In Turing's words, this is a test for good apprentices.

But Chen Jing felt that there must be an ulterior reason.

"With its cautious can actually outsource this kind of thing..." Chen Jing has been thinking about this all the time, and the more he thinks about it, the more outrageous he feels, "Could it be that its current situation is more difficult than I imagined... …No more space left?”

Chapter 750 Violent Attack on the Street (Part 2)

At around three o'clock in the middle of the night, Chen Jing left the bar with Canary and Tuoke, while Mad Dog was going to the next city to pick up the heavy firepower equipment that he spent a lot of money to acquire.

In the words of a mad dog.

Those carefully equipped firepower is enough to make [Qinglong Palace] fly into the sky with joy.

In the virtual network, Chen Jing always maintained a real-time call with Turing. Although he did not want to do this, in order not to make Turing suspicious, he could only listen to the master's arrangements and report the progress to him in real time.

"It seems that they are really going to attack [Qinglong Palace]. As expected, they are all real rebels..."

"What should I do?" Chen Jing asked, "Do I need to notify [Qinglong Palace]?"

"I want to hear your opinion." Turing quietly pushed the topic back, as if he really wanted to hear his "apprentice's" opinion, "How do you think this matter should be handled better?"

The "original plan" that Turing told Chen Jing simply mentioned that he should find a way to sneak into the [Dao Sect] organization, but specifically how to do it, he just said that he would act according to the circumstances...

So now that Turing pushed the question back, Chen Jing thought about it and had the answer.

"They said the time of action is to be determined, but it must be in the past few days. It seems that they want to observe the movements of [Qinglong Palace] and prepare to pick a suitable opportunity before taking action, so we just create an opportunity for them."

"Well...just do it." Turing said.

"Tianzun, please choose a time tomorrow to make an announcement and ask the management of the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces to lead the staff alchemists to go to the virtual space to make individual work reports. You just said... because the president and vice president need to be re-elected. Therefore, we need to re-evaluate the entire membership of the research association.

Having said this, Chen Jing thought for a while and added another sentence.

"Members of management who are qualified to stand for election need to create new files. As for ordinary staff alchemists... they have the right to vote, so they also need to re-enter their personal information."

"How long does the time need to be controlled?" Turing asked directly.

"Under normal circumstances, it might be done in a few seconds, but the network terminal of 'Lihentian' has been undergoing maintenance recently, so the speed of inputting information will be slower. Just control it within half an hour..." Chen Jing said calmly, "Transfer all important personnel to [Turing Tower] and let me lead them to complete the mission while minimizing casualties."

"Okay, wait for my news." Turing didn't hesitate at all, and agreed without saying a word, "I will notify you first when I am ready. Remember, you must dig out this organization for me, everyone. None can be left behind.”


While maintaining contact with Turing, Chen Jing was also analyzing Turing's current situation... Its situation should be worse than Chen Jing imagined.

Chen Jing can be sure of this.

"If it could, it wouldn't be able to hand over this kind of task to others. There are so many disciples in the Nine and Eighteen Palaces, and there are probably some who are better than me. As a result, it screened and screened... and finally selected me."

Chen Jing is not a fool.

He knows the characteristics of the "Huai Jing Zhenjun" he plays.

That's right, it's just two words, fanaticism.

Compared with the so-called "loyalty" of other disciples, Chen Jing's enthusiasm for "the great road" obviously reassured Turing more.

Chen Jing believed that this was the main reason why it chose him to perform the task.

"It shouldn't be difficult for Turing to search for an underground organization in the Hanging City. It seems that something else has distracted him, or that something is wrong with his current state and there is no way to completely control the city... "

When Chen Jing thought of this, Tuoke had already trotted across the road, calling for Chen Jing and Canary to get in the car quickly.

"You're doing well."

When Chen Jing followed them into the all-terrain sports car, he couldn't help but take a second look. He said to himself that the things in the archives should not be trusted at all. He also said that these desperate mercenaries were poorer and richer than the others. They were all used to replace the prosthetic hardware... Look at this all-terrain vehicle produced by a big company! This is luxury in the true sense!

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't buy this."

Tuoke sat in the driver's seat and tapped the steering wheel lightly. The holographic screen on the right side lit up, but it seemed that there was some kind of malfunction and it was constantly flickering and making electric noise.

"Fuck, this thing was indeed damaged by a mad dog. I just told you to be gentle when stealing a car. We are not the kind of unskilled robbers. Is it necessary to dig out the chip..."

"If you don't dig it out, what will you do if you are tracked?" Canary sat in the passenger seat and raised her hand to brush away the long hair on her shoulders. "Go back to Wood Old Street first. If you need anything, wait until Mad Dog comes back."

"Why should I follow you?" Although Chen Jing asked this, he still sat in the back seat obediently and pretended to be "cautious" in fastening his seat belt. "I haven't started to act now. I still want to Let’s go to ‘Wandering God’…”

"Brother Bailong! Don't just go to 'Wandering' when you have nothing to do!" Tuoke laughed, started the car and drove out of the intersection, "You know how to combine work and rest! Besides, now there is a kind of 'Wandering' 'For a faster way to hone your magical powers, wait until you have the opportunity..."

There should be some words behind Tuoke.

But he didn't get a chance to say it.

Because Canary gave him a wink, the guy fell silent instantly.

"Is it a better method than 'Spiritual Movement'..."

Chen Jing pretended not to notice their little movements and turned his head to look out the window with a thoughtful look on his face.

It seems that Li Mobai has laid a lot of lies for Turing... Where did he get such great ability?

Just when Chen Jingbai was puzzled, his keen sixth sense suddenly detected a hint of danger.

"What..." Chen Jing turned around and looked to the right, almost as an instinctive reaction.

I saw a black armored vehicle with a company license plate driving out of the alley without any warning and approaching quickly as it entered the main road.

That car is very fast.

It was so fast that Tuoke had no time to react.

In just an instant, he accelerated forward and blocked the rear of the all-terrain sports car. Then something seemed to stick out from under the front bumper of the black armored car...

Before Chen Jing could see clearly what it was, he only felt his body being pressed against the car seat uncontrollably, and then he felt uncomfortable spinning around.

With a deafening crash.

The all-terrain sports car they were riding in instantly lost its balance.

After drawing a beautiful arc along the street ramp, it rolled directly out from the entrance of the overpass.

And all this.

They happened to be watched by the mad dog who had just walked out of the convenience store after buying cigarettes.


Chapter 751: The Despicable Streets (Part 1)

When he turned down the ramp more than ten meters high, Chen Jing instinctively wanted to tear open the car body and jump out, but before doing so, he thought of "White Dragon himself"... That was a hacker who was only good at online fighting. Although some biological modifications have been made to the body, the modification direction of the bionic hardware is mainly to facilitate fighting.

In other words.

In reality, the White Dragon actually has little fighting power. When dealing with such emergencies, the best one can do is pray that the car is strong enough not to fall too hard, otherwise he will have to accept his fate.

Fortunately, Tuoke and Canary are quite reliable.

As the all-terrain sports car rolled crazily, Tuoke unbuckled his seat belt, punched the door and rushed out. Canary also made the same move, except that before leaving, she also brought Fuck Chen Jing.

Her seemingly fragile and slender limbs seemed to have undergone profound biological modifications. When she unbuckled her seat belt and stood up, her upper body bent almost ninety degrees, and she grabbed Chen Jing's arm with one hand. , the other hand helped Chen Jing unbuckle his seat belt.

Before the sports car was smashed to pieces, Canary took Chen Jing out of the car, but he didn't stand firm when he landed. The two of them rolled like gourds for more than ten meters along the branch road below the ramp. Just stopped.

"Fuck, why did they find me?"

Canary helped Chen Jing up from the ground and looked at the smoke-filled overpass above, with an expression of indescribable embarrassment on his face.

"What's going on?" Chen Jing couldn't help but ask, "Is your enemy coming to kill you?"

"Not really an enemy..." Canary whispered.

"Are you kidding?" Chen Jing looked suspicious, looking up at the billowing smoke on the overpass, "Isn't it possible that an enemy can push your car down? I think that armored vehicle is accelerating to kill us."

"We are really not enemies." Canary said awkwardly, "At most, it can only be regarded as a slight conflict."


"The car we are riding in belongs to their company." Canary said cautiously, "It was just temporarily seconded by us."

"Can't you just tell the owner to come to your door!" Chen Jing couldn't laugh or cry, "Didn't you dig up the tracking chip? Can you still find it?"

"The chip has indeed been dug out, and the appearance of the vehicle has been changed..." Canary murmured to himself, "The only possibility is that there are other anti-theft chips that have not been dug out..."

As soon as the words fell, Canary was so angry that she beat her chest.

"I said we should just dismantle the car and sell it! But they didn't listen to anyone! They insisted on driving a nice car for a few days to enjoy themselves!"

"It's worthless." Chen Jing couldn't help but complain, "If you want to enjoy driving, you might as well steal a floating car. Isn't that thing as fun to drive as this?"

"That kind of 'cart and horse' is too expensive." Canary frowned and said, "The anti-theft device used for this kind of land vehicle is like a toy compared to the floating vehicle. They are not on the same level. If you want to steal something like that, It’s impossible to get the goods unless you grab them openly!”

With that said, Canary asked again.

"How's the situation up there?"

"Go up and watch it yourself." Chen Jing smiled, "There is a fee for me to broadcast the live broadcast."

"I just saved you." Canary said with a frown.

"You are the cause of this trouble in the first place. It's good that I didn't ask you for mental damage compensation. You had the nerve to save me..." Chen Jing smiled, then stopped teasing her, and directly transmitted the scene back to the prosthetic eye simultaneously. Retelling, "Tuoke has already started fighting with people from the company, and the mad dog has also rushed over, with a shopping bag from a convenience store in his waist..."

"Shopping bag?" Canary was startled.

"Well, I just 'hacked' into the local surveillance system and took a look. He just went to that convenience store to buy cigarettes. When the cashier wasn't paying attention, he hid behind the shelf and opened a bottle of soda, and drank half of it. The bottle was screwed back with its unethical!"

In real-time feeds from street surveillance cameras.

Chen Jingneng could see that Tuoke and Mad Dog were both worried by these company employees.

"Fuck! How dare you come here?! Are you tired of living?!"

Tuoke's entire torso swelled strangely, which was a reflection of the cooperation between bionic muscles and hydraulic hardware. It was like turning into a humanoid metal hill that could move flexibly. The neck almost retracted into the main torso. It looked awkward.

"This guy has quite a solid foundation... The artificial muscles he used were not only the [Djinn God] leaked from the research association... but it was also a cracked version with no trial time limit... Let the research association know that he had to skin him... "

While watching the battle with the help of surveillance cameras, Chen Jing quietly hijacked all network nodes within a one kilometer radius and read these secret information at extremely fast speeds.

In the Hanging City, mercenaries pay more attention to personal privacy and security than ordinary people, especially the model of the prosthetic body installed on them, as well as driver version and various hardware information, etc... These are all vital to their lives. It is a top secret and cannot be let outsiders know casually.

Unless you want to deliberately seek death, or leave "tricks" for some hackers.

So Chen Jing didn't know the detailed hardware configuration of these "teammates" before, and he didn't remember it until now... Since he was about to join forces with them, in order to ensure that the mission could be completed more smoothly, it was necessary to get to know them in depth.

"It's a pity that the [Djinn Spirit God] he used is not the official version... and there are no subsequent driver updates... It is completely incompatible with the artificial meridians in his body... If it is run at high power for a long time, it will probably burn..."

Chen Jing turned his eyes away and looked at the mad dog beside him.

"This guy is crazier than Tuoke... Almost all the prosthetic bodies on his body are cracked versions... Doesn't he consider compatibility..."

At this time, Tuoke had pushed the armored vehicle to the side of the road and got stuck next to the stone pier at the fork of the ramp. Mad Dog seized this opportunity and kept smashing the bulletproof glass of the armored vehicle with his skinny fists.

It turns out.

The cracked version of this guy's magically modified prosthetic body is more useful than conventional weapons.

Those fists could hardly be considered human fists. After the knuckles were closed, it seemed as if the entire palm merged into one, turning into a weird metal demolition hammer.

"How is the situation?" Canary suddenly asked, as if she was a little worried about the situation above, but judging from the expression on her face, it seemed that she did not dare to participate in this kind of street struggle with direct contact with the company.

"The current situation is advantageous." Chen Jing reported truthfully.

"That's good!" Canary breathed a long sigh of relief.

"The premise is that the few private armed personnel sitting in the car don't get out." Chen Jing added.


Canary's heart, which had just been relieved, suddenly rose again.

Private armed forces are not uncommon in Hanging City.

These fighting maniacs employed by companies are somewhat different from life-threatening mercenaries. Although they look similar to professional bodyguards, their professionalism and obedience are more like "soldiers."

"Did they get out of the car?"

"Not yet, but soon."

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