The master is dead.

The dependents will also die.

So if you can't deal with the "Three Corpse Gods", you can choose to kill its master, provided you have the opportunity... After all, the biggest characteristic of the Three Corpse Gods is to protect the master!

Want to deal with its master in front of the "Three Corpse Gods"?


Let's step over its corpse first.

There are not many people who have fought against Tan San Zombie over the years, and most of them know the weaknesses of the "Three Corpse Gods", so they try their best to do so.

To shoot a man, shoot a horse first; to capture a thief, capture the king first.

Everyone knows this.

But what's the result?

From the fact that Tan San Zhi can survive to this day, it is not difficult to see that those people failed without exception. Some of them had the same sequence level as him, and they were still tortured to death by the "Three Corpse Gods".

Chen Jing is the only exception.

Because he used the "supernatural power" given by Turing to get stuck in a bug and directly sent the "Three Corpse Gods" to a secret space in the virtual network. Although it couldn't be trapped in that place for too long, it could still be done after a short delay. of.

So... Tan Sanzhi is dead.

The whole battle seemed easy, even a bit anticlimactic, but the reality was this. When high-level ancient descendants with similar strength fought to the death, they fought for who had more cards and who had fewer flaws.

"You idiot..." Chen Jingqiang endured the pain and slowly got up from the ground, walked forward unsteadily and pulled out the magic sword stuck on the ground, "You actually gave up all the other magical powers... you only cultivated the Three Corpses... ...You kid is too partial to science..."

In Chen Jing's view, Tan Sanzhi is just like the "unique skill brother" in online games. He can honestly say that this guy does have something, but it's just a little bit, not much... When the unique skill stops working, It's natural to be beaten.


Chen Jing lowered his head and glanced at his shrinking right leg, only to see that the wound bitten by the "Three Corpse Gods" had rotted to the bone. Even the composite metal skeleton blessed by Turing could not withstand that weird ability.

"The Three Corpse Gods should be dead...but it still affects this a virus?"

Chen Jingbai was puzzled, and then he raised his hand and cut off his right leg with the magic sword. However, in addition to the wound on the leg, there were also wounds on the chest, so in the end he could only lift the knife and drop it, just like pulling out a knife. The sword cut off the neck cleanly, as if it were a suicide attempt...

After breaking away from the "shackles" of the cervical vertebrae, Chen Jing's head rolled down next to his right shoulder, but before it touched the ground, the remaining nerve pipelines in his neck stretched out like a living thing, directly knocking Chen Jing's head down. The head was lifted up.

It only takes a few seconds.

He has completely broken away from the human form, like a thin-legged octopus with a human head, constantly using those nerve pipelines as armfoot tentacles to crawl forward, and his leisurely strolling movements reveal a hint of "elegance", which makes people feel... Inexplicably weird.


When Chen Jing returned to Turing and the others, his tone of voice couldn't help but become a little helpless.

"Excuse me for the inconvenience of saluting... This body is really difficult to use..."

"Well played."

Turing looked at his good apprentice with a smile, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. As for the trash that was cut into pulp...who was he?

"Although he was forced into a desperate situation at the beginning, you used the tactics properly and you made a comeback in the end."

Turing smiled and turned away, looking at the scarlet bloodstains on the battlefield.

"I didn't expect that he could cultivate the three corpses to such an extent... You almost fell into trouble..."

Chapter 790: The Light of the Research Association (Part 2)

At this moment, the center of the battlefield was evenly covered with a layer of extremely fine meat paste, which was so fine that one could not distinguish the bones and internal organs. Looking up, one could see a dazzling bright red.

That was cut out by Chen Jing using the "Hidden Dragon Son" with one sword strike after another.

In order to ensure that Tan San Corpse had no chance of survival, after chopping up Tan San Corpse's dantian furnace, his internal organs, bones, and nerve tissue, all of them became the "enemy" in Chen Jing's imagination.

But what is eye-catching at this moment is not the piece of meat, but the torso tissue that Chen Jing cut from his own body...

Logically speaking, after breaking away from the control of the brain computer, these biological prostheses should be classified as "half-dead objects", especially when they try to reconnect but are rejected by the brain computer, forcing them to shut down is programmed. This is true no matter which company produces prosthetics, and the Institute is no exception.

But now...

However, Chen Jing's abandoned torso kept squirming, as if it would stand up at any time. Deep red blood gradually seeped out from under the artificial skin, and finally formed a patch of something similar to herpes.

"That's disgusting." Chen Jing couldn't help but curse. Looking at the translucent blisters that kept appearing on the surface of his torso, he almost had trypophobia.

But the more disgusting thing is yet to come.

I saw those translucent blister connected into pieces, and finally formed a huge translucent blister, which directly enveloped the entire body and the right leg that fell next to it... As the giant blister squirmed, there were constant leaks coming from inside. A shrill wail sounded like a human being, and vague palm prints appeared on the surface of the blisters.

Later, the blisters burst.

Those unknown liquids mixed with mechanical grease and human blood are like the amniotic fluid in the mother's womb, and the strange scarlet centipede-like creature is the "fetus" born from the blisters.

The organism that crawled out of the blister was about five meters long, composed of several sections of human trunks that had grown, just like a scarlet stick insect. There were twelve pairs of legs on the left and right sides, and the slightly empty back had fist-sized human or animal heads.

As soon as it appeared, it rushed towards Turing and others.

The hostility that came at him reminded Chen Jing of those brainless pollutants. Apart from killing and eating, there was almost nothing useful left in their brains... No, this creature seemed to be even worse than the pollutants.

It didn't know what it meant to seek benefits and avoid harm.

Even Chen Jing doubted it.

Does this guy have the emotion of "fear" in his mind?

"It seems that he really wants to kill you." Turing laughed softly, "He didn't hold back from the beginning. If you were slower in cutting off your wrist just now, you would have become that thing now."

"Which one?" Chen Jing was stunned.

"The one running towards us." Turing explained with a smile, "It seems that he has taken good care of the 'three corpses' in his body. If we judge by the sequence level, this 'three corpses' should be infinitely close to sequence seven..."

When Turing's voice fell.

The monster running towards the crowd suddenly stopped, accompanied by a deafening collision sound, the monster seemed to hit an invisible air wall, and the whole body instantly turned into a piece of scarlet blood mist with an extremely irregular shape.

"The three corpses are like his clones. Although he himself has no time to practice other magical powers, the three corpses can practice for him..."

After killing the monster, Turing's tone was still light, like an elder answering questions for the younger generation, and his attitude was extremely patient.

"Every time the sequence is raised, the three corpses will realize a new magical power. At present, its strongest magical power is this... distortion."

"Distortion?" Everyone looked at the dissipating blood mist curiously. What Turing said was new to them. They had never heard of it before.

"You can think of it as a kind of 'toxin'."

Turing explained patiently, and the blood mist had completely dissipated.

"This 'toxin' can act on the digital space, and can also act on the real physical world. Whether you are a real creature, a digital AI in cyberspace, or a short data composed of only characters... Once you are contaminated by this 'toxin', you will fall into irreversible distortion."

"Will it eventually be distorted into that kind of thing?" Wei Yushi asked curiously.

"It should be random." Turing smiled, "It is possible that you will become a bloody data, or you may become a fusion with many biological characteristics. In short, this kind of distortion is not a good thing. Even if you are contaminated... you will die."

"The surname Tan actually has this trump card..." Wei Yushi couldn't help but sigh, and his tone gradually became gloating, "He really played with his life to get to the top."

"Master, do I win this?" Chen Jing suddenly asked.

"Of course." Turing smiled and nodded, "It's a pity that the candidate for vice president is gone, we must elect a new vice president."

"Junior brother, congratulations!" Wei Yushi folded his hands, "In the future, all of us brothers and sisters will rely on you for care!"

"Can we not call you junior brother in the future?" Senior Sister Yu asked curiously, "Should I call you president?"

"I'm not like Tan Sanshi, I don't have so many broken rules, you can call me whatever you want..." Chen Jing shook his head, then looked at Turing, "Master, I have increased my authority, can I get closer to the 'Dao'?!"

"Of course." Turing's laughter was full of satisfaction, even though there were other people present As his disciple, it also did not hesitate to appreciate "Huai Jing Zhen Jun", "You are indeed different from Tan Sanshi. He only participated in the election to get promoted, but you are continuing to pursue the great way..."

"Master! You should understand! What I always want is to cross the boundary between heaven and man! I want to see what the ultimate evolution is!" Chen Jing said "truthfully" in a fanatical tone, "In this realm now, I have been standing still for too many years. I want to continue to move forward..."

"Good boy!"

For a moment, Turing seemed to have become a class teacher in school, and Chen Jing was the most competitive top student. Hearing Chen Jing's fanatical and heartfelt words, Turing, as a master, was so moved.

"You all learn more from Huai Jing! Look at his mentality! What does it mean to seek up and down! Look at yourself again!"


When being scolded by Turing, everyone couldn't help but look at each other. Even if they were indignant in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything at this moment. They could only nod to show that the master was right, but they couldn't help but complain in their hearts.

According to Master.

How can this be called a junior disciple?

This is the light of our research institute!

Chapter 791 Turing's Entrustment (Part 1)

Half an hour after Chen Jing killed Tan Sanshi, almost the entire Hanging City knew that the research institute had welcomed a "new master".


In the latest "Six-Principal Dharma Assembly" held by [Turing Research Institute], the new president has been elected, but outsiders are not very clear about how he was elected. They only know that the master of Weiyang Palace has become the president of the research institute, and the candidate for the vice president is to be determined.

It is no exaggeration to say that every personnel change in the [Turing Research Institute] will cause huge waves in the outside world, especially the president and vice president.

Because under the complex situation of the Hanging City, all the rules are changed with the research institute, so once a new president takes office, the existing rules will basically be broken, and the order that has finally stabilized will enter a period of rapid change.

According to the announcement released by the [Turing Research Institute], the temporarily vacant positions are not only the vice president, but also the leaders of Weiyang Palace and White Tiger Palace. These three important positions are vacant. As for who will be elected in the end... the outside world is guessing.

"What do you think of your senior brother? Is it good for the research institute to let him become the vice president?"

"I think?"

"Yes, you think."

At the top of the [Turing Tower], in the alchemy room that belongs only to "Turing", Chen Jing still maintains the weird appearance of a human-headed octopus, standing in front of Turing and silently looking at the master, not knowing how to answer him for a while.

Want to nominate Wei Yushi as vice president?

Do you need to ask me this question?

Isn't it just a matter of one word from you?

"What do you think of his strength?" Turing saw that his apprentice did not answer, so he asked.

"The eldest brother is strong enough and has a seniority. He will definitely be able to suppress the people below after he takes office." Chen Jing replied calmly, "He has taken good care of us brothers over the years. As long as you are willing to let him take office, I will definitely support it with both hands."

Chen Jing's answer is based on the memory of "Huai Jing Zhenjun".

In the eyes of "Huai Jing Zhenjun", the eldest brother Wei Yushi is a "kind" very similar to him. He doesn't talk much and has almost no intersection with outsiders. He has been hiding in the Taishang Palace for many years to practice, and he is extremely persistent in pursuing the great way.

Until his apprentice appeared, everything changed.

The eldest brother began to lie down.

"Huai Jing Zhen Jun" was angry at him for not fighting, but it was difficult to say anything. After all, from the perspective of being a human being, there was nothing wrong with the eldest brother. When he saw his fellow disciples encountering some troubles that they could not handle, he would take the initiative to help solve them.

When "Huai Jing Zhen Jun" had not yet become the master of Weiyang Palace, he was helped by Wei Yu Shi several times, and he always remembered the favor in his heart.

So there was no flaw in the answer given by Chen Jing. What's more, when he ran for the president this time, Wei Yu Shi also helped him canvass votes behind the scenes, otherwise he would not have had the opportunity to fight with Tan Sanshi and would have been directly passed.

"Then let's go with him." Turing heard the answer given by his good disciple and then laughed. It seemed to be in line with the candidate he had prepared in his mind. "Among the entire second-generation disciples, his strength is the top one. It is natural for him to take the position, right?"

Chen Jing nodded silently, still a little vigilant in his heart.

After the "Six Edicts Ceremony" ended, Turing dismissed everyone, including Chen Jing's follower Ah Qi, who was also driven back to Weiyang Palace, leaving only Chen Jing in the [Turing Tower].

Chen Jing must be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. After all, he was wearing this identity that came from another body, so every time he was alone with Turing, he was extremely vigilant. As long as there was a slight sign of exposure, he would remove his disguise and let Turing see what the Infernal Affairs and cunning strangers were!

"Do you know why I kept you here?" Turing suddenly asked.

Hearing this question, Chen Jing nodded, indicating that he was very interested. After all, he was still rushing back to heal his injuries. If there was nothing important, Turing would definitely not force him to stay at this time.

"I'm going to retreat for a while." Turing said calmly, "So the Hanging City will be handed over to you next. You will manage everything for me. When making major decisions or changing the existing order, you don't need to care about voting democracy. I will give you higher authority than the president."

"Master, you want to retreat?" Chen Jing was stunned, "How long will you retreat? I'm afraid I can't do it alone..."

"I believe you." Turing sighed, "In the Hanging City, I only believe in one and a half people. You are one, your senior brother is half, and as for the others... their mentality is no longer suitable to continue to follow me."

Hearing this, Chen Jing wanted to say something, but was afraid of saying the wrong thing, so he chose to remain silent in the end.

"Those stupid kids think I don't know their true thoughts, but how can a master not understand his apprentice..." Turing's tone was full of endless disappointment, and there was a feeling of anger at his inability to fight, "They all think I'm raising Gu, raising you as Gu insects, and watching you kill each other for fun..."

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