If you encounter an ambush by the Creator, no matter how you think about it, the outcome will be death, so counterattacking directly on the spot is definitely the last resort. If you choose to escape to deep space, you may still have a chance of survival.

But just when Chen Jing was about to flash back to the deep space, he could clearly feel that something interrupted him, as if he had cut off the connection between him and the deep space by some means.

This is not a good sign.

It can even be regarded as a wail that sounds the death knell for Chen Jing.

"Don't be afraid, I will take you to a good place."

Just when Chen Jing was preparing to face death with an extremely unwilling attitude, the voice that seemed far away suddenly became much clearer, and even made Chen Jing hear a strange sense of familiarity...



It's like I heard a similar sound somewhere.

The playful tone of voice and the careless tone only reminded Chen Jing of an old friend who had disappeared for a long time...

Before Chen Jing could remember who this person was, he only felt his arm being pulled violently, and then his entire consciousness became drowsy. He felt like he had fallen into a "marshmallow", and there was a sensation in his limbs. The touch is soft and elastic.

It wasn't until Chen Jing gradually regained consciousness that he realized what a strange place he had been dragged into.

This is a round ball with a diameter of about twenty meters. It does not seem to be hard or made of some kind of energy barrier, but a real "marshmallow"... The surrounding walls are glowing with a lovely pink color and soft. The lines and curves give a non-threatening feel.

The air was filled with a milky, fruity aroma, as if the material making up these walls were really marshmallows. Chen Jing almost wanted to tear off a piece and taste it.

Of course, now is not the time to be greedy, because Chen Jing saw that old acquaintance... yes, it was Mr. Wu who had tried to kill him countless times.

"You still dare to come?" Chen Jing looked at the gray figure in front of him, with a surprised expression on his face, and then expressed admiration for this guy's courage. After all, he dared to play "under the lamp" while being chased by the Creator. "Black", this kind of courage is not something ordinary people can have.

"Why don't I dare to come?" Mr. Wu replied with a very unkind tone. It seemed that he had disliked Chen Jing a long time ago. In addition, during this period of time, he had suffered a lot in front of the Creator group. He was No matter how you look at Chen Jing, you feel like it's an eyesore, "As the culprit who brought us so much misfortune, shouldn't you feel ashamed when you see me here?"

"Ashamed..." Chen Jingding nodded with a very sincere attitude, "I do feel guilty..."

"Is that all just guilt?"

Mr. Wu could tell that Chen Jing's words came from the bottom of his heart, but he almost lost his life after suffering so many losses in a row. This made Mr. Wu have an unusually strong opinion of Chen Jing. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that this boy was not pleasing to his eyes.

"Did you know we almost all died?"

"I know, I know..."

"In order to ensure that you have an easy journey ahead, Mu has become disabled!" When Mr. Wu said this, Chen Jing clearly felt that he glared at him, and his tone of voice was full of complaints, "I really don't know why Mu is so He likes you. If we had sided with the Red King from the beginning, He wouldn’t have..."

"Mu is disabled???" Chen Jing couldn't help but interrupt Mr. Wu's words, with a look of disbelief on his face, "Are you being overtaken by those creators???"

"No." Mr. Wu glared at Chen Jing again, "When he was executed that day, he had the guy chop him with an axe. You were also there at the time, so don't pretend not to know!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Jing suddenly remembered the live broadcast of the execution that day.

It seems like this is happening...

At that time, Mr. Fog suddenly appeared and took Mu away, but his movements were a little slower, and Mu's left arm was chopped off neatly by the executioner's axe.

At that time, Chen Jing still felt that something was wrong, because he could feel that the executioner's damage to Mu was not an ordinary chopping damage, but a method of targeted erasure.

"It seems that what I felt at the time was right... Mu was indeed seriously injured..." Chen Jing felt increasingly guilty. After all, after all, Tim was injured because he was standing in his own team.

So Mr. Wu came back this time to take out his anger on me?

But it’s understandable.

After all, his relationship with Mu is so strong that he can even choose to side with Mu regardless of the danger. Now that he has caused Mu to be injured and disabled, it is impossible for Mr. Wu not to be angry... If you change the angle, it is Qiao Youning who is injured, I'm afraid that I have the desire to kill someone.

Thinking of this, Chen Jing slowly squatted on the ground obediently, holding his head in his hands and getting ready for Mr. Wu to vent his anger.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Wu was stunned for a moment.

"I want you to take it out on me so that you don't get upset." Chen Jing said guiltily, "Just don't beat me to death or maim me. I still have to avenge you..."

"Do you think this is why I came back to you?" Mr. Wu's tone became more and more dangerous, as if he was on the verge of rage. "I came back at the risk of being chased and intercepted by the Creator Clan! Do you think I came back just to beat you up?" !”

"Isn't it because of this?" Chen Jing was stunned, then hurriedly stood up, "Is there something important you want to see me for?"

"Nonsense." Mr. Wu cursed coldly, "If I don't come back to you, do you think you can enter the Hanging City?"

"Wait a minute...wait for me and take a moment..."

Chen Jing suddenly felt a little confused and raised his finger to point at himself.

"You want to help me enter the Hanging City?"

"Yes." Mr. Wu nodded.

"But is this considered a violation of the rules?" Chen Jing asked tentatively, looking at him dubiously, "And if you help me, will the Creator tribe include me if they know about it? It's like taking it that day That idiot with the ax wants to trick me into going to the execution site... When they take care of you, they won’t take me with them?”

"Quite smart." Mr. Wu sneered, and then explained, "If it wasn't for 'He''s signal, how could I have the guts to come back and help you?"

"...The 'He' you are talking about shouldn't be Mu, right?"

Chapter 729: Seizing and Choosing (Part 1)

"of course not."

Mr. Fog sat cross-legged on the ground, picked up a piece of marshmallow-like "wall skin", threw it into his mouth and chewed it slowly.

"I'm talking about the one the Red Emperor and the others are racking their brains to kill..."

Upon hearing what Mr. Wu said, Chen Jing immediately understood. Although he still couldn't believe it, after thinking about it, only "He" could give Mr. Wu the courage to come back and do things.

"You are talking about the Most High..."

"Yes." Mr. Wu nodded, and then couldn't help but sneered, "If 'He' hadn't come forward, do you think we would still dare to have contact with you? Didn't we find a place to hide earlier?"

"This means... He wants to help me?!" Chen Jing's eyes couldn't help but light up, and his heartbeat felt much faster.

If the "Supreme One" is really willing to help, then no matter how big the difficulty is, he will definitely be able to solve it. By then, will those creators be nothing?

But... is this possible?

As the supervisor of rules and order, would the aloof "He" really break the order to help himself?

"When you were promoted to Sequence Seven, He was there." Mr. Wu casually tore off the "marshmallows" on the wall. He seemed to like this sweet thing. While eating, he told Chen Jing, "He should really appreciate it." Yours, and I look forward to seeing you reach the final step.”

"Should I say that I am honored to be appreciated by 'him'?" Chen Jing asked cautiously.

"Anyway, if I were you, I might be too happy to sleep, although I don't need to sleep now." Mr. Wu stretched out and always talked to Chen Jing in that human-like foggy state, as if He didn't intend to reveal his true colors in front of Chen Jing.

According to Mr. Fog.

The "Supreme One" took the initiative to find him and Mu during their escape, and because of this action, he killed more than thirty creators.

"Those more than thirty creators are much stronger than us. It can be seen that the emperor in red really wants to kill us to relieve his hatred." Mr. Wu sneered, "It's a pity that they met the 'Supreme One', but they were killed by that With a glance, all traces of their existence have been completely wiped out."

"Isn't this breaking the order?" Chen Jing said nonchalantly, "There was no response from the Creator Clan?"

"How can they react?" Mr. Wu asked, "The rules of order are set by the 'Supreme One'. He can do whatever he wants. Even one displeasure can make the entire Creator group die. How can you still Talk to him about rules and order?"

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but feel a little gloating. After all, he had heard about the Creator bullying others all day long, but this was the first time he heard about them being bullied.

"After killing those Creators, 'He' took us to a secret space at the other end of the universe, saying that it was a shelter given to us. If we hide there, we will not be found by the Creator."

"This is quite considerate..." Chen Jing sighed loudly, imitating Mr. Wu's posture and sitting cross-legged on the ground, "You didn't make any small request to 'him'? Make a small wish for 'him' It should be okay to help heal Mu’s injury, right?”

"Did you use 'him' as a wishing machine?" Mr. Wu snorted disdainfully, and then saw Chen Jing tearing up the "marshmallows" on the wall, so he hurriedly said, "What are you going to do!!!"

"……What's wrong?"

Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Seeing Mr. Wu's very angry look, he couldn't help but retract his hand sternly. He felt that this guy was too stingy. He was so anxious about eating candy?

"Don't eat it!" Mr. Wu said through gritted teeth, and every word was directed at Chen Jing. "Except for the necessary help, I don't want you to take advantage of us anymore!"

"It's just a little marshmallow, it's not a particularly rare thing..." Chen Jing said dumbfounded, "Sister, you can't be so stingy..."

"Do you think I should be arrogant to you?" Mr. Wu asked back, with a hint of danger in his cold tone, "Even if I try to kill you without any thought, how dare you ask for so much?"

"You won't eat it if you don't let me...Why are you so angry..." Chen Jing looked at him aggrievedly, thinking that he hadn't been this angry for a long time. This crazy woman has a worse temper than the old man. It stinks!

"Let's get down to business first."

Mr. Wu tore off another piece of "marshmallow" from the wall, threw it into his mouth and chewed it slowly. The fruity aroma filled the air wantonly, making Chen Jing want to secretly pinch a piece and throw it into his mouth to taste. .

Of course, it is impossible to do this. After all, Chen Jing still needs some respect. How can he say that he is also the king of deep space?

"The Supreme Being is very unhappy." Mr. Fog gloated while eating marshmallows, "Because 'He' felt that the Creator had made the situation too ugly. It was obviously a very interesting thing, but as a result, there were unknown When the Creator of life and death intervenes, it suddenly becomes dull.”

"So 'He' asked you to help me." Chen Jing's eyes were shining with anticipation, "Can you help me get promoted to Sequence Eight?"

"What good things are you thinking about?" Mr. Wu smiled strangely and said calmly, "The important thing of being promoted to Sequence 8 and breaking through biological barriers, of course, you have to do it yourself. I don't have that much ability."

"Then are you ready..." Chen Jing looked at Mr. Wu thoughtfully.

"Aren't you worried about how to enter the Hanging City?"

Mr. Fog raised his hand and the marshmallow-like wall split instantly, revealing the outside world.

Only then did Chen Jing realize that they were not far away from the Hanging City, and were even close to a terrifying distance.

"We are less than ten meters away from the Hanging City..." Chen Jing frowned and couldn't help but feel wary, "Will they notice this distance?"

"The Hanging City has no ability to detect us. Even if Turing stands in front of us, it cannot sense our presence." Mr. Wu's understatement revealed a reassuring confidence, "Don't look at me being kicked out by those creators. Just because I can’t beat them, doesn’t mean I can’t play with Turing.”

"Even if Turing can't find it, what about the creators?" Chen Jing asked worriedly, and couldn't help but remind Mr. Wu, "They reported a lot to Turing back then, maybe they are staring at us now Woolen cloth."

"It's definitely watching us."

Mr. Wu stretched out and lay down on the ground, crossing his legs very proudly.

"But staring at us is useless. They don't dare to pass information to Turing now, unless they all want to die..."

Chapter 730: Seizing and Choosing (Part 2)

According to Mr. Fog, this time the "Supreme One" finally understood. No matter how He warned these creators verbally, these blind guys would still turn a deaf ear to His words.

But it’s not hard to understand either.

After all, these creators couldn't figure out the temper of the "Supreme One", so they were always testing His bottom line. Although this kind of behavior seemed almost like seeking death, those creators had no other choice.

If we don't create some difficulties for Chen Jingren and just let him advance smoothly, wouldn't the destruction of the Creator Race be just around the corner?

To put it mildly, this is raising Gu.

It's hard to say...

Isn’t this taking the entire Creator race to support a similar species of the “Supreme One”?

Because of this, the Creator Race is always trying to break through the bottom line of the "Supreme One". They all want to see how much rule breaking the "Supreme One" can endure.

That's why there was a series of events like Gehro's sneaking to the surface world and Turing's plan.

"The Supreme Being knew what the Creator had done, so this time He directly found the Red Emperor and punished the guy severely." When Mr. Wu said this, his tone became more and more gloating, "It's a pity that I was not there. , otherwise you can see with your own eyes how the red king is defeated!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Fog got up from the ground, sat cross-legged on the ground and swayed, while his mouth kept letting out creepy weird laughter.

"From that time on, the Creator's plan for you has been suspended. As the creator of rules and order, that superior being will always supervise this examination room and prevent any violation of the rules."

"So 'He' asked you to help me because..." Chen Jing was confused.

"Compared to the Creator's help to Turing, our help to you is actually not much, so the 'Supreme One' asked me to come and help you make up for the losses you have suffered."

Mr. Wu smiled strangely, spread his hands, and seemed to be looking at Chen Jing with a look that was not too big a deal.

"Who gave me the instructions to send you into the city." Mr. Wu said loudly, "I also took this opportunity to come back for a walk. After sending you into the Hanging City, I had to hurry up and run away. ”

"The Supreme Being doesn't intend to protect you?" Chen Jing asked with a frown, somewhat confused by that person's operation.

"One thing comes to another." Mr. Wu shook his head, "He doesn't care about our conflict with the Red Emperor. It would be nice if he could find us a safe place to live. We must know how to be content..."

"Are you satisfied?" Chen Jing blinked.


Hearing Chen Jing's rhetorical question, Mr. Wu was stunned for a moment, and then cursed "hometown dialect" angrily. Although Chen Jing didn't understand what it meant, he could tell that this guy was swearing.

"Let's put this aside, can you be sure that there will be no news from the Creator?" Chen Jing confirmed for the last time and was already re-planning his next plan.

"It will never happen again." Mr. Wu sighed, "This exam is almost over. In the last period, if the red emperor and the others dare to make any move again, that superior being will kill them. They were exterminated."

As he said this, Mr. Fog laughed to himself.

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