Chen Jing slowly cast his gaze towards the tower not far away, always keeping in mind the main mission of entering the Hanging City this time.

The dimensional core... should be there, right?

Turing Tower.

It is the tallest building in the Hanging City and the headquarters of the [Turing Research Society].

If the dimensional core needs to be stored in a safe place, it seems that it can only be placed there, unless that thing can be digitized and let Turing take it back to the digital space.

"True Lord, we are here."


"I think you are all idiots!"

In the [Yusen Industrial Park] on the outskirts of the city, a man in a suit and leather shoes was angrily scolding the management staff beside him.

"You dare to touch the people of Weiyang Palace?! Didn't I say that you should be low-key in doing business! You must never offend people casually! Not to mention offending people from the research society!"

"Boss, it was indeed a misunderstanding that day. We also found a relationship to go to Weiyang Palace to apologize afterwards, but that True Lord..."

Seeing that everyone seemed to be hesitant to speak, the man in a suit and leather shoes sneered.

"I have already said hello to the immortals of the White Tiger Palace. They will help us again. If you don't have eyes to provoke others next time, no one can save you!"

"Manager Xu, this is really a misunderstanding, and if the company is not too urgent, we will definitely not dare to reach out to the territory of Weiyang Palace."

"I don't want to hear the explanation now."

Manager Xu shook his head, with a trace of fear in his angry expression.

"The people from Weiyang Palace will be here soon. This time, we must give them an explanation no matter what, otherwise..."

Just then.

Manager Xu found that the expressions of the people around him suddenly became a little strange, as if they saw something that frightened them extremely. Some even sat down on the ground with their teeth colliding rhythmically.

"What the hell are you all seeing!?"

Manager Xu couldn't help but curse, and then subconsciously looked back.

I saw twelve thin figures in the sky carrying a sedan chair, which was slowly descending at this moment, silently like a holographic projection image, giving people an extremely unreal feeling.

"Wei... Weiyang Palace Master?!"

Chapter 735 Palm Thunder (Part 1)

The holographic images covering the entire suspended city change in real time. At this moment, these image data have simulated the evening scene.

When the sun sets, the neon streamers from all over the city light up, either from the huge steel forest system or from the ubiquitous commercial billboards.

The huge floating airship drags a holographic advertising banner with a diameter of one kilometer across the sky. On the screen emitting soft light, the bionic models dressed in eccentric and alternative styles are trying to sway their seductive figures to explain to the residents of the city what the real fashion beauty is.

And the "koi" from another company jumped out of the sea of ​​data at this moment. The almost real holographic image even simulated the details of the disappearance of the water splashes in the sky...The countless water drops that fell into the residential area exploded the moment they touched the ground, and independent advertising screens popped up automatically, and they had to be watched for fifteen seconds before they could be closed.

And in this sky full of neon streamers

A sedan chair carried by twelve people descended from the sky.

They passed through the holographic images stacked in the air, like electronic ghosts in the sea of ​​data, and slowly fell to the ground silently.

No sound, no breath.

The dead silence and coldness that came to his face exuded the smell of burning metal.

Manager Xu was a person who often dealt with the research association, so he could recognize the origin of this group of people at a glance.

They came from Weiyang Palace.

The twelve people carrying the sedan chair were the six Ding and six Jia guardian gods refined by the "Supreme Alchemy", and the little alchemist sitting on the pole was the direct disciple of the big man.

Although he was only in the form of a child, he was already an adult of more than 20 years old this year... The medium Ah Qi, Manager Xu had seen him more than once!

Of course, these were not the reasons that scared Manager Xu. He had been struggling in the Hanging City for so many years, and with the support of a large company, he had dealt with many high-level alchemists, so these did not scare him... except for that one.

"Fusheng Tuling Tianzun!!!"

Manager Xu tried hard to control his emotions, not wanting to appear so embarrassed in front of outsiders, but the moment he opened his mouth, he couldn't control his voice from shaking involuntarily.

"Huai Jing Zhenjun! I didn't expect you to come in person..."

Manager Xu finally couldn't suppress the fear in his heart, and bowed humbly. The sweat beads that kept oozing out from his artificial skin were the embodiment of the bionic technology reaching a certain level.

"This matter actually alarmed you, causing your meditation to be disturbed by such trivial matters. We are really guilty of death..."

"Then you should die to apologize!" Ji Tong Ah Qi jumped down from the lifting pole, strode to Manager Xu, and said with gritted teeth, "That day you relied on the alchemists of the 'White Tiger Palace' behind you, and dared to turn your face to the people of our Weiyang Palace. I think you really..."

"How long will it take."

When everyone heard the faint words of Huai Jing Zhenjun, they were all stunned, and Ji Tong Ah Qi turned back to look at his master.

"Master, what are you asking about, how long it will take?"


Chen Jing's behavior was exactly the same as Master Huai Jing himself, and his tone of voice was chilling and cold.

"People from the White Tiger Palace will also come today, right?"

As soon as he heard this, the boy Ah Qi became even more angry, but he did not dare to do anything drastic in front of his master. He just raised his leg and kicked Manager Xu in front of him.

"You still dare to call people from the White Tiger Palace over?! Do you know that this is the jurisdiction of our Weiyang Palace?!"

According to the [Turing Research Association]'s city division rules, the industrial park where Chen Jing and the others are located is indeed within the jurisdiction of Weiyang Palace. Within this jurisdiction, whether it is business or people's livelihood, Any major event needs to be approved by Weiyang Palace.

In other words, since Weiyang Palace is the management organization of this area, even the consortium must operate according to the rules under the jurisdiction of Weiyang Palace.

That's why the boy Ah Qi looked so angry when he learned that people from the White Tiger Palace were coming.

This is not only a violation of the rules, but also a contempt for Weiyang Palace.

How dare you work across districts in Hanging City? !

Do you really think Weiyang Palace has no temper? !

"It's Youshi's too can't let me wait until Xushi, right?"

"They're coming soon!!" Manager Xu hurriedly got up from the ground. He didn't feel any shame in being kicked over by this Taoist boy. As long as he could save his life, it was better than anything else, "Zhenjun Huaijing!! This is This incident was indeed a misunderstanding! We didn’t want to rely on the relationship with the White Tiger Palace..."

"You say you don't want to rely on their relationship, but when something goes wrong, you come to them to settle matters?"

Hearing the tone of True Lord Huaijing's words becoming increasingly cold, everyone almost subconsciously knelt on the ground and wanted to beg for mercy, even Manager Xu... After all, at the level of True Lord Huaijing, no one could stop him from doing anything he wanted to do. Come on, even if you kill a few people on a whim for fun, there will be no punishment if you report it to the research association.

"Over the years, our Weiyang Palace has been like leaves falling in the wind, and the talents under my sect have withered one after another. And I have a lazy temperament. I don't like to get involved in too many worldly affairs. I only like to be a monk... …”

When Chen Jing stood up slowly, the boy Ah Qi hurriedly stepped forward to help him, helping him down from the sedan step by step.

"Among the nine and eighteen palaces of the research association, our Weiyang Palace has the smallest number of people over the years. We are the only ones who don't like to show up in public and do not participate in the operation of any company, so no one takes our Weiyang Palace seriously. I can do that too. understand……"

"Zhenjun! You are thinking too much! No one in Hanging City dares to look down on Weiyang Palace!" Manager Xu could hear the murderous intention in the other party's soft whisper, so he immediately chose to kneel down and beg for mercy, his humble voice trembling. , obviously frightened to the extreme, "This matter is definitely a misunderstanding! I have a lot of evidence to prove it! Our company will also compensate Weiyang Palace in accordance with the laws of Hanging City! We will definitely satisfy you, Zhenjun!"


Zhenjun Huaijing chuckled lightly, with undisguised sarcasm in every word.

"Let's wait until the people from the White Tiger Palace arrive."

"Zhenjun, do you need me to write a report to the research association? Should I report it to the research association in advance?" Ah Qi asked in a low voice.

"Need not."

As he spoke, Zhenjun Huaijing slowly turned his head and looked in the direction they came from.

"Those guys are already here..."

At this moment, the silver-white mask on his face reflected the neon light in the sky, as if these strange and colorful haloes were engraved on his face, giving his inhuman face a hint of the "pyrotechnics" unique to Hanging City. ".

"Ah Qi."

"Here! Zhenjun, please give me your orders!"

"Take Liu Ding Liujia and stand far away for a moment. They are 'magical weapons' that my master has worked hard to refine. It would be a pity to accidentally break them..."

Chapter 736: Thunder in the Palm (Part 2)

The Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces of the [Turing Research Society] are very hierarchical, and there are hierarchies among the alchemists, but this has nothing to do with seniority or seniority... Like the old descendants in other places, what is valued here is strength.

The strength of an individual is the basis for his transcendent status.

None of the alchemists who can take charge of the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces are mediocre.

For example, people like Zhenjun Huaijing, who was killed out of tens of thousands of alchemists, not only passed Turing's test, but also skipped the process of tempering his body and mind in the Eighteen Halls. He directly became the current Lord of Weiyang Palace.


Compared to the superior Ninth Palace, the Eighteenth Palace is more like an organization that runs errands and does chores. The real power in their hands... No, they have no real power in their hands. The only person in charge of the Ninth Palace can be called Turing's agent.

For example, Li Mobai's master is the master of Taishang Palace, one of the nine palaces.

Although that place has the same jurisdiction as the Weiyang Palace where Chen Jing is located, and has the right to freely recruit disciples, their overall strength is stronger than that of the Weiyang Palace, and they have more say in the research association. Bigger... As mentioned before, the Nine Palaces are also divided into three categories: upper, middle and lower.

The three palaces with the strongest overall strength and the largest say are Taishang Palace, Yuxu Palace, and Lingbao Palace.

The next three palaces are the Weiyang Palace where Chen Jing lives, and the Changsheng Palace where another fellow practitioner who has escaped from the world lives.

The one with the weakest remaining strength and the least right to speak is the four palaces that outsiders say originated from the birth of the Four Elephants... Qinglong Palace, White Tiger Palace, Suzaku Palace, and Xuanwu Palace.

The areas they are responsible for managing are all close to the outskirts of the city, and the commercial areas that are really rich in oil and water but less troublesome are almost divided by the five palaces above.

So if you want to get more money in exchange for resources for cultivation, it is inevitable that you will accidentally cross the line, and conflicts and contradictions are not uncommon in Hanging City.

But then again, even if the Four Symbols Palace had a few more guts, they would not dare to get into the pockets of the upper three palaces, so these conflicts would only occur between the Four Symbols Palaces, or occasionally cross the line to involve Weiyang Palace and Changsheng Palace.

But if we look at the frequency, it is obvious that Weiyang Palace suffers more times, after all, the one in Changsheng Palace is not as good-tempered as "Huai Jing Zhenjun".

Although he is also a Taoist who is keen on retreating from the world and cultivating in seclusion, his degree of retreat is far less than that of "Huai Jing Zhenjun". After losing his temper with the Four Symbols Palace several times, gradually no one dared to provoke Changsheng Palace.

So from a certain perspective, the reason why Weiyang Palace often suffers losses is still because of Master Huai Jing. His character is not easy to bully, but he just doesn't take these things seriously, and is always seen as a soft persimmon that is easy to control by outsiders...

Before Chen Jing took over the body, Master Huai Jing was still hesitating whether to stop practicing and go out to deal with these trivial matters...

Yes, for him, these are all insignificant matters.

He didn't even think there was anything shameful about it. Pursuing the Great Dao as quickly as possible was the serious matter, and nothing else should be taken to heart.

This is Master Huai Jing's idea.

This is also the reason why Weiyang Palace gradually declined.

If the disciple suffered a loss, he might not necessarily help the disciple.

Over time, there was no one in Weiyang Palace.

If Turing hadn't found Master Huai Jing alone this time, I'm afraid he wouldn't have "moved his heart" to take care of such a trivial matter.

Turing said.

The decline of Weiyang Palace is not a good thing, especially during the period when the Hanging City was closed, with a big enemy at hand and a storm coming, so the stability of the Hanging City is the top priority.

Turing hoped that this disciple he favored could do more.

He didn't ask him to do much, but at least he should manage his territory well.

Especially during the period when the Hanging City was closed, there were indeed too many people making small moves below... Although it could handle such things by itself, there were indeed more important things that needed it to worry about, and the situation was not so difficult that it needed to come forward.

Master Huaijing always listened to the words of his mentor Turing, so before he was possessed, he had already found the answer even if he was conflicted in his heart.

However, before he followed his mentor's wishes and came forward, Chen Jing came over without stopping...

"It's really troublesome."

Chen Jing murmured in his heart, looking at the alchemists who came in the airborne car, he couldn't help but feel a little impatient. After all, he came to the Hanging City with a mission. It was important to find the dimension core as soon as possible to complete the promotion. What's the point of fighting with these guys?

At the same time

The atmosphere in the gradually descending floating vehicles was particularly tense, especially the leading Taoist priests, who all looked at each other in bewilderment, because none of them could have imagined that the master of Weiyang Palace would personally handle such a small matter.

"Brother Sanfa, have we made this matter too big..."

"Is that Master Huaijing?!"

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