And looking at the situation, the singularity thrown by Chen Jing seemed to be artificial. The breath of deep space was wrapped around the singularity like an encapsulated force field. That familiar energy fluctuation came from deep space!

"Big data... Is this Turing's overwhelming power..."

Compared to Turing, who was in shock, Chen Jing seemed calmer at the moment, because he had seen similar powers before, but he didn't expect that Turing's power would have such a wide range of influence... Just like in these hundreds of A data bomb detonated in the center of the light-year battlefield.

With Turing as the center point, everything is digitized in an instant, whether it is stars or dust floating in the vacuum universe, or even those civilized worlds built by intelligent creatures closer to the battlefield... everything has become Numbers visible to the naked eye.

A crimson tsunami composed of countless "0s and 1s" sweeps across everything, and any substance will be assimilated by it the moment it comes into contact with them, including Chen Jing's body...

Starting from the torso facing the tsunami, from the outside to the inside, even the yellow robes turned into countless floating figures.

This is a sea of ​​binary characters, and it is also the cemetery chosen by Turing for Chen Jing... Of course, Turing has no idea whether Chen Jing can be completely buried by it, so he can only take a gamble.

But it turns out.


After most of his body was digitized by Turing, Chen Jing sneered expressionlessly, and then transferred himself into deep space. Only a small part of his body had no time to transfer, and was absorbed by Turing after being digitized.

"You play slowly, I'll withdraw first."

After leaving these words, Chen Jing disappeared from Turing's sight, leaving only a desperate Turing looking at the "singularity" that could not be digitized, waiting for the next ultimate blow.

Judging from the current situation, Turing has been able to determine that the "zero dimensional point" cannot be affected by external forces. Even if it is promoted to sequence nine and has supreme power, it cannot use its own power to transform it into a controllable weapon. data.


When Turing completed trillions of operations in an instant, he only had the same analysis result in his mind.

Although it doesn't know what the "zero dimensional point" used to attack does, nor how it works, it can be sure... this increasingly strong sense of danger is an ominous omen, so There is only one optimal solution calculated by Turing.


The further away you can get, the better.

As long as the main body is kept at a certain distance from this "zero dimensional point", no matter how powerful it is, it will not affect itself. In the worst case, it will escape to the digital space...

It has to be said that Turing's idea is good, but it is a pity that the reality does not allow him to make other choices.

When Turing wanted to escape from this star field battlefield, it found that the coordinate point it was in had been locked. The body seemed to be stuck to this coordinate point by some kind of strong glue, no matter how it tried. Can't move an inch.

Physical displacement is not possible.

It is also impossible to jump between dimensions.

In short, just one sentence.

Can't escape.


Li Mobai's voice suddenly came from Turing's mind. It seemed that Li Mobai was also aware of Turing's predicament. His gloating and mocking tone made Turing want to tear him apart right now.

"A cruel and evil thing like you should be in bad luck!"

Li Mobai cursed and said, his sinister laughter was extremely harsh.

"When my brother fought with you before, he used his powers to fight and tried not to affect the outside world. You were much more ruthless than him. With one big data blow, you directly demolished all living things within a radius of hundreds of light years... "

"What do you know!" Turing gritted his teeth and replied, "This is war! It is impossible not to be affected! Those biological civilizations within the battlefield can only count them as unlucky!"

At this moment, Turing's brain is performing rapid calculations, and the calculation frequency per second is in trillions. It wants to calculate an optimal solution before the "zero dimensional point" touches the main body. There is no need to break the situation... as long as It's enough to make it escape!

"How many civilizations have you destroyed?" Li Mobai asked, "Thousands or tens of thousands?"

"Shut up!"

"The size of the world those civilizations live in should be about the same as ours..." Li Mobai sighed loudly, "You are fucking darker than the Creator!"

"Shut up!!!"

"You should have heard of the rules set by the 'Supreme One', right? Interstellar wars also have limits. If the scope is too wide and affects the ecological balance of the entire universe, you will be sanctioned by the Big Brother!"

"Li Mobai!!! I tell you to shut up!!!"

Chapter 818 The first explosion of the universe (Part 2)

Li Mobai knew that this battle could not end so easily, so he could only help Chen Jing as much as possible in his own way...for example, by saying something naggingly to influence Turing's calculations.

Of course, this is just a good expectation. After all, Turing is no different from an electronic computer. Even if there are 10,000 Li Mobais talking in its ears, it will not affect its computing efficiency.

But having said that, Li Mobai's words really touched its heart, and it even had to allocate part of its computing power to deal with it...

"The rules set by the Supreme Being..." Turing thought of this and felt a little uneasy, because this so-called rule was not groundless. He even heard it mentioned by them accidentally when communicating with the Creator group before.

"Biological balance is the foundation of the universe. No matter which dimension it is in, planes with rich biological populations will develop more smoothly than other planes... More star environments will be born for biological reproduction, and the laws and regulations will be in place. A relatively stable state, this is almost the consensus of the entire universe’s advanced civilizations.”

"So this delicate balance cannot be broken. Once the biological population is wiped out on a large scale due to war, the dimension plane will also be desolate, and the laws and regulations running in it will also fall into a state of disorder. These chaotic laws and regulations are more complicated than natural disasters. It’s much more terrifying.”

According to a certain creator, chaotic laws and regulations are the unknown beginning of the demise of the universe. All known creatures will continue to perish because of this extremely chaotic laws and regulations.

"Let me give you an example, such as those common math problems in your Hanging City... If your world is under stable laws and regulations, then there are hundreds of millions of different ways to solve math problems. There is a fixed right answer, but if your world is one of chaos..."

"There are hundreds of millions of different answers to a question, and there is no guarantee that there will be a correct answer."

"One plus one does not equal two. It may equal thirty-six, or it may equal an obtuse angle."

"For the most common technological civilization in the universe, the ultimate blow caused by this disorder is extremely fatal. It is very likely that their technological level will be locked within a certain range, and they will not be able to make any progress until the civilization dies."

"What if it is an intelligent civilization that evolves without relying on technology?" Turing asked curiously at the time.

"Civilizations based on biological evolution will also be affected by chaotic laws, and there will be countless evolutionary branches. For example, in the old days of your world, if you were in an environment of chaotic laws at that time, the sequence promotion would be It becomes a joke... Sequence 1 may not be promoted to Sequence 2, it may be Sequence 5, or it may be Sequence 0.5.”

all in all.

The death of civilization on a large scale will disrupt the biological balance.

So the "Supreme One" has set rules for all known dimensions and planes.

Interstellar war is inevitable.

But an interstellar war with an excessive scope is both a serious crime.

According to the meaning of the "Supreme One", all dimensions and planes are supervised by the Creator clan.

When the impact of a certain interstellar war is too large, they will step in to mediate and even... impose penalties.

The Axis civilization that provoked the war will be destroyed as a result, and the warring parties that participated in the war and caused large-scale biological destruction will also be severely punished.

So now Turing can't help but beat the drum in his heart. Before, he was only focused on dealing with Chen Jing and completely forgot about this fatal rule...

"So don't think about running away now, quickly use the data conversion method to restore this star field, and bring those recently dead creatures back to life... Well, you should have a backup, right?"


"You'd better move quickly, otherwise you'll be in big trouble when the 'Supreme One' comes to hold you accountable. The 'Supreme One' will be able to tear you apart without A Jing having to deal with you."

Hearing Li Mobai's words, Turing was anxious and annoyed. This moment was an important moment that determined his life and death. Facing the "zero dimensional point" floating towards him, Turing tried every means. To distance yourself from it...

But just when I was extremely busy, I actually found the computing power to convert the massive data within hundreds of light-years, and then restore the entire star field with one click... Is this too late! If you can free your hands, there will be ghosts!

"Anyway, you're going to die anyway, you might as well do something good. Those intelligent civilizations are so innocent." Li Mobai continued to beguile calmly, "If the people who die are just some onlookers watching the battle, then it doesn't matter. , the problem is that most intelligent civilizations are not even qualified to watch the battle, and they are exterminated inexplicably. This is so unlucky..."

"Shut up!"

Turing also had a terrible headache at the moment, and his whole body fell into an extremely tangled state, because he didn't know whether he should save the situation and resolve "karma", or whether he should continue to calculate and analyze and find a way to escape... that "zero-dimensional" The "Singularity" is getting closer and closer to it, and there is not much time left for it to make a choice.

at this time.

Turing suddenly felt a slight tremor.

It was an invisible wave that appeared in the vacuum universe, like ripples on the water. A slight tremor seemed to come from directly in front...

"If I die, you will die too." Turing said, looking at the constantly vibrating "Zero Vichy Point".

"Are you threatening me?" Li Mobai couldn't help laughing. It was rare to see Turing frustrated. It was impossible to say he was unhappy. "It's so fucking embarrassing. It's so embarrassing to say something like this when you're about to die." If so, how about you let me out and I can help you beg A Jing to accept his magical powers?"

"No need." Turing gradually calmed down and smiled coldly. "I mean, even if I die, you can't live, so you don't need to be so happy..."

"I know." Li Mobai clicked his tongue and continued to be weird, "But it's not a loss if I die. Having an ancient god like you who is the ninth sequence to be buried with me makes me feel like I've made a lot of money. You have to know that I'm …”

He didn't wait for Li Mobai to finish speaking.

I saw that the "zero dimensional point" suddenly expanded, and in an instant it expanded like a planet, and then disappeared silently...


In an instant, an invisible impact that could not be observed by the naked eye quickly covered an area of ​​hundreds of light years.

Within this scope, including Turing's body, it is inevitable to begin to fall towards lower dimensions, until everything returns to the initial state of the universe...returns to the original zero dimension and becomes eternal nothingness. part.

Chapter 819: Transform me into a dependent (Part 1)

In the boundless deep space, Chen Jing is like a projection of a high-dimensional creature, his body floating strangely high, and most of his body has been deeply digitized by Turing power...

Limbs, trunk, organs, bones...

Everything turned into binary symbols visible to the naked eye, and began to float around uncontrollably.

Chen Jing knows.

This is a sign that the main body is about to fall apart.

He also tried to stop it, or use the power of deep space to use the original energy to repair himself in the base camp of deep space, but unfortunately no matter how he repaired it, the newly added body tissue would turn into electronic symbols in an instant.

without any exaggeration.

This time Turing's attack did work, and it was not generally effective.

The power it used this time was strange, as if a virus had been planted in Chen Jing's body. Even though Chen Jing did not have the attributes of an electronic creature, he was not a virtual creature in the digital space... but the virus still worked. .

Keep infecting and multiplying.

Chen Jing's gradually disintegrating body cannot even be repaired by deep space.

Not only that.

These body tissues that turned into electronic symbols and separated from his body are still trying to break through the obstacles of deep space and return to the outside world, and most of them have already succeeded. Without the permission of Chen Jing and Shen Kong, they tore apart He opened the deep space blockade and got out...either absorbed by Turing, or annihilated by the "zero dimensional point".

All in all, they no longer belong to Chen Jing.

From a certain perspective, Chen Jing was taught a lesson by Turing. It is no exaggeration to say that his current state was seriously injured. He was already on the verge of losing the ability to move the moment he returned to deep space.

But even so, Chen Jing remained absolutely calm, because he knew that if he wanted to live a long life, he had to learn to use his brain, so he decided to find another way...

Can't this body be repaired?


Then don’t practice it.

If you want to be bad, be bad. I don't want this skin anymore. Chen Jing has never been afraid of anyone in terms of showing off.

So in the end, Chen Jing's choice was to abandon the skin and use the power of the deep space to reshape the body. Although the strength of this body will definitely not be as strong as the main body in a short period of time, it should be enough...

"Turing should like this gift I gave it, right?" Chen Jing muttered to himself, while pulling his consciousness away from his body, controlling the flow rate of energy in deep space, and slowly pouring it into the new energy on the side. In the body.

It only lasted three to five minutes.

Chen Jing has completed the minor surgery of replacing his body. His consciousness has completely moved into the new body, while the old body beside him has been completely infected by the virus, and is being digitized from head to toe at a rapid speed.

At the moment when the operation was completely completed, Chen Jing directly opened the deep space and let the electronic data return to the other world. Then he was ready to fight (run away at any time) and followed carefully to the other world.

to be honest.

Chen Jing didn't know whether "zero dimensional point" could kill Turing.

Because he had just acquired this power, his proficiency with it was almost zero, and he only had a vague idea of ​​the lethality of the "zero vicch point", and he didn't know the specific power...

He only knew that this was a way to return all things to their origin.

Both living and dead.

No matter what form of energy material it is.

As long as it is under the coverage of the "zero dimensional point", it will return to the original eternal nothingness.

So...Is Turing still alive?

When Chen Jing returned to the other world, he kept praying or cursing in his heart. It would be best if he saw Turing's corpse soon, but even if he couldn't get rid of it with this power, he could still be seriously injured. Yes, at worst it's just a last hit.

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