"Turing is also careful enough...I left millions of particle anchors in the Hanging City...and now there are only a few thousand left..."

Chapter 724: Positioning from the Universe (Part 2)

Chen Jing knew that these anchor points would be found by Turing, so he did not want to let them all stay at the beginning. Instead, he used special means to control the time when they gradually dissipated. For example, some of them would dissipate after a few minutes, and some of them would disappear after a few minutes. Stay for hours later…

There is a gradual and gradual process of disappearing, so as not to alarm the overly cautious intelligent AI.

Even if it finds these things, it will only treat them as energy residue after the battle. After all, this phenomenon is extremely common...


Facts have proved that its level of caution exceeds Chen Jing's imagination.

The speed at which these energy particles disappear is obviously abnormal. During this period of time, at least nearly a million of them will remain, but currently only a few thousand can still be connected with Chen Jing...

Judging from this situation, it only shows that Turing is not at ease with this "normal phenomenon" and is using his own means to gradually eliminate them.

When chatting with everyone in the Deep Space Temple, Chen Jing noticed that they were disappearing rapidly. After a brief connection with consciousness, Chen Jing discovered that the positions of these particles had not changed, which meant that Turing had always been there. Staying in one place, the Hanging City has not moved.

This is a good thing.

Especially after entering deep space to confirm again, Chen Jing quickly began to locate the coordinates following the information transmitted by these particles.

But soon, Chen Jing discovered that something was wrong.

"This bitch Turing...actually played tricks on us..."

Chen Jing suddenly realized that what he had thought was wrong, and the old man and his team's inferences and analyzes were also wrong. They thought that the Hanging City disappeared out of thin air because of a method of "optical camouflage", which was only seen by the naked eye or perception. It completely disappeared, but in fact it was still in the same place without changing its position.

Even for this "camouflage", Turing also arranged some external attack devices to prevent anyone from contacting the Hanging City from high altitude... All of this seemed to be guiding Chen Jing and the others, wanting to tell them that the Hanging City was there.

"So that place is empty... If we forcefully approach the area where the counterattack device is placed... we will definitely not find the Hanging City... maybe we will encounter some trouble..." Chen Jing murmured, Then continue to sense through these light particle anchor points, trying to locate the specific location of the hanging city as quickly as possible.

further and further.


As Chen Jing continued to strengthen his connection with the light particle anchor point, he found that the Hanging City was getting farther and farther away from the other world, even to the limit of the perception range... That was deep in the universe of the other world, the Hanging City There it is!

Although the specific location still needs to be locked in depth, Chen Jing has found the general direction, and he also knows the distance between them. It is not as simple as crossing the continent of the other world.

That was in the universe of another world, and it was a completely unfamiliar area to him.

Chen Jing remembered clearly that when he first talked with Turing, Turing mentioned that this universe was locked by the Creator, and many of its external celestial body detection activities had to be suspended.

But now it has taken the Hanging City and hid in the universe... If the Creator didn't open the back door for it, Chen Jing would not believe it even if he killed him.

No...it shouldn't be the back door.

Because of the presence of the Supreme Being, the Creator does not dare to break the rules and order.

In the past, their "technical blockade" on Turing was also based on reasons other than examinations. Perhaps the creators just revoked this blockade and allowed Turing to develop.

By combining these basic feedbacks with the information obtained from reality, Chen Jing can easily determine the environment Turing and the others are currently in.

It is safer and further away than Chen Jing imagined.

"It's not easy to think about it..."

Chen Jing estimated the distance between the two sides, and then used the coordinates fed back from the anchor points of these light particles to calculate. He found that although the galaxy where the Hanging City was located was not large, there were at least thousands of stars, among which There are countless planets and their satellites...

This number seems huge, but for the entire universe, this kind of galaxy is already relatively desolate and small. Moreover, Turing did not let the hanging city land and station on a certain star. He let the hanging city park directly in that desolate place. In the galaxy.

Is this to make it easier to move?

Chen Jing didn't know and couldn't be sure.

At present, he can only get a rough position and direction. If he wants to get more accurate position coordinates, he needs to continuously strengthen the connection. This work started from the moment he sent those anchor points into the Hanging City, and it has not ended yet.

Time passed by minute by minute.

There are also more and more particle anchors cleared by Turing.

Under such high pressure, Chen Jing could only do his best to strengthen his connection with those anchor points, hoping to get more accurate feedback from them.

till the end……

There are only more than thirty anchor points left that have not been erased by Turing.

Until now.

Chen Jing finally locked the coordinates of the Hanging City.

Although he didn't know whether Turing would continue to move afterward, he knew that this was the only opportunity he could rarely seize. If he let it go, it would never happen again, at least there was a high probability that it wouldn't happen again...

“Got to see it.”

Chen Jing immediately made up his mind and planned to hide this from everyone.

Why didn't he tell Chen Bofu before that they had thrown the anchor?

The answer is simple.

Because he was afraid that the news would leak out, and he was afraid that Turing would use some means to find out about it... After all, no matter how strict everyone's mouth was, they could not isolate some careful monitoring means.

Chen Jing didn't know if Turing had this ability, but he didn't dare to try it, not to mention that from beginning to end, Chen Jing didn't want the old man and the others to interfere.

The risk is too great.

If you go alone, you can run back in time if you encounter danger, but this is not necessarily the case if you have a family with you.

"Turing first created the illusion of the suspended city disappearing to confuse outsiders, and then made the entire city soar into the depths of the universe..." Chen Jing murmured, "How did that old thing do it... quietly? Just fly that far..."

Hassad is someone who has stayed in the Hanging City. He once made a huge promise to everyone, saying that the Hanging City will never leave its original place, because although the city can move independently, it will emit a sound before every move. It's such a huge momentum that it's hard for the outside world to miss it.

It was this piece of information that successfully misled everyone. Combined with the self-defense counterattack device Turing left at the old site of Hanging City, even Chen Jing was convinced of it.

"It's so far away from the other world... Even if you move at the speed of light, you have to fly for thousands of years... Turing should have used some kind of space jump to get there..."

After Chen Jing got the precise coordinates, he slowly opened his eyes, looking at the splendor of the deep sky not far away, thinking that this guy seemed to have gained weight again.

"Time waits for no one, leave now, maybe it's still too late..."

Chapter 725 The Hometown of the Creator (Part 1)

Leave deep space and return to the inner world.

Chen Jing hesitated and decided to take Black Star with him.

Because this guy is indeed more "useful" than Yegertos and the others, and this thing has no brain. If I leave Kakosha for a while and fight Turing in the deep space of the universe, then maybe it will be like before That's a direct "runaway".

Chen Jing was not worried that it would accidentally injure Kakosa, but that it would make too much noise and scare the old man and the others.

So let’s find a reason.

A more reliable reason to leave here for a while...

"Your boy wants to take Black Star to recover from his injuries?"

When Chen Jing returned to the other world, the first thing he saw was the old man standing outside the temple gate, smoking and joining in the fun.

At this moment, he was just idle like an old man in the village. He found a small bench from nowhere and sat on it with his legs crossed. His flip-flops were dangling as if he would shake them off at any time.

"Yes." Chen Jing walked to the old man and squatted down, as if he had stayed with him as a child, with a smile on his face. "It was accidentally injured by Turing when it went to the Hanging City to help me. I just remembered this..."

"Can you forget such a thing?" Chen Bofu rolled his eyes and couldn't help but complain, "You can take it away with you. I don't know if this guy is injured or not. He looks weird." ...It’s not that I’m scared, it’s that Hassad and the others find it a bit scary!”

Chen Jing had previously talked about the mutations that had appeared on Black Star with everyone when he came back. Although the content of the chat was somewhat omitted, such as the part about the table world, the general direction was correct. It was only alive because of the promotion sequence. Came here.

Not only that, Chen Jing also made assurances several times in a row, saying that this guy just looked scary, and that it always had a friendly and enthusiastic heart for Kakosa. If possible, it would even want to come down and help. The crowd guided the newcomers who had just entered the city.

Of course, that's what Chen Jing said, but no one dared to believe it. After all, this guy looked more than just scary. He seemed to have grown right at the point that humans fear, and his weird shape was like a shadow. , impartially engraved in the genes passed down from generation to generation of human beings.

But to be honest, Black Star is quite cute.

At least that's what Chen Jing thinks.

Since Black Star broke free from the chains of the "Death Ring Ritual" before leaving Kakosa, it is currently working hard to cooperate with Mr. Shu and others to repair this ritual, constantly using the tentacles extended from the core of the star to carefully pick up The chains were put on the body.

"This guy is quite sensible." Chen Jing praised from the bottom of his heart, completely unable to see the weird expression on Chen Bofu's face. "Actually, if you have enough contact with him, you will find that this little guy is very different from Maomao. Like a dog, very cute.”

"You seem to have some misunderstanding of the word cute." Chen Boxu couldn't help but complain.

At this moment, Hassad, who was wiping his sweat with a towel, came over. It seemed that he was very tired when he commanded Black Star to set the chain, but he might also be frightened.

"Why did you come out? Have you recovered from your injuries?" Hassad asked curiously. After all, Chen Jingcai said not long ago that he wanted to go back to deep space to recover from his injuries. But after a while, this kid came out again, looking like a normal person, "You kid? The speed of self-healing is quite efficient!”

"Not yet." Chen Jing raised his finger and pointed at Black Star and said with a smile, "This guy is also injured. I forgot to take him back with him."

"Then you didn't tell me earlier!" Hassad grimaced and couldn't help complaining, "This guy is so stupid! He finally managed to get half of those chains back!"

"Next time you let me do it, it will be easier than it is for you." Chen Jing said with a smile, "Before I go back, I will arrange a teleportation ritual outside the city. When these 100,000 people have almost completed the formalities, you can let Jaeger Toss is going to bring the new guy out.”

"It seems that you are planning to stay in deep space for a long time..." Chen Boxu looked at his sweet grandson thoughtfully. He seemed to feel something, and his tone became a little worried, "Are you really okay?"

"Small problem." Chen Jing consoled him, telling lies calmly, "I am taking this opportunity to recover from my injuries to prepare to get familiar with the newly acquired deep space powers, so that I won't suffer a disadvantage next time. At that time, I must let Turing know what it means to clear the level without injury!"

No one had any doubts about Chen Jing's confidence. After all, the deep space sequence was so unreasonable.

If this kind of invincibility at the same level is maintained, then it doesn't seem to be difficult to kill Turing without taking any damage.

After greeting everyone, Chen Jing put Black Star away directly.

Although Mr. Shu got a lot of eye rolls from Mr. Shu in the process, Chen Jingquan pretended not to notice. After all, the eye rolls of that thing were not as good as those of a living person. When his eyeballs moved, he looked as if he was suffering from epilepsy. It was a bit funny.

"This ritual corresponds to that planet. When these 100,000 people are taken care of by the old man and his friends, you two can go and bring some people out."

"King, are you seriously injured this time?" Yegetos asked cautiously. Although he couldn't feel that Chen Jing was injured, since Chen Jing said so, he naturally believed it, "We need to go Deep space help?"

"No, just stay in Kakosha." Chen Jing shook his head, "If you have nothing to do, don't disturb me. I may sleep for a period of time during the self-healing process. This has something to do with my promotion to Sequence Eight."

"Understood!" When Yegetos heard this, he stopped asking any more questions. Instead of worrying, he seemed particularly excited, "King, come on! As long as you are promoted to Sequence Eight! All the Familia are immortal. Seed! The deep space undead army can reappear in this era!"

"Let's wait until I'm successfully promoted." Chen Jing smiled, and finally patted Jagetos on the shoulder, "Let's go."

After taking Black Star back to the deep space, Chen Jing didn't waste any time and rushed directly along the locked coordinates.

When he went back to greet the old man and the others, Chen Jing did not stop observing those particle anchors. He could be sure that Turing was always cleaning up those particle anchors that were difficult for ordinary people to detect. When he returned to deep space, he began to look there. While rushing, there were only a dozen or twenty anchor points left.

"Father, where are we going?"

As Chen Jing continued to perform deep space jumps, Black Star couldn't help but ask curious questions, because it could feel that its position was getting farther and farther away from the other world, almost so far away that it couldn't feel Kakou. The feeling of "home" is gone.

"We are going to find a bad guy who is full of bad intentions." Chen Jing's answer was concise and to the point, with a trace of anxiety in his urgent tone, "I hope that guy didn't run away, otherwise we will have to miss the point again."

Chapter 726 The Hometown of the Creator (Part 2)

In fact, Chen Jing is worried about only two things now.

One is whether the Hanging City can run by itself.

The second is whether anyone could inform Turing and then let the Hanging City escape.

This seems to be the same thing.

But there is actually a difference.

First, if the Hanging City is always moving instead of staying somewhere in the deep space of the universe, then Chen Jing will most likely miss it.

After all, he didn't know what Turing's plan was... to stay there for a while and then continue to escape? Or are you planning to stay there for a long time?

If it's the second one...

There is a 50% chance that the Creator informed Turing.

To be honest, Chen Jing still hasn't figured out where the bottom line of the "Supreme One" is, because he can be sure that the Creator and Turing are connected through Qi. For example, the death of Gehro and the live broadcast of the Creator's death penalty should be related to Turing. I heard it from the mouth of the Creator.

If it hadn't been like this, it wouldn't have said "Your opportunity to advance to Sequence Eight is in the Hanging City" last time.

So... will the Creator give a message this time?

Chen Jing has no doubts about the Creator's means and abilities.

I know with my toes that I can't hide these little tricks of building plank roads to conceal Chen Cang from them, so if those insidious and cunning guys give Turing a chance again, then this trip will definitely be in vain.

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