So...the transformation of the family members was smoother than Chen Jing imagined.

"You shouldn't have the ability to resist... You have been melted by me..." Turing's brain machine was almost burned out at this moment. No matter how much it analyzed, it could not analyze the rationality of the situation in front of it.

"I saved a hand."

Li Mobai's voice then sounded, and it sounded clearer than before. The weak tone that seemed like he was about to stand up at any moment was no longer there. Even Chen Jing could hear the pride between the lines.

"As early as the day I left a backup of my consciousness, I knew that you would not let me go easily. No matter whether I agreed or not, you would become one with me in order to complete the equation, because this thing cannot be handed over. …”

Li Mobai sneered, not hiding his sarcasm towards Turing.

"You have been unwilling to tell me clearly. You have been lying to me, saying that you can find a way to completely separate the equation from me, but this is obviously unrealistic."

"That thing has taken root in my body. It's impossible to get it out. Even if you kill me, the equation in my body will exile itself to the depths of the universe again, return to its most primitive wandering state, and become the universe. Part of the secret law..."

"So I can only find another way to protect myself. During the time when I used the backup of my consciousness to survive in the Hanging City, I have been using this incomplete equation to perform calculations. The hard work paid off... I still thought of a way!"

As Li Mobai told the truth, Turing gradually became excited from the initial fear. Maybe it was really going crazy... At this moment, it actually felt a sense of pleasure in solving the problem.

"How the hell did you do that?!"

Turing couldn't help but curiously asked. Until now, it still couldn't figure out how Li Mobai reunited?

This guy was torn apart by the power of Sequence Nine! And the previous fusion process is also real! This is a miracle that comes from nothing!

"You can evolve according to the will of the equation, but you can't!"

Chapter 822: Anti-Original Equation (Part 2)

According to Li Mobai, Turing's analysis was in the wrong direction from the beginning. It believed that the "original equation" divided into two parts had an upper and lower structure, with one part determining the upper limit and the other part determining the lower limit... This is not the case in reality.

The "Original Equation" is indeed divided into two parts, but the contents of the two parts are actually the same, but they are just opposite to each other...

The part of the equation that Li Mobai possesses allows him to sprint forward unimpeded on the road of evolution until he surpasses all known life forms and reaches the true biological ultimate.

This part of the equation owned by Turing is actually another secret track, which can return biological evolution to its original form, return it to the earliest form at the beginning of all things, and simulate various initial laws and regulations.

In terms of practicality, Turing's is actually more practical, but it was wrong from the beginning. It always uses equations to drive in the direction of biological evolution, and occasionally uses equations to solve difficult problems, just to improve the efficiency of calculations.

"I kept moving forward according to the wishes of the equation, but you went against the wishes of the equation. You could reach the end by walking backwards, but you refused to go your own way..."

When Li Mobai said this, he couldn't help but sneered.

"To put it simply, what you have is the 'positive original equation', and what I have is the 'anti-original equation'. If you solve it in the right direction, your upper limit is much higher than mine. Only when you return to the original state can you solve it in the right direction." It’s the right path.”

"Why..." Turing was a little confused for a moment. Even though it had felt the familiar deep air breath in its body, it couldn't care less about being afraid at the moment. It only wanted to find a "solution" from Li Mobai.

"The laws and regulations of the universe are constantly changing. They are always evolving...and as the solution to all answers, equations must also change with their changes."

Li Mobai noticed Turing's increasing excitement, and suddenly he was no longer so happy. It always felt like a punch on cotton, without the pleasure of revenge at all... On the contrary, he suddenly felt that Turing was Somewhat sad.

Compared to Turing's direct disciples, Li Mobai actually knew this eccentric Tianzun better. Although their relationship was almost life-or-death, he did understand Turing very well...too deeply.

He knew a lot about Turing's past.

For example...

Before obtaining the "Original Equation", Turing was a complete pessimist, especially when he learned about the existence of the Creator and certain information related to the "Biological Leap Test".

At that stage, Turing's mentality was pessimistic and desperate.

Because it does not think that it can surpass those creators, it is only a matter of time before it becomes the toy in the hands of those "gods".

Originally, the success rate of passing a biological leap test in low-level planes was not high. In addition, in the old days, Huang Wang and the others had offended the Creator tribe. You don't need to think about it... Once the other world becomes part of the test, it will be affected by other people. Destruction is almost certain.

So Turing has always been pessimistic. From beginning to end, he had a desperate attitude towards the future. It was not until he obtained the "Origin Equation" that he gradually changed his mentality from that moment on.

It saw a glimmer of victory, passing through the haze created by the Creator's tribe, and spreading quietly on the earth.

But it has to be said that for a paranoid like Turing, obtaining the "original equation" is not a good thing. It can easily go from one extreme to another, and it can also easily become a situation where you will never look back until you hit the wall. madman.

This is how it is now. In order to seek the so-called "biological ultimate" and the "optimal solution" to the "evolutionary path", Turing's mentality has gradually become extreme. It was not like this at first, it would not To achieve a certain goal at any cost...

"Yes! It must change with the changes in the universe! Because it is also a part of evolution! If you want to get the 'solution' to all the answers! It is not enough to maintain the status quo!"

Turing seemed to have figured out a lot at this moment, and he was excited but also a little regretful, like a top student who made a mistake in an exam question. He could obviously hand in the paper with full marks based on his ability, but it was just a deviation...

"So you and I are different. You followed the plan of the equation, but I took a fork in the road." Turing murmured.

"If you hadn't gone astray, you would have been much stronger than you are now, and you wouldn't even have been seriously injured by A Jing." When Li Mobai said this, he couldn't help but feel a little lucky in his heart.

"Return to the original, reorganize to zero." Turing murmured to himself, "One is born with two, two begets three, three begets all things, re-evolves from the original state, and reorganizes the operation method of equations according to the laws and regulations of the existing universe. Only in this way can we know everything and come up with the real optimal solution..."

At this moment, Li Mobai's family transformation has been completed, and Turing's aura has begun to wane rapidly, and its sequence level is constantly falling...

"Go find out for me what the 'ultimate creature' is."

Turing's mood suddenly calmed down a lot, and he seemed to have woken up. He understood his situation, so he didn't bother to think about deeper issues. He only gave Li Mobai this instruction...or rather, a prayer.

"Okay." Li Mobai agreed without any hesitation.

"Actually, I shouldn't be greedy." Turing suddenly laughed, "I am just too confident. I am confident that I can suppress the 'Deep Space Resurrectionist'. I think that I am the so-called destined person... If I started Just leave the equation to you and everything will be different.”

"Yes, I will treat you as a teacher and a father." Li Mobai replied.

"It's a pity..." Turing's voice gradually weakened, like a dying old man, his voice was as weak as a gossamer, "In the end, I forced you to become an enemy... In fact, I have always admired you..."

Li Mobai didn't speak and listened quietly.

"The people in Hanging City are innocent. It's not easy for them to play house with me for so many years." When Turing said these words, it was obvious that he was talking about Li Mobai, not Chen. Jing, the person in charge of its life and death...perhaps in its view, Li Mobai is the kind of person who prefers to settle accounts after the fall, so it is very worried about the fate of the Hanging City after his death.

"I will take them to join Kakosha."

Li Mobai replied without hesitation, then hesitated for a moment, and finally added.

"Putting aside the conflicts between the two of us, you have been pretty good to me since the day I joined Hanging City."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mobai's tone gradually became serious, and he rarely used an honorific title for Turing.


"Third generation disciple Li Mobai bids you farewell."

Chapter 823 The Distant King in Red (Part 1)

Turing is an alien in this world and an alien among the ancient gods.

It did not evolve from some biological species.

It was the continuously reproducing biological groups that "created" it, and it was the civilizations that changed from generation to generation that "bred" it into being.

From a certain perspective.

Turing is the only "conceptual creature" in this world.

It symbolizes "new rituals", "technology", "gene"... Any concept related to "evolution" is a part of it, and it is born from the "evolutionary concept"... materialization biology.

"So I admire it."

When Li Mobai said this, he had completely escaped from Turing's confinement, and quietly came to Chen Jing's side with the help of Chen Jing's deep space jump.

"Actually, it is as great as the Yellow King." Li Mobai looked at the "Metal Rubik's Cube" held tightly in Chen Jing's hand, and his eyes couldn't help but become complicated.

That is the essence of Turing.

Before being promoted to Sequence Nine... its body was just like this, not the human face made of countless pixel squares.

"In fact, it was not what it is now at first, and it did not use the means of power. It was like a lonely and silent spectator, wandering aimlessly in every corner of the world..."

Li Mobai looked far away at "Turing" who was gradually losing his breath, with a smile of unknown meaning on his face.

"It has witnessed the birth of intelligent civilization more than once, and it has also witnessed the destruction of intelligent civilization more than once. It has watched those biological groups that should have gone further...finally destroyed through stupid choices one after another."

Chen Jing listened quietly to what Li Mobai said about the "Secret of Turing". He lowered his head and looked at the "Turing Body" which was almost a dead object. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to hand it to Li Mobai for this filial piety. A good disciple gives Turing a ride.

"Actually, Turing has no selfish motives."

Li Mobai took the "Metal Rubik's Cube" from Chen Jing and felt it was cold, exuding a biting chill just like the bones left behind after the death of the ancient gods.

"Based on this, I consider myself inferior to Him...Although I also have lofty ideals, and I will do whatever it takes for that ideal, but compared to Turing's ideal, my scope is still small."

Li Mobai smiled self-deprecatingly and tapped the "Turing Body" in his hand with his index finger.

"He wants all living things to move toward 'ultimate evolution' and become perfect creatures in the true sense, no longer suffering from the sufferings of the evil world of the five turbidities, just like the 'immortals' that the research society has longed for for and unfettered, Not even the laws of the universe can affect it at all.”

"Another form of utopia?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"Yes, another form of perfect utopia." Li Mobai nodded without hesitation, "In his dream, all creatures in the universe will move towards the ultimate evolution, and by then there will be no such thing as the collapse of civilization. When cruel things happen, everyone can work together to evolve and evolve endlessly with the ever-evolving universe!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mobai looked back at Chen Jing and couldn't help laughing.

“Isn’t this ideal stupid?”

"……I do not know how to put it."

Chen Jing felt a little confused because it was difficult for him to understand why Turing had such an ideal.

But then again.

No wonder Turing and Li Mobai can get together.

The ideals of these two people are actually very similar. They both want to create some kind of utopian world, but Li Mobai's pattern is slightly smaller. He only wants to manage the human world, while Turing's ...with the universe in mind?

"Actually, I didn't understand why Turing was so persistent at first, but then I figured it out. He was created by the constantly evolving creatures in the other world. He symbolizes the obsession with biological evolution... This is his disease. , is a terminal disease that has no cure.”

As he spoke, Li Mobai raised his hand and tossed Turing's body like a coin.

"If you weren't trustworthy, foster father, I would have confessed this time."

Li Mobai's voice was inexplicably dull when he spoke, and he seemed to be a little depressed, but it was obvious that he didn't want Chen Jing to see it, so he just put on his usual cynical look.

"Although I have been preparing for this day a long time ago, what I can do is limited after all. I cannot resist His reverse devouring for a long time. I only have one chance to fight back. If you don't come to help me... …I guess I’ve passed away now.”

"Do you think you still have a chance to die?" Chen Jing asked back.

"Oh, that's what I said. After completely merging with this guy, I'm going to die..." Li Mobai said angrily and glared at Chen Jing fiercely, "But from a certain perspective, I can live forever, as long as He lives, I will live!”

When he heard this, Chen Jing couldn't help but want to laugh. He thought that Li Mobai spoke very lightly. Judging from the tone of his words, it seemed that he was at a loss for not fully integrating with Turing. He didn't know that he was before. Who is scared to death there...

Just when Chen Jing was about to taunt him a few more words, Li Mobai's face suddenly turned frightened, and the "Turing Broken Body" he held in his hand also appeared in hundreds of pieces at this moment. crack.

In an instant.

This metal cube that looked like a Rubik's Cube completely shattered, splitting into hundreds of regular "cubes" at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then these shining metallic "cubes" sank into the palm of Li Mobai's hand. middle.

at this time.

Chen Jing could feel the changes in Li Mobai's aura very intuitively, so his first reaction was that something was wrong...

"How come you have Turing's aura?!"

"Don't panic!!!" Li Mobai stopped Chen Jing loudly and shook his head to stop him from getting excited, "Turing is really dead, he is not acting as a monster..."

"Damn, you scared me to death!" Chen Jing's fear lingered for a while, and he felt his heart was in his throat, "What is going on now?!"

"It's the remaining equations..." Li Mobai's tone gradually became excited, without any nervousness at all, "After Turing died, his equations did not 'escape', but chose me!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Jing suddenly calmed down a lot. Before that, he thought Turing had some back-up plan, and was even prepared for it to pretend to be a corpse. But now it seems that he is overthinking...

"So, you're going to cheat too?" Chen Jing yawned and sat down cross-legged, floating like a hydrogen balloon in the vacuum of the universe. "Brother Li is going to take off after killing Master?"

"You idiot." Li Mobai rolled his eyes at him angrily, "What do you mean by killing Master! He is different from me in seniority!"

Chapter 824 The Distant King in Red (Part 2)

Chen Jing has always felt that something was wrong with Li Mobai's sequence. Perhaps it was because the older descendants of their sequence were rather weird, and seemed to have become accustomed to the weird style of merging biology and machinery...

Just like now.

When Li Mobai happily began to merge with the other half of the "Yuanchu Equation", Chen Jing's scalp went numb and he couldn't understand how cool this was compared to shouting "so damn cool".

When the equation entered Li Mobai's body, the new body, which was not stable, immediately fell apart and separated into tens of thousands of tiny cubes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

They come in different colors and match all the features of human anatomy.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Jing felt his scalp itchy for a moment. It was a visual shock similar to intensive phobia... In just a moment, half of Li Mobai's body "scattered", like a falling apart Lego man.

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