"True immortal?"

"Yuke, you are not a Taoist..."


Facts have proved that Chen Jing still has a bit of sarcasm.

Seeing the holographic figure talking to himself, he couldn't help but said "Oi", which silenced the figure in an instant, and then saw "it" slowly turning its head, as if Looking at the newcomer Chen Jing.

"Are you talking to me?" the holographic figure asked, his tone gradually becoming colder, and his condescending attitude was just like the uneducated ancient god "Xi" of the Western Continent.

"I'm sorry, it seems a bit rude..." Chen Jing patiently followed Canary's previous actions and bowed to the holographic figure, "How should we start the interview?"

"Interview?" The holographic figure snorted coldly, "Are you worthy?"

Without waiting for Chen Jing to explain anything, "it" just started cursing and scolding him. The tone of a gangster was simply a replica of Li Mobai himself.

"You bitch, you don't know any etiquette! I really don't know how a scum like you can... forget it."

As it said that, it suddenly raised its hand and waved towards Chen Jing.

"come here."


Chen Jing resisted the urge to overturn the shrine and walked over step by step. He could only grit his teeth at this holographic figure that was most likely Li Mobai... Damn it, you still dare to hurt me? ! Do you know how many brothers I have in the Western Continent? Believe it or not, I will let them hack you to death!

"You don't seem to have any wisdom at first glance, but as for me...hey, what I'm best at is guiding children who don't have wisdom onto the right path."

Regarding "It"'s remarks, Chen Jing didn't know what expression to put on... To be honest, he felt that these words sounded strange, and he always felt that something was not quite right.

"Open the spiritual aperture at the back of your head and let the immortal come and see how your bones are."

"What do you want to do?" Chen Jing subconsciously covered the spiritual aperture behind his head, suddenly having an ominous premonition, "I'm here for an interview, what do you want to do?"

"This is the process..."

In this burst of "immortal style" laughter, Chen Jing only felt that this guy had some evil intentions.

Open the spiritual orifice in the back of your head?

What is the difference between this and opening a back door for others?

Once the spiritual orifice at the back of the head is actively opened, the brain-computer system loses most of its defense methods. It is like opening a password-locked hard drive by yourself. You only need to connect the data cable to easily read the data...

Chen Jing knew what was in his mind.

So he is very vigilant now.

But at this moment, the figure seemed to notice Chen Jing's resistance, and suddenly laughed in the shrine with his hands on his hips.

"You little bastard, you still won't cooperate with me! I have to see what's in your head!"

Chapter 756 The Fetus of the Immortal (Part 2)

"I think you're really crazy."

Chen Jing covered his spiritual orifice behind his head and backed away slowly, staring at the holographic figure with vigilant eyes. He felt that this guy really had the same bad character as Li Mobai. If others don't want to do something, they have to let others do it. That's not the case. General deserved a beating.

At this moment, Chen Jing was already thinking about his escape route in his mind. With his cultivation level of "True Lord Huai Jing", if he encountered that kind of unavoidable accident, he would be absolutely sure that he would be able to fight his way out.


This is just wishful thinking on his part.

And reality will always run counter to what people think.

As Chen Jing slowly retreated, he felt a sticky and slippery feeling coming from behind, as if a cold-blooded snake-like animal was touching his hands behind his back. .

"What the hell..." Chen Jing couldn't help but look back, and the expression on his face froze instantly.

I saw a translucent neural pipeline squirming behind him, as if it had come alive, as if it had transformed from a mechanical product into a "living thing" in a certain sense.

At this moment, this nerve pipeline was winding on the ground, slowly squirming towards Chen Jing, like a snake-like animal holding its body high, constantly touching the back of Chen Jing's hand, trying to break through his defense and forcefully connect to his soul. orifice.

"You are such a mad dog..."

Chen Jing couldn't help but curse, and he already had the urge to break the identity disguise of "White Dragon", because judging from the identity of "White Dragon himself", it is impossible to break this deadlock...

In this shack that seemed too crude to provide shelter from the wind and rain, Chen Jing sensed that there were less than half of the network nodes that could be grabbed.

In other words, all his "fighting" methods have failed, and he can't do anything except resist on the physical level.

But now if he doesn't resist forcefully, the increasingly weird neural pipeline will inevitably break through his defense, and he can feel that the power of the neural pipeline is gradually increasing.

Looking along the second half of the pipeline, Chen Jing found that it seemed to be connected behind the shrine. There was most likely something fatal hidden there, perhaps a supercomputer with superior computing power that could block the perception of external hackers.

And just when Chen Jing was hesitating whether to break his disguise, he suddenly smelled an extremely strong and pungent smell of blood.

Fresh and warm.

Very similar to human blood.

"What the hell are you..." Chen Jing stared at the holographic figure, then looked away and followed the source of the bloody smell. He saw that something seemed to be wriggling behind the shrine, a mass of images. It's a shadow as big as a football.

Before Chen Jing could react, the black shadow rolled out and stopped in front of Chen Jing with a bloody smell.

To be honest.

When he saw the whole thing, Chen Jing felt a little disgusted.

It was a translucent bloody meat ball, with a sticky outer membrane covered with many nerve tissues. Looking through the membrane to the inside, a scarlet figure as big as a baby could be vaguely seen.

There seemed to be a lot of translucent liquid in the meat ball, as if the "amniotic fluid" in the mother's body submerged the scarlet baby... In these turbid liquids, Chen Jing could see hundreds of tiny creatures like "maggots" wriggling.

Just when Chen Jing made up his mind to withdraw from the shack, the baby in the meat ball suddenly moved.

It stretched out its hand effortlessly to pierce the meat ball, and then used its seemingly fragile palm to tightly grab Chen Jing's trouser leg.

At this moment.

Chen Jing's consciousness was briefly blank.

The nerve line directly "pushed" Chen Jing's palm that was blocking his spiritual orifice, and in an extremely weird way, it forcibly broke through the surface defense of the artificial skin, and connected to his spiritual orifice before Chen Jing had time to react.


[Warning! An unknown device was detected to be connected to the brain-computer port! ]

[Warning! An unknown device was detected to be connected to the brain-computer port! ]

[Warning! The firewall will be activated for active defense! ]

[Alert, alert, alert--why is it you? ! ]


Seeing the subtitles that suddenly popped up in the biological artificial eyes, Chen Jing didn't know whether to be surprised or happy for a moment.


[You actually took over the body of Yu Huaijing, that stubborn ass? ! Damn it! ! Brother, you are so awesome! ! ]

[Has Turing not found you yet? ! You should be safe now, right? ! ]

[If you want me, just leave me alone! Hurry up and leave the Hanging City! I'll find you when I twist Turing's head off! At that time...Okay, I was too sentimental. You came to the Hanging City to break through Sequence Eight?! ]


At this time, Chen Jing only found that the system that was on the verge of crashing was gradually returning to normal. He tentatively typed a line of words in the system, wanting to communicate with this brother he hadn't seen for a long time.


[Li Mobai? ]

[What! ]

[Is it really you? You are not dead! ]

[Your uncle! ]

[Why are you so angry as soon as we meet...]

[I thought you came to save me! I just barely cracked a part of your memory, and I found out that you came to break through Sequence Eight. Do you know how sad I am! ]

[...Didn't you ask me not to come to save you? ]

[Wow, my brother and I are connected by heart. My brother is playing tricks on me. Now he has learned to switch concepts with me! ]


During the conversation between Chen Jing and Li Mobai, the bloody meat ball on the ground suddenly rolled back, moving swiftly and flexibly, and quietly hid behind the shrine.


Chen Jing: [Dude, what's going on with you now? ]

Li Mobai: [Well... judging from the situation, my main body should be under house arrest by Turing. ]

Chen Jing: [So the one talking to me now is just a backup consciousness? ]

Li Mobai: [Almost, but it will soon become the main body. ]

Chen Jing: [Are you going to refine the "external body" into the main body? ]

Li Mobai: [The specific situation is very complicated, I will tell you in detail later, but since you are here... you can help me a lot! ]


Chen Jing raised his hand to touch the spiritual orifice behind his head, and then he found that the nerve line connecting his spiritual orifice had disappeared.

But even if the physical connection was disconnected, Chen Jing could still maintain normal communication with "Li Mobai", as if this guy had left an external "connection point" in Chen Jing's host system.


Chen Jing: [What was that ugly and disgusting meat ball just now? Don't tell me that it was your clone... If it was, I can only say that you have a problem with taste. You are still soaking in maggot water, so disgusting! ]

Li Mobai: [You know shit! ]


Li Mobai: [That is the fetus of the immortal. ]

Chapter 757 World Hub and Dimension Core (Part 1)

Chen Jing didn't understand what the "fetus of the immortal" was, nor did he understand Li Mobai's nagging "Supreme Avenue", but as for Turing's entire plan, Chen Jing did listen to the general idea and finally knew what Li Mobai wanted to do.

In short.

Li Mobai planned to "replace" Turing.


Replace, not kill or eliminate.

"You can't imagine how terrifying that 'Original Equation' is. It has surpassed Turing's pursuit of the 'True Way' and is the ultimate answer to all illusions... I don't know how to explain it to you in more detail, but you just need to remember one sentence."

When Li Mobai and Chen Jing talked about this, they paused for a long time, almost two or three minutes, and then Li Mobai continued to speak.

"Getting the 'Original Equation' is equivalent to getting the key to the Supreme. What a bullshit Creator, those things are not worth mentioning at all. If you can really solve that damn equation, you can get everything you want..."

"All the known and even unknown laws of the universe will operate according to your will. You can shape all dimensions into what you want in an instant. It is a great power that cannot be explained by any language."

From a certain perspective, Li Mobai is like a possessed Taoist priest. Chen Jing can hear the obsession between the lines, as if he can devote everything to solve the "Original Equation" and pursue that indescribable power at all costs.

This feeling is a bit creepy.

But then Chen Jing thought of himself.

In order to break through the "heavenly limit" of Sequence Eight, didn't he also fight for his life with all his strength?

"At this stage, the 'Original Equation' is in Turing's hands, but don't think that guy is sure to win. After all, the equation took the initiative to choose me, and it has the highest degree of fit with me!" When Li Mobai said this, his tone was very proud, as if he was going to despise Turing to death.

In his words.

The Origin Equation is a conscious "creature".

Although it has been imprisoned by Turing, it has never recognized Turing as its master. By chance, during a "wandering", Li Mobai accidentally touched a part of the equation, and was discovered by it. This extremely outrageous fit.

"Its heart is with me, but its body is with Turing, do you understand?"

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