"Sure enough, it looks much better than during the day..."

With the slight shaking of the trolley bus, Chen Jing turned his head and looked out the window at the night view of the city. What was reflected on the glass was not the face of Zhenjun Huai Jing, but a slightly unfamiliar face of a young man.

For the high-level alchemists of the research association, camouflage with the help of holographic technology is a simple matter. This method similar to "optical camouflage" can completely fake the real one, and is no different from the plastic surgery that ordinary people understand.

At least when you touch Chen Jing's face with your hands, you won't touch the bare silver-white metal mask. The false touch conveyed to you by those "suspended particles" will only make you feel that you are touching real human facial features.

It is still ten minutes away from "Yueshan South Station".

This little time.

It was enough for Chen Jing to sort out his messy thoughts.

"This is called internal and external troubles..." Chen Jing sighed, the disguised biological prosthetic eye flickered slightly, and the pattern of the gears was slowly turning, emitting a soft white light that was not bright, "I didn't expect you to be caught before I also laid a trap for Turing... It's really your fault..."

Time goes back one hour.

Turing assigned Chen Jing a "small task", which was also an important test to help him get promoted smoothly.

"Huai Jing, do you still remember that third-generation disciple Li Mobai?"


Chen Jing answered without hesitation, and did not even dare to think too much, for fear that Turing would hear some flaws.

"I remember that he is Senior Brother's disciple, and he helped the research association with many important things some time ago."

"That's right." Turing nodded, "That little guy is really good, so I gave him an 'opportunity' in advance and led him to practice in 'Lihentian'."

In the memory of Zhenjun Huaijing, Li Mobai is the same as those candidates from Hanging City who have long been killed in battle. Their disappearance is inseparable from Turing, and Turing's explanation to everyone is... These are quite intelligent. The little guys are destined to the "Dao", so they were taken to "Lihentian" to practice in advance.

No one questions it.

No one asked.

This matter just passed. Even Li Mobai's master didn't think much about it. He only thought that this was the opportunity for his good disciple.

Therefore, when Chen Jing heard Turing mention "Li Mobai", his first reaction was to doubt whether he had been exposed.

But soon.

Turing's next instructions made Chen Jing understand... This had nothing to do with whether he was exposed or not. The reason why the other party mentioned Li Mobai was because Li Mobai laid a big thunder for him.

"That little guy Li Mobai is very talented. Before he was led by me to go to 'Lihentian', he developed a very interesting script program."

When Turing said this, the admiration in his tone could no longer be concealed, and he seemed to appreciate the "traitor" very much.

"He made that program for fun. You should also know that a young and frivolous alchemist will always make some weird things. It's okay to keep it for himself, but if it accidentally leaks to the outside world, it's a big deal..."

"What is that program?" Chen Jing asked.

"A camouflage program that can block the research institute's network detection." Turing replied calmly, "This is not a good thing, especially if it falls into the hands of ordinary people. Once the program is turned on to camouflage, the host will not be able to monitor it. Everything they say and do, even the memory storage of the biological brain chip will be modified by it..."

After hearing what Turing said, Chen Jing almost understood that Li Mobai had laid a big thunder for the research association before he was "arrested".

For Turing and the Research Society, the Hanging City is just a plaything in their hands. Whether they are alchemists, merchants or ordinary people, as long as they live in the Hanging City, their memories and the host are interconnected.

The camouflage program that Li Mobai studied directly disconnected this annoying state of interconnection.

It made Turing deaf and blind.

It also gave Turing a feeling that the situation was beyond his control.

If this situation occurred before the recovery of deep space, Turing might not take it seriously and would just slowly deal with these leaked program backups.

But the situation is different now... Just because Turing is under pressure, it will naturally feel anxious, and any factors that may affect the overall situation should be eliminated.

At least that's what it thought.

So it found Chen Jing... Zhenjun Huai Jing, a good disciple who was extremely loyal to it.

"I have caught three people who have used this program, and they all come from an underground organization called [Avenue Gate]."

"What does this organization do?" Chen Jing asked, searching the memory bank in his mind hundreds of times, but still couldn't find the corresponding information. "It seems to be an illegal organization that has not been registered?"

"I searched the memories of those three civilians, but unfortunately I didn't get much effective information, especially the specific information about [Daomen], which should have been blocked by that kind of program. However, after my analysis, I think that It is an underground organization composed of 'rebels'. What they want to do is to overthrow the rule of our research association on the Hanging City..."

"Understood." Chen Jingding nodded, "I will catch all these people."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing asked Turing again.

"Do you need me to notify other brothers to handle it together? If the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces work together, the progress of this matter should be much faster."

"It's enough for you alone." Turing heard Chen Jing's words and hurriedly ordered, "You and I are the only ones who know about this matter now. We must not let a third person know about it."

"Why?" Chen Jing imitated Zhenjun Huaijing's stubborn temper and wanted to know everything.

"Because I only believe in you."

Turing sighed and seemed a little disappointed.

"Among the second-generation disciples, you are the only one who reassures me the most. The others... that's all, let's not talk about this."

"Okay, then I'll do it alone." Chen Jing calmly changed the subject, and couldn't help but laugh in his heart. He just felt that Turing had a good "vision", and he really regarded himself as a brainless fanatic. .

"I believe you can handle it."

Turing smiled, with a hint of certainty in his tone.

"Remember, you must help Master to find everyone. No matter whether they are ordinary people, members of the consortium, or... alchemists, remember to kill them all without leaving any one behind."


When the trolleybus stopped, Chen Jing also yawned and got off the trolley with his hands in his pockets.

Standing on this slightly mottled old street, he suddenly felt like he was dreaming back to Yongye City, because this place was really too similar to the mean streets and alleys of Yongye City.

The streets were so dirty that they couldn't be cleaned, and the air was filled with the stench of chemical pollution.

"The meeting place for the rebels that Turing mentioned...should be there, right?"

Not long after leaving the station, Chen Jing quickly found the bar hidden in a deep alley in a nearby alley.

The audience of that bar should be ordinary people. It can be seen from the old-fashioned neon signboard that it uses. The investment in this place should not be large, and it cannot even afford the most basic holographic commercial promotion device.

"Happy Palace..."

"The name of this bar seems a bit inappropriate..."

Chapter 747: Underground Hacker Bailong (Part 1)

The Hanging City is a city born based on the future of science and technology. It can be said that many technologies that are still in a "hypothetical state" in the outside world have been widely promoted in the Hanging City.

The ubiquitous holographic imaging technology is the most common civilian technology, followed by the large-scale promotion of prosthetic body transformation, which uses biomechanical technology to help ordinary humans shed their mortal bodies...

From a certain perspective, Hanging City is the city that treats ordinary people the best in the world. Based on the "social welfare" jointly launched by major consortiums, coupled with the supervision of the [Turing Research Association], it can basically guarantee that every daily consumption of residents.

This consumption is not money, but energy supply or something else.

In other words, in layman's terms.

In this city.

You may get high to death by taking contraband, you may fall asleep in a trance, you may not wake up in a hallucinatory dream, you may have your heavenly spirit cover lifted off while walking on the street, or you may be taken to an underground clinic by some wild dogs to have your internal organs eviscerated. …

But you will never die of poverty.

The food supply and shelter security of social welfare have always existed. This is the main reason why Chen Jing is confused, because he feels that this city is different from the cyberpunk city he imagined, not so desperate and not so oppressive, and capitalism has also been suppressed. Distorted beyond measure.

But if you think about it carefully, this may be related to the [Turing Research Society].

With the existence of this institution that represents the divine power, those plutocrats who are like the incarnation of capitalism are also restricted.

But this does not mean that the residents of Hanging City are living well.

According to the laws of the Hanging City, every creature born in the Hanging City has the inherent responsibility to "contribute to society". This is a legal requirement and a moral standard.

To put it simply, you can choose to lie down, but in the process of lying down, you must provide the value of "social needs" in exchange for social benefits to protect your own life.

Although these restrictions seem to make people less free, in fact the binding force is not that strong, and they do not bring too much oppression to people. At least ordinary people find it quite relaxing.

Take, for example, the “social values” that have been defined over the past two decades.

computing power.

Every creature born in the Hanging City will undergo mechanical transformation. Although this is not a rigid standard stipulated by the law, if you want to live safer, transformation is almost the only option.


There are no ordinary people in Hanging City.

It is precisely because of this.

Computing power is gradually regarded by the public as the easiest “social value” to provide.

You only need to hang up the computer for hosting every day, choose a certain amount of free time in your daily life, use the computing power of your brain and computer to exchange for "social recognition", and then get the social security brought by the welfare of the Hanging City.

From the perspective of the company's chaebol and research associations, this is a very humane and relaxed way of life.

Look how easy it is!

You only need to idle your brain every day in exchange for social welfare. The time when "computing power" is taken away is almost like deep sleep for people. You can get real benefits after just sleeping. Why not Why?

As long as you continue to "rental computing power" and allow yourself to provide the value that society needs in this way, you can even skip going to work, do almost nothing, and live in peace than anyone else, just waiting to die.

Of course, if given a choice, residents of Hanging City would still choose to go to work, because renting computing power is not a good business, and the consequences of brain-machine overload will directly affect their life span.

Unless you constantly update your hardware or spend money on maintenance, your life span will be shortened faster than anyone else, and whether you can live past 40 is a question.

In addition to the simplest "renting computing power", various types of work can also provide corresponding social value, which is also the lifestyle that most residents are willing to choose.

But it is undeniable that renting computing power is still a good business. As long as you have a stable job and can continue to earn money to replace hardware, then occasionally renting computing power is equivalent to making extra money.

After all, in addition to providing social value, this business can also get corresponding compensation from the party that rents your computing power.

In summary.

It is not difficult to live a "normal" life in the Hanging City, but if you want more freedom, want to live less difficult, don't want to live like most people, like a machine, don't want to live just for the sake of living...


You have to make some changes.

Or think of a way to make some side door.

For example, steal some company goods to cash in, or be more black-hearted and find some unlucky guys to disassemble and sell them directly.

In short, how to make money is how to do it.

If you have a bit of backbone, you can choose to risk your life more directly and become a mercenary with your head on your belt. After more than ten years of hard work in the Hanging City, you may become a legend.

The reality here is the same as the surface world.

As long as you have money.

You can change your life.

So from a certain perspective, it is as cruel as the surface world.

Perhaps this is also the main reason why the residents of the Hanging City are keen on living a life of drunkenness and dreaming.


Living is just living.

If you make money a little slower, and the speed of hardware update is a little behind, maybe you will be inexplicably demolished alive when you walk on the street one night.

Want to live more steadily?

Want to live with a little dignity?

Then make money.

Abandon those human natures that should not exist, and strive to become a crazy money-making machine.

In the words of Li Mobai.

The Hanging City has no future.

Just like the future of the surface world.

The seemingly bizarre and dreamy city of technology, with its steel forests built with blood and flesh, has long burned out people’s dreams and hopes.

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