"call out!!!"

Accompanied by a scream that sounded like the air was being torn apart, a huge black shadow instantly fell from the sky and landed heavily in the industrial park.

Wait for the smoke to clear.

The slightly embarrassed Xie Shanke also revealed his true appearance, while the eye-catching white-fronted tiger sitting under him looked a little sluggish, and the huge metal head kept shaking, as if it could no longer support it.

"You don't know any etiquette."

Chen Jing slowly stretched out his index finger, as crystal clear as white jade, and pointed calmly at the cement floor that was smashed by Xie Shanke and the others.

"If it's smashed, you have to pay for it."

"Yu Huaijing!!! How dare you kill my [White Tiger Palace] disciples!!!"

Xie Shanke saw the corpse of Sanfa Taoist at a glance. Seeing that his disciple died so miserably, he immediately became furious, and his fear of "Jade Huai Jing" could not help but diminish.

"According to the rules and regulations of the research association, your disciple has made too many mistakes. It is not excessive at all to take his life as compensation."

Hearing Chen Jing's cold reply, Xie Shanke also laughed angrily, nodded and said "good" three times.

"If you still have any questions, you can ask Tianzun directly." Chen Jing said calmly, without any emotion in his tone, "I believe Tianzun will give us justice."

"Go now!" Xie Shanke gritted his teeth.

"Okay." Chen Jing patted the wrinkles on his robe and slowly stood up, "But before I go, I need to teach you a lesson."

"You...you really want to fight with me???" Xie Shanke was shocked and angry. He didn't expect that "Yu Huaijing" would be so disrespectful to him.

"Are you afraid of me?" Chen Jing asked with a smile, and then nodded as if talking to himself, "Yes, if you weren't afraid of me, you would have fallen from the sky long ago, why bother playing tricks on it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing asked him again in a curious tone.

"If you knew from the beginning that your apprentice was killed by me, wouldn't you have the courage to come down and just go to Tianzun to complain?"


"It seems so."

"Yu Huaijing! Don't bully me too much!" Xie Shanke seemed to be ready for a fight, but Chen Jing could hear the fear in his words, which showed that the previous short "fight" had frightened this guy.


Among his peers, he has the highest magical power.

This is an affirmation from Turing, and it is also a very objective conclusion without any emotion.

If Xie Shanke hadn't reacted in time to cut off the network connection and forcibly shut down all the information ports... it would have been more than ten seconds later, and his body would have been hollowed out.

Three souls and seven souls, backup of consciousness.

These will be chopped cleanly by the four digital magic swords in the Zhuxian Formation!

Xie Shanke almost forgot...

How many years has it been since you felt such a death threat?

There is really only one step away from being "soulless", which shows that this junior fellow student from Weiyang Palace is really not merciless at all!

"You and I are both direct disciples of Lord Turing. You should know what it means to be in the same sect and fight against each other..." Xie Shanke reminded the other party quietly, and he began to quickly think of countermeasures in his mind.

"This is not fighting against each other. I'm just teaching you a lesson. You have bullied our Weiyang Palace for so many years, so what if you are bullied by me once?"

The moment Chen Jing finished speaking.

Xie Shanke only found that his figure suddenly disappeared.

When his slightly sinister aura appeared again, he had already arrived in front of this man and a tiger.

"Actually, this day should have come a long time ago."

Chen Jing held the "Hidden Dragon Zi" tightly in his right hand and approached Xie Shanke's throat, while his left hand held down the eye-catching white-fronted tiger under him in the shape of a palm.

"Let's put all the old and new grudges together..."

Chapter 741: The Meaty Smell of the Brain Machine (Part 1)

The Turing sequence is different from other old descendant sequences. The gap between old descendants of the same level is very small, even to the point of insignificance... For example, Zhenjun Huaijing and Xie Shanke, they are both old descendants of sequence six, regardless of "supernatural powers" "There is almost no difference."

After all, there are only a few models of "biological prosthetics" that Sequence Six can "refine", and their body functions are almost maintained at the same level. They are not much stronger if they are strong, and they are not much weaker if they are weak, so...

What can really make a difference is the "supernatural power" of online fighting, or the ability to magically modify the "biological prosthetic body" by one's own talent.

Just like the body of Zhenjun Huaijing, from the day he became successful in "Alchemy", he has carried out more than 30 large-scale transformations on his body, and there are at least thousands of small improvements. It can be said that he is armed to the teeth...

"Being the master of [White Tiger Palace] and riding a big insect, do you really think that you are the legendary 'Tiger'?" Chen Jing's electronically synthesized laughter was a bit cold, and his slender fingers as clear as white jade were gentle. Hold it gently, and there seems to be a magnetic force that is difficult to detect with the naked eye beating in the palm of your hand.

Only for a moment.

The "eye-catching white-fronted tiger" under Xie Shan's guest seat disappeared.

The huge animal head was almost crushed into an iron ball by Chen Jing, and the biological oil smelling of blood splashed like snowflakes.

At the same time, Chen Jing also slightly raised the "Hidden Dragon Zi" in his hand, and swiped it across Xie Shanke's neck with lightning speed.

However, Xie Shanke is not the kind of target that is easy to kill. His "function" is not much different from Chen Jing. After all, this guy is also an alchemist who focuses on "external repair of muscles and bones", and his level of magical transformation is no less than that of Huai Jingzhen. Jun.

So the moment Chen Jing stirred up the sword, the intelligent combat module loaded in his brain machine reacted instantly.

I saw that Xie Shanke's entire waist was almost folded at 90 degrees. While dodging the oncoming sword blade, his left hand formed a claw and grabbed Chen Jing's throat directly.

Accompanied by a scream that tore through the air, the oncoming huge pressure caused Chen Jing's throat to sag before it even touched Xie Shanke's palm.

However, Chen Jing did not dodge. Instead, he suddenly turned his wrist and raised his sword at an incredible angle to stab Xie Shanke's pubic area.

Seeing this scene, Xie Shanke had no choice but to retreat, and in an instant he distanced himself from Chen Jing.

"Since you want to fight so much... let's decide the winner!"

"Winning or losing?" Chen Jing played with the "Hidden Dragon Zi" in his hand, his eyes always following Xie Shanke's abdominal dantian, "I just want to dig out your 'inner elixir', winning or losing doesn't matter."

"We are all from the same sect..." Xie Shanke felt fear in his heart. Looking at the junior brother who was as calm as an empty shell in front of him, the fighting spirit that had finally risen in his heart was quickly fading, "Because for the smallest thing, we will fight to the death... ...If Tianzun knew..."

"I've long disliked you." Chen Jing interrupted Xie Shanke's words in a calm tone, with a cold and murderous intention in every word, "You are really not worthy of following Tianzun to practice."


Xie Shanke noticed this word.

"You don't like us?" Xie Shanke asked strangely.

"Today's research association is no longer the original research association. Except for a few qualified alchemists, the rest are all rubbish."

Since what Chen Jing said was what Zhenjun Huai Jing thought, he was just expressing what the alchemist was thinking.

"Inferior rubbish..." Xie Shanke couldn't help but retort, "Do you really think you can defeat the others within the research association with your own strength?"

"This has nothing to do with strength, it's just a matter of state of mind."

Chen Jing casually threw the "Hidden Dragon Son" and let it float in the air like a paper kite, making bursts of sword sounds like dragon roars.

"It is in vain that you have followed Tianzun for decades to cultivate the Tao. You are still unwilling to make progress and not be enlightened. You are obsessed with external things and obscure your own Tao nature. You are willing to indulge in reckless behavior in the world of mortals. Your spiritual platform is unclear, your mud pill is unclear, and you are not like those ordinary people. There is no difference at all..."

"Presumptuous!!!" Xie Shanke shouted angrily.


Chen Jing smiled and shook his head, as if a senior was giving guidance to a junior.

"Now that the deep space resuscitators have awakened, you have no idea how much pressure and risk our suspended city will face, let alone how to solve problems for Tianzun."

Under Chen Jing's soft-spoken scolding, "Hidden Dragon Son" flew faster and faster in the high altitude, emitting bursts of sonic booms along with the scream of the air.

"You unfilial disciples only care about pleasure for a while, but you don't understand that things that are not Tao are all illusions..."

"Yu Huaijing, you are really too arrogant..." Xie Shanke said through gritted teeth, with a tone that made him want to twitch and skin Zhenjun Huaijing.


That's what he said, but in fact he had no intention of fighting at all, because he could see that this lunatic was not trying to decide the outcome with him, nor was he trying to recover Weiyang Palace's debt from him... He wanted to kill someone, Kill for Heaven and ideals!


Xie Shanke has analyzed the optimal solution.


The sooner you run away the better, the further away you run the better.

Naturally, Tian Zun and other senior brothers came to deal with him afterwards!

"You and I have almost the same functions, but you still want to kill me with this little strength?"

Xie Shanke suddenly rushed towards Chen Jing, raised his hand and struck at the oncoming flying sword "Hidden Dragon Son". He avoided the blade with extremely terrifying reaction speed and struck the sword with his palm, knocking it away hundreds of times. rice.

Chen Jing did not dodge at this moment, and despite the fierceness of Xie Shanke's attack, he still faced him, causing bursts of sonic booms as he waved his palms into fists.

Relying on this deeply modified body, he is not afraid of Xie Shanke, who specializes in muscle training in terms of boxing and kicking skills.

In an instant, the two of them were fighting. With the sound of gold and iron clashing, the flying sword with the sword spirit hidden in it kept looking for opportunities to fly around, always keeping an eye on Xie Shanke's abdomen and back of the head.

Either break his Dantian and dig out his inner elixir.

Or lift his Heavenly Spirit Cap and directly destroy his biological brain.

This is Feijian’s choice and its optimal solution.

"Proactively cutting off the network connection and forcing the data port to shut down. Your method of avoiding a 'fighting of tactics' is too despicable..."

When the battle was in full swing, Xie Shanke suddenly heard Chen Jing say these words. Although Chen Jing's voice was still so light, every word was like a sharp knife piercing Xie Shanke's heart.

Before Xie Shanke had time to react, Chen Jing suddenly took a few steps back, directly withdrawing himself from this anxious state where he could not distinguish his superiors. Xie Shanke also found that something was wrong with his head... Those who had been treated by him before The data port that was forcibly down was opened again!

Chapter 742: The meaty aroma of brain machine (Part 2)

The device that was forcibly disconnected from the Internet was turned on inexplicably.

This kind of thing is a little difficult for Xie Shanke to understand.

As Chen Jing said, his previous actions were all to avoid fighting with Chen Jing, because this guy who is "good at training his muscles" has already seen that in terms of "fighting" alone, he will not be the best in any case. Chen Jing’s opponent.

So when he realized that the closed data ports were opened again, and the disconnected network connection was about to return to normal... To be honest, he had no other emotions except fear.

"No matter how hard your bones are, they can't resist the magic power. Tianzun has said this more than once. It seems that you have all forgotten..." Chen Jing sighed.

"Then fight!" Xie Shanke had no way out at this moment. Even if he was afraid of Chen Jing's endless "magic powers", he could only bite the bullet and stand up in the end, "Let's fight to death! Let's see who can survive!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Xie Shanke took the initiative to restore those "restless" ports. At the moment when the network connection returned to normal, he dispersed his consciousness outside of the object, and instantly entered a state of "fake out of the Yin spirit".

"It seems that you really don't want to live." Chen Jing was surprised, and felt that Xie Shanke's coquettish operation was no different from suicide.

After all, actively opening the network connection is like opening a backdoor for Chen Jing. It is too easy to implant a virus into his brain.

But soon Chen Jing realized that this was Xie Shanke's plan. He did not want to leave a backdoor for Chen Jing, but chose another way...

"The Heavenly Lord will take care of you." Xie Shanke smiled grimly, and then summoned the "Ten Absolute Formation" that had been disrupted by the Zhuxian Formation, intending to counterattack Chen Jing again.

In the process of dealing with the "Ten Absolute Formation", Chen Jing saw the figures that should have disappeared long ago... They were the ghosts raised by Xie Shanke.


They were not the ghosts before, but the new ones.

The ghosts before had long been saved by Chen Jing with a binary "Death Song". These ghosts were all newly refined, and they were not pure, exuding a strong "living breath".

"Let alone whether the Heavenly Lord will take care of me, the research association must hold you accountable..." Chen Jing was surprised, and couldn't help but sigh that this guy was bold enough, "You dare to use the residents of our Yusen District as "ghosts", are you crazy?"


Xie Shanke found another way out.

He planned to make a big fuss.

He wanted to make a big fuss so that the entire research institute could not ignore it, until the headquarters intervened and sent people to "save" him.

"According to the rules and regulations of the research institute, the fights between alchemists must not have a negative impact on the city residents. Even if some of them are accidentally involved, the impact must be controlled within a thousand-meter range."

Chen Jing reminded Xie Shanke calmly, and at the same time, he was thinking whether he should stop first to avoid pushing this guy too hard.

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