried at all that it would be stupid.

He was only worried that this guy was hiding in the Hanging City, neither showing his face nor intending to let the Hanging City appear. He would hide like this until the end of the world, until it could completely decipher the "Original Equation".

to be honest.

Chen Jing didn't know how powerful the "Origin Equation" was, but judging from the information he got from Turing, it was indeed quite weird. It was not an intuitive power or an easy-to-understand law and order.

It's something else.

Judging from Turing's expression, as long as it can successfully decipher the "Original Equation", it is very possible to surpass the Yellow King, not to mention the Creator... so Chen Jing does not dare to bet.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current situation is frozen.

Turing was very anxious and wished that Chen Jing would die now to prevent him from posing a greater threat to the Hanging City after his rise.

Chen Jing is also very anxious. He also hopes that Turing will die quickly and stop studying the inexplicable "Origin Equation". Can it understand that thing? Won't he die after he studies it and understands it?


At this stage, both Chen Jing and Turing are working hard to catch up.

One is speeding up the deciphering of the "Original Equation", and the other is racking his brains to advance to the sequence as quickly as possible.

But in general, Turing has the upper hand, because if Chen Jing wants to advance to the rank, he must go to the Hanging City, but now he can't get in at all. Finding a way to break through that "barrier" won't happen overnight. It can be done.

"Okay, let's stop talking here today, and let's go back to work."

Chen Jing took the initiative to end the meeting, patted the folds of his yellow robe, slowly left the chair and stood up.

"Are you going out?" Chen Boxu is worthy of being Chen Jing's biological grandfather. As soon as he saw what he meant, he knew...this kid is going out!

"Well, I plan to visit Yongye City." Chen Jing said with a smile.

"Forget it." Although Chen Boxu was arrogant, he was still very sensible when it came to the safety of his grandson. He persuaded calmly, "Although you have been promoted to Sequence Seven now, you still have to deal with That guy Gehro is indeed a bit..."

Before Chen Boxu could finish his words, Hassad stood up abruptly, his red biological prosthetic eyes flashing continuously, which was a signal that he was receiving external messages.

"It's time to go to Yongye City to see it."

Hassad said with a complicated expression, feeling that all this seemed a bit too coincidental.

Chen Jing just said he was going to Yongye City.

The "eyeliner" outside Yongye City immediately sent a message.

"What's wrong?" Chen Bofu asked with a frown.

"The moonlight covering Yongye City has begun to dissipate, and the pillar of light that towers over the sky is shrinking..."

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